Should pimobendan always be used in congenital heart failure in dog and cats?
Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 24 - 29, 31.08.2017
Songül Toplu
Kerem Ural
Sezen Doğan
has a positive inotropic and vasodilatory effect by sensitization of calcium
and inhibiton of phosphodiesterase III enzyme. It is widely used for treatment
of congestive heart failure from chronic valvular disease or dilated
cardiomyopathy both human and veterinary medicine. Positive findings have advised
about pimobendan association with increasing life quality, reducing heart
failure score and increasing survival time, however, potential side effects
also available. Studies of pimobendan uses in cats are underway to further assess.
Therefore, it can be suggested that safe use of pimobendan is not inconvenient
unless it is used except in indications.
- Amberger, C., Chetboul, V., Bomassi, E., Rougier, S., Woehrlé, F., Thoulon, F. (2004): Comparison of the effects of imidapril and enalapril in a prospective, multicentric randomized trial in dogs with naturally acquired heart failure. J Vet Cardiol 6(2), 9-16.
- Asanoi, H., Ishizaka, S., Kameyama, T., Ishise, H., Sasayama, S. (1994): Disparate inotropic and lusitropic responses to pimobendan in conscious dogs with tachycardia-induced heart failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 23(2), 268-274.
- Atkins, C., Bonagura, J., Ettinger, S., Fox, P., Gordon, S., Haggstrom, J., Stepien, R. (2009): Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic valvular heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 23(6), 1142-1150.
- Boswood, A., Häggström, J., Gordon, S.G., Wess, G., Stepien, R.L., Oyama, M.A., Smith, S. (2016): Effect of pimobendan in dogs with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease and cardiomegaly: The EPIC Study—a randomized clinical trial. J Vet Intern Med 30(6), 1765-1779.
- Bowles, D. (2011): Pimobendan and its use in treating canine congestive heart failure. Cardiology 33(11), 1-6.
- Buchanan, J.W. (1999): Prevalence of cardiovascular disorders. In: Fox, P.R., Sisson, D, Moise, N.S., (eds), Textbook of Canine and Feline Cardiology. Philadelphia, Saunders, W.B. 457–470.
- Chetboul, V., Lefebvre, H.P., Sampedrano, C.C., Gouni, V., Saponaro, V., Serres, F., Pouchelon, J.L. (2007): Comparative adverse cardiac effects of pimobendan and benazepril monotherapy in dogs with mild degenerative mitral valve disease: a prospective, controlled, blinded, and randomized study. J Vet İntern Med 21(4), 742-753.
- Fitton, A., Brogden, R.N. (1994): Pimobendan. A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic potential in congestive heart failure. Drugs Aging 4, 417–441.
- Fox, P.R., Petrie, J.P., Liu, S.K., Hayes, K.C., Bond, B.R. (1997): Clinical and pathologic features of cardiomyopathy characterized by myocardial failure in 49 cats, 1990-1995. J Vet Intern Med 11, 139.
- Fuentes, V.L., Corcoran, B., French, A., Schober, K.E., Kleemann, R., Justus, C. (2002): A double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled study of pimobendan in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. J Vet Intern Med 16(3), 255-261.
- Fujimoto, S., Matsuda, T. (1990): Effects of pimobendan, a cardiotonic and vasodilating agent with phosphodiesterase inhibiting properties, on isolated arteries and veins of rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 252, 1304–1311.
- Gordon, S.G., Miller, M.W., & Saunders, A.B. (2006): Pimobendan in heart failure therapy–a silver bullet?. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42(2), 90-93.
- Gordon, S.G. (2012): Pimobendan. NAVC Clinician’s Brief. ( Erişim Tarihi: 01.03.2017.
- Gordon, S.G., Saunders, A.B., Roland, R.M., Winter, R.L., Drourr, L., Achen, S.E., Miller, M.W. (2012): Effect of oral administration of pimobendan in cats with heart failure. J Am Vet Med Assoc 241(1), 89-94.
- Goto, Y., Hata, K. (1997): Mechanoenergetic effect of pimobendan in failing dog hearts. Heart Vessels 12, 103–105.
- Häggström, J., Boswood, A., O'Grady, M., Jöns, O., Smith, S., Swift, S., Åblad, B. (2008): Effect of pimobendan or benazepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: the QUEST study. J Vet Intern Med 22(5), 1124-1135.
- Haggstrom, J., Boswood, A., O’Grady, M., Jons, O., Smith, S., Swift, S., Borgarelli, M., Gavaghan, B., Kresken, J.G., Patteson, M., Ablad, B., Bussadori, C.M., Glaus, T., Kovacevic, A., Rapp, M., Santilli, R.A., Tidholm, A., Eriksson, A., Belanger, M.C., Deinert, M., Little, C.J.L., Kvart, C., French, A., Rønn-Landbo, M., Wess, G., Eggertsdottir, A.V., O’Sullivan, M.L., Schneider, M., Lombard, C.W., Dukes-McEwan, J., Willis, R., Louvet, A. DiFruscia, R. (2008): Effect of pimobendan or benazepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: the QUEST study. J Vet Intern Med 22, 1124–1135.
- Hambrook, L.E., Bennet, P.F. (2012): Effect of pimobendan on the clinical outcome and survival of cats with non-taurine responsive dilated cardiomyopathy. J Fel Med Surg. 14(4), 233-239.
Hanzlicek, A.S., Gehring, R., KuKanich, B., KuKanich, K.S., Borgarelli, M., Smee, N., Margiocco, M. (2012): Pharmacokinetics of oral pimobendan in healthy cats. Journal of J Vet Cardiol 14(4), 489-496.
- Holubarsch, C. (1997): New inotropic concepts: Rationale for and differences between calcium sensitizers and phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Cardiology 88(2), 12–20.
- Lombard, C.W., Jöns, O., Bussadori, C.M. (2006): Clinical efficacy of pimobendan versus benazepril for the treatment of acquired atrioventricular valvular disease in dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42(4), 249-261.
- MacGregor, J.M., Rush, J.E., Laste, N.J., Malakoff, R.L., Cunningham, S.M., Aronow, N., Price, L.L. (2011): Use of pimobendan in 170 cats (2006–2010). J Vet Cardiol 13(4), 251-260.
- Mathew, L., Katz, S.D. (1998): Calcium sensitising agents in heart failure. Drugs Aging 12, 191–204.
- Meel, J.C., Diederen, W. (1989): Hemodynamic profile of the cardiotonic agent pimobendan. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 4(2), 1–6.
- Ohte, N., Cheng, C.P., Suzuki, M., Little, W.C. (1997): The cardiac effects of pimobendan (but not amrinone) are preserved at rest and during exercise in conscious dogs with pacing-induced heart failure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282(1), 23-31.
- Pouchelon, J.L., King, J., Martignoni, L., Chetboul, V., Lugardon, B., Rousselot, J.F., Martel, P. (2004): Long-term tolerability of benazepril in dogs with congestive heart failure. J Vet Cardiol 6(1), 7-13.
- Prieto-Ramos, J., McNaught, K., French, A.T. (2016): The novel use of intravenous pimobendan and oral torasemide in a cat with congestive heart failure secondary to end-stage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Vet Rec Case Rep 4(1), 273.
- Quellet, M., Belanger, M.C., Difruscia, R., & Beauchamp, G. (2009): Effect of pimobendan on echocardiographic values in dogs with asymptomatic mitral valve disease. J Vet Intern Med 23(2), 258-263.
- Roland, R.M., Gordon, S.G., Saunders, A.B., Drourr, L.T., Achen, S.E., Miller, M.W. (2008): The Use Of Pimobendan In Feline Heart Failure Secondary To Spontaneous Heart Disease. J Vet Intern Med 22(6), 1469.
- Russell, R. (2015). A Few Words About Pimobendan (Vetmedin, Cardisure). Erişim Tarihi: 4.4.2017
- Sahara, M., Takahashi, T., Imai, Y., Nakajima, T., Yao, A., Morita, T., Nagai, R. (2006): New insights in the treatment strategy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 20(5), 377-386.
- Smith, P.J., French, A.T., Israr̈l, N., Smith, S.G.W., Swift, S.T., Lee, A.J., Dukes‐McEwan, J. (2005): Efficacy and safety of pimobendan in canine heart failure caused by myxomatous mitral valve disease. J Small Anim Pract 46(3), 121-130.
- Solaro, R.J., Fujino, K., Sperelakis, N. (1989): The positive inotropic effect of pimobendan involves stereospecific increases in the calcium sensitivity of cardiac myofilaments. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 14(2), 7–12.
- Sturgess, C.P., Ferasin, L.J. (2007): Clinical efficacy of pimobendan in 11 cats with systolic heart failure. Vet Intern Med 21, 1423.
Watanabe, E., Shiga, T., Matsuda, N., Kajimoto, K., Naganuma, M., Kawai, A., Kasanuki, H. (2003): Low-dose systemic phosphodiesterase III inhibitor pimobendan combined with prostacyclin therapy in a patient with severe primary pulmonary hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 17(4), 375-379.
- Verdouw, P.D., Hartog, J.M., Duncker, D.J., Roth, W., Saxena, P.R. (1986): Cardiovascular profile of pimobendan, a benzimidazole-pyridazinone derivative with vasodilating and inotropic properties. Eur J Pharmacol 126(1-2), 21-30.
- van Meel, J.C., Diederen, W. (1989): Hemodynamic profile of the cardiotonic agent pimobendan. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 14, 7.
- Vollmar, A.C., Fox, P.R. (2016): Long‐term Outcome of Irish Wolfhound Dogs with Preclinical Cardiomyopathy, Atrial Fibrillation, or Both Treated with Pimobendan, Benazepril Hydrochloride, or Methyldigoxin Monotherapy. J Vet Intern Med 30, 553–559
- Yata, M., McLachlan, A.J., Foster, D.J.R., Page, S.W., Beijerink, N.J. (2016): Pharmacokinetics and cardiovascular effects following a single oral administration of a nonaqueous pimobendan solution in healthy dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 39(1), 45-53.
Köpek ve kedilerde konjestif kalp yetmezliklerinde her daim pimobendan kullanılmalı mı?
Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 24 - 29, 31.08.2017
Songül Toplu
Kerem Ural
Sezen Doğan
Pimobendan pozitif inotropik
ve vazodilatatör etkilerini kalsiyuma karşı duyarlılığı arttırarak ve
fosfodiesteraz III enzim inhibisyonu ile gerçekleştirmektedir. Hem beşeri hem
de veteriner hekimliği alanında kronik kapakçık yetmezliği ve dilate kardiyomiyopatiden
kaynaklanan konjestif kalp hastalıklarının tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Yaşam kalitesini arttırma, kalp yetmezliği skorlamasında azalma ve yaşam
süresini uzatma ile ilişkili pozitif bulgularından bahsedilirken potansiyel yan
etkileri de bulunmaktadır. Kedilerde pimobendan kullanımına yönelik araştırmalar
halen devam etmektedir. Sonuç
olarak endike olduğu durumlar dışında kullanılmadığı sürece, pimobendanın
güvenle kullanılmasının sakıncalı olmadığı öne sürülebilir.
- Amberger, C., Chetboul, V., Bomassi, E., Rougier, S., Woehrlé, F., Thoulon, F. (2004): Comparison of the effects of imidapril and enalapril in a prospective, multicentric randomized trial in dogs with naturally acquired heart failure. J Vet Cardiol 6(2), 9-16.
- Asanoi, H., Ishizaka, S., Kameyama, T., Ishise, H., Sasayama, S. (1994): Disparate inotropic and lusitropic responses to pimobendan in conscious dogs with tachycardia-induced heart failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 23(2), 268-274.
- Atkins, C., Bonagura, J., Ettinger, S., Fox, P., Gordon, S., Haggstrom, J., Stepien, R. (2009): Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic valvular heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 23(6), 1142-1150.
- Boswood, A., Häggström, J., Gordon, S.G., Wess, G., Stepien, R.L., Oyama, M.A., Smith, S. (2016): Effect of pimobendan in dogs with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease and cardiomegaly: The EPIC Study—a randomized clinical trial. J Vet Intern Med 30(6), 1765-1779.
- Bowles, D. (2011): Pimobendan and its use in treating canine congestive heart failure. Cardiology 33(11), 1-6.
- Buchanan, J.W. (1999): Prevalence of cardiovascular disorders. In: Fox, P.R., Sisson, D, Moise, N.S., (eds), Textbook of Canine and Feline Cardiology. Philadelphia, Saunders, W.B. 457–470.
- Chetboul, V., Lefebvre, H.P., Sampedrano, C.C., Gouni, V., Saponaro, V., Serres, F., Pouchelon, J.L. (2007): Comparative adverse cardiac effects of pimobendan and benazepril monotherapy in dogs with mild degenerative mitral valve disease: a prospective, controlled, blinded, and randomized study. J Vet İntern Med 21(4), 742-753.
- Fitton, A., Brogden, R.N. (1994): Pimobendan. A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic potential in congestive heart failure. Drugs Aging 4, 417–441.
- Fox, P.R., Petrie, J.P., Liu, S.K., Hayes, K.C., Bond, B.R. (1997): Clinical and pathologic features of cardiomyopathy characterized by myocardial failure in 49 cats, 1990-1995. J Vet Intern Med 11, 139.
- Fuentes, V.L., Corcoran, B., French, A., Schober, K.E., Kleemann, R., Justus, C. (2002): A double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled study of pimobendan in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. J Vet Intern Med 16(3), 255-261.
- Fujimoto, S., Matsuda, T. (1990): Effects of pimobendan, a cardiotonic and vasodilating agent with phosphodiesterase inhibiting properties, on isolated arteries and veins of rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 252, 1304–1311.
- Gordon, S.G., Miller, M.W., & Saunders, A.B. (2006): Pimobendan in heart failure therapy–a silver bullet?. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42(2), 90-93.
- Gordon, S.G. (2012): Pimobendan. NAVC Clinician’s Brief. ( Erişim Tarihi: 01.03.2017.
- Gordon, S.G., Saunders, A.B., Roland, R.M., Winter, R.L., Drourr, L., Achen, S.E., Miller, M.W. (2012): Effect of oral administration of pimobendan in cats with heart failure. J Am Vet Med Assoc 241(1), 89-94.
- Goto, Y., Hata, K. (1997): Mechanoenergetic effect of pimobendan in failing dog hearts. Heart Vessels 12, 103–105.
- Häggström, J., Boswood, A., O'Grady, M., Jöns, O., Smith, S., Swift, S., Åblad, B. (2008): Effect of pimobendan or benazepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: the QUEST study. J Vet Intern Med 22(5), 1124-1135.
- Haggstrom, J., Boswood, A., O’Grady, M., Jons, O., Smith, S., Swift, S., Borgarelli, M., Gavaghan, B., Kresken, J.G., Patteson, M., Ablad, B., Bussadori, C.M., Glaus, T., Kovacevic, A., Rapp, M., Santilli, R.A., Tidholm, A., Eriksson, A., Belanger, M.C., Deinert, M., Little, C.J.L., Kvart, C., French, A., Rønn-Landbo, M., Wess, G., Eggertsdottir, A.V., O’Sullivan, M.L., Schneider, M., Lombard, C.W., Dukes-McEwan, J., Willis, R., Louvet, A. DiFruscia, R. (2008): Effect of pimobendan or benazepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: the QUEST study. J Vet Intern Med 22, 1124–1135.
- Hambrook, L.E., Bennet, P.F. (2012): Effect of pimobendan on the clinical outcome and survival of cats with non-taurine responsive dilated cardiomyopathy. J Fel Med Surg. 14(4), 233-239.
Hanzlicek, A.S., Gehring, R., KuKanich, B., KuKanich, K.S., Borgarelli, M., Smee, N., Margiocco, M. (2012): Pharmacokinetics of oral pimobendan in healthy cats. Journal of J Vet Cardiol 14(4), 489-496.
- Holubarsch, C. (1997): New inotropic concepts: Rationale for and differences between calcium sensitizers and phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Cardiology 88(2), 12–20.
- Lombard, C.W., Jöns, O., Bussadori, C.M. (2006): Clinical efficacy of pimobendan versus benazepril for the treatment of acquired atrioventricular valvular disease in dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42(4), 249-261.
- MacGregor, J.M., Rush, J.E., Laste, N.J., Malakoff, R.L., Cunningham, S.M., Aronow, N., Price, L.L. (2011): Use of pimobendan in 170 cats (2006–2010). J Vet Cardiol 13(4), 251-260.
- Mathew, L., Katz, S.D. (1998): Calcium sensitising agents in heart failure. Drugs Aging 12, 191–204.
- Meel, J.C., Diederen, W. (1989): Hemodynamic profile of the cardiotonic agent pimobendan. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 4(2), 1–6.
- Ohte, N., Cheng, C.P., Suzuki, M., Little, W.C. (1997): The cardiac effects of pimobendan (but not amrinone) are preserved at rest and during exercise in conscious dogs with pacing-induced heart failure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282(1), 23-31.
- Pouchelon, J.L., King, J., Martignoni, L., Chetboul, V., Lugardon, B., Rousselot, J.F., Martel, P. (2004): Long-term tolerability of benazepril in dogs with congestive heart failure. J Vet Cardiol 6(1), 7-13.
- Prieto-Ramos, J., McNaught, K., French, A.T. (2016): The novel use of intravenous pimobendan and oral torasemide in a cat with congestive heart failure secondary to end-stage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Vet Rec Case Rep 4(1), 273.
- Quellet, M., Belanger, M.C., Difruscia, R., & Beauchamp, G. (2009): Effect of pimobendan on echocardiographic values in dogs with asymptomatic mitral valve disease. J Vet Intern Med 23(2), 258-263.
- Roland, R.M., Gordon, S.G., Saunders, A.B., Drourr, L.T., Achen, S.E., Miller, M.W. (2008): The Use Of Pimobendan In Feline Heart Failure Secondary To Spontaneous Heart Disease. J Vet Intern Med 22(6), 1469.
- Russell, R. (2015). A Few Words About Pimobendan (Vetmedin, Cardisure). Erişim Tarihi: 4.4.2017
- Sahara, M., Takahashi, T., Imai, Y., Nakajima, T., Yao, A., Morita, T., Nagai, R. (2006): New insights in the treatment strategy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 20(5), 377-386.
- Smith, P.J., French, A.T., Israr̈l, N., Smith, S.G.W., Swift, S.T., Lee, A.J., Dukes‐McEwan, J. (2005): Efficacy and safety of pimobendan in canine heart failure caused by myxomatous mitral valve disease. J Small Anim Pract 46(3), 121-130.
- Solaro, R.J., Fujino, K., Sperelakis, N. (1989): The positive inotropic effect of pimobendan involves stereospecific increases in the calcium sensitivity of cardiac myofilaments. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 14(2), 7–12.
- Sturgess, C.P., Ferasin, L.J. (2007): Clinical efficacy of pimobendan in 11 cats with systolic heart failure. Vet Intern Med 21, 1423.
Watanabe, E., Shiga, T., Matsuda, N., Kajimoto, K., Naganuma, M., Kawai, A., Kasanuki, H. (2003): Low-dose systemic phosphodiesterase III inhibitor pimobendan combined with prostacyclin therapy in a patient with severe primary pulmonary hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 17(4), 375-379.
- Verdouw, P.D., Hartog, J.M., Duncker, D.J., Roth, W., Saxena, P.R. (1986): Cardiovascular profile of pimobendan, a benzimidazole-pyridazinone derivative with vasodilating and inotropic properties. Eur J Pharmacol 126(1-2), 21-30.
- van Meel, J.C., Diederen, W. (1989): Hemodynamic profile of the cardiotonic agent pimobendan. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 14, 7.
- Vollmar, A.C., Fox, P.R. (2016): Long‐term Outcome of Irish Wolfhound Dogs with Preclinical Cardiomyopathy, Atrial Fibrillation, or Both Treated with Pimobendan, Benazepril Hydrochloride, or Methyldigoxin Monotherapy. J Vet Intern Med 30, 553–559
- Yata, M., McLachlan, A.J., Foster, D.J.R., Page, S.W., Beijerink, N.J. (2016): Pharmacokinetics and cardiovascular effects following a single oral administration of a nonaqueous pimobendan solution in healthy dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Ther, 39(1), 45-53.