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Çocukların Gelişimsel Olarak Değerlendirilmesinde Ebeveyn Anketlerinin Yeri: Anne Raporları İle Gelişimsel Tarama Test Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 37 - 43, 28.08.2018



Ebeveyn anketleri, çocukların gelişimini değerlendirmek amacıyla çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniklerinde sıkça kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada annenin, yaşı ve eğitim durumuna

göre çocuğunun gelişimi hakkında bilgi düzeyi ile standart gelişimsel tarama testi sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve toplumumuzda çocukların gelişiminin değerlendirilmesinde ebeveyn anketlerinin doğruluğu değerlendirilmiştir.

Materyal ve Metod:

Annelere Türk çocuklarına uyarlanan ve standardize edilen Denver II gelişimsel tarama testindeki çocuğun kronolojik yaşına uygun maddeler soruldu ve cevapları kaydedildi. Daha sonra çocuklara Denver II gelişimsel tarama testi, sertifikalı çocuk gelişim uzmanı veya çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları uzmanı tarafından uygulandı. Annelerin ankete verdiği cevaplar ile Denver II gelişimsel tarama testi sonuçları karşılaştırıldı, birbiriyle uyumlu ve uyumsuz maddeler kaydedildi.


Çalışmaya 178 anne ve çocuk dahil edildi. Anne raporu ve test sonuçları olguların %55’inde uyumluydu. Anne yaşı ve eğitim düzeyine göre belirlenmiş gruplarda bu uyum benzer oranlardaydı. Uyumsuz maddelerin dağılımı her gelişim alanında benzer orandaydı.


Bu çalışmada anne raporu ile standart gelişimsel tarama testi sonucu arasındaki uyum yetersiz bulunmuştur. Diğer gelişim testleri ve okul performansı ile korelasyon gösterdiği saptanan Denver II gelişimsel tarama testinin anne raporlarına göre daha güvenilir olduğu düşünülmüştür. Gelişimsel

gecikmelerin belirlenmesi için anne raporları ve Denver II testi sonuçlarının, Türk toplumuna uyarlanmış ve standardize edilmiş diğer testlerle doğrulanması gerekmektedir.


  • 1. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabilities. Developmental surveillance and screening of infants and young children. Pediatrics 2001;108:192-6.
  • 2. Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, et al. Practice parameter: Evaluation of the child with global developmental delay. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice, Committee of the Child Neurology Society. Neurology 2003;60;367-80.
  • 3. Palfrey JS, Singer JD, Walker DK, Butler JA. Early identification of children's special needs: a study in five metropolitan communities. J Pediatr 1987;111:651-9.
  • 4. Sand N, Silverstein M, Glascoe FP, Gupta VB, Tonniges TP, O'Connor KG. Pediatricians' reported practices regarding developmental screening: do guidelines work? Do they help? Pediatrics 2005;116:174-9.
  • 5. Rhodes A, Sciberras E, Oberklaid F, South M, Davies S, Efron D. Unmet developmental, behavioral, and psychosocial needs in children attending pediatric outpatient clinics. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2012;33:469-78.
  • 6. Sheldrick RC, Merchant S, Perrin EC. Identification of developmental-behavioral problems in primary care: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2011;128:356-63.
  • 7. Berry AD, Garzon DL, Mack P, Kanwischer KZ, Beck DG. Implementing an Early Childhood Developmental Screening and Surveillance Program in Primary Care Settings: Lessons Learned From a Project in Illinois. J Pediatr Health Care 2014;28:516-25.
  • 8. Radecki L, Sand-Loud N, O'Connor KG, Sharp S, Olson LM. Trends in the use of standardized tools for developmental screening in early childhood: 2002-2009. Pediatrics 2011;128:14-9.
  • 9. Ireton H. The Child Development Review: Monitoring Children's Development Using Parents' and Pediatricians' Observations. Infants & Young Children 1996 9:42-52.
  • 10. Ireton H, Vader H. Child Development Review Manual. Minneapolis, MN: Behavior Science Systems, Inc. 2004.
  • 11. Limbos MM, Joyce DP. Comparison of the ASQ and PEDS in screening for developmental delay in children presenting for primary care. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2011;32:499-511.
  • 12. Martin AJ, Darlow BA, Salt A, Hague W, Sebastian L, McNeill N, et al. Performance of the Parent Report of Children’sAbilities–Revised (PARCA-R) versus the Bayley Scales of Infant Development III. Archieves of Disease in Childhood. Arch Dis Child 2013;98:955-8
  • 13. Belfort MB, Santo E, McCormick MC. Using parent questionnaires to assess neurodevelopment in former preterm infants: a validation study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013;27:199-207.
  • 14. Skellern CY, Rogers Y, O’Callaghan MJ. A parent-completed developmental questionnaire: follow up of ex-premature infants. J Pediatr Health Care 2001;37:125-9.
  • 15. Rydz D, Srour M, Oskoui M, Marget N, Shiller M, Birnbaum R, et al. Screening for Developmental Delay in the Setting of a Community Pediatric Clinic: A Prospective Assessment of Parent-Report Questionnaires. Pediatrics 2006;118:e1178-86.
  • 16. Frankenburg WK, Dodds J, Archer P, Shapiro H, Bresnick B. The Denver II: a major revision and restandardization of the Denver Developmental Screening Test. Pediatrics 1992;89:91-7.
  • 17. Anlar B, Yalaz K. Denver II Developmental Screening Test Manual: adaptation and standardization for Turkish children. Meteksan, Ankara 1996.
  • 18. Yalaz K, Anlar B, Bayoglu A. Denver II Developmental Screening Test: The standardization for Turkish children. Turkish Developmental Child Neurology Society, 2010, Ankara.
  • 19. Wijedasa D. Developmental screening in context: adaptation and standardization of the Denver Developmental Screening Test-II (DDST-II) for Sri Lankan children. Child Care Health Dev 2012;38:889-99.
  • 20. Shahshahani S, Vameghi R, Azari N, Sajedi F, Kazemnejad A. Validity and Reliability Determination of Denver Developmental Screening Test-II in 0-6 Year-Olds in Tehran. Iran J of Pediatr 2010;20:313-22.
  • 21. Lim HC, Ho LY, Goh LH, Ling SL, Heng R, Po GL. The field testing of Denver Developmental Screening Test Singapore: a Singapore version of DenverII Developmental Screening Test. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1996;25:200-9.
  • 22. Ga HY, Kwon JY. A comparison of the korean-ages and stages questionnaires and denver developmental delay screening test. Ann Rehabil Med 2011;35:369-7 23. Chiu SH, DiMarco MA. A pilot study comparing two developmental screening tools for use with homeless children. J Pediatr Health Care 2010;24:73-80
  • 24. Sices L, Stancin T, Kirchner L, Bauchner H. PEDS and ASQ developmental screening tests may not identify the same children. Pediatrics 2009;124:e640-7.
  • 25. Muluk NB, Bayoğlu B, Konuşkan B, Anlar B. Milestones of language development in Turkish children. B-ENT 2013;9:299-306.
  • 26. Bayoglu BU, Bakar EE, Kutlu M, Karabulut E, Anlar B. Can preschool developmental screening identify children at risk for school problems? Early Hum Dev 2007;83:613-7.
  • 27. Espírito Santo JL, Portuguez MW, Nunes ML. Cognition, behavior and social competence of preterm low birth weight children at school age. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2009;85:35-41. 28. Nair MK, Nair GS, George B, Suma N, Neethu C, Leena ML, Russell PS. Development and validation of Trivandrum Development Screening Chart for children aged 0-6 years [TDSC (0-6)]. Indian J Pediatr 2013;80:S248-55.
  • 29. Thompson LA, Tuli SY, Saliba H, DiPietro M, Nackashi JA. Improving developmental screening in pediatric resident education. Clin Pediatr (Philadelphia) 2010;49:737-42.
  • 30. Frankenburg WK, Fandal AW, Thornton SM. Revision of Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire. J Pediatr 1987;110:653-7.
  • 31. Cox JE, Huntington N, Saada A, Epee-Bounya A, Schonwald AD. Developmental screening and parents' written comments: an added dimension to the parents' evaluation of developmental status questionnaire. Pediatrics 2010;126:S170-6. 32. Johnson S, Wolke D, Marlow N, Simms V, Wolke D. Preterm Infant Parenting Study Group. Developmental assessment of preterm infants at 2 years: validity of parent reports. Dev Med Child Neurol.2008;50:58-62.
  • 33. Cuttini M, Ferrante P, Mirante N, Chiandotto V, Fertz M, Dall'Oglio AM, et al. Cognitive assessment of very preterm infants at 2-year corrected age: Performance of the Italian version of the PARCA-R parent questionnaire. Early Hum Dev 2012;88:159-63.
  • 34. Doig KB, Macias MM, Saylor CF, Craver JR, Ingram PE. The Child Development Inventory: A developmental outcome measure for follow-up of the high-risk infant. J Pediatr 1999;135:358-62.
  • 35. Deakin-Bell N, Walker K, Badawi N. The accuracy of parental concern expressed in the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to predict developmental delay. J Paediatr Child Health 2013; 49: E133–6. doi: 10.1111/jpc.12084.
  • 36. Willinger U, Eisenwort B. Mothers' estimates of their children with disorders of language development. Behav Med. 2005 Fall;31:117-24.
  • 37. Brachlow A, Jordan AE, Tervo R. Developmental screenings in rural settings: a comparison of the child development review and the Denver II Developmental Screening Test. J Rural Health. 2001;17:156-9.
  • 38. Durmazlar N, Ozturk C, Ural B, Karaagaoglu E, Anlar B. Turkish children's performance on Denver II: effect of sex and mother's education. Dev Med Child Neurol.1998;40:411-6.
  • 39. Ertem IO, Atay G, Dogan DG, Bayhan A, Bingoler BE, Gok CG, et al. .Mothers' knowledge of young child development in a developing country. Child: Care Health Dev 2007;33:728-37.
  • 40. Ninio A. The naive theory of the infant and other maternal attitudes in two subgroups in Israel. Child Dev 1979;50:976-980. 41. Damast AM, Tamis-LeMonda CS, Bornstein MH. Mother-childplay: Sequential interactions and the relation between maternal beliefs and behaviors. Child Dev 1996;67:1752-66.
  • 42. Glascoe FP. Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status: How Well Do Parents' Concerns Identify Children With Behavioral and Emotional Problems? Clinical Pediatrics 2003;42:133-8.

Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers' Report And Screening Test Results

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 37 - 43, 28.08.2018



Parental questionnaires are extensively used in pediatric outpatient clinics for developmental evaluation. Our purpose was to examine the accuracy of questionnaires in our population by comparing developmental screening test results with mother's report in relation with her age and education.


Mothers were interviewed using the items corresponding to their child's chronological age on the Denver II developmental screening test adapted for Turkish children. Then the Denver II test was administered to the child by a certified child development specialist or pediatrician. Mothers' answers to the questionnaire and the child's Denver II test results were compared and discrepancies were recorded.


The sample consisted of 178 mother-child dyads. Mothers' reports and test scores were concordant in 55% of cases, with similar rates in all maternal age and educational groups. Items subject to disagreement were distributed equally over all developmental domains.


The rate of agreement between mother's reports and screening test results was unsatisfactory. While the Denver II, previously shown to correlate with other tests and school performance, is more likely to be accurate than mother's report, both data need to be confirmed by other tests standardized and adapted to the population in order to detect developmental delays.


  • 1. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabilities. Developmental surveillance and screening of infants and young children. Pediatrics 2001;108:192-6.
  • 2. Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, et al. Practice parameter: Evaluation of the child with global developmental delay. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice, Committee of the Child Neurology Society. Neurology 2003;60;367-80.
  • 3. Palfrey JS, Singer JD, Walker DK, Butler JA. Early identification of children's special needs: a study in five metropolitan communities. J Pediatr 1987;111:651-9.
  • 4. Sand N, Silverstein M, Glascoe FP, Gupta VB, Tonniges TP, O'Connor KG. Pediatricians' reported practices regarding developmental screening: do guidelines work? Do they help? Pediatrics 2005;116:174-9.
  • 5. Rhodes A, Sciberras E, Oberklaid F, South M, Davies S, Efron D. Unmet developmental, behavioral, and psychosocial needs in children attending pediatric outpatient clinics. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2012;33:469-78.
  • 6. Sheldrick RC, Merchant S, Perrin EC. Identification of developmental-behavioral problems in primary care: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2011;128:356-63.
  • 7. Berry AD, Garzon DL, Mack P, Kanwischer KZ, Beck DG. Implementing an Early Childhood Developmental Screening and Surveillance Program in Primary Care Settings: Lessons Learned From a Project in Illinois. J Pediatr Health Care 2014;28:516-25.
  • 8. Radecki L, Sand-Loud N, O'Connor KG, Sharp S, Olson LM. Trends in the use of standardized tools for developmental screening in early childhood: 2002-2009. Pediatrics 2011;128:14-9.
  • 9. Ireton H. The Child Development Review: Monitoring Children's Development Using Parents' and Pediatricians' Observations. Infants & Young Children 1996 9:42-52.
  • 10. Ireton H, Vader H. Child Development Review Manual. Minneapolis, MN: Behavior Science Systems, Inc. 2004.
  • 11. Limbos MM, Joyce DP. Comparison of the ASQ and PEDS in screening for developmental delay in children presenting for primary care. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2011;32:499-511.
  • 12. Martin AJ, Darlow BA, Salt A, Hague W, Sebastian L, McNeill N, et al. Performance of the Parent Report of Children’sAbilities–Revised (PARCA-R) versus the Bayley Scales of Infant Development III. Archieves of Disease in Childhood. Arch Dis Child 2013;98:955-8
  • 13. Belfort MB, Santo E, McCormick MC. Using parent questionnaires to assess neurodevelopment in former preterm infants: a validation study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013;27:199-207.
  • 14. Skellern CY, Rogers Y, O’Callaghan MJ. A parent-completed developmental questionnaire: follow up of ex-premature infants. J Pediatr Health Care 2001;37:125-9.
  • 15. Rydz D, Srour M, Oskoui M, Marget N, Shiller M, Birnbaum R, et al. Screening for Developmental Delay in the Setting of a Community Pediatric Clinic: A Prospective Assessment of Parent-Report Questionnaires. Pediatrics 2006;118:e1178-86.
  • 16. Frankenburg WK, Dodds J, Archer P, Shapiro H, Bresnick B. The Denver II: a major revision and restandardization of the Denver Developmental Screening Test. Pediatrics 1992;89:91-7.
  • 17. Anlar B, Yalaz K. Denver II Developmental Screening Test Manual: adaptation and standardization for Turkish children. Meteksan, Ankara 1996.
  • 18. Yalaz K, Anlar B, Bayoglu A. Denver II Developmental Screening Test: The standardization for Turkish children. Turkish Developmental Child Neurology Society, 2010, Ankara.
  • 19. Wijedasa D. Developmental screening in context: adaptation and standardization of the Denver Developmental Screening Test-II (DDST-II) for Sri Lankan children. Child Care Health Dev 2012;38:889-99.
  • 20. Shahshahani S, Vameghi R, Azari N, Sajedi F, Kazemnejad A. Validity and Reliability Determination of Denver Developmental Screening Test-II in 0-6 Year-Olds in Tehran. Iran J of Pediatr 2010;20:313-22.
  • 21. Lim HC, Ho LY, Goh LH, Ling SL, Heng R, Po GL. The field testing of Denver Developmental Screening Test Singapore: a Singapore version of DenverII Developmental Screening Test. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1996;25:200-9.
  • 22. Ga HY, Kwon JY. A comparison of the korean-ages and stages questionnaires and denver developmental delay screening test. Ann Rehabil Med 2011;35:369-7 23. Chiu SH, DiMarco MA. A pilot study comparing two developmental screening tools for use with homeless children. J Pediatr Health Care 2010;24:73-80
  • 24. Sices L, Stancin T, Kirchner L, Bauchner H. PEDS and ASQ developmental screening tests may not identify the same children. Pediatrics 2009;124:e640-7.
  • 25. Muluk NB, Bayoğlu B, Konuşkan B, Anlar B. Milestones of language development in Turkish children. B-ENT 2013;9:299-306.
  • 26. Bayoglu BU, Bakar EE, Kutlu M, Karabulut E, Anlar B. Can preschool developmental screening identify children at risk for school problems? Early Hum Dev 2007;83:613-7.
  • 27. Espírito Santo JL, Portuguez MW, Nunes ML. Cognition, behavior and social competence of preterm low birth weight children at school age. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2009;85:35-41. 28. Nair MK, Nair GS, George B, Suma N, Neethu C, Leena ML, Russell PS. Development and validation of Trivandrum Development Screening Chart for children aged 0-6 years [TDSC (0-6)]. Indian J Pediatr 2013;80:S248-55.
  • 29. Thompson LA, Tuli SY, Saliba H, DiPietro M, Nackashi JA. Improving developmental screening in pediatric resident education. Clin Pediatr (Philadelphia) 2010;49:737-42.
  • 30. Frankenburg WK, Fandal AW, Thornton SM. Revision of Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire. J Pediatr 1987;110:653-7.
  • 31. Cox JE, Huntington N, Saada A, Epee-Bounya A, Schonwald AD. Developmental screening and parents' written comments: an added dimension to the parents' evaluation of developmental status questionnaire. Pediatrics 2010;126:S170-6. 32. Johnson S, Wolke D, Marlow N, Simms V, Wolke D. Preterm Infant Parenting Study Group. Developmental assessment of preterm infants at 2 years: validity of parent reports. Dev Med Child Neurol.2008;50:58-62.
  • 33. Cuttini M, Ferrante P, Mirante N, Chiandotto V, Fertz M, Dall'Oglio AM, et al. Cognitive assessment of very preterm infants at 2-year corrected age: Performance of the Italian version of the PARCA-R parent questionnaire. Early Hum Dev 2012;88:159-63.
  • 34. Doig KB, Macias MM, Saylor CF, Craver JR, Ingram PE. The Child Development Inventory: A developmental outcome measure for follow-up of the high-risk infant. J Pediatr 1999;135:358-62.
  • 35. Deakin-Bell N, Walker K, Badawi N. The accuracy of parental concern expressed in the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to predict developmental delay. J Paediatr Child Health 2013; 49: E133–6. doi: 10.1111/jpc.12084.
  • 36. Willinger U, Eisenwort B. Mothers' estimates of their children with disorders of language development. Behav Med. 2005 Fall;31:117-24.
  • 37. Brachlow A, Jordan AE, Tervo R. Developmental screenings in rural settings: a comparison of the child development review and the Denver II Developmental Screening Test. J Rural Health. 2001;17:156-9.
  • 38. Durmazlar N, Ozturk C, Ural B, Karaagaoglu E, Anlar B. Turkish children's performance on Denver II: effect of sex and mother's education. Dev Med Child Neurol.1998;40:411-6.
  • 39. Ertem IO, Atay G, Dogan DG, Bayhan A, Bingoler BE, Gok CG, et al. .Mothers' knowledge of young child development in a developing country. Child: Care Health Dev 2007;33:728-37.
  • 40. Ninio A. The naive theory of the infant and other maternal attitudes in two subgroups in Israel. Child Dev 1979;50:976-980. 41. Damast AM, Tamis-LeMonda CS, Bornstein MH. Mother-childplay: Sequential interactions and the relation between maternal beliefs and behaviors. Child Dev 1996;67:1752-66.
  • 42. Glascoe FP. Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status: How Well Do Parents' Concerns Identify Children With Behavioral and Emotional Problems? Clinical Pediatrics 2003;42:133-8.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Aslı Çelebi Tayfur Bu kişi benim

Birgül Bayoğlu Bu kişi benim

Banu Anlar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelebi Tayfur, A., Bayoğlu, B., & Anlar, B. (2018). Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results. Akademik Araştırma Tıp Dergisi, 2(2), 37-43.
AMA Çelebi Tayfur A, Bayoğlu B, Anlar B. Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results. AATD. Ağustos 2018;2(2):37-43.
Chicago Çelebi Tayfur, Aslı, Bayoğlu Birgül, ve Banu Anlar. “Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results”. Akademik Araştırma Tıp Dergisi 2, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2018): 37-43.
EndNote Çelebi Tayfur A, Bayoğlu B, Anlar B (01 Ağustos 2018) Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results. Akademik Araştırma Tıp Dergisi 2 2 37–43.
IEEE A. Çelebi Tayfur, B. Bayoğlu, ve B. Anlar, “Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results”, AATD, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 37–43, 2018.
ISNAD Çelebi Tayfur, Aslı vd. “Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results”. Akademik Araştırma Tıp Dergisi 2/2 (Ağustos 2018), 37-43.
JAMA Çelebi Tayfur A, Bayoğlu B, Anlar B. Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results. AATD. 2018;2:37–43.
MLA Çelebi Tayfur, Aslı vd. “Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results”. Akademik Araştırma Tıp Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 37-43.
Vancouver Çelebi Tayfur A, Bayoğlu B, Anlar B. Role Of Parental Questionnaires In Developmental Evaluation Of Children: A Comparison Of Mothers’ Report And Screening Test Results. AATD. 2018;2(2):37-43.