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Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 4, 957 - 981, 16.12.2015


Kuruluşlarını takiben kısa süreler içerisinde uluslararası pazarlarda faaliyet göstermeye başlayan,
geleneksel uluslararasılaşma sürecine ilişkin yaklaşımların öngördüğü aşamalardan geçmeyen küçük ve orta
büyüklükteki işletmeler alan yazında “Küresel Doğan İşletme” olarak anılmaktadır. Küresel doğan
işletmelerin baskın özelliklerinden birisi de uluslararası girişimcilik yönelimidir. Alan yazında uluslararası
girişimciliğin yenilikçilik, risk alma ve proaktiflik olmak üzere üç boyutundan bahsedilmektedir. Bu
araştırmada, uluslararası girişimciliğin proaktiflik boyutu ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, küresel doğan
işletmelerin uluslararası girişimcilik yöneliminin bir boyutu olarak proaktif olmalarını etkileyen faktörleri
tespit etmektir. Araştırmada, Sakarya ilinde, farklı sektörlerde bulunan, yedi küresel doğan işletme tespit
edilmiş ve nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın amacına ve niteliğine uygun
olarak örnek olay deseni tercih edilmiştir. Verilerin analiz sürecinde Nvivo 8 yazılımından faydalanılmıştır.
Araştırma sonucunda, küresel doğan işletmelerin proaktif olmalarını etkileyen faktörler; fuarlar, bilgi, bilgi
kaynakları, yönetici özellikleri, ağ bağlantıları ve güven olmak üzere altı başlık altında toplanmış ve


  • Ağca, V., Kandemir, T. (2008). “Entrepreneurship-Financial Performance Relationship in Family Firms: A Research in Afyonkarahisar”, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.3:209-230.
  • Aktepe, C., Uner, M.M., Koçak, A. (2011). “The Antecedents of Born Global Firms: A Qualitative Research on Information Technology Intensive Firms in Turkey”, Journal of Economics Business and Finance, 26 (301):59-90.
  • Andersson, S., Wıctor, I. (2003). “Innovative Internationalisation in New Firms: Born Globals-The Swedish Case”, Journal Of International Entrepreneurship,Vol.1,249-276.
  • Arzt, R. (2006). Trade Fairs And Their Role In International Business:Considerations On The Polish And German Trade Fair Market, Deutsch-Polnisches Wirtschaftsforum Cologne, (Http://www.Kvez.De/Files/Trade_Fairs_And_Their_Role_In_International_Business.Pdf).
  • Autio,E., Sapienza,H. J., Almeida,J. G. (2000). “Effects of Age At Entry, Knowledge Intensity, And Imıtability On International Growth”, Academy Of Management Journal, October, 909- 924.
  • Bilkey, J.Warren, Tesar, George. (1977). “The Export Behavior of Smaller-Sized Wisconsin Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.8:.93-98.
  • Bryman, A., Burgess, R. G. (2002). “Developments in Qualitative Data Analysis: An Introduction”, In Bryman A. And Burgess Robert G. (Eds.) Analyzing Qualitative Data (pp:1-18), New York, Routledge.
  • Chetty, S., Holm, D. B. (2000). “The Role of Business Networks in The Internationalisation of Manufacturing Firms: A Longitudinal Case Study”, Advances In International Marketing, 2000, 205-222.
  • Chetty, S., Hunt, C. C. (2004). “A Strategic Approach to Internationalization: A Traditional Versus A Born-Global Approach”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.12,57-81.
  • Coşkun, Recai, Çitçi, Umut Sanem. (2008). “Doğuştan Küresel Firmalar (Born Globals): Örnek Olaylar”, VI. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi : 1212-1224.
  • Coviello, Nicole. (2015). “Re-thinking Research on Born Globals”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46:17-26.
  • Covin, J.G., Slevin, D.P. (1991). “A Conceptual Model of Entrepreneurship as Firm Behaviour”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Fall:7-25.
  • Covin, J.G., Miller, D. (2013). “International Entrepreneurial Orientation: Conceptual Considerations, Research Themes, Measurement Issues, And Future Research Directions”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Special Issue:1-34.
  • Czinkota, Mıchael R. (1982). Export Development Strategies : U.S. Promotion Policy, Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer. (1980). “On The Internationalisation Process Of Firms”, European Research, Vol. 8, No. 6:273-281.
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer, Knight, Gary A., Riesenberger, John R.(2008). International Business - Strategy, Management, And The New Realities, (New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall).
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer, Knight, Gary A. (2015). “The Born Global Firm: An Entrepreneurial and Capabilities Perspective on Early and Rapid Internationalization”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46:3-16.
  • Demirci. M.Kemal, Aydemir. Muzaffer. (2008). İşletmelerin Küreselleşme Stratejileri, (Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık, 2.Baskı)
  • Eurofound (2012). “Born global: The potential of job creation in new international businesses”, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
  • Freeman, S., Edwards, R., Schroder, B. (2006). “How Smaller Born-Global Firms Use Networks And Alliances to Overcome Constraints to Rapid Internationalization”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.14: 33-63.
  • Gabrielson, Mika, Kırpalanı, V.H. Manek. (2004). “Born Globals. How To Reach New Business Space Rapidly”, International Business Review, Vol.13:555-571.
  • Johanson, Jan, Vahlne, Jan-Erik. (1977). “The Internationalization Process of The Firm-A Model of Knowledge Development And Increasing Foreign Market Commitments”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.8:23-32.
  • Jones, M.V., Coviello, N. (2005). “Internationalisation: Conceptualising an Entrepreneurial Process of Behaviour in Time”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 6(3):284-304.
  • Jones, M.V., Coviello, N., Tang, Y.K. (2011). “International Entrepreneurship Research (1989- 2009): A Domain Ontology and Thematic Analysis”, Journal of Business Venturing, 26:632-659.
  • Kalyoncuoğlu, Selma. (2010). İşletmelerin Küresel Doğmasına Etki Eden Kurucu/Üst Düzey Yönetici Özellikleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Karra, N., Phillips, N. (2004). “Entrepreneurship Goes Global”, Ivey Business Journal Online, November/December.
  • Keupp, M.M., Gassmann, O. (2009). “The Past and the Future of International Entrepreneurship: A Review and Suggestions for Developing the Field”, Journal of Management, 35: 600-633.
  • Kılıç.Sabiha. (2011). Küçük Ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerde İhracat Pazarlaması,(Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 1. Baskı, Ekim).
  • Kiss, A.N., Danis,W.M., Çavuşgil, S.T. (2012). “International Entrepreneurship Research in Emerging Economies. A Critical Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Business Venturing, (27):266-290.
  • Knight, G., Cavusgil, S.T. (1996). “The Born Global Firm: A Challenge to Traditional Internationalization Theory”, Advances In International Marketing, Vol. 8:11-26.
  • Knight, Gary, A. (1997). “Emerging Paradigm For International Marketing: The Born Global Firm”, Dissertation at Michigan State University.
  • Knight, G. A., Cavusgil, S.T. (2004). “Innovation, Organizational Capabilities And The Born Global Firm”, Journal Of International Business Studies, Vol.35: 124-141.
  • Konaklıoğlu, Ece. (2011). Küresel Doğan İşletmelerin Erken Uluslararasılaşmasını Tetikleyen Kurucu Ve/Veya Yönetici Özellikleri, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Dickson,P., Weaver, K.M. (2010). “Cultural Influences on Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Impact of National Culture on Risk Taking and Proactiveness in SME’s”, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, September: 959-983.
  • Kreiser, P., Marıno, L. D., Justin,T., Zhı, L. C. (2010). “Firm-Level Entrepreneurship: The Role of Proactiveness, Innovativeness and Strategic Renewal in the Creation and Exploration of Opportunities” , Journal Of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol.15:143-163.
  • Lumpkin, G.T., Dess, G. G. (1996). “Clarifying The Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct And Linking It To Performance”, Academy Of Management Review, Vol.21:135-172.
  • Lumpkin, G.T., Dess, G.G. (1997). “Proactiveness Versus Competitive Aggressıveness: Teasing Apart Key Dimensions of an Entrepreneurial Orientation”, Frontiers Of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College:47-58.
  • Madsen, T. K., Knudsen, T. (2003).” International New Ventures: A New Organizational Form?”, The Sixth Mcgill Conference On International Entrepreneurship: Crossing Boundaries And Researching New Frontiers, 19-22 September, Nothern Ireland.
  • Mathews, J.,Zander, I. (2007). “The international entrepreneurial Dynamics of accelerated Internationalisation”, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 38, No.3:387-403.
  • Mcauley, A. (1999). “Entrepreneurial Instant Exporters in The Scottish Arts and Crafts Sector”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.4:.67-82.
  • McDougall, P.P. (1989). “International Versus Domestic Entrepreneurship: New Venture Strategic Behavior and Industry Structure”, Journal of Business Venturing, 4, 6: 388.
  • McDougall, P. P., Oviatt, B. M. (2000).” International Entrepreneurship: The Intersection of Two Research Paths”, The Academy Of Management Journal, Vol.43:902-906.
  • Measson, Nadege. (2011). “Use Of International Trade Fairs for The Internationalisation of SMEs: A Network Approach”, University Of Otago, Basılmamış Master Tezi.
  • Miller, D. (1983). “The Correlates of Entrepreneurship in Three Types of Firms”, Management Science, Vol.29:770-791.
  • Mtigwe, B. (2006). “Theoretical Milestones in International Business: The Journey to International Entrepreneurship Theory”, Journal Of International Entrepreneurship:5-25.
  • Nummela, Niina; “Is The Globe Becoming Small or Is the Small Becoming Global? Globalization And Internationalizing SMEs”, Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship, Ed. Maria V. Jones Ve Pavlos Dimitratos, The Mcgill International Entrepreneurship Series, 2004, S. 128-151.
  • Oviatt, B.M., Mcdougall, P.,P. (2003). “Some Fundamental Issues in International Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory&Practice, July:1-27.
  • Oviatt, Benjamin M., McDougall, P.P., (2005). “Defining International Entrepreneurship and Modeling the Speed of Internationalization”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, April,:537-554.
  • Peng,M.W. (2001). “The Resource-Based View and International Business”, Journal Of Management, Vol.27:803-829.
  • Reid, Stan D.(1981). “The Decision-Maker And Export Entry And Expansion”, Journal Of International Business Studies, Vol.12, No.2:101-112.
  • Rennie, M. W. (1993). “Born Global”, The Mckinsey Quarterly, No.4:45-52.
  • Reuber, A.R., Fischer, E. (2011). “International Entrepreneurship in Internet-Enabled Markets”, Journal Of Business Venturing, Vol.26: 660-679.
  • Rialp, A. Rialp, J. Urbano, D. Vaillant Y. (2005). “The Born-Global Phenomenon: A Comparative Case Study Research”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol.3,Isue 2:133-171.
  • Stangl,L. M. (2012). Network Relationships in International Entrepreneurship: A Multilevel Analysis, Dissertation at Massey University, New Zealand.
  • Strauss, A., Corbin, J. M. (1998). Basics Of Qualitative Research: Techniques And Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory, (Second Edition, London, Sage Publications).
  • Topak, Aydın, Nayır Zamantılı, Dilek. (2007). “Uluslararasılaşma Sürecinde Formel Ve Informel Bilgi Kaynaklarının Kullanımı: Türk Nakliye Kuruluşlarının Görüşleri”, 4.Kobi’ler Ve Verimlilik Kongresi, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, 7-8 Aralık.
  • Üner, M.M.Koçak, A.Çavuşgil,E.,Çavuşgil,S.T. (2013). “Do Barriers to Export Vary For Born Globals and Across Stages of Internationalization? An Empirical Inquiry in The Emerging Market Of Turkey”, International Business Revıew, 22:800-813.
  • Welch, L.S and R.K. Luostarinen (1988). “Internationalization: Evolution of a Concept.” Journal of General Management, 14 (2) :36-64.
  • Welter, F. (2012). “All You Need is Trust? A Critical Review of The Trust and Entrepreneurship Literature”, International Small Business Journal:1-20.
  • Wenchen, Li, Meizi,Li. (2007). “The Effects Of Entrepreneurship For The Internationalization Of SMEs”, 2nd International Forum Of Business Education.
  • Yin. Robert K. (1994). Case Study Research Design And Methods, (U.S.A., Sage Publications).
  • Zahra,Shaker.A,George,Gerard. (2002). “International Entrepreneurrship: The Current Status of The Field And Future Research Agenda”, Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating An Integrated Mindset., Editor(S): Hitt, Ireland, Sexton, Eds, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers: 255-288.
  • Zander, Ivo, McDougall-Covin, Patricia, Rose, Elizabeth L. (2015). “Born Globals and International Business: Evolution of a Field of Research”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46: 27-35.
  • Zhou, L. (2007). “The Effects of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Foreign Market Knowledge On Early Internationalization”, Journal of World Business: 281-293.

The Proactiveness Dimension of International Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Study On Born Global Firms

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 4, 957 - 981, 16.12.2015


Born global firm approach can explain the early involvement of internationalized small and medium sized enterprises in international markets soon after inception without going through the steps proposed by traditional internationalization process. International entrepreneurship is one of the dominant characteristic of the born global firms. In the literature, three dimensions of international entrepreneurship orientation (which are risk taking, innovativeness and proactiveness) are emphasized. The aim of this study is to determine the factors which influence the proactive orientation of born global firms as being one of the dimensions of international entrepreneurship orientation. In the research, seven born global firm in different sectors in Sakarya have been identified and analyzed using qualitative research methods. Case study pattern is preferred in accordance with the purpose of the study. Nvivo 8 software was utilized in data analysis process. As a result of the research, factors affecting proactiveness of born global firms -including trade fairs, knowledge, knowledge sources, management characteristics, networks and trust- are discussed under six different headings.


  • Ağca, V., Kandemir, T. (2008). “Entrepreneurship-Financial Performance Relationship in Family Firms: A Research in Afyonkarahisar”, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.3:209-230.
  • Aktepe, C., Uner, M.M., Koçak, A. (2011). “The Antecedents of Born Global Firms: A Qualitative Research on Information Technology Intensive Firms in Turkey”, Journal of Economics Business and Finance, 26 (301):59-90.
  • Andersson, S., Wıctor, I. (2003). “Innovative Internationalisation in New Firms: Born Globals-The Swedish Case”, Journal Of International Entrepreneurship,Vol.1,249-276.
  • Arzt, R. (2006). Trade Fairs And Their Role In International Business:Considerations On The Polish And German Trade Fair Market, Deutsch-Polnisches Wirtschaftsforum Cologne, (Http://www.Kvez.De/Files/Trade_Fairs_And_Their_Role_In_International_Business.Pdf).
  • Autio,E., Sapienza,H. J., Almeida,J. G. (2000). “Effects of Age At Entry, Knowledge Intensity, And Imıtability On International Growth”, Academy Of Management Journal, October, 909- 924.
  • Bilkey, J.Warren, Tesar, George. (1977). “The Export Behavior of Smaller-Sized Wisconsin Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.8:.93-98.
  • Bryman, A., Burgess, R. G. (2002). “Developments in Qualitative Data Analysis: An Introduction”, In Bryman A. And Burgess Robert G. (Eds.) Analyzing Qualitative Data (pp:1-18), New York, Routledge.
  • Chetty, S., Holm, D. B. (2000). “The Role of Business Networks in The Internationalisation of Manufacturing Firms: A Longitudinal Case Study”, Advances In International Marketing, 2000, 205-222.
  • Chetty, S., Hunt, C. C. (2004). “A Strategic Approach to Internationalization: A Traditional Versus A Born-Global Approach”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.12,57-81.
  • Coşkun, Recai, Çitçi, Umut Sanem. (2008). “Doğuştan Küresel Firmalar (Born Globals): Örnek Olaylar”, VI. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi : 1212-1224.
  • Coviello, Nicole. (2015). “Re-thinking Research on Born Globals”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46:17-26.
  • Covin, J.G., Slevin, D.P. (1991). “A Conceptual Model of Entrepreneurship as Firm Behaviour”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Fall:7-25.
  • Covin, J.G., Miller, D. (2013). “International Entrepreneurial Orientation: Conceptual Considerations, Research Themes, Measurement Issues, And Future Research Directions”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Special Issue:1-34.
  • Czinkota, Mıchael R. (1982). Export Development Strategies : U.S. Promotion Policy, Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer. (1980). “On The Internationalisation Process Of Firms”, European Research, Vol. 8, No. 6:273-281.
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer, Knight, Gary A., Riesenberger, John R.(2008). International Business - Strategy, Management, And The New Realities, (New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall).
  • Çavuşgil, S. Tamer, Knight, Gary A. (2015). “The Born Global Firm: An Entrepreneurial and Capabilities Perspective on Early and Rapid Internationalization”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46:3-16.
  • Demirci. M.Kemal, Aydemir. Muzaffer. (2008). İşletmelerin Küreselleşme Stratejileri, (Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık, 2.Baskı)
  • Eurofound (2012). “Born global: The potential of job creation in new international businesses”, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
  • Freeman, S., Edwards, R., Schroder, B. (2006). “How Smaller Born-Global Firms Use Networks And Alliances to Overcome Constraints to Rapid Internationalization”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.14: 33-63.
  • Gabrielson, Mika, Kırpalanı, V.H. Manek. (2004). “Born Globals. How To Reach New Business Space Rapidly”, International Business Review, Vol.13:555-571.
  • Johanson, Jan, Vahlne, Jan-Erik. (1977). “The Internationalization Process of The Firm-A Model of Knowledge Development And Increasing Foreign Market Commitments”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.8:23-32.
  • Jones, M.V., Coviello, N. (2005). “Internationalisation: Conceptualising an Entrepreneurial Process of Behaviour in Time”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 6(3):284-304.
  • Jones, M.V., Coviello, N., Tang, Y.K. (2011). “International Entrepreneurship Research (1989- 2009): A Domain Ontology and Thematic Analysis”, Journal of Business Venturing, 26:632-659.
  • Kalyoncuoğlu, Selma. (2010). İşletmelerin Küresel Doğmasına Etki Eden Kurucu/Üst Düzey Yönetici Özellikleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Karra, N., Phillips, N. (2004). “Entrepreneurship Goes Global”, Ivey Business Journal Online, November/December.
  • Keupp, M.M., Gassmann, O. (2009). “The Past and the Future of International Entrepreneurship: A Review and Suggestions for Developing the Field”, Journal of Management, 35: 600-633.
  • Kılıç.Sabiha. (2011). Küçük Ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerde İhracat Pazarlaması,(Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 1. Baskı, Ekim).
  • Kiss, A.N., Danis,W.M., Çavuşgil, S.T. (2012). “International Entrepreneurship Research in Emerging Economies. A Critical Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Business Venturing, (27):266-290.
  • Knight, G., Cavusgil, S.T. (1996). “The Born Global Firm: A Challenge to Traditional Internationalization Theory”, Advances In International Marketing, Vol. 8:11-26.
  • Knight, Gary, A. (1997). “Emerging Paradigm For International Marketing: The Born Global Firm”, Dissertation at Michigan State University.
  • Knight, G. A., Cavusgil, S.T. (2004). “Innovation, Organizational Capabilities And The Born Global Firm”, Journal Of International Business Studies, Vol.35: 124-141.
  • Konaklıoğlu, Ece. (2011). Küresel Doğan İşletmelerin Erken Uluslararasılaşmasını Tetikleyen Kurucu Ve/Veya Yönetici Özellikleri, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Dickson,P., Weaver, K.M. (2010). “Cultural Influences on Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Impact of National Culture on Risk Taking and Proactiveness in SME’s”, Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, September: 959-983.
  • Kreiser, P., Marıno, L. D., Justin,T., Zhı, L. C. (2010). “Firm-Level Entrepreneurship: The Role of Proactiveness, Innovativeness and Strategic Renewal in the Creation and Exploration of Opportunities” , Journal Of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol.15:143-163.
  • Lumpkin, G.T., Dess, G. G. (1996). “Clarifying The Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct And Linking It To Performance”, Academy Of Management Review, Vol.21:135-172.
  • Lumpkin, G.T., Dess, G.G. (1997). “Proactiveness Versus Competitive Aggressıveness: Teasing Apart Key Dimensions of an Entrepreneurial Orientation”, Frontiers Of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College:47-58.
  • Madsen, T. K., Knudsen, T. (2003).” International New Ventures: A New Organizational Form?”, The Sixth Mcgill Conference On International Entrepreneurship: Crossing Boundaries And Researching New Frontiers, 19-22 September, Nothern Ireland.
  • Mathews, J.,Zander, I. (2007). “The international entrepreneurial Dynamics of accelerated Internationalisation”, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 38, No.3:387-403.
  • Mcauley, A. (1999). “Entrepreneurial Instant Exporters in The Scottish Arts and Crafts Sector”, Journal Of International Marketing, Vol.4:.67-82.
  • McDougall, P.P. (1989). “International Versus Domestic Entrepreneurship: New Venture Strategic Behavior and Industry Structure”, Journal of Business Venturing, 4, 6: 388.
  • McDougall, P. P., Oviatt, B. M. (2000).” International Entrepreneurship: The Intersection of Two Research Paths”, The Academy Of Management Journal, Vol.43:902-906.
  • Measson, Nadege. (2011). “Use Of International Trade Fairs for The Internationalisation of SMEs: A Network Approach”, University Of Otago, Basılmamış Master Tezi.
  • Miller, D. (1983). “The Correlates of Entrepreneurship in Three Types of Firms”, Management Science, Vol.29:770-791.
  • Mtigwe, B. (2006). “Theoretical Milestones in International Business: The Journey to International Entrepreneurship Theory”, Journal Of International Entrepreneurship:5-25.
  • Nummela, Niina; “Is The Globe Becoming Small or Is the Small Becoming Global? Globalization And Internationalizing SMEs”, Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship, Ed. Maria V. Jones Ve Pavlos Dimitratos, The Mcgill International Entrepreneurship Series, 2004, S. 128-151.
  • Oviatt, B.M., Mcdougall, P.,P. (2003). “Some Fundamental Issues in International Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory&Practice, July:1-27.
  • Oviatt, Benjamin M., McDougall, P.P., (2005). “Defining International Entrepreneurship and Modeling the Speed of Internationalization”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, April,:537-554.
  • Peng,M.W. (2001). “The Resource-Based View and International Business”, Journal Of Management, Vol.27:803-829.
  • Reid, Stan D.(1981). “The Decision-Maker And Export Entry And Expansion”, Journal Of International Business Studies, Vol.12, No.2:101-112.
  • Rennie, M. W. (1993). “Born Global”, The Mckinsey Quarterly, No.4:45-52.
  • Reuber, A.R., Fischer, E. (2011). “International Entrepreneurship in Internet-Enabled Markets”, Journal Of Business Venturing, Vol.26: 660-679.
  • Rialp, A. Rialp, J. Urbano, D. Vaillant Y. (2005). “The Born-Global Phenomenon: A Comparative Case Study Research”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol.3,Isue 2:133-171.
  • Stangl,L. M. (2012). Network Relationships in International Entrepreneurship: A Multilevel Analysis, Dissertation at Massey University, New Zealand.
  • Strauss, A., Corbin, J. M. (1998). Basics Of Qualitative Research: Techniques And Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory, (Second Edition, London, Sage Publications).
  • Topak, Aydın, Nayır Zamantılı, Dilek. (2007). “Uluslararasılaşma Sürecinde Formel Ve Informel Bilgi Kaynaklarının Kullanımı: Türk Nakliye Kuruluşlarının Görüşleri”, 4.Kobi’ler Ve Verimlilik Kongresi, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, 7-8 Aralık.
  • Üner, M.M.Koçak, A.Çavuşgil,E.,Çavuşgil,S.T. (2013). “Do Barriers to Export Vary For Born Globals and Across Stages of Internationalization? An Empirical Inquiry in The Emerging Market Of Turkey”, International Business Revıew, 22:800-813.
  • Welch, L.S and R.K. Luostarinen (1988). “Internationalization: Evolution of a Concept.” Journal of General Management, 14 (2) :36-64.
  • Welter, F. (2012). “All You Need is Trust? A Critical Review of The Trust and Entrepreneurship Literature”, International Small Business Journal:1-20.
  • Wenchen, Li, Meizi,Li. (2007). “The Effects Of Entrepreneurship For The Internationalization Of SMEs”, 2nd International Forum Of Business Education.
  • Yin. Robert K. (1994). Case Study Research Design And Methods, (U.S.A., Sage Publications).
  • Zahra,Shaker.A,George,Gerard. (2002). “International Entrepreneurrship: The Current Status of The Field And Future Research Agenda”, Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating An Integrated Mindset., Editor(S): Hitt, Ireland, Sexton, Eds, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers: 255-288.
  • Zander, Ivo, McDougall-Covin, Patricia, Rose, Elizabeth L. (2015). “Born Globals and International Business: Evolution of a Field of Research”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.46: 27-35.
  • Zhou, L. (2007). “The Effects of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Foreign Market Knowledge On Early Internationalization”, Journal of World Business: 281-293.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Emel Faiz

M. Üner

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Aralık 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 70 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Faiz, E., & Üner, M. (2015). Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 70(4), 957-981.
AMA Faiz E, Üner M. Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. SBF Dergisi. Aralık 2015;70(4):957-981. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002378
Chicago Faiz, Emel, ve M. Üner. “Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70, sy. 4 (Aralık 2015): 957-81.
EndNote Faiz E, Üner M (01 Aralık 2015) Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70 4 957–981.
IEEE E. Faiz ve M. Üner, “Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma”, SBF Dergisi, c. 70, sy. 4, ss. 957–981, 2015, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002378.
ISNAD Faiz, Emel - Üner, M. “Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70/4 (Aralık 2015), 957-981.
JAMA Faiz E, Üner M. Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. SBF Dergisi. 2015;70:957–981.
MLA Faiz, Emel ve M. Üner. “Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 70, sy. 4, 2015, ss. 957-81, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002378.
Vancouver Faiz E, Üner M. Uluslararası Girişimciliğin Proaktiflik Boyutu: Küresel Doğan İşletmeler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. SBF Dergisi. 2015;70(4):957-81.