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Sources of Socialist Thought: Genesis of Workers’ Movements in Great Britain and France (1800-1830)

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 1, 35 - 63, 03.04.2015


During the first three decades of the nineteenth century, socialist thought and workers’ movements attained an important level of development. This period gave rise to stream of thought that was subsequently called “utopian socialism” by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier in France, and Robert Owen in Great Britain were the most important representatives of the utopian movement. Early socialist thinkers attempted to develop a systematic criticism of the social, economic and political conditions, and they also launched actual projects for overcoming the existing social and economic system, and even tried, in some cases, to apply these projects. However, their socialist thought was not directly related to the workers’ movement. Instead, it was a response to the economic and social problems generated by industrial capitalism. This same period also gave rise to a revolutionary tendency inspired by Jacobinism. Neo-Jacobine and radical politicians and agitators were especially active in the press and in publishing. However, the revolutionary element was mainly absent from socialist thought before the 1830s


  • Adams, Paul V. (vd.) (2000) Experiencing World History, New York: New York University Press.
  • Alexander, Robert (2003) Re-Writing the French Revolutionary Tradition: Liberal Opposition and the Fall of the Bourbon Monarchy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bestor Jr., Arthur E. (1948) “The Evolution of the Socialist Vocabulary”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 9(3): 259-302.
  • Breckman, Warren (2001), Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bruhat, Jean (1972) “Le socialisme français de 1815 à 1848”, Dros, Jacques (ed.) Histoire générale du socialisme. Tome I: Des origines à 1871, Paris: PUF, 331-406.
  • Buonarroti, Philippe (1828) Conspiration pour l’égalité dite de Babeuf: tome premier, Bruxelles: Librairie Romantique.
  • Chanial, Philippe (2001) “Les socialismes français”, Caillé, Alain (vd.) Histoire raisonnée de la philosophie morale et politique, Paris: La Découverte, 524-534.
  • Chase, Malcolm (2011) “Exporting the Owenite Utopia: Thomas Powell and the Tropical Emigration Society”, Thompson, Noel & Chris Williams (ed.) Robert Owen and his Legacy, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 197-217.
  • Claeys, Gregory (2011) “Non-Marxian Socialism”, Jones, Gareth Stedman & Gregory Claeys (ed.) The Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 521-555.
  • Cuchet, Guillaume (2004), “Utopie et religion au XIXe siècle: L’oeuvre de Jean Reynaud (1806- 1863), théologien et saint-simonien”, Revue historique, 632: 577-599.
  • Dereymez, Jean-William (2005) Naissance du syndicalisme, Becker, Jean-Jacques & Gilles Candar (ed.) Histoire des gauches en France, Paris: La Découverte, 463-487.
  • Dyck, Ian (1989) “From "Rabble" to "Chopsticks": The Radicalism of William Cobbett”, Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, 21(1): 56-87.
  • Fourier (1808) Théorie des quatre mouvemens et des destinées générales: Prospectus et annonce de la découverte, Leipzig.
  • Fourier, Charles (1822) Traité de l’association domestique-agricole: Tome II, Paris: Bossange.
  • Fourier, Charles (1829) Le Nouveau Monde industriel et sociétaire ou Invention du procédé d’industrie attrayante et naturelle distribuée en séries passionnées, Paris: Bossange Père.
  • Fourier, Charles (1836) La fausse industrie morcelée, répugnante, mensongère et l’antidote l’Industrie naturelle, combinée, attrayante, véridique, donnant quadruple produit et perfection extrême en toutes qualités, Paris: Bossange.
  • Gans, J. (1964) “Les relations entre socialistes de France et d’Angleterre au début du XIXe siècle”, Le Mouvement social, 46: 105-118.
  • Gardner, John (2013) “Preventing Revolution: Cato Street, Bonnymuir, and Cathkin”, Studies in Scottish Literature, 39(1): 162–182.
  • Gray, John (1831) The Social System: A Treatise on the Principle of Exchange, Edinburgh: William Tait.
  • Hernon, Ian (2006) Civil Insurrection from Peterloo to the Present Day, London: Pluto.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric (2011) How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxism, New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Hopkins, Eric (2000), Industrialisation and Society: A Social History, 1830–1951, Routledge: London.
  • Jarrige, François (2011) “La longue agonie de la « République » des ouvriers papetiers: insubordination et normalisation au travail (France, début du XIXe siècle)”, Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle, 42: 101-118.
  • Mandel, Ernest (1994) The Place of Marxism in History, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
  • Manuel, Frank E. & Fritzie P. Manuel (1997) Utopian Thought in the Western World, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • Mavidal, J. ve E. Laurent (ed.) ([1791] 1887) Archives parlementaires de 1787 à 1860: recueil complet des débats législatifs & politiques des chambres françaises: première série (1787 à 1799): tome XXVII: du 6 juin au 5 juillet 1791, Paris: Paul Dupont.
  • Maw, Robert (2011) “Robert Owen’s Unintended Legacy: Class Conflict”, Thompson, Noel & Chris Williams (ed.) Robert Owen and his Legacy, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 155-173.
  • McCalman, Iain (1987) “Ultra-Radicalism and Convivial Debating-Clubs in London, 1795-1838”, The English Historical Review, 102(403): 309-333.
  • McPhee, Peter (2004) A Social History of France, 1789-1914, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • McWilliam, Rohan (2002) Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century England, London: Routledge.
  • Owen, Robert ([1813] 1995) “Karakter Teşekkülü Üzerine Denemeler”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 7-80.
  • Owen, Robert ([1818] 1995) “Britanya’nın İşveren Fabrikatörlerine Mektup [20 Mart 1818]”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 95-102.
  • Owen, Robert ([1819] 1995) “Çalışan Sınıflara Hitap [29 Mart 1819]”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 131-139.
  • Parssinen, T. M. (1973), “Association, Convention and Anti-Parliament in British Radical Politics, 1771-1848”, The English Historical Review, 88(348): 504-533.
  • Pilbeam, Pamela (2006) “Bourgeois Society”, Berger, Stefan (ed.) A Companion to Nineteenth- Century Europe, 1789-1914 içinde, Malden, MA: Blackwell, 86-97.
  • Prochasson, Christophe (2005) “Les premiers socialismes”, Becker, Jean-Jacques & Gilles Candar (ed.) Histoire des gauches en France, Paris: La Découverte, 405-425.
  • Russ, Jacqueline (1987) Le socialisme utopique français, Paris: Bordas.
  • Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de ([1803]) Lettres d’un habitant de Genève à ses contemporains, [Genève].
  • Saint-Simon, Henri (1814) De la réorganisation de la société européenne ou De la nécessité des moyens de rassembler les peuples de l’Europe en un seul corps politique, en conservant à chacun son indépendance nationale, Paris: Adrien Égron.
  • Saint-Simon, Henri ([1819-1820] 1869) Œuvres de Saint-Simon: Quatrième Volume, Paris: E. Dentu.
  • Saint-Simon, Henri (1823) Catéchisme des industriels, Paris: Imprimerie des Fontaines.
  • Sewell, Jr., William H. (1986) “Artisans, Factory Workers, and the Formation of the French Working Class, 1789-1848”, Katznelson, Ira & Aristide R. Zolberg (ed.) Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 45-70.
  • Sharp, Lynn (2004) “Metempsychosis and Social Reform: The Individual and the Collective in Romantic Socialism”, French Historical Studies, 27(2): 349-379.
  • The Gorgon: A Weekly Political Publication, 12, 08/08/1818
  • Thompson, Edward Palmer (1966) The Making of the English Working Class, New York: Vintage.
  • Thompson, William (1827) Labor Rewarded: The Claims of Labor and capital Conciliated: or, How to Secure to Labor the Whole Products of Its Exertions, London: Hunt and Clarke.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel (2011) The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789–1914, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa'da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830)

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 70 Sayı: 1, 35 - 63, 03.04.2015


XIX. yüzyılın ilk otuz yılı gerek sosyalist düşüncenin, gerekse işçi hareketlerinin gelişimi için önemli bir döneme tekabül eder. Bu dönemde gelişen, daha sonraları Karl Marx ve Friedrich Engels tarafından “ütopyacı sosyalizm” olarak adlandırılacak olan akımın en önemli temsilcileri Fransa’da SaintSimon ve Charles Fourier, Büyük Britanya’da ise Robert Owen’dır. Dönemin sosyalist düşünürleri bir yandan içinde yaşadıkları toplumsal, iktisadi ve siyasal koşullara dair sistemli bir eleştiri geliştirmiş, diğer yandan da bu düzeni aşmak için çeşitli projeler geliştirmiş, hatta bazı durumlarda bu projeleri uygulamaya çabalamışlardır. Bu dönemde işçi hareketlerinin ve erken dönem sosyalist düşüncenin gelişim çizgilerinin incelenmesi, bu iki çizginin birbirlerinden ayrı yollar izlese de bütünüyle bağlantısız olmadığını göstermektedir. Dönemin sosyalist yazını temelde kapitalizmin sınai gelişmesinin getirdiği toplumsal sorunlara bir çözüm bulma amacı güder. Ayrıca bu dönemde kitle hareketine öncülük etme çabasında olan ve Jakobenizm’den esinlenen bir siyasal hat mevcuttur. Bu hareketin önderlerinin basın-yayın alanında faal olması, sınıf hareketine dair çok sınırlı bir düzeyde de olsa kuramsallaştırma çabasını ortaya çıkarmıştır.


  • Adams, Paul V. (vd.) (2000) Experiencing World History, New York: New York University Press.
  • Alexander, Robert (2003) Re-Writing the French Revolutionary Tradition: Liberal Opposition and the Fall of the Bourbon Monarchy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bestor Jr., Arthur E. (1948) “The Evolution of the Socialist Vocabulary”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 9(3): 259-302.
  • Breckman, Warren (2001), Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bruhat, Jean (1972) “Le socialisme français de 1815 à 1848”, Dros, Jacques (ed.) Histoire générale du socialisme. Tome I: Des origines à 1871, Paris: PUF, 331-406.
  • Buonarroti, Philippe (1828) Conspiration pour l’égalité dite de Babeuf: tome premier, Bruxelles: Librairie Romantique.
  • Chanial, Philippe (2001) “Les socialismes français”, Caillé, Alain (vd.) Histoire raisonnée de la philosophie morale et politique, Paris: La Découverte, 524-534.
  • Chase, Malcolm (2011) “Exporting the Owenite Utopia: Thomas Powell and the Tropical Emigration Society”, Thompson, Noel & Chris Williams (ed.) Robert Owen and his Legacy, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 197-217.
  • Claeys, Gregory (2011) “Non-Marxian Socialism”, Jones, Gareth Stedman & Gregory Claeys (ed.) The Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 521-555.
  • Cuchet, Guillaume (2004), “Utopie et religion au XIXe siècle: L’oeuvre de Jean Reynaud (1806- 1863), théologien et saint-simonien”, Revue historique, 632: 577-599.
  • Dereymez, Jean-William (2005) Naissance du syndicalisme, Becker, Jean-Jacques & Gilles Candar (ed.) Histoire des gauches en France, Paris: La Découverte, 463-487.
  • Dyck, Ian (1989) “From "Rabble" to "Chopsticks": The Radicalism of William Cobbett”, Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, 21(1): 56-87.
  • Fourier (1808) Théorie des quatre mouvemens et des destinées générales: Prospectus et annonce de la découverte, Leipzig.
  • Fourier, Charles (1822) Traité de l’association domestique-agricole: Tome II, Paris: Bossange.
  • Fourier, Charles (1829) Le Nouveau Monde industriel et sociétaire ou Invention du procédé d’industrie attrayante et naturelle distribuée en séries passionnées, Paris: Bossange Père.
  • Fourier, Charles (1836) La fausse industrie morcelée, répugnante, mensongère et l’antidote l’Industrie naturelle, combinée, attrayante, véridique, donnant quadruple produit et perfection extrême en toutes qualités, Paris: Bossange.
  • Gans, J. (1964) “Les relations entre socialistes de France et d’Angleterre au début du XIXe siècle”, Le Mouvement social, 46: 105-118.
  • Gardner, John (2013) “Preventing Revolution: Cato Street, Bonnymuir, and Cathkin”, Studies in Scottish Literature, 39(1): 162–182.
  • Gray, John (1831) The Social System: A Treatise on the Principle of Exchange, Edinburgh: William Tait.
  • Hernon, Ian (2006) Civil Insurrection from Peterloo to the Present Day, London: Pluto.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric (2011) How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxism, New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Hopkins, Eric (2000), Industrialisation and Society: A Social History, 1830–1951, Routledge: London.
  • Jarrige, François (2011) “La longue agonie de la « République » des ouvriers papetiers: insubordination et normalisation au travail (France, début du XIXe siècle)”, Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle, 42: 101-118.
  • Mandel, Ernest (1994) The Place of Marxism in History, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
  • Manuel, Frank E. & Fritzie P. Manuel (1997) Utopian Thought in the Western World, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • Mavidal, J. ve E. Laurent (ed.) ([1791] 1887) Archives parlementaires de 1787 à 1860: recueil complet des débats législatifs & politiques des chambres françaises: première série (1787 à 1799): tome XXVII: du 6 juin au 5 juillet 1791, Paris: Paul Dupont.
  • Maw, Robert (2011) “Robert Owen’s Unintended Legacy: Class Conflict”, Thompson, Noel & Chris Williams (ed.) Robert Owen and his Legacy, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 155-173.
  • McCalman, Iain (1987) “Ultra-Radicalism and Convivial Debating-Clubs in London, 1795-1838”, The English Historical Review, 102(403): 309-333.
  • McPhee, Peter (2004) A Social History of France, 1789-1914, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • McWilliam, Rohan (2002) Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century England, London: Routledge.
  • Owen, Robert ([1813] 1995) “Karakter Teşekkülü Üzerine Denemeler”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 7-80.
  • Owen, Robert ([1818] 1995) “Britanya’nın İşveren Fabrikatörlerine Mektup [20 Mart 1818]”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 95-102.
  • Owen, Robert ([1819] 1995) “Çalışan Sınıflara Hitap [29 Mart 1819]”, Yeni Toplum Görüşü, çev. M.Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi, 131-139.
  • Parssinen, T. M. (1973), “Association, Convention and Anti-Parliament in British Radical Politics, 1771-1848”, The English Historical Review, 88(348): 504-533.
  • Pilbeam, Pamela (2006) “Bourgeois Society”, Berger, Stefan (ed.) A Companion to Nineteenth- Century Europe, 1789-1914 içinde, Malden, MA: Blackwell, 86-97.
  • Prochasson, Christophe (2005) “Les premiers socialismes”, Becker, Jean-Jacques & Gilles Candar (ed.) Histoire des gauches en France, Paris: La Découverte, 405-425.
  • Russ, Jacqueline (1987) Le socialisme utopique français, Paris: Bordas.
  • Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de ([1803]) Lettres d’un habitant de Genève à ses contemporains, [Genève].
  • Saint-Simon, Henri (1814) De la réorganisation de la société européenne ou De la nécessité des moyens de rassembler les peuples de l’Europe en un seul corps politique, en conservant à chacun son indépendance nationale, Paris: Adrien Égron.
  • Saint-Simon, Henri ([1819-1820] 1869) Œuvres de Saint-Simon: Quatrième Volume, Paris: E. Dentu.
  • Saint-Simon, Henri (1823) Catéchisme des industriels, Paris: Imprimerie des Fontaines.
  • Sewell, Jr., William H. (1986) “Artisans, Factory Workers, and the Formation of the French Working Class, 1789-1848”, Katznelson, Ira & Aristide R. Zolberg (ed.) Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 45-70.
  • Sharp, Lynn (2004) “Metempsychosis and Social Reform: The Individual and the Collective in Romantic Socialism”, French Historical Studies, 27(2): 349-379.
  • The Gorgon: A Weekly Political Publication, 12, 08/08/1818
  • Thompson, Edward Palmer (1966) The Making of the English Working Class, New York: Vintage.
  • Thompson, William (1827) Labor Rewarded: The Claims of Labor and capital Conciliated: or, How to Secure to Labor the Whole Products of Its Exertions, London: Hunt and Clarke.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel (2011) The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789–1914, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ateş Uslu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Nisan 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 70 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uslu, A. (2015). Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830). Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 70(1), 35-63.
AMA Uslu A. Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830). SBF Dergisi. Nisan 2015;70(1):35-63. doi:10.16987/ausbf.47816
Chicago Uslu, Ateş. “Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya Ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı Ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830)”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70, sy. 1 (Nisan 2015): 35-63.
EndNote Uslu A (01 Nisan 2015) Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830). Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70 1 35–63.
IEEE A. Uslu, “Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830)”, SBF Dergisi, c. 70, sy. 1, ss. 35–63, 2015, doi: 10.16987/ausbf.47816.
ISNAD Uslu, Ateş. “Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya Ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı Ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830)”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70/1 (Nisan 2015), 35-63.
JAMA Uslu A. Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830). SBF Dergisi. 2015;70:35–63.
MLA Uslu, Ateş. “Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya Ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı Ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830)”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 70, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 35-63, doi:10.16987/ausbf.47816.
Vancouver Uslu A. Sosyalist Düşüncenin Kaynakları: Büyük Britanya ve Fransa’da İşçi Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı ve Ütopya Düşüncesi (1800-1830). SBF Dergisi. 2015;70(1):35-63.