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Neuropsychiatric Problems of Patients Undergoing Neurosurgery

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 124 - 132, 31.03.2025


Patients undergoing neurosurgery for various medical conditions often experience a range of physiological and neuropsychiatric challenges. Common complications include fear, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, delirium, and sleep disorders, especially prevalent among individuals treated surgically for brain tumors. These neuropsychiatric symptoms can lead to extended hospital stays, increased rates of mortality and morbidity, and a decline in overall functional outcomes. Effective management requires a comprehensive approach that includes thorough evaluation, targeted psychoeducation, and consistent counseling. By providing holistic care that integrates psychological and physiological needs, healthcare professionals can support patients in navigating the emotional and cognitive impact of their surgical experience. Telehealth practices offer a promising avenue to extend monitoring and support beyond the hospital, allowing continuous care that enhances patients' quality of life and reduces the risk of disability, while also providing valuable resources for their families.


  • Abdallah CG, Averill LA, Akiki, TJ, Raza M, Averill CL, Gomaa H et al. (2019) The neurobiology and pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 59:171-189.
  • ABTA (2024) American Brain Tumor Association What is a brain tumor?. (Accessed 3.1.2024)
  • Acar K (2019) Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası uygulanan imgeleme tekniğinin bulantı kusma ve diğer semptomlar üzerine etkisi: Prospektif randomize kontrollü çalışma (Doktora tezi), Sakarya, Sakarya Universitesi .
  • Altun Uğraş G, Akyolcu N (2018) Sinir sisteminin cerrahi hastalıkları ve bakımı. In Cerrahi Hemşireliği II, 3. Baskı(Eds G Aksoy, N Kanan, N Akyolcu):515-598. İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
  • APA (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Ata G (2022) Meme kanseri hastalarında sağlığı geliştirme modeline temellendirilen yönlendirilmiş imgeleme uygulamasının yaşam kalitesine etkisi: İntegratif bir çalışma, (Doktora tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Boehm LB, Tse AM (2013) Application of guided imagery to facilitate the transition of new graduate registered nurses. J Contin Educ Nurs, 44:113-119.
  • Bombardier CH, Fann JR, Temkin N, Esselman PC, Pelzer E, Keough M et al. (2006) Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms during the first six months after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 18:501-508.
  • Budėnas A, Tamašauskas Š, Šliaužys A, Navickaitė I, Sidaraitė M, Pranckevičienė et al. (2018) Incidence and clinical significance of postoperative delirium after brain tumor surgery. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 160:2327-2337.
  • Buyukbayram Z, Saritas SC (2021) The effect of Reiki and guided imagery intervention on pain and fatigue in oncology patients: A non-randomized controlled study. Explore (NY), 17:22-26.
  • Chen H, Jiang H, Chen B, Fan L, Shi W, Jin Y et al. (2020) The incidence and predictors of postoperative delirium after brain tumor resection in adults: A cross-sectional survey. World Neurosurg, 140:129-139.
  • Chen SF, Wang HH, Yang HY, Chung UL (2015) Effect of relaxation with guided imagery on the physical and psychological symptoms of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Iran Red Crescent Med J, 28:17e31277.
  • Chow C, Liptak C, Chordas C, Manley P, Recklitis C (2019) Adolescent and young adult brain tumor survivors report increased anxiety even years after successful treatment for relapse. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol, 8:90-93.
  • Cubis L, Ownsworth T, Pinkham MB, Foote M, Legg M, Chambers S (2019) The importance of staying connected: Mediating and moderating effects of social group memberships on psychological well‐being after brain tumor. Psychooncology, 28:1537-1543.
  • Cui H, He G, Yang S, Lv Y, Jiang Z, Gang X et al. (2019) Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and cerebral salt-wasting syndromes in neurological patients. Front Neurosci, 13:1170.
  • Crabtree VM, Klages KL, Sykes A, Wise MS, Lu Z, Indelicato D et al. (2019) Sensitivity and specificity of the modified epworth sleepiness scale in children with craniopharyngioma. J Clin Sleep Med, 15:1487-1493.
  • D'Angelo C, Mirijello A, Leggio L, Ferrulli A, Carotenuto V, Icolaro N et al. (2008) State and trait anxiety and depression in patients with primary brain tumors before and after surgery: 1-year longitudinal study. J Neurosurg, 108:281-286.
  • Desjardins L, Barrera M, Schulte F, Chung J, Cataudella D, Janzen L, et al. (2019). Predicting social withdrawal, anxiety and depression symptoms in pediatric brain tumor survivors. J Psychosoc Oncol, 37:22-36.
  • Dos Santos Felix MM, Ferreira MBG, da Cruz LF, Barbosa MH (2019) Relaxation therapy with guided imagery for postoperative pain management: An integrative review. Pain Manag Nurs, 20:3-9.
  • Duman S (2023) Ergenlerde duygu düzenleme ve stresle baş etme psiko-eğitim programının problemli internet kullanımına etkisi (Doktora Tezi). Konya, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi.
  • Eberhart L, Aust H, Schuster M, Sturm T, Gehling M, Euteneuer F, et al. (2020) Preoperative anxiety in adults-a cross-sectional study on specific fears and risk factors. BMC Psychiatry, 20:140.
  • Elgit Ö (2018) Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezi'ndeki şizofreni tanısı almış bireylerde uygulanan yönlendirilmiş imgeleme yönteminin bireylerin işlevselliğine etkisi (Yüksek lisans tezi). İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi.
  • Gibson AW, Graber JJ (2021) Distinguishing and treating depression, anxiety, adjustment, and post-traumatic stress disorders in brain tumor patients. Ann Palliat Med,10:875-892.
  • Gjerde PB, Litleskare S, Lura NG, Tangen T, Helland CA, Wester K (2019) Anxiety and depression in patients with intracranial arachnoid cysts–a prospective study. World Neurosurg, 132:645-653.
  • Goebel S, Mederer D, Mehdorn HM (2018) Surgery-related coping in surgery patients with intracranial tumors. World Neurosurg, 116:775-782.
  • Gonzales EA, Ledesma RJ, McAllister DJ, Perry SM, Dyer CA, Maye JP (2010) Effects of guided imagery on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing same-day surgical procedures: a randomized, single-blind study. AANA J, 78:181-188.
  • Gu Q, Zhu M, Jın J, Zhang W, Yuan Y, Wang W et al. (2021) Effect of early activity on postoperative delirium for patients after craniotomy: An evidence-based protocols. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing, 36:2667-2672.
  • Gu WJ, Zhou JX, Ji RQ, Zhou LY, Wang CM (2022) Incidence, risk factors, and consequences of emergence delirium after elective brain tumor resection. Surgeon, 20:214-220.
  • Hamm AO (2020) Fear, anxiety, and their disorders from the perspective of psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 57:13474.
  • Huang J, Zeng C, Xiao J, Zhao D, Tang H, Wu H et al. (2017) Association between depression and brain tumor: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget, 8:94932-94943.
  • İlhan ÇF, Kışlal S (2023). Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunun önlenmesine yönelik korku belleği üzerine yapılan müdahaleler. AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 10:396-412.
  • Jeon MS, Dhillon HM, Koh ES, Nowak AK, Hovey E, Descallar J et al. (2021) Exploring sleep disturbance among adults with primary or secondary malignant brain tumors and their caregivers. Neurooncol Pract, 8:48-59.
  • Kapoor I, Prabhakar H, Mahajan C, Care N (2019) Postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Indian J Crit Care Med, 23:162-164.
  • Keng A, Stewart DE, Sheehan KA (2020) Examining the neuropsychiatric sequelae postsurgical resection of adult brain tumors through a scoping review. Psychosomatics, 61:209-219.
  • Koenen KC, Ratanatharathorn A, Ng L, McLaughlin KA, Bromet EJ, Stein DJ et al. (2017) Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med, 47: 2260-2274.
  • Lapa S, Quick-Weller J, Nasari C, Dziewas R, Gessler F, Wagner M et al. (2020) Pre-and post-surgical dysphagia in adults with tumors of the posterior fossa: a prospective blinded study. Cancers (Basel), 12:2561.
  • Liang SY, Liu HC, Lu YY, Wu SF, Chien CH, Tsay SL (2020) The influence of resilience on the coping strategies in patients with primary brain tumors. Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci), 14:50-55.
  • Lin D, Huang X, Sun Y, Wei C, Wu A (2021) Perioperative sleep disorder: a review. Front Med, 8:640416.
  • Liu F, Huang J, Zhang L, Fan F, Chen J, Xia K et al. (2018) Screening for distress in patients with primary brain tumor using distress thermometer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer, 18:124.
  • Loughan AR, Lanoye A, Aslanzadeh FJ, Villanueva AAL, Boutte R, Husain M et al. (2021) Fear of cancer recurrence and death anxiety: Unaddressed concerns for adult neuro-oncology patients. J Clin Psychol Med Settings, 28:16-30.
  • Marotta D, Tucker Z, Hayward EN, Gerstenecker A, Gammon M, Mason M et al. (2020) Relationship between cognitive functioning, mood, and other patient factors on quality of life in metastatic brain cancer. Psychooncology, 29:1174-1184.
  • Mentrasti G, Scortichini L, Torniai M, Giampieri R, Morgese F, Rinaldi S et al. (2020) Syndrome of Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH): optimal management. Ther Clin Risk Manag, 16:663-672.
  • Milbury K, Weathers SP, Durrani S, Li Y, Whisenant M, Li J, Li J, et al. (2020) Online couple-based meditation intervention for patients with primary or metastatic brain tumors and their partners: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage, 59:1260-1267.
  • Mokhtari M, Farasatinasab M, Jafarpour Machian M, Yaseri M, Ghorbani M, Ramak Hashemi SM, et al. (2020) Aripiprazole for prevention of delirium in the neurosurgical intensive care unit: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 76:491-499.
  • Mussi E, Mussa F, Santarelli C, Scagnet M, Uccheddu F, Furferi R, et al. (2020) Current practice in preoperative virtual and physical simulation in neurosurgery. Bioengineering, 7:7.
  • Nehra A (2019) Role of neuropsychology in continuum of health care in neurological conditions. Neurol India, 67:404-409.
  • Ownsworth T, Chan RJ, Jones S, Robertson J, Pinkham MB (2021) Use of telehealth platforms for delivering supportive care to adults with primary brain tumors and their family caregivers: a systematic review. Psychooncology, 30:16-26.
  • Öztürk M, Balcı F, Durmuş YE, Güngör A (2022) Beyin ve sinir cerrahisinde ERAS protokollerinin kullanımı. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi, 32:278-286.
  • Pan CJ, Liu HC, Liang SY, Liu CY, Wu WW, Cheng SF (2019) Resilience and coping strategies influencing the quality of life in patients with brain tumor. Clin Nurs Res, 28:107-124.
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Beyin Cerrahisi Uygulanan Hastaların Yaşadığı Nöropsikiyatrik Sorunlar

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 124 - 132, 31.03.2025


Çeşitli nedenlerle beyin cerrahisi geçiren hastalar sıklıkla bir dizi fizyolojik ve nöropsikiyatrik zorluk yaşamaktadır. Yaygın komplikasyonlar arasında korku, anksiyete, depresyon, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, deliryum ve uyku bozuklukları yer alır ve özellikle beyin tümörleri için cerrahi tedavi gören bireyler arasında yaygındır. Bu nöropsikiyatrik semptomlar hastanede kalış süresinin uzamasına, mortalite ve morbidite oranlarının artmasına ve genel işlevsel sonuçların azalmasına neden olabilir. Etkili yönetim, kapsamlı değerlendirme, hedefe yönelik psikoeğitim ve tutarlı danışmanlık içeren kapsamlı bir yaklaşım gerektirir. Sağlık uzmanları, psikolojik ve fizyolojik ihtiyaçları bütünleştiren bütüncül bir bakım sağlayarak, hastaların cerrahi deneyimlerinin duygusal ve bilişsel etkilerini yönetmelerine destek olabilir. Tele-sağlık uygulamaları, izleme ve desteği hastanenin ötesine taşımak için umut verici bir yol sunarak hastaların yaşam kalitesini artıran ve sakatlık riskini azaltan sürekli bakıma izin verirken, aileleri için de değerli kaynaklar sağlamaktadır.


  • Abdallah CG, Averill LA, Akiki, TJ, Raza M, Averill CL, Gomaa H et al. (2019) The neurobiology and pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 59:171-189.
  • ABTA (2024) American Brain Tumor Association What is a brain tumor?. (Accessed 3.1.2024)
  • Acar K (2019) Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası uygulanan imgeleme tekniğinin bulantı kusma ve diğer semptomlar üzerine etkisi: Prospektif randomize kontrollü çalışma (Doktora tezi), Sakarya, Sakarya Universitesi .
  • Altun Uğraş G, Akyolcu N (2018) Sinir sisteminin cerrahi hastalıkları ve bakımı. In Cerrahi Hemşireliği II, 3. Baskı(Eds G Aksoy, N Kanan, N Akyolcu):515-598. İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
  • APA (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Ata G (2022) Meme kanseri hastalarında sağlığı geliştirme modeline temellendirilen yönlendirilmiş imgeleme uygulamasının yaşam kalitesine etkisi: İntegratif bir çalışma, (Doktora tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Boehm LB, Tse AM (2013) Application of guided imagery to facilitate the transition of new graduate registered nurses. J Contin Educ Nurs, 44:113-119.
  • Bombardier CH, Fann JR, Temkin N, Esselman PC, Pelzer E, Keough M et al. (2006) Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms during the first six months after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 18:501-508.
  • Budėnas A, Tamašauskas Š, Šliaužys A, Navickaitė I, Sidaraitė M, Pranckevičienė et al. (2018) Incidence and clinical significance of postoperative delirium after brain tumor surgery. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 160:2327-2337.
  • Buyukbayram Z, Saritas SC (2021) The effect of Reiki and guided imagery intervention on pain and fatigue in oncology patients: A non-randomized controlled study. Explore (NY), 17:22-26.
  • Chen H, Jiang H, Chen B, Fan L, Shi W, Jin Y et al. (2020) The incidence and predictors of postoperative delirium after brain tumor resection in adults: A cross-sectional survey. World Neurosurg, 140:129-139.
  • Chen SF, Wang HH, Yang HY, Chung UL (2015) Effect of relaxation with guided imagery on the physical and psychological symptoms of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Iran Red Crescent Med J, 28:17e31277.
  • Chow C, Liptak C, Chordas C, Manley P, Recklitis C (2019) Adolescent and young adult brain tumor survivors report increased anxiety even years after successful treatment for relapse. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol, 8:90-93.
  • Cubis L, Ownsworth T, Pinkham MB, Foote M, Legg M, Chambers S (2019) The importance of staying connected: Mediating and moderating effects of social group memberships on psychological well‐being after brain tumor. Psychooncology, 28:1537-1543.
  • Cui H, He G, Yang S, Lv Y, Jiang Z, Gang X et al. (2019) Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and cerebral salt-wasting syndromes in neurological patients. Front Neurosci, 13:1170.
  • Crabtree VM, Klages KL, Sykes A, Wise MS, Lu Z, Indelicato D et al. (2019) Sensitivity and specificity of the modified epworth sleepiness scale in children with craniopharyngioma. J Clin Sleep Med, 15:1487-1493.
  • D'Angelo C, Mirijello A, Leggio L, Ferrulli A, Carotenuto V, Icolaro N et al. (2008) State and trait anxiety and depression in patients with primary brain tumors before and after surgery: 1-year longitudinal study. J Neurosurg, 108:281-286.
  • Desjardins L, Barrera M, Schulte F, Chung J, Cataudella D, Janzen L, et al. (2019). Predicting social withdrawal, anxiety and depression symptoms in pediatric brain tumor survivors. J Psychosoc Oncol, 37:22-36.
  • Dos Santos Felix MM, Ferreira MBG, da Cruz LF, Barbosa MH (2019) Relaxation therapy with guided imagery for postoperative pain management: An integrative review. Pain Manag Nurs, 20:3-9.
  • Duman S (2023) Ergenlerde duygu düzenleme ve stresle baş etme psiko-eğitim programının problemli internet kullanımına etkisi (Doktora Tezi). Konya, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi.
  • Eberhart L, Aust H, Schuster M, Sturm T, Gehling M, Euteneuer F, et al. (2020) Preoperative anxiety in adults-a cross-sectional study on specific fears and risk factors. BMC Psychiatry, 20:140.
  • Elgit Ö (2018) Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezi'ndeki şizofreni tanısı almış bireylerde uygulanan yönlendirilmiş imgeleme yönteminin bireylerin işlevselliğine etkisi (Yüksek lisans tezi). İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi.
  • Gibson AW, Graber JJ (2021) Distinguishing and treating depression, anxiety, adjustment, and post-traumatic stress disorders in brain tumor patients. Ann Palliat Med,10:875-892.
  • Gjerde PB, Litleskare S, Lura NG, Tangen T, Helland CA, Wester K (2019) Anxiety and depression in patients with intracranial arachnoid cysts–a prospective study. World Neurosurg, 132:645-653.
  • Goebel S, Mederer D, Mehdorn HM (2018) Surgery-related coping in surgery patients with intracranial tumors. World Neurosurg, 116:775-782.
  • Gonzales EA, Ledesma RJ, McAllister DJ, Perry SM, Dyer CA, Maye JP (2010) Effects of guided imagery on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing same-day surgical procedures: a randomized, single-blind study. AANA J, 78:181-188.
  • Gu Q, Zhu M, Jın J, Zhang W, Yuan Y, Wang W et al. (2021) Effect of early activity on postoperative delirium for patients after craniotomy: An evidence-based protocols. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing, 36:2667-2672.
  • Gu WJ, Zhou JX, Ji RQ, Zhou LY, Wang CM (2022) Incidence, risk factors, and consequences of emergence delirium after elective brain tumor resection. Surgeon, 20:214-220.
  • Hamm AO (2020) Fear, anxiety, and their disorders from the perspective of psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 57:13474.
  • Huang J, Zeng C, Xiao J, Zhao D, Tang H, Wu H et al. (2017) Association between depression and brain tumor: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget, 8:94932-94943.
  • İlhan ÇF, Kışlal S (2023). Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunun önlenmesine yönelik korku belleği üzerine yapılan müdahaleler. AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 10:396-412.
  • Jeon MS, Dhillon HM, Koh ES, Nowak AK, Hovey E, Descallar J et al. (2021) Exploring sleep disturbance among adults with primary or secondary malignant brain tumors and their caregivers. Neurooncol Pract, 8:48-59.
  • Kapoor I, Prabhakar H, Mahajan C, Care N (2019) Postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Indian J Crit Care Med, 23:162-164.
  • Keng A, Stewart DE, Sheehan KA (2020) Examining the neuropsychiatric sequelae postsurgical resection of adult brain tumors through a scoping review. Psychosomatics, 61:209-219.
  • Koenen KC, Ratanatharathorn A, Ng L, McLaughlin KA, Bromet EJ, Stein DJ et al. (2017) Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med, 47: 2260-2274.
  • Lapa S, Quick-Weller J, Nasari C, Dziewas R, Gessler F, Wagner M et al. (2020) Pre-and post-surgical dysphagia in adults with tumors of the posterior fossa: a prospective blinded study. Cancers (Basel), 12:2561.
  • Liang SY, Liu HC, Lu YY, Wu SF, Chien CH, Tsay SL (2020) The influence of resilience on the coping strategies in patients with primary brain tumors. Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci), 14:50-55.
  • Lin D, Huang X, Sun Y, Wei C, Wu A (2021) Perioperative sleep disorder: a review. Front Med, 8:640416.
  • Liu F, Huang J, Zhang L, Fan F, Chen J, Xia K et al. (2018) Screening for distress in patients with primary brain tumor using distress thermometer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer, 18:124.
  • Loughan AR, Lanoye A, Aslanzadeh FJ, Villanueva AAL, Boutte R, Husain M et al. (2021) Fear of cancer recurrence and death anxiety: Unaddressed concerns for adult neuro-oncology patients. J Clin Psychol Med Settings, 28:16-30.
  • Marotta D, Tucker Z, Hayward EN, Gerstenecker A, Gammon M, Mason M et al. (2020) Relationship between cognitive functioning, mood, and other patient factors on quality of life in metastatic brain cancer. Psychooncology, 29:1174-1184.
  • Mentrasti G, Scortichini L, Torniai M, Giampieri R, Morgese F, Rinaldi S et al. (2020) Syndrome of Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH): optimal management. Ther Clin Risk Manag, 16:663-672.
  • Milbury K, Weathers SP, Durrani S, Li Y, Whisenant M, Li J, Li J, et al. (2020) Online couple-based meditation intervention for patients with primary or metastatic brain tumors and their partners: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage, 59:1260-1267.
  • Mokhtari M, Farasatinasab M, Jafarpour Machian M, Yaseri M, Ghorbani M, Ramak Hashemi SM, et al. (2020) Aripiprazole for prevention of delirium in the neurosurgical intensive care unit: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 76:491-499.
  • Mussi E, Mussa F, Santarelli C, Scagnet M, Uccheddu F, Furferi R, et al. (2020) Current practice in preoperative virtual and physical simulation in neurosurgery. Bioengineering, 7:7.
  • Nehra A (2019) Role of neuropsychology in continuum of health care in neurological conditions. Neurol India, 67:404-409.
  • Ownsworth T, Chan RJ, Jones S, Robertson J, Pinkham MB (2021) Use of telehealth platforms for delivering supportive care to adults with primary brain tumors and their family caregivers: a systematic review. Psychooncology, 30:16-26.
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There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mental Health Nursing
Journal Section Review

Eda Albayrak 0000-0002-0271-2955

Handan Topan 0000-0002-8559-3268

Yeliz Sürme 0000-0002-0851-0254

Publication Date March 31, 2025
Submission Date January 4, 2024
Acceptance Date June 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


AMA Albayrak E, Topan H, Sürme Y. Neuropsychiatric Problems of Patients Undergoing Neurosurgery. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. March 2025;17(1):124-132. doi:10.18863/pgy.1414107

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.