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Interpretation in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music


He started his training in viola at Anadolu University State Conservatoire with Yusuf Gençay. Öztürk, who continued his training at Italy/ Conservatorio F.A. BONPORTI through Italian Ministry of Education overachievement scholarship, graduated from bachelor’s degree viola class of Professor Isabella Corbolini with high honor in 2011.

Öztürk who continued his master’s degree training at Italy / Conservatorio F.A. BONPORTI with Trento Alto Adige Autonomous Region overachievement scholarship, graduated from master degree viola class of Professor Isabella Corbolini in 2014.

He received the title of principal viola in this process while he was working with soloist Koram Jablonko at Orchestra Giovanile Teatro dell’Opera di Rome Academy in Rome. During his stay in Italy, he took part in many concerts with Orchestra Giovanile in Teatro dell’Opera di Roma with Maestro Riccardo Muti and in Orchestra Nazionale dei Conservatori with Maestro Antonino Fogliani as a viola band member and principal viola in the Vatican, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Malta, Qatar, and the Sultanate of Oman. At the invitation of the Italian Ministry of Culture, he participated in the symphonic concerts held in Tehran within the scope of the normalization of relations between Italy and Iran in 2016.

Öztürk started his Doctor of Music training at Anadolu University Fine Arts Institute with Professor Burcu Evren Yazıcı. During his training, he took part as a viola group member in Izmir State Opera and Ballet, Çukurova Symphony Orchestra, CRR Symphony Orchestra and Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra. Öztürk, who served as a soloist and viola group member in the Anadolu University Symphony Orchestra, completed his Doctor of Music studies in 2021.

Öztürk who has been teaching as a Visiting Lecturer at Anadolu University State Conservatory since 2015, is a lecturer at Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatoire and gives chamber music concerts with the Sepiolite Ensemble, of which he is a founder member.






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