Publication 2 Review 2
2 Publication
2 Review

Research Fields

Turkish Islamic Literature Aesthetics European and Region Studies Middle East Studies History of Islam Late Modern History of Middle East Islamic Law



Assistant Professor of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSÜ), Turkey, 2020 – current.
Lecturer Islamic Theology and Coordinator, Istanbul Research Center, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, 2018 – 2019.
Visiting researcher, Diyanet Center of America (DCA), MD, US, 2016.
Visiting scholar, Wake Forest University, NC, US, 2014 spring.
Visiting lecturer, Medipol University, Istanbul, 2015-2016.
Lecturer Islamic Theology, VU University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005 – 2010.
Lecturer Islamic Law and Director of Institute of Islam (ISIN), Islamic University of Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, 2002 – 2005.
Head of department, Department of Arabic Language and Culture, International Derbent
Humanitarian University, Dagestan, Russia, 1996- 1998.
Research & teaching assistant, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Kahramanmaraş
Sütçü İmam University (KSÜ) Turkey, 1994 – 1996.
Director, Yunus Emre Institute Amsterdam, 2017 – 2018.
President’s counsellor, in Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), Ankara – Washington DC, 2015 –
Chief Translator Editor, founder of Arabic and Middle East & African Department, Anatolian News
Agency, Ankara - Istanbul, 2012 - 2016.
Concept Advisor and Program Manager, Arabic Channel, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation
(TRT), Istanbul, 2010 – 2011.
Secretary of Branch, Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MÜSİAD),
Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, 1993 – 1994.
Ph.D. in Islamic Jurisprudence, Marmara University, Istanbul, 2019.
MA. in Turkish Language and Literature (on Islamic aesthetics), Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam
University, 1996.
BA. in Islamic Theology (profile: tafsir and hadith), Marmara University, 2007. BA. in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, 1993.
Book project: Turkish Tulip in Dutch Pot: Diaspora imams between fatwā and istiftā - a study on Turkish imams in the Netherlands between 2005-2010.
Book project (in Turkish): İslami hareketlerin “şȗrȃ” prensibi karşısındaki tutum: İhvan ve Nahda örneği. (Attitudes of Islamic movement towards “shura” principle: Ikhwan of Egypt and Nahda of Tunis as example. (A monograph based on my PhD thesis)
Article: Fuad Sezgin’s The sources of Bukhari and Muhammad Hamidullah’s Sahifah Hammam Ibn Munabbih: a comparative study on the status of sunnah tradition in early Islamic jurisprudence. (a chapter planned in memorial book for Fuad Sezgin).
Recent paper presentations:
İslami hareketin evrimci mezhebinin öncülerinden Cevdet Said (Jawdat Said as an imam of evolutionary school of Islamic movement) paper presented in a national conference Cevdet Said’in Fikri Mirası (The Intellectual Inheritance of Jawdat Said ) on 26th March 2022 in Istanbul.
Muassasat al-Shura inde al-Sheikh Salman al-Awdah (The shura institution according to Shaikh Salman al-Awdah). Paper presented in The International Virtual Conference of Modern Reformers: Salman Aloda: An Example of Reform, on 12-13 February 2021.
İmam in exile: Turkish religious leaders in a post-secular public sphere, İlâhiyât, Ankara 2023. İlmu’l-cemâl: İslam sanatlarının estetiği, (‘ilm al-jamâl: aesthetics of the arts of Islam) İlâhiyât, Ankara
Çağa iz bırakan önderler: Malik bin Nebi (The forerunners of the age: Malik ben Naby), İlke Yayıncılık,
İstanbul, 2018.
İslami hareketin iktidar deneyimi: Tunus ve Mısır (The power experience of Islamic movement: Tunis
and Egypt). İlimyurdu Yayıncılık Mana Yayınları İstanbul, 2015.
De Levende Koran: Een Nederlandse vertaalversie met weergave van de Arabische tekst en met commentaar (A Dutch Translation of Qur’an). Rotterdam: IUR Press & Stichting Lezen Leven, Rotterdam, 2013. (Together with Özcan Hıdır).
Avrupa’nın İslam’la İmtihanı (Europe’s examination with Islam,) Düşün, İstanbul, 2011.
Bana Yıldızını Söyle: Sahabeye yolculuk (Tell me your star: A journey to the time of the companions),
Timaş: Istanbul, 2011.
Genç okurlar için Hz. Muhammed’in yaşam öyküsü (Biography of the Prophet Muhammad for young
readers), Timaş: Istanbul 2005 (Published 17 times, and sold 250.000).
Kahire Kitabı. (Book of Cairo) (travel-memoir), Fide, Istanbul 2005. (2nd edition 2007), Third edition
Düşün, İstanbul, 2011.
Malik bin Nebi: Yirminci Asrın Şahidi (Malik ben Naby: witness of XXth Century), Denge, Istanbul 1998. Adım güzel olsun. (lexicon of names), Timaş, Istanbul 2003.
Süleyman ile Belkıs (The Prophet Sulaiman and The Queen of Saba Belqis) (narrative story), Timaş,
Istanbul 2002. (4th edition 2006)
Cennetim olur musun? (Would you like to be my paradise?) (essay), Timaş, Istanbul 2003. (5th edition
Cezayir’de İslami Hareket (The Islamic Movement in Alger), 1996, Denge, Istanbul. (First edition 1992,
both in a penname Ferhat Deniz.)
Sevgili Kasidesi (Qasida of Love) (poem), Denge, Istanbul 1992 (Includes i.e. poems which awarded in
the Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı (Turkish Religious Foundation) “naat-ı şerif” (poems on Prophet) competition–1990 and in the “münacaat” (prayer poems to God) competition–1991)

“İslami Hareketin Evrimci ve Devrimci Mezhepleri: Bin Nebi versus Mevdudi – Kutub.” (Evolutionary and revolutionary schools of Islamic movement: The impact of Malik bin Naby and Seyyid Qutb) Tezkire, no. 70, ss. 9-26, 2019.
"Imams without District: Changing Roles of Contemporary Mosque Officials." Çekmece: IZU Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 10-11 (2017): 173-203, 2017.
“The Prophet as Example”, Studies in interreligious dialogue, nr. 18, 2008/1, pp. 82-95, 2008. “Fıkıh Mezheplerinin Sosyal Yapı Perspektifinden Mukayesesine Giriş: Said Nursi ve Şa'rani Örneği”
(An Introduction to Comparison of Canonical Schools of Islamic Law from Social Structure Perspective: Example of Said Nursi and Sharani). Köprü (Nr. 89: Bilim ve Din [Science and Religion]), 2005.
“İslamcılara gore kadının toplumsal konumu: Mısır” (Social status of women according to Islamists: Egypt). İlim ve Sanat (40), 1996.
“al-ribā min manzūrin ākhar: dirāsatun fī hikmat tahrīm al-ribā” (A study on reasoning ban of interest in Islam). al-Mujtama˓ 1179 [20.02.1996] KUWAIT, pp. 46-49 (1179), 1996. (Together with İ. Özsoy).
Recent popular articles
“Hollanda’da kilise-devlet ayrılığı” (Separation of church and state in the Netherlands), İnsicam Dergi, 28.09.2023.
“Muhacir İmamlar: Avrupa’da Dini Bilgi ve Pratiklerin Güncellenmesi” (Muhajir Imams: Updating Religious Knowledge and Practices in Europe), İnsicam Dergi, 06.07.2023 https://insicam.net/2023/07/06/muhacir-imamlar-avrupada-dini-bilgi-ve-pratiklerin- guncellenmesi/
“Cevdet Said: Barış Aktivisti Endemik Bir Entelektüel” (Jawdat Said: Peace Activist, An Endemic Intellectual) ,Müslüman Dünyadan Fikri Birikimler, Sayı: 15, Mart 2022, ss. 43-48. https://ilke.org.tr/images/yayin/mdfb_15_web.pdf
“Habil Soylu Bir Mütefekkir Cevdet Said ve Üstadı Malik Bin Nebi”( A Thinker Jawdat Said from the Descendants of Habil and His Master Malik Bin Nebi), Umran, Sayı: 331, Mart 2022,
ss. 58-61. http://www.umrandergisi.com.tr/u/umran/pdf/331-1646210793.pdf
“GÖRÜŞ - Sömürge sonrası dönemin yarı finali: Fas – Fransa” (OPINION - Semi-final of the post- colonial era: Morocco – France), Anatolian News Agency, 17.12.2022. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/analiz/gorus-somurge-sonrasi-donemin-yari-finali-fas- fransa/2766133
“GÖRÜŞ - Macron'un Cezayir algısı ve gerçekler” (OPINION - Macron's perception of Algeria and the facts), Anatolian News Agency, 06.10.2021. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/analiz/gorus- macronun-cezayir-algisi-ve-gercekler/2384329#
“İslam Karşıtlığı ve Korkusunun Genel Görünümü ve Seyri” (General View and Course of Anti-Islamism and Fear), Fikir Coğrafyası, 25.01.2023. https://fikircografyasi.com/makale/islam-karsitligi-ve- korkusunun-genel-gorunumu-ve-seyri
“Fetva sorma ve verme usulü” (The ethics of posing and issuing a fatwa), Fikir Coğrafyası, 11.12.2022.

“Ayasoıfya’nın hukuku” (Law of Haghia Sophia) Star newspaper, 24.07.2020
“İslam ve zamanın ruhu” (Islam and the spirit of time) Star newspaper, 16.05.2018
TV programs
TV NET, Hilali Beklerken, El-Ezher Üniversitesinde Yapılan Çalışmalar, 26 Nisan 2021
TV NET, Hilali Beklerken, Hollanda’da İslam Eğitimi Çalışmaları, 25 Nisan 2021
EKOTÜRK, İmza, Muhammed Mürsi ve Müslüman Kardeşler, 20 Haziran 2019,
Rahman, H. (2021). The Approach of Shura in Rachid Ghannouchi’s Conception of the State. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 35(3), 879-899.
Özbayrak, M. S. (2022). Malik Bin Nebi ve Aliya İzzetbegoviç’te kültür ve medeniyet fikri (Master's thesis, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
MENEMEN, Y. V., & ÜNLÜSOY, K. Cezayir’de İslami Hareket: İslamî Selamet Cephesi (FIS). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (49), 214- 237.
Genç, Y. (2020). İsviçre Kütüphanelerinde Bulunan Alman Dilindeki Tefsir Ve Kur’an’a Dayalı Eserler Bibliyografyası (Master's thesis, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
Oba, H. (2019). Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın karizmatik liderlik vasfı çerçevesinde operasyonel kod analizi: Avrupa Birliği-Ortadoğu.
Öztürk, A., & BAĞLIOĞLU, A. (2019). Râşid El-Gannûşî’nin Demokrasi ve Laiklik Anlayışı. e- Makalat Mezhep Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 652-687.
Kazan, B. (2019). Orta Doğu'da ulus-devlet inşası ve Arap baharı Suriye ve Tunus karşılaştırması (Master's thesis, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi).
Tekin, F. (2020). Liberal söylemin İslamcı yazarlar üzerindeki etkisi: Raşid el Gannuşi örneği (Doctoral dissertation, Bursa Uludag University).
Uysal, M., & Komsuoğlu, D. A. (2019). Kriz Teolojisinden Devrimci İdeolojiye Selefilik Mısır, Pakistan Ve Tunus’ta Selefi Hareketler.

Seçkiner, M. H. (2020). Müslüman azınlıklar fıkhının kavramsal analizi.Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (28), 303-303.
Yılmaz, S. (2019).İslamofobinin yükselmesinde aşırı islami grupların yeri(Doctoral dissertation, Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)).
Ceyhan, N. (2022). Bir Düşmanlık Algısı Olarak İslamofobia’nın: Cadı Avı, Yahudi Problemi, Engizisyon Mantalitesi İle Benzerlikleri.Ülken Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 74-95.
Ar, M. (2019). İslamofobinin dini ve kültürel kökenleri.
Aydin Varol, F. B. (2019). Haber söyleminde İslamofobinin inşası: Batı Avrupa basınına yönelik karşılaştırmalı bir analiz.
Demir, R. (2020). Batı'daki İslam algısı çerçevesinde Paris saldırılarının Türk medyasındaki görünümü.
YILMAZ, İ. (2021). Klasik Fıkıh Doktrininde Cariyenin Tesettürü İle İlgili Yaklaşımlar. İslam Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (37), 237-274.
Yılmaz, İ. (2022). Mâlikî Mezhebinde Namazda Setr-i Avret Şartı İle İlgili Yaklaşımlar. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi, 26(1), 303-320.
Çalışkan, M. T. (2019). İslam dünyasında Medeniyet Ve kültür tartışmaları: Malik Bin Nebi örneği (Doctoral dissertation, Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)).
Baycar, A. (2019). Dini ve Sosyolojik Boyutlarıyla Dayanışma-Yardımlaşma Olgusu. Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (SAUIFD), 21(39), 199- 225.
Dursun, S. (2017). rejim güvenliği ve Tunus dış Politikası. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 103-135.
Dursun, S. (2018). Küçük devlet dış politika analizi: Gürcistan ve Tunus örnekleri.
İslam Vakıflar Hukuku Açısından Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-İ Şerîfi Evkâfının Statüsü. (Status of Hagia Sophia Waqf in Ottoman Application of the Islamic Jurisprudence. (Paper presented in Istanbul during Mosques Week 2–4 October 2020 and published in the symposium book in Turkish) Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i Şerifi Sempozyumu 2-4 Ekim 2022, pp. 747-782, Ankara 2021.
(In)visibility of Islam in the Public Sphere in Europe in Bernard V.; Oksay, S; Sensening-Dabbous E. (Eds.) Breaking the Stereotype From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images- The Conference Proceedings. IUP. Innsbruck 2011.
Living with Islamophobia: a threat and a challenge. In M. Murat ERDOĞAN (Ed.), Yurtdışındaki Türkler: 50. Yılında Göç ve Uyum - Turks Abroad: Migration and Integration in its 50th Year - Türken im Ausland: 50 Jahre Migration und Integration. Ankara: Orion Kitabevi, 2010. (Paper presented first time in AAR Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2008).

"Setr-i Avret". DİA, Turkish Islam Encyclopedia - Istanbul: TDV İSAM, 36, 2009.
“de Profeet als Voorbeeld”, in In het Spoor van Jezus en Mohammed. reds. H. Vroom & S. van de
Wetering. Meinema, 2008.
Avrupa’da İslamofobi ve mâbâdı (Islamophobia in Europe: attitudes and the reactions of European
Muslims against Islamophobia.) in Canatan, K. & Hıdır, Ö. (eds.) Batı dünyasında İslamofobi ve anti-İslamizm (Islamophobia and anti-Islamism in the west). Eski-Yeni, Ankara 2007, pp. 119- 143, 2007.
Scholar’s of Islam Foundation, Istanbul (İslam Alimleri Vakfı), founder member. (since 2022). ESITIS (European Society of Theology and Interreligious Studies), member. Papers presented in the
meetings 2007 Birmingham, 2009 Salzburg and 2011 Istanbul.
AAR (American Academy of Religion), member. Paper presented in annual meeting 2008 in Chicago. AY-BİR (Union of Academicians and Writers of Muslim World). Based in Istanbul, member and also
served as secretary general in 2014-2015.
Contemporary Islamic Movements
History of modern Muslim societies
Philosophy of Islamic Jurisprudence (maqasid studies) Understanding the hadith and the Qur’an in context Islam ethics (fiqh) for Muslim minorities in the West Contemporary fatwa issues
Imams in the West
Turkish Ottoman Turkish Arabic
Course followed:
almost native: Standard Arabic in addition to Egyptian dialect.
advanced: Academic writing and presenting papers with some teaching experiments.
advanced: NTII (Dutch as second language) state diploma, teaching experiment in university, translating 2/3 of the Qur’an from Arabic to Dutch, certificate of “Theologisch Nederlands” (VU Amsterdam).
Using in research and memorized some poems from Rumi, Hafiz, Jami etc. Beginner
BKO, “Prof-tra” didactic University Teaching Qualification certificate from VU University of Amsterdam with optional modules “teaching in small groups” and “supervision of thesis”.




Hayreddin Karaman A Reference Point in Turkish Islam and his Influence in Europe
DOI: 10.55483/cekmece.1416812



Qaradawi's Conceptualization of "Fiqh of Muslim minorities": Theory and Practice
DOI: 10.55483/cekmece.1418139



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