Zied Ben Amor Dr. Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sousse, University of Sousse
Publication 2 Review 0
2 Publication
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Research Fields

British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture Renaissance Shakespeare Renaissance drama English literature


PhD. Postgraduate from the University of BLAISE PASCAL, France. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sousse and the ex-chairman of the English Department at the same faculty. Author of several academic articles on Renaissance drama/theatre in England and contemporary Tunisian theatre in various Tunisian and international academic reviews. He worked on joint projects with the Tunisian National Theatre and helped set and implement the program of "l'Ecole des Maîtres" (The School of Masters) with the Director of the Tunisian National Theatre, Master Mohamed Driss, from 2007 until 2011. Blogger and activist in the field of higher education and a co-founder of an autonomous National Union for university teachers and researchers in Tunisia.


Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sousse, University of Sousse
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