Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7/31/23

Year: 2023

Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture is an international and open access academic journal which uses double blind peer-review process. The journal accepts submissions in English or Turkish. It is published biannually every July and December.
From the perspectives of architecture, planning and design, the objective of the journal is to provide an interdisciplinary sharing platform for contemporary knowledge and multidimensional analysis in the form of original academic research and review articles conducted within the context of built and natural environment. 

Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture embraces the disciplines of architecture, interior architecture, city and regional planning, industrial design and landscape architecture and the interfaces produced by these disciplines with the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and fine arts.
The journal involves research in the disciplines of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture, city and regional planning and industrial design besides interdisciplinary research interpreting environment with respect to natural structure and productions of planning and design.
In this framework the journal accepts besides original academic research, review papers that have not been published previously or that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


The manuscript should be prepared 1,5 spaced with Times New Roman font size of 12 pt. on A4 size page. Margins on all sides should be 2,5 cm. Paragraphs should start with 1 cm indentation. There should be page numbers and line numbers in each line.
The originality and similarity rates of the study should be screened by iThenticate or Turnitin programs. This similarity report should be submitted as an attachment and the originality rates excluding the bibliography should be below 20%.


Papers should be between 5 000 and 8 000 words including the captions of Figures and Tables and bibliography.
Each section of the paper should have the following content:


The cover page should include the title in Turkish and English (12 point), author names (10 point), addresses, orcid numbers (8 point).
The corresponding author should be stated with contact information.


Title: Papers should have short and precise titles, reflecting the topic and the content. Titles should not exceed 15 words with 12 pt. Times New Roman bold and capital letters.

Abstract: The abstract, which should not exceed 200 words, should explain the content, objective, method and conclusions of the paper. “Abstract” title should be Times New Roman in 10 point size while Abstract script must be single spaced with a font size of Times New Roman 8 point.

Keywords: The designation of 3 to 6 keywords related with the paper’s topic and content is essential. Please ensure that keywords are informative enough for literature scans. Keywords must be in Times New Roman, 8 point and italic.


It is essential that the main text of the paper should have sections in order to convey the objective, content, research material, method, findings and conclusions. In case the paper conforms with natural sciences these sections may be “Introduction, Material and Method, Findings, Discussion and Conclusion”. Interdisciplinary studies within the scope of the journal may have different titles, whereas Introduction and Conclusion sections are required.

In any case the sections of the paper should cover the following contents: The “Introduction” section, which is mandatory, should interpret and emphasize the objective as well as the significance of the study within the framework of academic literature, the contribution of the study from the viewpoint of international literature should be stated clearly and the expected contributions should be shared. In this section authors should avoid the usage of figures or tables excluding explicitly essential examples regarding the topic.

In the following sections research material, criteria for the selection of the research material, the features and characteristics of the research material, method or methods, sample patterns and if necessary, statistical analysis should be presented clearly and accurately. In addition, when necessary, the findings of the study should be presented through clear and readable visual documents, original designs and statistical analyses. For this objective, captions can be used if necessary. Repetitions should be avoided and if visual information is used it should be given with original interpretations.

In the Discussion and Conclusion sections, original findings should be discussed, and conclusions should be emphasized in the light of existing academic literature, the significance of the study should be explicated by referring to figures, tables and analyses. Scientific, social, cultural and environmental contributions of the study should be stated.

The caption/titles in the main text of the article, should be Times New Roman, 12 point font size and bold. The use of single-numbered main captions/titles are required. When it is necessary, lower level of doubled-numbered and tripled-numbered captions/titles can be used.

The captions/titles and subdivisions within the paper should be as follows:

1. Single-numbered: Main Caption (Bold and Uppercase)
1.1. Double-numbered: Division (Bold and first letters Uppercase)
1.1.1. Triple-numbered: Subdivision (Regular and only first letters Uppercase)
No further subdivisions should be used


Researchers or other people who contribute to the manuscript and/or the study and the funding agency (project numbers, if any) must be specified.


All the sources/references used in the text should be cited according to the surname and year of the work, and should be shown in the text according to following examples.

References in the text:

- One author references: “……………... is observed (Atik, 2010).
- Two authors references: “……………...is identified (Parlak and Atik, 2020).
- Three and more authors: “……………...is emphasized (Parlak et al., 2013).
In case page numbers should be specified:
“……………... is observed (Atik, 2010, 17-19).

References made directly to the author within the text:

- According to Atik (2010)……………...developed.
- Parlak and Atik (2020) state that ……………..
- Atik et. Al. (2013) argue that ……………..

Same author and year, more than one reference (“a” should be used for the reference appearing in the text first and following letters should continue accordingly):

……………... (Atik et al. 2010a, 2010b)

More references in the same sentence:

Based on the publication year, starts with the earliest year of publication and continues according to the following years. For example “……………... demonstrated (Atik, 2010; Atik vd., 2013; Parlak and Atik, 2020).”

Bibliography/Reference List:

All references including books, articles, lectures, online documents, etc. are to be given in the bibliography/reference list in alphabetical order. References should be given in their original language. No abbreviations should be used. References list should be arranged in the first line is aligned to the left of the page, and the following lines begin with an indent of 1 cm.

Responsibility for incorrect citations belongs to the authors.

The format of the references should be as follows:

Papers in a journal:

Atik, M., 2010. Environmental Protection in Coastal Recreation Sites in Antalya-Turkey. Coastal Management 38 (6): 598 – 616. https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2010.519433

Atik, M., Bell, S., Erdoğan, R., 2013. Understanding Cultural Interfaces in the Landscape: a Case study of Ancient Lycia in the Turkish Mediterranean. Landscape Research 38 (2): 222-242. https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2011.642345


Makhzoumi, J.,Pungetti, G., 1999. Ecological Landscape Design and Planning. Taylor & Francis, p.352.

Article in an edited book:

Swaffield, S., 2005. Landscape as a Way of Knowing the World. In Harvey and Fieldhouse (Eds.), Cultured Landscape e designing the Environment in the 21st Century. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 0-419-25030.

Institutional publications without specified authors:

TDK, 2005. Turkish Language Institution Turkish Dictionary. Turkish Language Institution 4th Evening Art School Press, Ankara, 2243 pages.

TUIK, 2005. Agricultural Structure. Turkish Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Publication No: 1579, Ankara.

Internet References:

For any information, Figure and Table sources taken from the Internet, the following citations should be taken as a basis:

Antalya Governorship 2013. “Antalya with Turkish Institute of Statistics Data”. http://www.antalya.gov.tr/icerik/12/172/tuik-veriyle-antalya.html. (Accessed January 17, 2013).

NGBB 2021. Nezahat Gokyigit Botanical Garden History – Central Islands – Plan. Access http://www.ngbb.org.tr (Accessed 27.01.2021).

UNESCO, 2017. "Cultural Landscapes History and Terminology". http://whc.unesco.org/en/culturallandscape/#2 (Accessed 07.06.2018).

WHC 2012. Cultural Landscapes. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. http://whc.unesco.org/en/culturallandscape/ (Accessed 10.06.2012).

Wikiland, 2019. “A Glass House”. https://www.wikiwand.com/pt/Philip_Johnson (Accessed 21.12.2019).

Carder, J., “Philip Johnson and The Art Museum”. https://www.doaks.org/resources/philip-johnson/the-munson-williams-proctor-museum-of-art (Accessed 27.12.2019).

Pascucci, D., 2014. “AD Classics: Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute/Philip Johnson”. https://www.archdaily.com/492133/ad-classics-munson-williams-proctor-arts-institute-philip-johnson/ (Accessed 25.12.2019).


Kavas, K.R., 2009. Environmental Aesthetics of the Rural Architectural Tradition in the Mediterranean Highlander Settlement: the Case Study of Ürünlü. Middle East Technical University Graduate School of Social Sciences History of Architecture Program, Ankara, Turkey.

Article in Congress / Symposium Book (Full text):

Çelik, G., Kavas, K.R., 2012. A Case Study of the Local Builder’s Carpentry Tools: Traditional Constructions of Ürünlü, Turkey. 4th International Congress on Construction History, Paris, France 03-07 July 2012, pp. 506-519.

The name(s) of the author(s), the institution they are affiliated with, the city and country they live in, and their short curriculum vitae(s) should be written in 10 font size. Short resumes should not exceed 50 words. In multi-author articles, the author's CV should be prepared separately for each author. The e-mail address(es) of the author(s) should be added to the end of the resume.


- The photographs, graphics, figures, schemes and etc. should be named as “Figure”, digital values should be named as “Table”.
- Figures and tables should be centered on the page.
- If the figures and tables are taken from another source necessary references should be given.
- All captions for the figures and tables should be 12 pt. Times New Roman.
- Captions should be short, succinct and informative.
- Captions of the Figures should be below the Figure, captions of the Tables should be above the table.
- Text in the Figures and Tables should not be larger than 8 pt.
- Dimensions of the Figures or Tables must be between 8 and 17 cm wide.
- In necessary cases, the maximum dimensions for Figures or Tables must be 16x22 cm.
- Photographs should be in JPEG, colored or grayscale with 300 dpi resolution. They should be informative with respect to the conclusions.
- Authors should control the printing qualities of the visual information they use, and they should prefer images appropriate for high quality printing.
- All figures and tables should be numbered according to the citation order and must be placed in the relevant section and must be given inside the main body of article text.
- If Figures and Tables are taken from another source, the Reference must be given in the Table title.
- No vertical lines should be used in the tables. For stating statistical significances P value should be given and the explanations for symbols like (*) should be done below the table.
- Lower case letters should be used for statistical comparisons and the selected method for comparison and its level of significance should be specified.
- If abbreviations are used in the figures or tables they should be explained right below the image.
- Figures composed of more than one component should be grouped and they should be converted to high quality JPEG format images.


Units: SI (Système International d’Unités) unit system should be used. “/” should not be used and spacing should be left between units (eg.: not 5,6 kg/ha but instead 5,6 kg ha-1; not 18,9 g/cm3 but instead 18,9 g cm-3; not 1,8 µmol/s/m2 but instead 1,8 µmol s-1 m-2).

Abbreviations and symbols: No abbreviations should be used in titles. Necessary abbreviations should be given in brackets where the concept appears in the text for the first time. The abbreviations and symbols should conform to the universal rules of the related field of study.

Latin names and chemicals: The authority should not be used in the manuscript title. The authority should be given when the Latin names are first used in the abstract and the text, internationally accepted abbreviations should be used later. For example: "Pinus brutia (Ten.) is…”, “Pinus brutia ….grown in the…” " All Latin names should be written in italics, but the universal spelling rules of the relevant field should be followed in spelling and notation. The trade mark of chemicals used in the studies should not be given unless it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Formulas: Formulas should be named as “equations”. They should be numbered when necessary. The number should be indicated next to the formula between brackets. If possible, equations should be limited within one line.

Equations: Equations should be written based on the left of the page. Equations are numbered sequentially. These numbers should be written as (1), (2), (3) on the right side of the line. One line space should be left before and after the equations. Equations to be written in the text should be written left aligned with the equation editor in the Word writing program. When more than one equation is used, the equations should be numbered in parentheses, aligned to the right.

The ethical responsibilities of authors, editors, and reviewers in the Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture are determined in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors:
• Authors are expected to submit original work.
• If authors use information from other works, they must reference them accurately and completely.
• Submitted works should not have been published elsewhere or submitted to more than one journal at the same time.
• Individuals who did not contribute to the work should not be listed as authors, and all authors should have knowledge of the work.
• If there are any conflicts of interest that could affect the publication of the work, they should be disclosed.
• If the work is derived from a thesis or project, this should be clearly stated.
• Data from sources used in the work should be objectively interpreted.
• If authors notice any errors in their work during the process, they should inform the editor or publisher about corrections or retractions.
• Authors should have documentation indicating that they have obtained necessary permissions for the use of data and for any quantitative or qualitative methods that require approval by an ethics committee, and that they have obtained consent from subjects.
• For all research requiring approval by an ethics committee, authors must have the necessary permissions and documentation indicating that they have obtained the consent of the subjects, and in articles requiring approval by an ethics committee, information regarding the permissions obtained must be provided.
• Requests such as adding, removing, or changing the order of authors should not be made for works that are in the evaluation process.

Editors' Ethical Duties and Responsibilities:
• Editors should make efforts to meet the information needs of readers and authors, improve and develop the journal, and enhance the quality and content of the works to be published in the journal.
• Editors should support the freedom of thought of the authors and protect their intellectual property rights.
• Editors should ensure that the content published in the journal is consistent with the journal's publication policies, does not violate human and animal rights, and has obtained the necessary ethical committee approvals, and should continue the business processes without compromising ethical standards.
• Editors should ensure that the journal's publication and writing rules and information about the peer-review process are current and accessible.
• The criteria for accepting or rejecting an article by the editor should be based on its importance, originality, clarity, and relevance to the journal's scope,
• Ensuring academic integrity,
• Demonstrate clarity and transparency in publication regarding correction and explanation issues.
• The editor is responsible for explaining to the author why an article was rejected during the pre-review process,
• The editor should ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected based on their knowledge and expertise and should take care not to create conflicts of interest situations.
• The editor responsible for the implementation of the double-blind peer-review process should keep the identity information of both reviewers and authors confidential.
• The editor should constantly update the list of reviewers according to their expertise areas and should try to expand the reviewer database as much as possible,
• The editor should clearly express their expectations from the reviewers and should ensure that the evaluation forms of the reviewers are clear and understandable.
• The editor should ensure that the evaluations received from the reviewers are made timely, scientifically, and ethically, and impartially, and should remove the reviewers who do not make evaluations in this direction from the database,
• The editor is responsible for informing the authors of the requested changes in the article at the end of the pre-review or peer-review process, and for giving them the necessary time for correction,
• The editor should provide information to the authors in a way that does not violate the double-blind peer-review if they request information about the process,
• The editor should determine the members of the publication board according to the criterion of active contribution to the development of the journal and should hold regular meetings,
• The editor should consider the areas of expertise for the evaluations to be made by the members of the publication board,
• The editor should take into account the criticisms of the journal's content and approach them constructively, and should give the authors of the criticized articles the right to respond,
• The editor should objectively evaluate possible complaints and respond in an explanatory and clear manner,
• The editor should keep the records and relevant correspondences of each article in electronic format.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers:
COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers were used to prepare the ethical responsibilities of reviewers.
• Reviewer should accept to review articles in their field of expertise and conduct the evaluation themselves.
• Reviewer who notices any conflict of interest within the scope of impartiality and confidentiality principles should inform the editor.
• Reviewer is responsible for the confidentiality of the work until the article being evaluated is published, according to the principle of confidentiality.
• Reviewer should fill out the evaluation form completely with the required data requested by the journal, taking into account only the content of the article evaluated objectively.
• Reviewer should explain their evaluations, corrections, and suggestions in a clear and convincing manner, avoiding personal comments, insults, and rude language and making them in an academic, polite, and constructive manner.
• Reviewer who accepts to review is obliged to prepare the review report within the given time and in accordance with ethical responsibilities.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers:

The COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers were used in the preparation of the ethical responsibilities of reviewers.
• Reviewers must accept to be a reviewer for studies related to their expertise and must perform the evaluation themselves.
• When a reviewer who is performing the evaluation within the scope of impartiality and confidentiality principles realizes any conflict of interest, they must notify the editor.
• Reviewers are responsible for the confidentiality of the work until it is published, in accordance with the principle of confidentiality.
• Reviewers must fill in the data requested in the evaluation form completely by considering only the content of the article objectively.
• Reviewers must explain their evaluations, corrections and suggestions in a explanatory and convincing manner, avoiding personal comments, insults, and rude language.
• Reviewers who agree to perform the evaluation are obliged to prepare the review report within the given time and in accordance with ethical responsibilities."

"Unethical Behaviors:
When a study that is not in compliance with ethical principles is detected in accordance with the determined principles, it will be reported via e-mail. In this scope;
• Editors are responsible for requesting ethical committee approval for the protection of human and animal rights in the study. They may reject the study if it is not available.
• Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of published articles and ensuring that the contents do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
• The authors section must comply with the Ethical Principles and Responsibilities presented under the Publishing Ethics section. Initially submitted articles are checked for similarity reports with iThenticate® (Plagiarism Detection Software) (or Turnitin program), and a similarity rate of no more than 20% is required.

Protection of personal data:
Editors are responsible for protecting personal data included in the studies, and may reject the study if explicit consent of the individuals concerned is not provided. In addition, editors are responsible for protecting the individual data of authors, reviewers, and readers.
Relationships with the Journal Owner and Publisher:
The relationship between editors and publishers is independent according to the principle of editorial independence, and all decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and journal owner. In addition, the publisher must take care to protect the ownership and copyright of each published article and keep records of each copy.

Policy of Not Charging Fees:
Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture is an open access journal and does not charge any article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges (ASC). The content of the journal is accessible online free of charge.
Conflict of Interests:
Editors ensure that the publication process is independent and unbiased, taking into account any conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers, and other editors.

Journal has no publishing charge.