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Normal Konsolide Kaolin Kilinin Drenajsız Kesme Davranışı Üzerinde Başlangıç Kayma Gerilmesinin Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 484 - 496, 28.06.2020


Arazideki zeminlerin gerilme koşulları incelendiğinde, zeminlerin pek çok durumda anizotropik gerilme şartlarında olduğu görülmektedir. Bu zeminler, herhangi bir ilave yükleme olmasa dahi kayma gerilmesine maruz durumdadırlar. Günümüzde arazideki gerilme şartlarına bakılmaksızın, maliyet, zaman ve kolaylık gibi gerekçelerden dolayı üç eksenli basınç deneyleri izotropik gerilmeler altında ve başlangıç kayma gerilmesinin olmadığı numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu nedenle, zeminlerin drenajsız koşullardaki davranışı üzerinde başlangıç kayma gerilmesi varlığının etkisi belirlenmesi gereken önemli bir konudur. Bu çalışmada, laboratuvarda bulamaç çamuru konsolidasyon yöntemi ile hazırlanmış olan normal konsolide kaolin kilinin, farklı başlangıç kayma gerilmeleri ve ortalama efektif gerilmeler altındaki drenajsız davranışı üç eksenli basınç deneyleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Deney sonuçları, başlangıç kayma gerilmesindeki artışın, drenajsız kayma mukavemetini ve aşırı boşluk suyu basıncı oluşumunu önemli ölçüde etkileyebileceğini göstermektedir. Çalışma sonunda, izotropik koşullarda gerçekleştirilen üç eksenli basınç deneylerinden elde edilen drenajsız kayma mukavemeti kullanılarak, başlangıç kayma gerilmesine maruz kil zeminlerin drenajsız kayma mukavemetini belirlemeye yönelik olarak bir düzeltme faktörü önerilmiştir.


  • Yoshimi, Y., & Oh-Oka, H. (1975). Influence of degree of shear stress reversal on the liquefaction potential of saturated sand. Soils and Foundations, 15(3), 27–40.
  • Yang, Z.X., & Pan, K. (2017). Flow deformation and cyclic resistance of saturated loose sand considering initial static shear effect. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92, 68–78.
  • Dong, W., Hu, X., Zhang, Y., & Fu, H. (2019). Dynamic characteristics of marine soft clay under variable phase difference and initial static shear stress. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2019.1622159
  • Wei, X., & Yang, J. (2019). Cyclic behavior and liquefaction resistance of silty sands with presence of initial static shear stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 122, 274–289.
  • Hyodo, M., Tanimizu, H., Yasufuku, N., & Murata, H. (1994a). Undrained cyclic and monotonic triaxial behavior of saturated loose sand. Soils and Foundations, 34(1), 19–32.
  • Zhang, J., Cao, J., & Huang, S. (2019). Experimental study on the effects of initial shear stress and vibration frequency on dynamic strength of saturated sands. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID: 3758527, 1–9.
  • Hyodo, M., Yamamoto, Y., & Sugiyama, M. (1994b). Undrained cyclic shear behaviour of normally consolidated clay subjected to initial static shear stress. Soils and Foundations, 34(4), 1–11.
  • Boulanger, R.W., & Idriss, I.M. (2007). Evaluation of cyclic softening in silts and clays. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(6), 641–652.
  • Wang, J., Cai, Y., & Yang, F. (2013). Effects of initial shear stress on cyclic behavior of saturated soft clay. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 31(1), 86–106.
  • Mayne, P.W. (1985). Stress anisotropy effects on clay strength. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 111(3), 356–366.
  • Stipho, A.S. (1989). Effect of stress rotation on the strength and deformation of laboratory prepared clay samples. Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 1(1–2), 67–81.
  • Yasuhara, K., Yamanouchi, T., & Hirao, K. (1982). Cyclic strength and deformation of normally consolidated clay. Soils and Foundations, 22(3), 77–91.
  • Konrad, J.M., & Wagg, B.T. (1993). Undrained cyclic loading of anisotropically consolidated clayey silts. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 119(5), 929–947.
  • Bhuria, N.R., & Sachan, A. (2014). Shear strength and constant rate of strain consolidation behaviour of cement-treated slurry-consolidated soft soil. Current Science, 106(7), 972–979.
  • Cai, Y., Hao, B., Gu, C., Wang, J., & Pan, L. (2018). Effect of anisotropic consolidation stress paths on the undrained shear behavior of reconstituted Wenzhou clay. Engineering Geology, 242, 23–33.
  • Pandya, S., & Sachan, A. (2019). Experimental studies on effect of load repetition on dynamic characteristics of saturated Ahmedabad cohesive soil. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(6), 781–792.
  • Pradhan, T.B.S., & Ueno, Y. (1998). Cyclic deformation characteristics of clay under different consolidation histories. Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials, Geotechnique, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 329–335.
  • Hyde, A.F.L, Higuchi, T., & Yasuhara, K. (2006). Liquefaction, cyclic mobility, and failure of silt. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(6), 716–735.
  • Germaine, J.T., & Ladd, C.C. (1988). Triaxial testing of saturated cohesive soils. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP977, ASTM, Philadelphia, 421–459.
  • Head, K.H. (1994). Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing – Volume 2: Permeability, Shear Strength and Compressibility Tests. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, p. 440.
  • Wang, Y.H., & Siu, W.K. (2006). Structure characteristics and mechanical properties of kaolinite soils. II. Effects of structure on mechanical properties. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 43(6), 601–617.
  • Sachan, A., & Penumadu, D. (2007). Effect of microfabric on shear behavior of kaolin clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(3), 306–318.
  • ASTM D-4767-11. (2011). Standard test method for consolidated undrained triaxial compression test for cohesive soils. ASTM International, p.14.
  • Yasuhara, K., Hyde, A.F.L., Toyota, N., & Murakamı, S. (1998). Cyclic stiffness of plastic silt with an initial drained shear stress. Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 373–382.
  • Hyodo, M., Hyde, A.F.L., Yamamoto, Y., & Fujii, T. (1999). Cyclic shear strength of undisturbed and remoulded marine clays. Soils and Foundations, 39(2), 45–58.
  • Hyde, A.F.L, Higuchi, T., & Yasuhara, K. (2007). Postcyclic recompression, stiffness, and consolidated cyclic strength of silt. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(4), 416–423.
  • Nishie, S., Wang, L. & Seko, I. (2006). Undrained Shear Behaviors of High Plastic Normally K0-Consolidated Marine Clays. Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling and Analysis Geotechnical Symposium in Roma, 273-286.
  • Seed, H.B. (1983). Earthquake Resistant Design of Earth Dams. Proc. Symp. on Seismic Design of Embankments and Caverns, ASCE, 1, 41–64.

Effect of Initial Shear Stress on the Undrained Shear Behavior of Normally Consolidated Kaolin Clay

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 484 - 496, 28.06.2020


When the stress conditions of the soils in the field are examined, it is seen that the soils are in the anisotropic stress conditions in many cases. These soils are subjected to shear stress even without additional loading. Today, regardless of the stress conditions in the field, triaxial compression tests are carried out on samples without initial shear stress under the isotropic stress conditions because of the cost, time and simplicity. Therefore, determining the effect of the presence of the initial shear stress on the behavior of soils under the undrained conditions is an important subject. In this study, the undrained behavior of the normally consolidated kaolin clay, which is prepared by slurry consolidation method in the laboratory, under different initial shear stresses and mean effective stresses is investigated using the triaxial compression tests. The test results show that the increase in initial shear stress can significantly affect the undrained shear strength and the generation of excess pore water pressure. At the end of the study, a correction factor is proposed that can be used to determine the undrained shear strength of clay soils subjected to initial shear stresses by using the undrained shear strength obtained from the triaxial compression tests performed in isotropic conditions.


  • Yoshimi, Y., & Oh-Oka, H. (1975). Influence of degree of shear stress reversal on the liquefaction potential of saturated sand. Soils and Foundations, 15(3), 27–40.
  • Yang, Z.X., & Pan, K. (2017). Flow deformation and cyclic resistance of saturated loose sand considering initial static shear effect. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92, 68–78.
  • Dong, W., Hu, X., Zhang, Y., & Fu, H. (2019). Dynamic characteristics of marine soft clay under variable phase difference and initial static shear stress. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2019.1622159
  • Wei, X., & Yang, J. (2019). Cyclic behavior and liquefaction resistance of silty sands with presence of initial static shear stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 122, 274–289.
  • Hyodo, M., Tanimizu, H., Yasufuku, N., & Murata, H. (1994a). Undrained cyclic and monotonic triaxial behavior of saturated loose sand. Soils and Foundations, 34(1), 19–32.
  • Zhang, J., Cao, J., & Huang, S. (2019). Experimental study on the effects of initial shear stress and vibration frequency on dynamic strength of saturated sands. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID: 3758527, 1–9.
  • Hyodo, M., Yamamoto, Y., & Sugiyama, M. (1994b). Undrained cyclic shear behaviour of normally consolidated clay subjected to initial static shear stress. Soils and Foundations, 34(4), 1–11.
  • Boulanger, R.W., & Idriss, I.M. (2007). Evaluation of cyclic softening in silts and clays. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(6), 641–652.
  • Wang, J., Cai, Y., & Yang, F. (2013). Effects of initial shear stress on cyclic behavior of saturated soft clay. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 31(1), 86–106.
  • Mayne, P.W. (1985). Stress anisotropy effects on clay strength. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 111(3), 356–366.
  • Stipho, A.S. (1989). Effect of stress rotation on the strength and deformation of laboratory prepared clay samples. Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 1(1–2), 67–81.
  • Yasuhara, K., Yamanouchi, T., & Hirao, K. (1982). Cyclic strength and deformation of normally consolidated clay. Soils and Foundations, 22(3), 77–91.
  • Konrad, J.M., & Wagg, B.T. (1993). Undrained cyclic loading of anisotropically consolidated clayey silts. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 119(5), 929–947.
  • Bhuria, N.R., & Sachan, A. (2014). Shear strength and constant rate of strain consolidation behaviour of cement-treated slurry-consolidated soft soil. Current Science, 106(7), 972–979.
  • Cai, Y., Hao, B., Gu, C., Wang, J., & Pan, L. (2018). Effect of anisotropic consolidation stress paths on the undrained shear behavior of reconstituted Wenzhou clay. Engineering Geology, 242, 23–33.
  • Pandya, S., & Sachan, A. (2019). Experimental studies on effect of load repetition on dynamic characteristics of saturated Ahmedabad cohesive soil. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(6), 781–792.
  • Pradhan, T.B.S., & Ueno, Y. (1998). Cyclic deformation characteristics of clay under different consolidation histories. Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials, Geotechnique, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 329–335.
  • Hyde, A.F.L, Higuchi, T., & Yasuhara, K. (2006). Liquefaction, cyclic mobility, and failure of silt. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(6), 716–735.
  • Germaine, J.T., & Ladd, C.C. (1988). Triaxial testing of saturated cohesive soils. Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP977, ASTM, Philadelphia, 421–459.
  • Head, K.H. (1994). Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing – Volume 2: Permeability, Shear Strength and Compressibility Tests. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, p. 440.
  • Wang, Y.H., & Siu, W.K. (2006). Structure characteristics and mechanical properties of kaolinite soils. II. Effects of structure on mechanical properties. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 43(6), 601–617.
  • Sachan, A., & Penumadu, D. (2007). Effect of microfabric on shear behavior of kaolin clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(3), 306–318.
  • ASTM D-4767-11. (2011). Standard test method for consolidated undrained triaxial compression test for cohesive soils. ASTM International, p.14.
  • Yasuhara, K., Hyde, A.F.L., Toyota, N., & Murakamı, S. (1998). Cyclic stiffness of plastic silt with an initial drained shear stress. Pre-failure Deformation Behaviour of Geomaterials, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 373–382.
  • Hyodo, M., Hyde, A.F.L., Yamamoto, Y., & Fujii, T. (1999). Cyclic shear strength of undisturbed and remoulded marine clays. Soils and Foundations, 39(2), 45–58.
  • Hyde, A.F.L, Higuchi, T., & Yasuhara, K. (2007). Postcyclic recompression, stiffness, and consolidated cyclic strength of silt. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(4), 416–423.
  • Nishie, S., Wang, L. & Seko, I. (2006). Undrained Shear Behaviors of High Plastic Normally K0-Consolidated Marine Clays. Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling and Analysis Geotechnical Symposium in Roma, 273-286.
  • Seed, H.B. (1983). Earthquake Resistant Design of Earth Dams. Proc. Symp. on Seismic Design of Embankments and Caverns, ASCE, 1, 41–64.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Uğur Dağdeviren 0000-0002-4760-6574

Zeki Gunduz 0000-0002-5284-7532

Publication Date June 28, 2020
Submission Date February 2, 2020
Acceptance Date June 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Dağdeviren, U., & Gunduz, Z. (2020). Normal Konsolide Kaolin Kilinin Drenajsız Kesme Davranışı Üzerinde Başlangıç Kayma Gerilmesinin Etkisi. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 484-496.