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Ruminantlar için Besleme Kaynağı Olarak Farklı Meyve Ağacı Yapraklarının Besin Bileşimi ve Metabolik Enerjisi

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 816 - 829, 27.05.2024


Hayvan besleme sektöründeki kaba yem ihtiyacı, çeşitli alternatif kaba yem arayışlarına sebep olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, yapılan araştırmalar neticesinde ağaç yaprakları, hayvanlar için besleyici ve dengeli bir kaba yem kaynağı olarak değerlendirilebilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, elma (Malus domestica), kayısı (Prunus armeniaca), kiraz (Prunus avium), asma (Vitis vinifera), urum dutu (Morus rubra) yapraklarının ruminant beslemede kullanılabilirliğini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda ağaç yapraklarının besin madde içerikleri (kuru madde, ham protein, ham kül, ham yağ, nötral deterjan lif, asit deterjan lif, asit deterjan lignin, tanen), in vitro gaz, karbondioksit ve metan gazı üretimi, in vitro gaz üretim sonrası rumen sıvısı uçucu yağ asit içerikleri birbirinden farklı bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Ayrıca ağaç yapraklarında metabolik enerji, organik madde sindirimi, sindirilebilir kuru madde, kuru madde tüketimi, nispi yem değerleri de farklı bulunmakla beraber (P<0.05), söz konusu parametrelere ait en yüksek değerler dut yaprağında bulunmuştur. Asma, dut, elma, kayısı ve kirazda metabolik enerji (ME-J/kgKM) sırasıyla, 9.24, 10.69, 10.07, 10.24, 9.33 olarak, organik madde sindirilebilirliği (OMS-%) 56.49, 58.98, 54.46, 57.34, 58.31, olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yaprakların in vitro gaz üretim sonrası rumen sıvısı uçucu yağ asitlerinde toplam uçucu yağ asidi (TUYA-mmol/L) sırasıyla 69.16, 76.25, 66.04, 68.63, 65.24 olarak, asetik asit (AA-mmol/L) 44.90, 48.52, 41.93, 46.82, 43.62 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yapmış olduğumuz detaylı çalışmalar neticesinde, çeşitli meyve ağaçlarının yapraklarının azımsanmayacak besin içeriğiyle öne çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Bulgulardaki farklılıkların en önemli nedeni ağaç yapraklarının besin madde içeriğinin birbirinden farklı olmasıdır. Yaptığımız kapsamlı çalışma sonucunda, bu besin içeriği farklılıklarının, çeşitli meyve ağaçlarının yapraklarının kaba yem kaynağı olarak kullanılabilirliği konusunda önemli bir potansiyel sunmaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Etik rapora gerek duyulmamıştır.

Supporting Institution

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi

Project Number

TGT 2022/1-LÜTEP


Bu çalışma Filiz Kocadayıoğulları'nın yüksek lisans tezi kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yazarlar, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi'nin TGT 2022/1-LÜTEP proje numarasıyla sağladığı desteği kabul ederler.


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  • Boğa, M., Avcı, B. C., Kılıç, H. N. and Filik, A. G. (2022). Determination of nutrient content and digestibility of some leguminous tree leaves as alternative feed sources. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 25(5): 1191-1197. (In Turkish).
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  • Cholewińska, P., Czyż, K., Nowakowski, P. and Wyrostek, A. (2020). The microbiome of the digestive system of ruminants–a review. Animal Health Research Reviews, 21(1): 3-14.
  • Denek, N., Avcı. M., Can, A., Daş, B., Aydın, S.S. and Savrunlu M. (2014). The effect of different plant leaves on the in vitro methane production of some forages. Harran University Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 3(2): 59-66. (In Turkish).
  • Emile, J. C., Barre, P., Bourgoin, F., Perceau, R., Mahieu, S. and Novak, S. (2018). Effect of season and species on the nutritive value of leaves of high stem trees, Grassland Science in Europe, 23: 179-181.
  • Garipoğlu, A. V., Tepe, İ. and Uçar, C. (2015). Factors of Affecting Ruminal Volatile Fatty Acid Production, 9th National Animal Science Congress, 3-5 September, P: 102-108, Konya, Türkiye.
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Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 816 - 829, 27.05.2024


The need for roughage in the animal nutrition industry has led to the search for various alternative roughage. In this context, as a result of the research, tree leaves have the potential to be considered as a nutritious and balanced forage source for animals. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the usability of apple (Malus domestica), apricot (Prunus armeniaca), cherry (Prunus avium), grape (Vitis vinifera), and umber mulberry (Morus rubra) leaves in ruminant nutrition. As a result of the research, nutritional contents of tree leaves (dry matter, crude protein, crude ash, crude oil, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, tannin), in vitro gas, carbon dioxide and methane gas production, in vitro gas post-production rumen fluid volatile fatty acid contents were found to be different from each other (P<0.05). In addition, although metabolic energy, organic matter digestion, digestible dry matter, dry matter consumption and relative feed values were found to be different in tree leaves (P<0.05), the highest values of these parameters were found in mulberry leaves. Metabolic energy (ME-J/kgDM) in grape, mulberry, apple, apricot and cherry is 9.24, 10.69, 10.07, 10.24, 9.33, organic matter digestibility (OMD-%) is 56.49, 58.98, 54.46, 57.34, and 58.31, respectively. has been detected. In the volatile fatty acids in the rumen fluid of the leaves after in vitro gas production; Total volatile fatty acid (TVFA-mmol/L) was defined as 69.16, 76.25, 66.04, 68.63, and 65.24, acetic acid (AA-mmol/L) was determined as 44.90, 48.52, 41.93, 46.82, and 43.62, respectively. As a result of our detailed studies, it has been determined that the leaves of various fruit trees stand out with their considerable nutritional content. The most important reason for the differences in the findings is that the nutritional content of tree leaves is different from differs. As a result of our comprehensive study, these nutritional content differences offer significant potential for using leaves of various fruit trees as a source of forage.

Ethical Statement

An ethical report was not required.

Supporting Institution

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Project Number

TGT 2022/1-LÜTEP


This study was conducted as part of Filiz Kocadayioğullari's MSc thesis. The authors acknowledge the support provided by the Scientific Research Project of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Turkey, with project number: TGT 2022/1-LÜTEP.


  • Alçiçek, A. (2021). Roughage Production in Türkiye, Its Problems and Solution Suggestions, III International and XII National Animal Science Conference, 27-28 November, P.110-125, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Ali, A., Tahir, H. M., Azizullah, Ali, S., Bhatti, M. F., Summer, M. and Gormani, A. H. (2023). Applications of mulberry leaves: An overview. Punjab University Journal of Zoology, 38(2): 137-152.
  • AOAC. (1990). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Vo: 1.Ed: 15,684 pp. Arlington, USA.
  • Atalay, A. I., Ozkan, C. O., Kaya, E., Kurt, O. and Kamalak, A. (2017). Effect of maturity on chemical composition and nutritive value of leaves of Arbutus andrachne shrub and rumen in vitro methane production. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 29(7): 138-142.
  • Ayaşan, T. and Baylan, M. (2016). Use of mulberry leaf in animal nutrition. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 4: 504-507. (In Turkish).
  • Barker, S. B. and Summerson, W. H. (1941). The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 13(8): 535-554.
  • Başer, A. and Kamalak, A. (2020). Nutritive values and ın vitro fermentation characteristics of some legume tree leaves grown in Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(4): 940–947.
  • Baytok, E., Kara, K., Aksu, T. Güçlü, B. K., Denek, N., Özkaya, S., Kaya, D. A., Kamalak, A., Akçay, A. and Önal, E. (2015). Determination of the Effect of Zahter (Thymbra Spicata I.) Essential Oil on Performance and Rumen Metabolites in Ruminants Using In Vitro and In Vivo Methods and Ecological Evaluation, VII. National Animal Nutrition Congress, 26-27 September, P. 230-240, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Belewu, M. A. and Alokomaro, K. O. O. (2007). Hematological indices of West African Dwarf goat fed leaf meal based diets, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 1(3): 601-606.
  • Boğa, M. and Çevik, K. K. (2012). Mixed Feed Preparation Program for Ruminant Animals. XIV. Academic Informatics Conference, 1-3 February, P. 297-304, Uşak, Türkiye.
  • Boğa, M. (2014). Chemical composition and in vitro gas production kinetics of some tree leaves obtained in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2): 143-146. (In Turkish).
  • Boğa, M., Kocadayıoğulları. F. and Erkan, C.M. (2021). Use of tannin in ruminant animal nutrition. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4 (4): 217- 225. (In Turkish).
  • Boğa, M., Avcı, B. C., Kılıç, H. N. and Filik, A. G. (2022). Determination of nutrient content and digestibility of some leguminous tree leaves as alternative feed sources. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 25(5): 1191-1197. (In Turkish).
  • Canbolat, Ö. (2012a). Determination of potential nutritive value of exotic tree leaves in Turkey, Kafkas University Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 183: 419-423.
  • Canbolat, Ö. (2012b). The effect of some essential oils on ın vitro digestibility, rumen fermentation characteristics and methane gas production. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 21: 91-98. (In Turkish).
  • Canbolat, Ö., Kara, H. and Filya, İ. (2013). Comparison of ın vitro gas production, metabolizable energy, organic matter digestibility and microbial protein production of some legume hays. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University, 27(2) 71-81. (In Turkish)
  • Cheema, U.B., Sultan, J, I., Javaid, A., Akhtar, P. and Shahid, M. (2011). Chemical composition, mineral profile and in situ digestion kinetics of fodder leaves of four native trees, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 4(3): 397-404.
  • Cholewińska, P., Czyż, K., Nowakowski, P. and Wyrostek, A. (2020). The microbiome of the digestive system of ruminants–a review. Animal Health Research Reviews, 21(1): 3-14.
  • Denek, N., Avcı. M., Can, A., Daş, B., Aydın, S.S. and Savrunlu M. (2014). The effect of different plant leaves on the in vitro methane production of some forages. Harran University Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 3(2): 59-66. (In Turkish).
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There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Animal Feeding
Journal Section Articles

Filiz Kocadayıoğulları 0000-0003-3805-3506

Mustafa Boğa 0000-0001-8277-9262

Orhan Ermetin 0000-0002-3404-0452

Project Number TGT 2022/1-LÜTEP
Early Pub Date May 21, 2024
Publication Date May 27, 2024
Submission Date December 15, 2023
Acceptance Date March 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Kocadayıoğulları, F., Boğa, M., & Ermetin, O. (2024). Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(3), 816-829.
AMA Kocadayıoğulları F, Boğa M, Ermetin O. Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants. JOTAF. May 2024;21(3):816-829. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1405298
Chicago Kocadayıoğulları, Filiz, Mustafa Boğa, and Orhan Ermetin. “Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves As Feeding Sources for Ruminants”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21, no. 3 (May 2024): 816-29.
EndNote Kocadayıoğulları F, Boğa M, Ermetin O (May 1, 2024) Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 3 816–829.
IEEE F. Kocadayıoğulları, M. Boğa, and O. Ermetin, “Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants”, JOTAF, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 816–829, 2024, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1405298.
ISNAD Kocadayıoğulları, Filiz et al. “Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves As Feeding Sources for Ruminants”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21/3 (May 2024), 816-829.
JAMA Kocadayıoğulları F, Boğa M, Ermetin O. Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants. JOTAF. 2024;21:816–829.
MLA Kocadayıoğulları, Filiz et al. “Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves As Feeding Sources for Ruminants”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 3, 2024, pp. 816-29, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1405298.
Vancouver Kocadayıoğulları F, Boğa M, Ermetin O. Nutrient Composition and Metabolic Energy of Different Fruit Tree Leaves as Feeding Sources for Ruminants. JOTAF. 2024;21(3):816-29.