Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 279 - 294, 20.12.2023



  • Akcaoglu, M., & Koehler, M. J. (2014). Cognitive outcomes from the Game-Design and Learning (GDL) after-school program. Computers & Education, 75, 72-81.
  • All, A., Nuñez Castellar, E. P., & Van Looy, J. (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of digital game-based learning: Best practices. Computers & Education, 92-93, 90-103.
  • An, Y.-J., & Cao, L. (2017). The Effects of Game Design Experience on Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions regarding the Use of Digital Games in the Classroom. TechTrends, 61(2), 162-170.
  • Becker, K. (2007). Digital game-based learning once removed: Teaching teachers. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 478-488.
  • Becker, K. (2017). Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom. Springer International Publishing.
  • Bressler, D. M., & Annetta, L. A. (2022). Using game design to increase teachers’ familiarity with design thinking. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32(2), 1023-1035.
  • Carolyn Yang, Y.-T., & Chang, C.-H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education, 68, 334-344.
  • Desurvire, H., & Wiberg, C. (2008). Master of the game: Assessing approachability in future game design. CHI ’08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3177-3182.
  • Desurvire, H., & Wiberg, C. (2009). Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration. Içinde A. A. Ozok & P. Zaphiris (Ed.), Online Communities and Social Computing (C. 5621, ss. 557-566). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Egenfeldt‐Nielsen, S. (2004). Practical barriers in using educational computer games. On the Horizon, 12(1), 18-21.
  • Federoff, M. (2003). Improving Game with User Testing: Getting Better Data Earlier. Game Developer Magazine, 35-40.
  • Flick, U. (2014). An introduction to qualitative research (Edition 5). Sage.
  • Frossard, F., Trifonova, A., & Barajas, M. (2015). Teachers Designing Learning Games. in Video Games and Creativity (ss. 159-183). Elsevier.
  • Gaskin, J., & Berente, N. (2011). Video Game Design in the MBA Curriculum: An Experiential Learning Approach for Teaching Design Thinking. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 29.
  • Gee, J. P. (2004). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy (1. paperback ed). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gee, J. P. (2010). New digital media and learning as an emerging area and “worked examples” as one way forward. The MIT Press.
  • Heskett, J. (2005). Design: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Juul, J. (2003). The Game, the Player, the World: Looking for a Heart of Gameness. Proceedings of the 2003 DiGRA International Conference: Level Up, 2, 30-40.
  • Kalmpourtzis, G. (2019). Developing kindergarten students’ game design skills by teaching game design through organized game design interventions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(14), 20485-20510.
  • Ke, F. (2009). A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Computer Games as Learning Tools: İçinde R. E. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education (ss. 1-32). IGI Global.
  • Ke, F. (2014). An implementation of design-based learning through creating educational computer games: A case study on mathematics learning during design and computing. Computers & Education, 73, 26-39.
  • Kenny, R. F., & McDaniel, R. (2011). The role teachers’ expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms: Expectancy-value. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 197-213.
  • Kirkley, S. E., & Kirkley, J. R. (2005). Creating next generation blended learning environments using mixed reality, Video Games and Simulations. TechTrends, 49(3), 42-53.
  • Kirriemuir, J. (2002). Video Gaming, Education and Digital Learning Technologies: Relevance and Opportunities. D-Lib Magazine, 8(2).
  • Kuhn, S. (2001). Learning from the Architecture Studio: Implications for Project-Based Pedagogy. Int. J. Engng Ed, 17(4/5), 349-352.
  • Lieberman, D. A. (2006). What Can We Learn From Playing Interactive Games? In Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (1. bs, ss. 379-397). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Perrotta, C., Featherstone, G., Aston, H., & Houghton, E. (2013). Game-based learning: Latest evidence and future directions (s. 49). National Foundation for Educational Research.
  • Petty, G. (2009). Teaching today: A practical guide (4th ed). Nelson Thornes.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Prensky, M., & Thiagarajan, S. (2007). Digital game-based learning: New roles for trainers and teachers ; how to combine computer games and learning ; real-life case studies from organizations utilizing game-based techniques (Paragon House ed). Paragon House.
  • Sawyer, B. (2007). Serious Games: Broadening Games Impact Beyond Entertainment. Computer Graphics Forum, 26(3), xviii-xviii.
  • Shaffer, D. W., Squire, K. R., Halverson, R., & Gee, J. P. (2005). Video Games and the Future of Learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(2), 105-111.
  • Slussareff, M., & Boháčková, P. (2016). Students as Game Designers vs. ‘Just’ Players: Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Location-Based Games Implementation into School Curricula. Digital Education Review, 29, 284-297.
  • Squire, K. (2005). Game-Based Learning: Present and Future State of the Field. e-Learning CONSORTI UM.
  • Tekinbaş, K. S., & Zimmerman, E. (Ed.). (2006). The game design reader: A Rules of play anthology. MIT Press.
  • Yunjo, A., & Bonk, C. J. (2009). Finding that SPECIAL PLACE: Designing Digital Game-Based Learning Environments. TechTrends, 53(3), 43-48.

Assessing Game Design Experience: Insights from Educators in Design Studio Environments

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 279 - 294, 20.12.2023


Although video games, one of the most popular tools of new media, have become an important focus of playing and informal learning, their lack of active use in education is an important phenomenon to be considered. Though researchers have focused on the potential benefits of using games in education and integrating them into curricula, this transition has yet to be effectively implemented. Especially why educators do not use games effectively and make them a part of education is an important situation that needs to be emphasized. Certain problems are mentioned in the literature about the reasons for this situation. The reasons that come to the forefront are that educators have doubts about the benefits of including games in the curriculum, educators do not have enough experience in games and game-based education, and the idea that efforts to include games in the curriculum will not yield the desired results. Well-designed digital games or digital game-based learning environments gain a more powerful and potential structure in terms of education as they offer positioned learning experiences with transferable information and instant feedback, unlike the structure of traditional education that focuses on knowledge rather than doing. In order to see the perspectives of educators and to understand how to create a common framework, this study has identified focusing on the game design experience and educators' approaches and perceptions towards digital game-based learning environments as a research problem. The fact that most of the research in the literature is on student experience supports the approach of the study.


  • Akcaoglu, M., & Koehler, M. J. (2014). Cognitive outcomes from the Game-Design and Learning (GDL) after-school program. Computers & Education, 75, 72-81.
  • All, A., Nuñez Castellar, E. P., & Van Looy, J. (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of digital game-based learning: Best practices. Computers & Education, 92-93, 90-103.
  • An, Y.-J., & Cao, L. (2017). The Effects of Game Design Experience on Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions regarding the Use of Digital Games in the Classroom. TechTrends, 61(2), 162-170.
  • Becker, K. (2007). Digital game-based learning once removed: Teaching teachers. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 478-488.
  • Becker, K. (2017). Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom. Springer International Publishing.
  • Bressler, D. M., & Annetta, L. A. (2022). Using game design to increase teachers’ familiarity with design thinking. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32(2), 1023-1035.
  • Carolyn Yang, Y.-T., & Chang, C.-H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education, 68, 334-344.
  • Desurvire, H., & Wiberg, C. (2008). Master of the game: Assessing approachability in future game design. CHI ’08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3177-3182.
  • Desurvire, H., & Wiberg, C. (2009). Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration. Içinde A. A. Ozok & P. Zaphiris (Ed.), Online Communities and Social Computing (C. 5621, ss. 557-566). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Egenfeldt‐Nielsen, S. (2004). Practical barriers in using educational computer games. On the Horizon, 12(1), 18-21.
  • Federoff, M. (2003). Improving Game with User Testing: Getting Better Data Earlier. Game Developer Magazine, 35-40.
  • Flick, U. (2014). An introduction to qualitative research (Edition 5). Sage.
  • Frossard, F., Trifonova, A., & Barajas, M. (2015). Teachers Designing Learning Games. in Video Games and Creativity (ss. 159-183). Elsevier.
  • Gaskin, J., & Berente, N. (2011). Video Game Design in the MBA Curriculum: An Experiential Learning Approach for Teaching Design Thinking. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 29.
  • Gee, J. P. (2004). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy (1. paperback ed). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gee, J. P. (2010). New digital media and learning as an emerging area and “worked examples” as one way forward. The MIT Press.
  • Heskett, J. (2005). Design: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
  • Juul, J. (2003). The Game, the Player, the World: Looking for a Heart of Gameness. Proceedings of the 2003 DiGRA International Conference: Level Up, 2, 30-40.
  • Kalmpourtzis, G. (2019). Developing kindergarten students’ game design skills by teaching game design through organized game design interventions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(14), 20485-20510.
  • Ke, F. (2009). A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Computer Games as Learning Tools: İçinde R. E. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education (ss. 1-32). IGI Global.
  • Ke, F. (2014). An implementation of design-based learning through creating educational computer games: A case study on mathematics learning during design and computing. Computers & Education, 73, 26-39.
  • Kenny, R. F., & McDaniel, R. (2011). The role teachers’ expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms: Expectancy-value. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 197-213.
  • Kirkley, S. E., & Kirkley, J. R. (2005). Creating next generation blended learning environments using mixed reality, Video Games and Simulations. TechTrends, 49(3), 42-53.
  • Kirriemuir, J. (2002). Video Gaming, Education and Digital Learning Technologies: Relevance and Opportunities. D-Lib Magazine, 8(2).
  • Kuhn, S. (2001). Learning from the Architecture Studio: Implications for Project-Based Pedagogy. Int. J. Engng Ed, 17(4/5), 349-352.
  • Lieberman, D. A. (2006). What Can We Learn From Playing Interactive Games? In Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (1. bs, ss. 379-397). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Perrotta, C., Featherstone, G., Aston, H., & Houghton, E. (2013). Game-based learning: Latest evidence and future directions (s. 49). National Foundation for Educational Research.
  • Petty, G. (2009). Teaching today: A practical guide (4th ed). Nelson Thornes.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • Prensky, M., & Thiagarajan, S. (2007). Digital game-based learning: New roles for trainers and teachers ; how to combine computer games and learning ; real-life case studies from organizations utilizing game-based techniques (Paragon House ed). Paragon House.
  • Sawyer, B. (2007). Serious Games: Broadening Games Impact Beyond Entertainment. Computer Graphics Forum, 26(3), xviii-xviii.
  • Shaffer, D. W., Squire, K. R., Halverson, R., & Gee, J. P. (2005). Video Games and the Future of Learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(2), 105-111.
  • Slussareff, M., & Boháčková, P. (2016). Students as Game Designers vs. ‘Just’ Players: Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Location-Based Games Implementation into School Curricula. Digital Education Review, 29, 284-297.
  • Squire, K. (2005). Game-Based Learning: Present and Future State of the Field. e-Learning CONSORTI UM.
  • Tekinbaş, K. S., & Zimmerman, E. (Ed.). (2006). The game design reader: A Rules of play anthology. MIT Press.
  • Yunjo, A., & Bonk, C. J. (2009). Finding that SPECIAL PLACE: Designing Digital Game-Based Learning Environments. TechTrends, 53(3), 43-48.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture (Other), Information Technology in Design
Journal Section Research Articles

Emirhan Coşkun 0000-0003-3699-1486

Early Pub Date December 20, 2023
Publication Date December 20, 2023
Submission Date October 25, 2023
Acceptance Date December 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Coşkun, E. (2023). Assessing Game Design Experience: Insights from Educators in Design Studio Environments. Journal of Design Studio, 5(2), 279-294.

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