Writing Rules

-Please read the editorial rules and publication guidelines before submitting your article.
-Since the blind referee application is used, only author information and notes about the article (acknowledgements, project support information, etc.) should be included on the first page of the article file; the text of the article should start from the second page of the file.
-The study must comply with the rules of grammar. The article's punctuation marks, the spelling of words and abbreviations should be based on the latest TDK Spelling Guide, a clear and straightforward way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information beyond the purpose and scope should be excluded. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, and information such as the study's subject, purpose, scope, reason for preparation, etc., should be given sufficiently and in a particular order.
Title: Each manuscript should have a title in the language in which it is written, in Turkish and English. It should be short, clear, and adequately reflect the article's content, written in capital letters and bold, and at most fifteen words.
Abstract and Keywords: The Turkish Abstract should reflect the study's purpose, scope and results. The Abstract should be at least one hundred and at most two hundred words, and Turkish keywords consisting of at least three and at most six words should be written one line below the Abstract. The abstract, title and keywords should also be in English. Articles written in a foreign language should include titles, abstracts and keywords in Turkish, English and the writing language. Care should be taken to avoid language mistakes in foreign language abstracts. In the Abstract and Abstract sections, the Abstract should be 9 pt, 1.15 line spacing, justified, Maximum of 250 words.
Primary Text: It is preferred that the articles should be written using MS Office Word software programme (with.doc or.docx extension) and should be at most 8000 (eight thousand) words in total.

The work should be arranged according to the template in the Writing Rules section.

Journal of Critical Communication © 2018 by Nuri Paşa Özer is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International