Writing Rules


  1. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published/scheduled for publishing or at the evaluation process in another journal.
  2. Author should denote references for visual and textual original works.
  3. Authors are responsible for their articles published in Moment Journal.
  4. Republishing of full articles, that are already published in our journal, is liable to Moment Journal's permission.
  5. Quoting from the published articles is possible on condition of referencing.
  6. Article submission dates are stated in the call for papers for the upcoming issue. Therefore, submissions made after the deadline will not be evaluated.
  7. Authors can only submit one article for an issue of the journal.
  8. Moment Journal considers any racist, sexist or discriminatory content as hate speech and uses its right to refuse such contents without sending them for review. 


  1. Moment is an online journal published biannually with a blind peer review system. Authors will be able to send articles through signing up Moment's online journal system.
  2. Submitted manuscripts should be between 6000-8000 words in length (including footnotes and references).
  3. Submitted book reviews should be between 1500-3000 words in length (including footnotes and references).
  4. Authors are required to send their manuscripts with abstracts (100-150 words). Abstracts should be written in English and Turkish. Authors should also include 5 keywords that are central to the manuscripts.
  5. Manuscripts and abstracts should only contain the title of the article.
  6. Articles should be sent in 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced on MS Word. (doc / docx). Footnotes should be written in 9 pt and 1 spaced.
  7. Footnotes should be at the end of the page, numbered.
  8. Order of titles:
    - The main title should be in capitals and bold.
    - Subtitles' only first letters should be in capitals and all bold.
    - Intrasectional titles' first letters should be in capitals and all italic.
    - All the titles should be left aligned and numbered.
  9. Paragraphs should be contiguous and 1 tab recessed.
  10. If the quotations are short, they should be given in double quotes within the text; if longer, they should be given as block quotes, 1 tab recessed from both left and right. Quotations should be coherent with the main text's font and space. Block quotes should be 1 spaced.
  11. For the abbreviations in minuscules, the affixes should be used as pronunciated, for the abbreviations in capitals, the affixes should be used as the last letter's pronunciations.
  12. Dates should be mentioned in numbers and apostrophes should be used for the affixes. (e.g. 1950's)
  13. Graphics, photographs, charts etc. should be placed appropriately into the text. Such visuals should be numbered as Chart1, Chart2, Figure1, Figure2 etc.
  14. Explanatory notes should be given as footnotes, not as endnotes.
  15. Authors are required to submit their title and institution information, e-mail adress information into relevant places in the Dergipark system.
  16. Authors should not mention their names and institutions anywhere in the manuscript, including footnotes and etc.
  17. If the authors use self-references, they should mention it as "The Author" and note the date. No other expression should be noted.


All the articles should be written accordingly with APA style's sixth edition.
For detailed information, see

Book (One author)

Intratextual reference:

If the name of the author is not mentioned in the text and the book is referred:
(Draaisma, 2007)

If the name of the author is a part of the sentence, publication date should be mentioned in parenthesis:
Draaisma (2007) discusses the metaphorical structures of daily idioms about remembering and forgetting.

If a certain page is to be referenced, the author's surname, publishing date and page number should be given in parenthesis:
(Draaisma, 2007, p. 19)

Book (Two authors)

(Deleuze ve Guattari, 1992)
(Deleuze ve Guattari, 1992, p. 45)

Book (More than two authors)

(Levy et al., 1991)

Secondary Sources

If the author of your reference is quoting from another author, intratextual reference should be such:
(quoted from Foucault in Bernauer, 2005, p. 50)

If the author of your reference is quoting from another author and the name of quoted author is mentioned in the text, intratextual reference should be such:
(quoted in Bernauer, 2005, p. 50)

If the reference is to more than one source, these are mentioned in the same parathesis as such:
(Jones 2011; Biggs 2010; Smith 2009)



One authored books:
Peters, J. D. (1999). Speaking into the air: A history of idea of communication. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

If the same author published more than one book in the same year:
Carlson, N. R. (2007a) Foundations of physiology and psychology. (7. Basım.). Boston, Mass: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
Carlson, N. R. (2007b) Physiology of behaviour. London: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.

Two or three authored books:
Çaylı, E. and Depeli, G. (2012). İfade özgürlüğünün on yılı 2001-2012. İstanbul: IPS İletişim Vakfı Yayınları.

More than three authors:
Telli Aydemir, A., Doğu B., Özçetin, B., İslamoğlu, G., Bayraktutan, G., Binark, M., Çomu, T., (2014). Siyasetin yeni hali: Vaka-i sosyal medya - seçimden seçime, gezi direnişi'nden hükümet cemaat çatışmasına. İstanbul: Kalkedon.

No author:
Atlas of Anatomy. (2002). Cobham, Surrey: Taj Books.

Compiled book:
Coşar, S. and Yücesan-Özdemir, G. (Ed.), (2014). İktidarın şiddeti. İstanbul: Metis.

Book chapter:
Karabağ, Ç. (2013). Muhalif anlamlardan söylemdeki çatlaklara: 12 Eylül filmlerinin alımlaması. Hakan Ergül (Ed.), in Sahanın sesleri: iletişim araştırmalarında etnografik yöntem (pp. 55-81). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Translated book:
Allen, D. S. (2011). Platon neden yazdı? (A. Batur, Trans.). İstanbul: İletişim.

Sadler, P. (2003). Strategic management. Erişim http://www.netlibrary.com/Reader/.


Article in printed journal:
Tefts, K. and Blacksee, S. (2000). Did you hear the one about boolean operators? Incorporating comedy into library instruction. Reference Services Review, 28 (4), 369-378.

Article in online journal:
Wilson, J. (1995). Enter the cyberpunk librarian: future directions in cyberspace. Library Review. 44 (8), 63-72. Access http://www.emeraldinsight.com

Doi numbered publications:
Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R. and Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. American Psychologist, 63(3), 182-196. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.63.3.182

Other Sources

Newspaper Column:
Sherwood, H. (20th of June 2014). Global refugee figure passes 50m for first time since second world war. The Guardian.

Newspaper Column (Online):
Randerson, J. (26th of February 2008) Researchers find fish that can count up to four. The Guardian. Erişim: 22 Mayıs 2008, http://www.lexisnexis.com/uk.

News text in newspaper (No author):
Exploration of the Coast (24th of November 1987). The Guardian.

Web sites:
Factory Gloom worst since 1980. Access: 21st of October2008, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7681569.stm

Broom, S. (2002). Daylight [Photographs]. Manor Art Gallery, Manchester.
Cedar, M. (1938). Mars at Night [Sculpture].Manor Art Gallery,Manchester.

TV Series:
Leavitt, Ron ve Moye, M.G. (Author) and Cohen, G. (Director). (1987-1997). Married with children [TV Dizisi]. R. Leavitt and E. L. Fogle (Yapımcı). USA: Sony Pictures Television.

Ledoux, P. (Productor) ve Besson, L. (Director). (1994). Léon [Movie]. ABD: Columbia Pictures & Gaumont.