Aim & Scope

Troia Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Medicine Faculty. The aim of our journal is to publish high quality and reliable articles contributing to scientific knowledge, and written on current topics in all branches of medicine in accordance with ethical principles to reach readers at national and international level. Within the framework of scientific independence and freedom of expression, our main goal is to publish without prejudice, and respecting ethical principles, publishing rights and intellectual property concepts.

Accessibility and Open Access Policy
Journal and Article Accessibility

Troia Medical journal is fully committed to making research available free of charge to scholars, experts, and the general public. All articles published in our journal:
Fully open access: freely available online as soon as published
No subscription or registration required: Readers can access all articles on our website without subscription or registration
Cost for Writers and Readers
Troia Medical journal is a completely free journal for both authors and readers. Authors are not charged any submission fees, publishing fees or other costs. Readers also do not have to pay any fees to access our content.

Our journal is published three times a year, both in open access and in print. Supplements are issued on the subjects determined by the editorial board. Publication policy and processes are carried out by following International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Original scientific value and high writing quality conditions are sought for the articles to be published. Issues include original research articles, case reports, reviews and letters to the editor in the fields of basic, internal and surgical sciences. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. In all articles, the title and abstract (except in letters to the editor) are published in both languages. Our journal is open access, and the authors are not charged for evaluation, publication, publication or any other process.
The most important mission of our journal is to increase the contribution of our country to the developments in the field of medicine all over the world. In this context, our main goal is to create a journal that is suitable for medical scientists in our country, easily accessible, respected and reliable, adopting good refereeing practices as a principle, and focusing on current and interesting topics. The target audience of the journal is academicians and healthcare professionals working in all fields of medicine in the world and in our country. The most important goal of our journal is to be a pioneering medical journal indexed in reputable databases with high impact value in the international arena, and followed with interest by relevant scientists all over the world.

Period Months
January May September
Last Update Time: 6/5/24, 2:03:42 PM