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İlköğretim Okullarında Örgütsel İklim ve Bu İklimin Öğretmenlerin İş Doyumları Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 5, 1737 - 1752, 15.09.2017


Örgütsel iklimin örgütte bulunan çalışanların davranışları ve algıları üzerinde etkileri
bulunmaktadır. Örgütsel ilkimin dört temel faktörü vardır: Yapısal, insan kaynakları, politik
ve sembolik çerçeve. İnsan kaynakları çerçevesi takım çalışmasını ifade ederken, yapısal
çerçeve rehberliği, sembolik çerçeve güveni ve politik çerçeve ise özerkliği ifade etmektedir.
Bu nicel betimsel çalışma bu unsurların öğretmenlerin içsel ve dışsal iş doyumlarını
etkileyip etkilemediğini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçları erkek
öğretmenlerin okul çevresini daha olumlu algılarken kadın çalışanların daha yüksek içsel
iş doyumuna sahip olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır. 30 yaş ve daha genç öğretmenler bütün
faktörleri daha olumlu algılamaktadırlar. 12 yıldan fazla deneyimli öğretmenler, daha az
deneyimli meslektaşlarına göre sembolik çerçeveyi daha iyi algılamaktadırlar. 41 yaş ve daha
büyük olan öğretmenler daha fazla içsel doyuma sahipken daha genç öğretmenler daha fazla dışsal doyuma sahiptirler. Öğretmenler daha fazla deneyim elde ettikçe daha yüksek içsel
doyuma sahip olmaktadırlar. Okul ikliminin öğretmenlerin iş doyumları üzerindeki etkisi
değerlendirildiğinde, örgütsel iklim öğretmenlerin iş doyumlarının %60’ını açıklamaktadır. 


  • Acikgoz, A., & Gunsel, A. (2011). The effects of organizational climate on team innovativeness, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 920–927.
  • Adeniji, A. A. (2011). Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff in some Selected Private Universities in Southwest Nigeria, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, School of Business, Covenant University, Ota.
  • Afolabi, O. A. (2005). Influence of Organizational climate and Locus of Control on Job Satis-faction and Turnover Intentions. IFE PsychologIA, 13(2), 102-113.
  • Allen, N.J. (2003). Organizational commitment in the military: a discussion of theory and prac-tice, Military Psychology, 15, 237-253.
  • Ancarani, A.D., Mauro C. & Giammanco, M.D. (2009). How are organizational climate models and patient satisfaction related? A competing value framework approach, Soc Sci Med. 69(12):1813-8.
  • Arani, A. M. & Abbasi, P.(2004). Relationship Between Secondary School Teachers’ Job
  • Satisfaction and School Organizational Climate in Iran and India, Pakistan Journal Of Psyc-hological Research, 19(1-2), 37-49.
  • Austin, A.E. & Gamson, Z.F. (1983). Academic workplace: new demands, heightened tensions. Higher Education Research Report, Washington, George Washington University.
  • Bensimon, E.M. (1989). The meaning of good presidential leadership: A frame analysis. The Review of Higher Education, 12, 107-123.
  • Berwick, K.R. (1992). Stress among student affairs administrators: The relationship of personal characteristics and organizational variables to work-related stress. Journal of College Student Development, 33(1), 11-19.
  • Bogler, R. (2001). The influence of leadership style on teacher job satisfaction. Educational Administration Quarterly, 37(5), 662 – 683
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal T.E. (1991). Leadership and management effectiveness: A multi-frame, multi-sector analysis. Human Resource Management, 30, 509-534.
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (1991b). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bolman, LG & Deal, T.E. (1997). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T..E (2003). Reframing organizations.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Boone, L. (1987). The great writings in management and organizational behavior (2nd ed.). New York: Random House.
  • Burns, R.A. & Machin, M.A. (2011). Moving Beyond the pleasure principle: within and be-tween-occasion effects of employee Eudaimonia within a school, Journal of Vocational Be-havior, 80, 118–128.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Cakmak, K.E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, S. &Demirel, F.(2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri, 17. Baskı, PegemA Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Cameron, K. & Smart, J.C. (1998). Maintaining effectiveness amid downsizing and decline in institutions of higher education. Research in Higher Education, 39, 65-86.
  • Castro, M., & Martins, N. (2010). The relationship between organisational climate and emplo-yee satisfaction in a South African information and technology organisation. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1), 1-9.
  • Çokluk,Ö.; Şekercioğlu, G.; ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatisitik spss ve lisrel uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi, Ankara
  • DeCotiis, T. & Summers, TP (1987). A path analysis of a model of the antecedents and conse-quences of organizational commitment. Human Relations, 40, 445–470.
  • Denison, D.R. (1996). What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native’s point of view on a decade of paradigm wars. Academy of Management Review, 21, 619-654.
  • Diaz, R.I. & Cabbera, D.D. (1997). Safety climate and attitude as evaluation Measures oforgan-izational safety, Acciddent and Analysis and Prev., 29(5), 643–650.
  • Dinham, S., & Scott, C. (2000). Moving into the third, outer domain of teacher satisfaction. Journal of Educational Administration, 38(4), 379 – 396.
  • Fava, G.A., Ruini, C., Rafanelli, C., Finos, L., Conti, S. & Grandi, S. (2004). Six year outcome for cognitive behavioural prevention of recurrent depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1872–1876.
  • Glisson, C. (2010). Organizational climate and service outcomes in child welfare settings. In M. B. Webb, K. L. Dowd, B. J. Harden, J. Landsverk, & M. Testa (Eds.), Child welfare and child well-being: New perspectives from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Glisson, C. & Green, P. (2011). Organizational climate, services, and outcomes in child welfare systems, Child Abuse & Neglect, 35 (2011) 582– 591.
  • Glisson, C. & Hemmelgarn, A.(1998). The effects of organizational climate and inter-organizational coordination on the quality and outcomes of children’s service systems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 22(5), 401–421.
  • Glisson, C. & James, L.R. (2002). The cross-level effects of culture and climate in human ser-vice teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 767–794.
  • Goldstein, S.M. (2003). Employee development: an examination of service strategy in a high-contact service environment. Production and Operations Management, 12(2), 186–203.
  • Gormley, D.K. & Kennerly, S. (2010). Influence of work role and perceptions of climate on faculty organizational commitment, Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(2), 108–115.
  • Grigsby, K.A. (1991). Perceptions of the organizational climate: Influenced by the organization-al structure? Journal of Nursing Education, 30, 81–88.
  • Gunduz, H. (2008). Ilkogretim okullarinda orgutsel iklim ve is doyumu arasindaki iliski, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gaziantep Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hart, P.M., Wearing, A.J., Conn, M., Carter, N.L. & Dingle, A.R.K. (2000). Development of the School Organizational Health Questionnaire: A measure for assessing teacher morale and school organizational climate. British Journal of Educational Psy. 70(2), 211–228.
  • Johnsrud, L.K. & Rosser, V.J. (1999). College and university mid-level administrators: Ex-plaining and improving their morale. Review of Higher Education, 22, 121-141.
  • Johnsrud, L.K., Heck, R.H. & Rosser V.J. (2000). Morale matters: midlevel administrators and their intent to leave. Journal of Higher Education, 71, 34-59.
  • Johnsrud, L.K. (2002). Measuring the quality of faculty and administrative worklife: implica-tions for college and university campuses. Research in Higher Edu. 43, 379-395.
  • Joyce. W.F. & Slocum, J.W. Jr. (1984). Collective climate: Agreement as a basis for defining aggregate climates in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 27,721−742.
  • Jyoti, J. (2013). Impact of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Intention to Leave: An Empirical Model, Journal of Business Theory and Pra. 1(1), 66-82.
  • Karadag. E., Baloglu, N., Korkmaz, T. & Caliskan, N. (2008). Egitim kurumlarinda orgut iklimi ve orgut ekinlik algisi arasindaki iliskinin Degerlendirilmesi, Ahi Evran Universitesi Kirsehir Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 9(3), 63-71.
  • Karasar, N.(2002). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (11. baskı), Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Karsh, B., Bookse, B. C., & Sainfort, F. (2005). Job and Organizational Determinants of Nur-sing Home Employee commitment, job satisfaction and Intent to Turnover. Ergonomics, 48(10), 1260-1281.
  • Kath, L.M., Magley,V.J.&Marmet,M.(2009).The role of organizational trust in safety climate’s influence onorganizational outcomes, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42,1488–1497.
  • Kaur, R. (2015). Influence of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Teacher in Relation to Their Type of School and Gender, Parent Category, 4(1).
  • Kumar, B. P., & Giri, V. N. (2007), Organizational Commitment, Climate and Job satisfaction: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 6(3), 7-18.
  • Lawler, E. (1986). High Involvement Management. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
  • Lok, P., Wang, Z. P., Westwood, B., & Crawford, J. (2007). Antecedents of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the mediating role of organizational subculture. Working paper, 1-41.
  • Lu, H., While, A.E. & Barriball, K.L., (2005). Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature re-view, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42(2), 211-226.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organisational Behaviour (6th Edition). New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Menges, J.I., Walter, F., Vogel, B. and Bruch, H. (2011).Transformational leadership climate: performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level, The Leadership Quarterly 22, 893–909.
  • Metle, M. K. (2001). Education, job satisfaction and gender in K uwait. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(2), 311–332
  • Mosser, N.R & Walls, R.T. (2002). Leadership frames of nursing chairpersons and the organi-zational climate in baccalaureate nursing programs. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Re-search, 3(2), 11-22.
  • Moran, E.T. & Volkwein, J.F. (1992). The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate. Human Relations, 45, 19-47.
  • Nguni, S,. Sleegers, P. & Denessen, E. (2006) Transformational and transactional leadership effects on teachers' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior in primary schools. School Effectiv. and School Impr.17(2), 145-177.
  • Nystrom, P.C., Ramamurthy, K. & Wilson, A.L. (2002). Organizational context, climate and innovativeness: adoption of imaging technology. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 19(3-4), 221-247.
  • Ololube, N. P. (2006). Teachers Job Satisfaction and Motivation for School Effectiveness: An Assessment, Essays in Education, 18,1-19.
  • Ozcan, K. & Balyer, A. (2013). Liderlik oryantasyon olçeğinin Turkceye uyarlanmasi, Mersin Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 9 (1), 135-150.
  • Parker, C.P., Baltes, B.B., Young, S.A, Huff, J.W., Altmann, R.A., LaCost, H.A., Paulin, M., Ferguson, R.J. & Bergeron, J. (2003). Service climate and organizational commitment: The importance of customer linkages, Journal of Business Research, 59 (2006) 906–915.
  • Rigg, M. (1992). Vision and value: Keys to initiating organizational change. Industrial Engi-neering. 12-13.
  • Saxena, S. & Shabana, S. (2012). Correlational Stusy between Teachers2 Job Satisfaction and Educational Attainment in Various School Organizational Climate, International Journal of Current Research, 4 (12), 073-075.
  • Scott, D.K. (1999). A multiframe perspective of leadership and organizational climate in inter-collegiate athletics. Journal of Sport Management, 13, 298-316.
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Organizational Climate At Primary Schools and Its Influences On Teachers Job Satisfaction

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 5, 1737 - 1752, 15.09.2017


Organizational climate has influences on the way members behave and perceive in an
organization. It has four basic factors; structural, human resource, political, and symbolic
frames. While the human resources frame means teamwork, the structural frame accounts
to guidance, the symbolic frame infers trust and the political frame means autonomy. This
descriptive quantitative study was conducted to discover if these elements influence teachers’
intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. Results reveal that while male teachers perceive school
environment more positively, female participants have higher intrinsic job satisfaction. While
younger teachers perceive all factors more positively, experienced teachers perceive symbolic
frame more positively. Regarding age is concerned, while the teachers who are 41 years old and
over have more intrinsic job satisfaction, the younger ones have more extrinsic job satisfaction. 


  • Acikgoz, A., & Gunsel, A. (2011). The effects of organizational climate on team innovativeness, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 920–927.
  • Adeniji, A. A. (2011). Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff in some Selected Private Universities in Southwest Nigeria, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, School of Business, Covenant University, Ota.
  • Afolabi, O. A. (2005). Influence of Organizational climate and Locus of Control on Job Satis-faction and Turnover Intentions. IFE PsychologIA, 13(2), 102-113.
  • Allen, N.J. (2003). Organizational commitment in the military: a discussion of theory and prac-tice, Military Psychology, 15, 237-253.
  • Ancarani, A.D., Mauro C. & Giammanco, M.D. (2009). How are organizational climate models and patient satisfaction related? A competing value framework approach, Soc Sci Med. 69(12):1813-8.
  • Arani, A. M. & Abbasi, P.(2004). Relationship Between Secondary School Teachers’ Job
  • Satisfaction and School Organizational Climate in Iran and India, Pakistan Journal Of Psyc-hological Research, 19(1-2), 37-49.
  • Austin, A.E. & Gamson, Z.F. (1983). Academic workplace: new demands, heightened tensions. Higher Education Research Report, Washington, George Washington University.
  • Bensimon, E.M. (1989). The meaning of good presidential leadership: A frame analysis. The Review of Higher Education, 12, 107-123.
  • Berwick, K.R. (1992). Stress among student affairs administrators: The relationship of personal characteristics and organizational variables to work-related stress. Journal of College Student Development, 33(1), 11-19.
  • Bogler, R. (2001). The influence of leadership style on teacher job satisfaction. Educational Administration Quarterly, 37(5), 662 – 683
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal T.E. (1991). Leadership and management effectiveness: A multi-frame, multi-sector analysis. Human Resource Management, 30, 509-534.
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (1991b). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bolman, LG & Deal, T.E. (1997). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T..E (2003). Reframing organizations.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Boone, L. (1987). The great writings in management and organizational behavior (2nd ed.). New York: Random House.
  • Burns, R.A. & Machin, M.A. (2011). Moving Beyond the pleasure principle: within and be-tween-occasion effects of employee Eudaimonia within a school, Journal of Vocational Be-havior, 80, 118–128.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Cakmak, K.E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, S. &Demirel, F.(2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri, 17. Baskı, PegemA Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Cameron, K. & Smart, J.C. (1998). Maintaining effectiveness amid downsizing and decline in institutions of higher education. Research in Higher Education, 39, 65-86.
  • Castro, M., & Martins, N. (2010). The relationship between organisational climate and emplo-yee satisfaction in a South African information and technology organisation. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1), 1-9.
  • Çokluk,Ö.; Şekercioğlu, G.; ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatisitik spss ve lisrel uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi, Ankara
  • DeCotiis, T. & Summers, TP (1987). A path analysis of a model of the antecedents and conse-quences of organizational commitment. Human Relations, 40, 445–470.
  • Denison, D.R. (1996). What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native’s point of view on a decade of paradigm wars. Academy of Management Review, 21, 619-654.
  • Diaz, R.I. & Cabbera, D.D. (1997). Safety climate and attitude as evaluation Measures oforgan-izational safety, Acciddent and Analysis and Prev., 29(5), 643–650.
  • Dinham, S., & Scott, C. (2000). Moving into the third, outer domain of teacher satisfaction. Journal of Educational Administration, 38(4), 379 – 396.
  • Fava, G.A., Ruini, C., Rafanelli, C., Finos, L., Conti, S. & Grandi, S. (2004). Six year outcome for cognitive behavioural prevention of recurrent depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1872–1876.
  • Glisson, C. (2010). Organizational climate and service outcomes in child welfare settings. In M. B. Webb, K. L. Dowd, B. J. Harden, J. Landsverk, & M. Testa (Eds.), Child welfare and child well-being: New perspectives from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Glisson, C. & Green, P. (2011). Organizational climate, services, and outcomes in child welfare systems, Child Abuse & Neglect, 35 (2011) 582– 591.
  • Glisson, C. & Hemmelgarn, A.(1998). The effects of organizational climate and inter-organizational coordination on the quality and outcomes of children’s service systems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 22(5), 401–421.
  • Glisson, C. & James, L.R. (2002). The cross-level effects of culture and climate in human ser-vice teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 767–794.
  • Goldstein, S.M. (2003). Employee development: an examination of service strategy in a high-contact service environment. Production and Operations Management, 12(2), 186–203.
  • Gormley, D.K. & Kennerly, S. (2010). Influence of work role and perceptions of climate on faculty organizational commitment, Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(2), 108–115.
  • Grigsby, K.A. (1991). Perceptions of the organizational climate: Influenced by the organization-al structure? Journal of Nursing Education, 30, 81–88.
  • Gunduz, H. (2008). Ilkogretim okullarinda orgutsel iklim ve is doyumu arasindaki iliski, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gaziantep Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hart, P.M., Wearing, A.J., Conn, M., Carter, N.L. & Dingle, A.R.K. (2000). Development of the School Organizational Health Questionnaire: A measure for assessing teacher morale and school organizational climate. British Journal of Educational Psy. 70(2), 211–228.
  • Johnsrud, L.K. & Rosser, V.J. (1999). College and university mid-level administrators: Ex-plaining and improving their morale. Review of Higher Education, 22, 121-141.
  • Johnsrud, L.K., Heck, R.H. & Rosser V.J. (2000). Morale matters: midlevel administrators and their intent to leave. Journal of Higher Education, 71, 34-59.
  • Johnsrud, L.K. (2002). Measuring the quality of faculty and administrative worklife: implica-tions for college and university campuses. Research in Higher Edu. 43, 379-395.
  • Joyce. W.F. & Slocum, J.W. Jr. (1984). Collective climate: Agreement as a basis for defining aggregate climates in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 27,721−742.
  • Jyoti, J. (2013). Impact of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Intention to Leave: An Empirical Model, Journal of Business Theory and Pra. 1(1), 66-82.
  • Karadag. E., Baloglu, N., Korkmaz, T. & Caliskan, N. (2008). Egitim kurumlarinda orgut iklimi ve orgut ekinlik algisi arasindaki iliskinin Degerlendirilmesi, Ahi Evran Universitesi Kirsehir Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 9(3), 63-71.
  • Karasar, N.(2002). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (11. baskı), Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Karsh, B., Bookse, B. C., & Sainfort, F. (2005). Job and Organizational Determinants of Nur-sing Home Employee commitment, job satisfaction and Intent to Turnover. Ergonomics, 48(10), 1260-1281.
  • Kath, L.M., Magley,V.J.&Marmet,M.(2009).The role of organizational trust in safety climate’s influence onorganizational outcomes, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42,1488–1497.
  • Kaur, R. (2015). Influence of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Teacher in Relation to Their Type of School and Gender, Parent Category, 4(1).
  • Kumar, B. P., & Giri, V. N. (2007), Organizational Commitment, Climate and Job satisfaction: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 6(3), 7-18.
  • Lawler, E. (1986). High Involvement Management. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
  • Lok, P., Wang, Z. P., Westwood, B., & Crawford, J. (2007). Antecedents of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the mediating role of organizational subculture. Working paper, 1-41.
  • Lu, H., While, A.E. & Barriball, K.L., (2005). Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature re-view, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42(2), 211-226.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organisational Behaviour (6th Edition). New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Menges, J.I., Walter, F., Vogel, B. and Bruch, H. (2011).Transformational leadership climate: performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level, The Leadership Quarterly 22, 893–909.
  • Metle, M. K. (2001). Education, job satisfaction and gender in K uwait. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(2), 311–332
  • Mosser, N.R & Walls, R.T. (2002). Leadership frames of nursing chairpersons and the organi-zational climate in baccalaureate nursing programs. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Re-search, 3(2), 11-22.
  • Moran, E.T. & Volkwein, J.F. (1992). The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate. Human Relations, 45, 19-47.
  • Nguni, S,. Sleegers, P. & Denessen, E. (2006) Transformational and transactional leadership effects on teachers' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior in primary schools. School Effectiv. and School Impr.17(2), 145-177.
  • Nystrom, P.C., Ramamurthy, K. & Wilson, A.L. (2002). Organizational context, climate and innovativeness: adoption of imaging technology. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 19(3-4), 221-247.
  • Ololube, N. P. (2006). Teachers Job Satisfaction and Motivation for School Effectiveness: An Assessment, Essays in Education, 18,1-19.
  • Ozcan, K. & Balyer, A. (2013). Liderlik oryantasyon olçeğinin Turkceye uyarlanmasi, Mersin Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 9 (1), 135-150.
  • Parker, C.P., Baltes, B.B., Young, S.A, Huff, J.W., Altmann, R.A., LaCost, H.A., Paulin, M., Ferguson, R.J. & Bergeron, J. (2003). Service climate and organizational commitment: The importance of customer linkages, Journal of Business Research, 59 (2006) 906–915.
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Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Diğer ID 1170
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Aydın Balyer Bu kişi benim

Kenan Özcan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2017
Kabul Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Balyer, A., & Özcan, K. (2017). Organizational Climate At Primary Schools and Its Influences On Teachers Job Satisfaction. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(5), 1737-1752.