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Yönetim Kurulunda Cinsiyet Çeşitliliği ve Finansal Performans İlişkisi: BİST 100 Şirketlerinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 75 - 88, 01.06.2014


In this study, relationship between board gender diversity and financial performance was studied on firms listed at Borsa Istanbul (BIST) 100 Index for the years 2009-2012. In this study, firms were divided into two groups as; firms with female directors and firms without female directors and difference between two groups in terms of accounting and market based financial performance was investigated. Multi-regression and t-test methods were used in empirical analysis. After the analysis, it was found that gender diversity has a positive effect on return on assets. However, it was also found that gender diversity has no effect on Return on Equity and Tobin’s Q. This study is one of the first studies on board gender diversity’s effect on financial performance in Turkey


  • ABBASI, M., KALANTARI, E. ve HAMIDEH, A. (2012). “Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firm Value Evidence from the Food Industry of Iran”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(5): 4712-4721.
  • ADAMS, R. B. ve FERREIRA, D. (2009). “Women In The Boardroom And Their Impact On Governance And Performance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 94(2): 291- 309.
  • AL-MAMUN, A., YASSER Q. R., ENTEBANG, H., NATHAN, T. M., ve RAHMAN, M. A. (2013), “Gender Diversity and Economic Performance of Firms: Evidences from Emerging Market”, Journal of Economic Development, IT, Finance and Marketing, 5(2): 100-110.
  • ALPAR, R. (2011). “Uygulamalı Çok DeğiĢkenli Ġstatistiksel Yöntemler”, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • AROSA, B., ITURRALDE, T. ve MASEDA, A. (2010). “Outsiders On The Board Of Directors And Firm Performance: Evidence From Spanish Non-Listed Family Firms”, Journal of Family Business Strategy 1(4): 236-245.
  • BOHREN, O. ve STROM R. O. (2007). “Aligned, Informed, And Decisive: Characteristics of Value-Creating Boards”,,966407.
  • BOZEC, R. (2005). “Boards of Directors, Market Discipline and Firm Performance”, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(9): 1921-1960.
  • CAMPBELL, K. ve MĠNGUEZ-VERA, A. (2008). “Gender Diversity In The Boardroom And Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, 83(3): 435-451.
  • CARTER, D. A., SIMKINS, B. J. ve SIMPSON, W. G. (2003). “Corporate Governance, Board Diversity, and Firm Value”, Journal of Financial Review, 38(1): 33–53.
  • CARTER, D.A., D’SOUZA, F., SIMKINS, B. J. ve SIMPSON, W. G. (2010). “The Gender and Ethnic Diversity Of US Boards And Board Committees And Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(5): 396-414.
  • COOK, R. (2013). “The Relationship Between Corporate Governance Practices and Firm Performance in the Junior Canadian Life Sciences Sector”, Saint Mary’s University, Master of Business Administration, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • CORNETT M., MILLON, M. ALAN J., SAUNDERS, A. ve TEHRANIAN, H. (2007). “The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Operating Performance”, Journal of Banking & Finance 31(6): 1771-1794.
  • ELSAYED K. (2011). “Board Size And Corporate Performance: The Missing Role Of Board Leadership Structure”, Journal of Management & Governance, 15(3): 415- 446.
  • ERHARDT, N.L., WERBEL, J.D. ve SHRADER, C.B. (2003). “Board of Directors Diversity and Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 11(2): 102-111.
  • FARRELL, K.A. ve HERSCH, P. L. (2005). “Additions to Corporate Boards: The Effect of Gender”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 11(1): 85-106.
  • FAUZI, F. ve LOCKE S. (2012). “Board Structure, Ownership Structure And Firm Performance: A Study Of New Zealand Listed-Firms”, Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting And Finance 8(2): 43-67.
  • GILL, A. ve OBRADOVICH, J.D. (2012). “The Impact of Corporate Governance and Financial Leverage on the Value of American Firms”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 25: 1-14.
  • HASLAM, S.A., RYAN, M.K., KULICH, C., TROJANOWSKI, G. ve ATKINS, C. (2010). “Investing with Prejudice: The Relationship Between Women’s Presence on Company Boards and Objective and Subjective Measures of Company Performance”, British Journal of Management, 21(2): 484-497.
  • HORVATH R. ve SPILLARI, P. (2013). “Do The Board Of Directors´ Characteristics Influence Firm´s Performance? The U.S. Evidence”, Prague Economic Papers, 4: 470-486.
  •, 01.09.2013.
  •, 10.01.2014.
  •, 01.01.2014.
  •, 01.09.2013., 10.01.2014.
  • ĠSLAMOĞLU, H. (2011). “Sosyal Bilimlerde AraĢtırma Yöntemleri”, Beta Yayınevi, Ġstanbul.
  • JOECKS, J., PULL, K. ve VETTER, K. (2012). “Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 118(1): 61-72.
  • KALAYCI ġ. (2009). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok DeğiĢkenli Ġstatistik Teknikleri”, Asil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • LUCKERATH-ROVERS, M. (2013). “Women on Board and Firm Performance”, Journal of Management & Governance, 17(2): 491-509.
  • JULIZAERMA, M.K. ve SORI, Z.M., (2012). “Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies”, Journal of ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 65: 1077-1085.
  • O’CONNELL, V. ve CRAMER, N. (2010). “The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Board Characteristics in Ireland”, Journal of European Management Journal, 28(5): 387-399.
  • PRIYA, K. ve NIMALTHASAN, B. (2013). “Board of Directors’ Characteristics and Financial Performance: A Case Study of Selected Hotels and Restaurants in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, Economics and Finance, 1(2): 18-25.
  • RANDØY, T., THOMSEN, S. ve OXELHEIM, L. (2006). “A Nordic Perspective on Corporate Board Diversity”, Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo, Age 390.
  • ROSE, C. (2007). “Does Female Board Representation Influence Firm Performance? The Danish Evidence”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15: 404–413.
  • SHRADER, C.B., BLACKBURN, V.B. ve ILES, P. (1997). Women In Management and Firm Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Managerial Issues, 9: 355–372.
  • SINGH, A. ve ZAMMIT, A., (2000). “International Capital Flows: Identifying The Gender Dimension”, Journal of World Development, 28(7): 1249-1268.
  • SMITH, N., SMITH, V. ve VERNER, M. (2006). “Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? A Panel Study of 2,500 Danish Firms”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55(7): 569–593.
  • TAGHIZADEH, M. ve SAREMI, S. (2013). “Board of Directors and Firms Performance: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Firm”, 59(37): 178-182.
  • UJUNWA, A. (2012). Board Characteristics and the Financial Performance of Nigerian Quoted Firms, Corporate Governance, 12(5): 1-30.
  • WANG, Y. ve CLIFT, B. (2009) “Is There A “Business Case” For Board Diversity?”, Journal of Pacific Accounting Review. 21(2): 88-103.
  • VO, D. ve PHAN, T. (2013). “Corporate Governance And Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence From Vietnam”, Economists/Corporategovernance-and-firm-performance.pdf


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 75 - 88, 01.06.2014


Bu araştırmada Borsa İstanbul (BİST) 100 endeksinde faaliyet gösteren firmaların yönetim kurulu cinsiyet çeşitliliği ile finansal performansları arasındaki ilişki 2009-2012 yılları baz alınarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmada firmalar; kadın yönetim kurulu üyesi olanlar ve kadın yönetim kurulu üyesi olmayanlar olarak iki gruba ayrılmış ve söz konusu iki grup arasında muhasebe ve piyasa esaslı finansal performansları bakımından herhangi bir farklılığın olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Ampirik analizlerde çoklu regresyon ve t-testi yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda cinsiyet çeşitliliğinin varlık karlılığı üzerinde pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak cinsiyet çeşitliliğinin öz sermaye karlılığı ve Tobin’s Q üzerinde etkili olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Çalışma Türkiye’de yönetim kurullarında cinsiyet çeşitliliğinin firma performansına etkisi üzerine yapılan ilk çalışmalardan birisi olması açısından önem taşımaktadır


  • ABBASI, M., KALANTARI, E. ve HAMIDEH, A. (2012). “Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firm Value Evidence from the Food Industry of Iran”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(5): 4712-4721.
  • ADAMS, R. B. ve FERREIRA, D. (2009). “Women In The Boardroom And Their Impact On Governance And Performance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 94(2): 291- 309.
  • AL-MAMUN, A., YASSER Q. R., ENTEBANG, H., NATHAN, T. M., ve RAHMAN, M. A. (2013), “Gender Diversity and Economic Performance of Firms: Evidences from Emerging Market”, Journal of Economic Development, IT, Finance and Marketing, 5(2): 100-110.
  • ALPAR, R. (2011). “Uygulamalı Çok DeğiĢkenli Ġstatistiksel Yöntemler”, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • AROSA, B., ITURRALDE, T. ve MASEDA, A. (2010). “Outsiders On The Board Of Directors And Firm Performance: Evidence From Spanish Non-Listed Family Firms”, Journal of Family Business Strategy 1(4): 236-245.
  • BOHREN, O. ve STROM R. O. (2007). “Aligned, Informed, And Decisive: Characteristics of Value-Creating Boards”,,966407.
  • BOZEC, R. (2005). “Boards of Directors, Market Discipline and Firm Performance”, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 32(9): 1921-1960.
  • CAMPBELL, K. ve MĠNGUEZ-VERA, A. (2008). “Gender Diversity In The Boardroom And Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, 83(3): 435-451.
  • CARTER, D. A., SIMKINS, B. J. ve SIMPSON, W. G. (2003). “Corporate Governance, Board Diversity, and Firm Value”, Journal of Financial Review, 38(1): 33–53.
  • CARTER, D.A., D’SOUZA, F., SIMKINS, B. J. ve SIMPSON, W. G. (2010). “The Gender and Ethnic Diversity Of US Boards And Board Committees And Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(5): 396-414.
  • COOK, R. (2013). “The Relationship Between Corporate Governance Practices and Firm Performance in the Junior Canadian Life Sciences Sector”, Saint Mary’s University, Master of Business Administration, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • CORNETT M., MILLON, M. ALAN J., SAUNDERS, A. ve TEHRANIAN, H. (2007). “The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Operating Performance”, Journal of Banking & Finance 31(6): 1771-1794.
  • ELSAYED K. (2011). “Board Size And Corporate Performance: The Missing Role Of Board Leadership Structure”, Journal of Management & Governance, 15(3): 415- 446.
  • ERHARDT, N.L., WERBEL, J.D. ve SHRADER, C.B. (2003). “Board of Directors Diversity and Firm Financial Performance”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 11(2): 102-111.
  • FARRELL, K.A. ve HERSCH, P. L. (2005). “Additions to Corporate Boards: The Effect of Gender”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 11(1): 85-106.
  • FAUZI, F. ve LOCKE S. (2012). “Board Structure, Ownership Structure And Firm Performance: A Study Of New Zealand Listed-Firms”, Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting And Finance 8(2): 43-67.
  • GILL, A. ve OBRADOVICH, J.D. (2012). “The Impact of Corporate Governance and Financial Leverage on the Value of American Firms”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 25: 1-14.
  • HASLAM, S.A., RYAN, M.K., KULICH, C., TROJANOWSKI, G. ve ATKINS, C. (2010). “Investing with Prejudice: The Relationship Between Women’s Presence on Company Boards and Objective and Subjective Measures of Company Performance”, British Journal of Management, 21(2): 484-497.
  • HORVATH R. ve SPILLARI, P. (2013). “Do The Board Of Directors´ Characteristics Influence Firm´s Performance? The U.S. Evidence”, Prague Economic Papers, 4: 470-486.
  •, 01.09.2013.
  •, 10.01.2014.
  •, 01.01.2014.
  •, 01.09.2013., 10.01.2014.
  • ĠSLAMOĞLU, H. (2011). “Sosyal Bilimlerde AraĢtırma Yöntemleri”, Beta Yayınevi, Ġstanbul.
  • JOECKS, J., PULL, K. ve VETTER, K. (2012). “Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 118(1): 61-72.
  • KALAYCI ġ. (2009). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok DeğiĢkenli Ġstatistik Teknikleri”, Asil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • LUCKERATH-ROVERS, M. (2013). “Women on Board and Firm Performance”, Journal of Management & Governance, 17(2): 491-509.
  • JULIZAERMA, M.K. ve SORI, Z.M., (2012). “Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies”, Journal of ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 65: 1077-1085.
  • O’CONNELL, V. ve CRAMER, N. (2010). “The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Board Characteristics in Ireland”, Journal of European Management Journal, 28(5): 387-399.
  • PRIYA, K. ve NIMALTHASAN, B. (2013). “Board of Directors’ Characteristics and Financial Performance: A Case Study of Selected Hotels and Restaurants in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, Economics and Finance, 1(2): 18-25.
  • RANDØY, T., THOMSEN, S. ve OXELHEIM, L. (2006). “A Nordic Perspective on Corporate Board Diversity”, Nordic Innovation Centre, Oslo, Age 390.
  • ROSE, C. (2007). “Does Female Board Representation Influence Firm Performance? The Danish Evidence”, Journal of Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15: 404–413.
  • SHRADER, C.B., BLACKBURN, V.B. ve ILES, P. (1997). Women In Management and Firm Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Managerial Issues, 9: 355–372.
  • SINGH, A. ve ZAMMIT, A., (2000). “International Capital Flows: Identifying The Gender Dimension”, Journal of World Development, 28(7): 1249-1268.
  • SMITH, N., SMITH, V. ve VERNER, M. (2006). “Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? A Panel Study of 2,500 Danish Firms”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55(7): 569–593.
  • TAGHIZADEH, M. ve SAREMI, S. (2013). “Board of Directors and Firms Performance: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Firm”, 59(37): 178-182.
  • UJUNWA, A. (2012). Board Characteristics and the Financial Performance of Nigerian Quoted Firms, Corporate Governance, 12(5): 1-30.
  • WANG, Y. ve CLIFT, B. (2009) “Is There A “Business Case” For Board Diversity?”, Journal of Pacific Accounting Review. 21(2): 88-103.
  • VO, D. ve PHAN, T. (2013). “Corporate Governance And Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence From Vietnam”, Economists/Corporategovernance-and-firm-performance.pdf
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karayel, ., & Doğan, Ö. (2014). YÖNETİM KURULUNDA CİNSİYET ÇEŞİTLİLİĞİ VE FİNANSAL PERFORMANS İLİŞKİSİ: BİST 100 ŞİRKETLERİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 75-88.