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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 14, 519 - 549, 22.12.2020


Equality have been discussed in the literature through very different conceptualisations such as equality of opportunity, equlity of outcomes, luck equality, relational equality, resource equality, and socio-cultural equality. In this article, first of all, I attempt to put forward that inequality is a multidimensional notion, by shortly touching economy-politic dimensions of inequality and giving prominence to social inequality discussions to focus especially on the social, moral and psyhological faces of inequality and by approaching the negative effects of inequality on the disadvantaged segments of society as well as the advantaged ones. Secondly, I try to reveal that social equality emphasis can be found in the studies of writers like the founder of the Marxsism Karl Marx, the founder of the economic liberalism Adam Smith and prominent political scientist Robert Dahl, even though equality discussions were classified generally into two categories in the literature: distributive equality which requires that certain social goods are distributed equally, and social equality or/relational equality which identifies a society that is not marked by status divisions or a society that people are not placed in hierarchically ranked categories. Furthermore in the article I argue that the marginalisation of social class discussions in inequality literature can be associated with 1) the theoretical and a the practical rise of neo-liberalism after the 1980’s 2) studying of the political economic inequlities more in international scale due to the impact of theories of imperialism, dependency theories etc leading to take domestic political dimension of inequlity to backseat, 3) come into prominence of social inequality in the literature and increase in the critiques towards the discussion of inequality problematique at the level of material inequalities that taking material ineqaulity back seat with another reason. As a conclusion, I suggest that oppresion of status inequalities which consolidate material inequalities over disadvantageous social segments should be decreased begining with gaining skills of using language, gestures and facial expressions in a way minimazing exclusionary and insulting perception and attitudes towards the disantaged ones. 


  • Albertsen, A. ve Midtgaard S. F. (2014). “Unjust Equalities”, Ethic Theory Moral Practice, 17:335–346.
  • Arneson, R. (1989). “Equality and equal opportunity for welfare”. Philosophical Studies, 56: 77–93.
  • Balaam, D. N. ve Dillman, B (2014), Introduction to International Political Economy. 6. Baskı, Pearson.
  • Bartels, L. M. (2008). Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Cohen, G. A. (1989). “On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice”. Ethics, 99: 906–44.
  • Dahl, R. (1996). “Equality versus Inequality”. Political Science and Politics, 639-649.
  • Dworkin, R. (1981). “What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources”. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 10: 283–345.
  • Galtung, J. (1971). “A Structural Theory of Imperialism”. Journal of Peace Research, 8(2):81-109.
  • Gilens, M. (2012). Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Fourie, C. (2012). “What is Social Equality? An Analysis of Status Equality as a Strongly Egalitarian Ideal”. Res Publica, 18,107–126.
  • Frank, A. G. (1966). “The Development of Underdevelopment”. Monthly Review:17-31.
  • Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hayek, F. (1944). The Road to Serfdom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Holmes, M. ve McKenzie, J. (2019). “Relational happiness through recognition and redistribution: Emotion and inequality”. European Journal of Social Theory, 22(4), 439–457.
  • Huntington, S.P. (1997). The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon and Schuster.
  • Kirby, N. (2018). Two Concepts of Basic Equality. Res Publica, 24:297–318
  • Lefranc, A., Pistolesi, N. and Trannoy, A. (2008). “Inequality of Opportunities vs Inequality of Outcomes: Are Western Societies All Alike?”, Review of Income and Wealth, 54(4), 513-546.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1975) Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism: A Popular Outline, Moscow: Progress Publishers.
  • Luk’ianchikova and Iamshchikova, T. (2019). “The Theory and Reality of Social Inequality”. Russian Social Science Review, 60(5–6), 496–506.
  • Mark, N. P. (2018). “Status Organizes Cooperation: An Evolutionary Theory of Status and Social Order”. American Journal of Sociology, 123(6), 1601–1634.
  • Marx, K. (1957). Capital. Translated from the 4th German edition by Eden and Cedar Paul. London: Dent.
  • --------- (2002). The Communist Manifesto. London; New York: Penguin Books, 2002.
  • Mason, A. (2000). “Equality, personal responsibility, and gender socialisation”. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 100: 227–246.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1962). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. New York: Knopf.
  • Pikety, T. (2014). Capital in the Twent-First Century. trans. Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
  • Putnam, R. D. (2015). Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Rasmussen, D. C. (2016). “Adam Smith on What Is Wrong with Economic Inequality”. American Political Science Association, 110(2), 342-352.
  • Ridgeway, C. L. (2014). “Why Status Matters for Inequality Authory”. American Sociological Review, 79(1), 1-16.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2009). “Toplum Sözleşmesi’nden Seçme Parçalar” Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi (Yeniçağ)’nin içinde, der. Mete Tunçay, s: 377-421.
  • Sachweh, P. (2017). “Criticizing Inequality? How Ideals of Equality Do and Do Not – Contribute to the DeLegitimation of Inequality in Contemporary Germany”. Historical Social Research, 42(3), 62-78.
  • Schemmel, C. (2011). “Distributive and relational equality”. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 11(2), 123–148.
  • Smith, A. (1998). Wealth of Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Spivak, G. (1988). “Can the Subaltern Speak?” derl. Cary Nelson ve Lawrence Grossberg içinde Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture London: Macmillan.
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Distributive Justice, (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2020)
  • Stiglitz, J. (2012). The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1974). “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comperative Analysis”. Comperative Studies in Society and History, 14(4): 387-415.
  • Waltz, K. (1979). Theory of International Politics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Weeden, K. A. ve Grusky, D. B. (2012). “The Three Worlds of Inequality”. American Journal of Sociology, 117(6), 1723–1785.
  • Wilkinson, R. G. and Pickett, K. E. (2017). “The enemy between us: The psychological and social costs of inequality”. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(), 11–24.
  • Wolff, J. (2013). “Scanlon on Social and Material Inequality”. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 10: 406-42.
  • Young, I. M. (1990). Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 14, 519 - 549, 22.12.2020


Literatürde eşitlik, fırsat eşitliğinden çıktı eşitliğine; şans eşitliğinden ilişkisel eşitliğe; dağıtımsal eşitlikten sosyal eşitliğe; kaynak eşitliğinden sosyo-kültürel eşitliğe çok farklı kavramsallaştırmalarla tartışıla gelmiştir. Bu makalede öncelikle eşitsizliğin ekonomi-politik boyutlarına kısaca değinmekle birlikte, sosyal eşitsizlik tartışmalarını ön plana çıkarmak suretiyle eşitsizliğin sosyal, ahlaki, psikolojik etkilerini vurgulayarak ve toplumun dezavantajlı kesimleri kadar avantajlı kesimleri üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini de ele alarak, eşitsizliğin çok boyutlu bir nosyon olduğunu ortaya koymaya çalışacağım. İkinci olarak literatürde, eşitlik tartışmaları genellikle bazı sosyal malların eşit dağıtılmasını gerektiren dağıtımcı eşitlik ile statü ayrımlarının belirleyici olmadığı ya da insanların hiyerarşik olarak derecelendirilmiş kategorilere yerleştirilmediği bir toplum idealini tanımlayan bir sosyal eşitlik ya da ilişkisel eşitlik olarak ikili bir sınıflandırmaya tabi tutulmasına karşılık, sosyal eşitlik vurgusunun, Marksizmin kurucusu Karl Marx’dan, ekonomik liberalizmin kurucusu Adam Smith’e ve siyaset teorisinin önde gelen isimlerinden Robert Dahl’a kadar çok farklı yazarların eserlerinde karşımıza çıkabildiğini göstermeye çalışacağım. Dahası makalede, sosyal sınıf tartışmalarının eşitsizlik literatürü içinde marjinalleşmesinin 1) neo-liberalizmin teorik ve 1980’lerden itibaren pratik yükselişiyle 2) emperyalizm teorileri, bağımlılık yaklaşımı vb’nin etkisiyle ekonomi-politik eşitsizliklerin daha çok uluslararası ölçekte tartışılmaya başlanmasının iç politik bağlamı biraz ikinci plana itmesiyle, 3) literatürde sosyal eşitsizlik tartışmalarının ön plana çıkmasının ve eşitsizlik sorunsalının maddi eşitlik düzeyinde ele alınmasına yönelik eleştirilerin artmasının maddi eşitsizlik tartışmalarını başka bir gerekçeyle ikinci plana itmesiyle ilişkilendirilebileceğini iddia edeceğim. Sonuç olarak, toplumun dezavantajlı kesimleri üzerindeki maddi eşitsizleri pekiştiren statü eşitsizliklerinin yarattığı baskıyı; lisan, jest ve mimikleri dışlayıcı ve küçümseyici olumsuz algı ve düşünceleri en aza indirgeyecek biçimde kullanma becerisi kazanmadan başlayarak azaltmak gerektiğini öne süreceğim.


  • Albertsen, A. ve Midtgaard S. F. (2014). “Unjust Equalities”, Ethic Theory Moral Practice, 17:335–346.
  • Arneson, R. (1989). “Equality and equal opportunity for welfare”. Philosophical Studies, 56: 77–93.
  • Balaam, D. N. ve Dillman, B (2014), Introduction to International Political Economy. 6. Baskı, Pearson.
  • Bartels, L. M. (2008). Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Cohen, G. A. (1989). “On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice”. Ethics, 99: 906–44.
  • Dahl, R. (1996). “Equality versus Inequality”. Political Science and Politics, 639-649.
  • Dworkin, R. (1981). “What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources”. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 10: 283–345.
  • Galtung, J. (1971). “A Structural Theory of Imperialism”. Journal of Peace Research, 8(2):81-109.
  • Gilens, M. (2012). Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Fourie, C. (2012). “What is Social Equality? An Analysis of Status Equality as a Strongly Egalitarian Ideal”. Res Publica, 18,107–126.
  • Frank, A. G. (1966). “The Development of Underdevelopment”. Monthly Review:17-31.
  • Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hayek, F. (1944). The Road to Serfdom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Holmes, M. ve McKenzie, J. (2019). “Relational happiness through recognition and redistribution: Emotion and inequality”. European Journal of Social Theory, 22(4), 439–457.
  • Huntington, S.P. (1997). The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon and Schuster.
  • Kirby, N. (2018). Two Concepts of Basic Equality. Res Publica, 24:297–318
  • Lefranc, A., Pistolesi, N. and Trannoy, A. (2008). “Inequality of Opportunities vs Inequality of Outcomes: Are Western Societies All Alike?”, Review of Income and Wealth, 54(4), 513-546.
  • Lenin, V. I. (1975) Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism: A Popular Outline, Moscow: Progress Publishers.
  • Luk’ianchikova and Iamshchikova, T. (2019). “The Theory and Reality of Social Inequality”. Russian Social Science Review, 60(5–6), 496–506.
  • Mark, N. P. (2018). “Status Organizes Cooperation: An Evolutionary Theory of Status and Social Order”. American Journal of Sociology, 123(6), 1601–1634.
  • Marx, K. (1957). Capital. Translated from the 4th German edition by Eden and Cedar Paul. London: Dent.
  • --------- (2002). The Communist Manifesto. London; New York: Penguin Books, 2002.
  • Mason, A. (2000). “Equality, personal responsibility, and gender socialisation”. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 100: 227–246.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1962). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. New York: Knopf.
  • Pikety, T. (2014). Capital in the Twent-First Century. trans. Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
  • Putnam, R. D. (2015). Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Rasmussen, D. C. (2016). “Adam Smith on What Is Wrong with Economic Inequality”. American Political Science Association, 110(2), 342-352.
  • Ridgeway, C. L. (2014). “Why Status Matters for Inequality Authory”. American Sociological Review, 79(1), 1-16.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2009). “Toplum Sözleşmesi’nden Seçme Parçalar” Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi (Yeniçağ)’nin içinde, der. Mete Tunçay, s: 377-421.
  • Sachweh, P. (2017). “Criticizing Inequality? How Ideals of Equality Do and Do Not – Contribute to the DeLegitimation of Inequality in Contemporary Germany”. Historical Social Research, 42(3), 62-78.
  • Schemmel, C. (2011). “Distributive and relational equality”. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 11(2), 123–148.
  • Smith, A. (1998). Wealth of Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Spivak, G. (1988). “Can the Subaltern Speak?” derl. Cary Nelson ve Lawrence Grossberg içinde Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture London: Macmillan.
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Distributive Justice, (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2020)
  • Stiglitz, J. (2012). The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1974). “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comperative Analysis”. Comperative Studies in Society and History, 14(4): 387-415.
  • Waltz, K. (1979). Theory of International Politics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Weeden, K. A. ve Grusky, D. B. (2012). “The Three Worlds of Inequality”. American Journal of Sociology, 117(6), 1723–1785.
  • Wilkinson, R. G. and Pickett, K. E. (2017). “The enemy between us: The psychological and social costs of inequality”. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(), 11–24.
  • Wolff, J. (2013). “Scanlon on Social and Material Inequality”. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 10: 406-42.
  • Young, I. M. (1990). Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Hayriye Asena Demirer 0000-0002-6679-1015

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 14

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Demirer, Hayriye Asena. “DAĞITIMCI VE SOSYAL EŞİTSİZLİK EKSENİNDE EŞİTSİZLİĞİN FARKLI YÜZLERİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 7, sy. 14 (Aralık 2020): 519-49.
EndNote Demirer HA (01 Aralık 2020) DAĞITIMCI VE SOSYAL EŞİTSİZLİK EKSENİNDE EŞİTSİZLİĞİN FARKLI YÜZLERİ. Akademik Hassasiyetler 7 14 519–549.
IEEE H. A. Demirer, “DAĞITIMCI VE SOSYAL EŞİTSİZLİK EKSENİNDE EŞİTSİZLİĞİN FARKLI YÜZLERİ”, Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 7, sy. 14, ss. 519–549, 2020.
ISNAD Demirer, Hayriye Asena. “DAĞITIMCI VE SOSYAL EŞİTSİZLİK EKSENİNDE EŞİTSİZLİĞİN FARKLI YÜZLERİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler 7/14 (Aralık 2020), 519-549.
MLA Demirer, Hayriye Asena. “DAĞITIMCI VE SOSYAL EŞİTSİZLİK EKSENİNDE EŞİTSİZLİĞİN FARKLI YÜZLERİ”. Akademik Hassasiyetler, c. 7, sy. 14, 2020, ss. 519-4.


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