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Türkiye’de Bölgesel Kamu Yatırımlarının Politik, Ekonomik, Kültürel ve Demografik Belirleyicileri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 80 - 87, 30.11.2023


Sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmaya doğrudan etki edebilecek kamu yatırımlarını belirleyen temel dinamiklerin ve motivasyon kaynağının tespiti, ulusal ve yerel kalkınma stratejilerinin başarısı için kilit bir role sahiptir. Nitekim kamu yatırımlarını belirleyen faktörlerin anlaşılması, kamu yatırımlarına ayrılması gereken fon miktarının ve öncelenmesi gereken yatırımların tespitinde büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Bu çerçevede, mevcut çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye örneğinde bölgesel kamu yatırımlarını belirleyen ekonomik, politik, kültürel ve demografik faktörleri, 2004 – 2018 dönemi verilerini kullanarak tespit etmektir. Panel veri analizinden elde edilen bulgular, kişi başına gelirin kamu yatırımları üzerindeki etkisinin pozitif; ancak istatistiksel olarak anlamsız olduğunu göstermektedir. Regresyon sonuçları, istatistiksel etki minimal düzeyde olmak üzere, nüfus yoğunluğunun düşük ve tarımsal üretimin ağırlıkta olduğu illerin kamu yatırımlarını çekmede nispeten daha avantajlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan, yabancı ziyaretçi sayısının yüksekliği de kamu yatırımlarının artışına etki eden faktörlerden birisi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ampirik sonuçlar, ayrıca, yüksek temsil oranı ve iktidar partisi milletvekili sayısının kamu yatırımlarını artırdığını göstermekte olup belediye başkanının iktidar partisinden olması ve iktidar partisi oy oranının kamu yatırımları üzerindeki etkisi ise istatistiksel olarak anlamsızdır.


  • Aizenman, J., & Noy, I. (2013). Public and private investment and growth in a risky world. Journal of Asian Economics, 28, 3-22.
  • Akcagündüz, E. (2010). Kamu tercihi teorisi ve Türkiye üzerine olan etkisi üzerine bir inceleme. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 29-35.
  • Alesina, A., & Perotti, R. (1996). Fiscal adjustments in OECD countries: Composition and macroeconomic effects. (IMF Staff Papers), 43(2), 365-394.
  • Ardagna, S., Caselli, F., & Lane, T. (2004). Fiscal discipline and the cost of public debt service: some estimates for OECD countries. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 4(1), 1-33.
  • Aschauer, D.A. (1989). Is public expenditure productive? Journal of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 177-200.
  • Atlas, C.M., Gilligan, T.W., Hendershott, R.J., & Zupan, M.A. (1995). Slicing the federal government net spending pie: Who wins, who loses, and why. The American Economic Review, 85(3), 624-629.
  • Baddeley, M.C. (2003). Investment: theories and analysis. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barro, R.J. (1990). Government spending in a simple model of endogenous growth. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), S103-S125.
  • Bohn, H. (1995). The sustainability of budget deficits in a stochastic economy. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), 257-271.
  • Campos, N.F., & Karanasos, M. (2007). Growth, volatility and political instability: Non-linear time-series evidence for Argentina, 1896-2000. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 226-252.
  • Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B., & Mamingi, N. (2001). Pollution and capital markets in developing countries. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 42(3), 310-335.
  • Debrun, X., Hauner, D., & Kumar, M.S. (2009). Independent fiscal agencies. Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1), 44-81.
  • Easterly, W., & Rebelo, S. (1993). Fiscal policy and economic growth: An empirical investigation. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 417-458.
  • Evans, P. & Karras, G. (1994). Are government activities productive? Evidence from a panel of U.S. states. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(1), 1-11.
  • Fisher, R.C., & Peters, J.S. (2016). The impact of economic conditions on public investment decisions: Evidence from US States. Applied Economics, 48(23), 2158-2173.
  • Fölster, S., & Henrekson, M. (2001). Growth effects of government expenditure and taxation in rich countries. European Economic Review, 45(8), 1501-1520.
  • Ghosh, S., & Gregoriou, A. (2008). Does public investment enhance productivity growth in Europe? Economics Letters, 100(3), 443-446.
  • Goyal, R., & Bhattacharya, R. (2017). Public investment and political regimes: Evidence from India. Economic Modelling, 67, 407-416.
  • Gupta, S., & Lienert, I. (2014). What determines the composition of public investment? Evidence from IMF fiscal module data. Journal of Development Economics, 110, 106-118.
  • Hoover, G.A., & Pecorino, P. (2005). The political determinants of federal expenditure at the state level. Public Choice, 123(1-2), 95-113.
  • Islam, N. (1995). Growth empirics: A panel data approach. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(4), 1127-1170.
  • Lee, F.E. (1998). Representation and public policy: The consequences of senate apportionment for the geographic distribution of federal funds. The Journal of Politics, 60(1), 34-62.
  • Lee, F.E. (2000). Senate representation and coalition building in distributive politics. American Political Science Review, 94(1), 59-72.
  • Majeed, M.T. & S. Khan (2008). The determinants of private investment and the relationship between public and private investment in Pakistan. Journal of Business and Economics 1(1): 41-48.
  • Mihaljek, D., & Klau, M. (2008). Determinants of public investment in emerging market economies. (BIS Working Papers 260).
  • Mostern, E., Oosthuizen W., Smit F. & Vyver D. (2002). Microeconomics: A Southern of emerging trends. Economics and Management Sciences, 4(3), 54-61.
  • OECD. (2014). Recommendation of the council on effective public investment across levels of government. Directorate for public governance and territorial development. Retrieved from
  • Pereira, A.M. & Pinho, M.F. (2011). Public ınvestment, economic performance and budgetary consolidation: VAR evidence for the first 12 Euro countries. Journal of Economic Development, 36(1), 1-20.
  • Perera, L.D., & Lee, G. (2016). The relationship between public investment and economic growth: The experience of Sri Lanka. Journal of Economic Development, 41(1), 1-21.
  • Picci, L. (1999). Productivity and ınfrastructure in the Italian regions. Giornale Degli Economisti E Annali Di Economia, 58 (3-4), 329-353.
  • Poyraz, E., & Bacaksız, N.E. (2018). Kamu yatırım seviyesine etki eden faktörler: 1975-2014 dönemi. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(3), 1664-1680.
  • Subramanian, A., & Easterly, W. (2014). The effect of economic growth and technological change on public investment in developing countries. World Development, 59, 75-87.
  • Wagner, A. (1893). Grundlegung der Politschen Okonomie [Groundwork of political economy]. Hansebooks, Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1883 edition.
  • Yavuzdurmaz, A., & Karadağ, M. (2014). Türkiye'de bölgesel kamu yatırım politikalarını etkileyen temel faktörler. Ege Academic Review, 14(4).

Political, Economic, Cultural, and Demographic Determinants of Regional Public Investments in Türkiye

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 80 - 87, 30.11.2023


Identifying the main dynamics and motives determining public investments that can directly affect socio-economic development has a key role for the success of national and regional development strategies. Understanding the factors that determine public investments is of great importance in determining the amount of funds that should be allocated to public investments and the investments that should be prioritized. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the economic, political, cultural, and demographic factors that determine regional public investments in the case of Türkiye, using the data for the period of 2004 – 2018. Findings from panel data analysis show that the effect of income per capita on public investments is positive, but statistically insignificant. Regression results show that provinces with low population density and dependent on agricultural production are relatively more advantageous in attracting public investments, with the statistical effect is minimal. On the other hand, the high number of foreign visitors has also been identified as one of the factors affecting the increase in public investments. The empirical results also show that higher representation in the Parliament and the number of Parliament members from the ruling party increase public investments while the effect of the mayor's being from the ruling party and the voting rate of the ruling party on public investments is statistically insignificant.


  • Aizenman, J., & Noy, I. (2013). Public and private investment and growth in a risky world. Journal of Asian Economics, 28, 3-22.
  • Akcagündüz, E. (2010). Kamu tercihi teorisi ve Türkiye üzerine olan etkisi üzerine bir inceleme. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 29-35.
  • Alesina, A., & Perotti, R. (1996). Fiscal adjustments in OECD countries: Composition and macroeconomic effects. (IMF Staff Papers), 43(2), 365-394.
  • Ardagna, S., Caselli, F., & Lane, T. (2004). Fiscal discipline and the cost of public debt service: some estimates for OECD countries. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 4(1), 1-33.
  • Aschauer, D.A. (1989). Is public expenditure productive? Journal of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 177-200.
  • Atlas, C.M., Gilligan, T.W., Hendershott, R.J., & Zupan, M.A. (1995). Slicing the federal government net spending pie: Who wins, who loses, and why. The American Economic Review, 85(3), 624-629.
  • Baddeley, M.C. (2003). Investment: theories and analysis. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barro, R.J. (1990). Government spending in a simple model of endogenous growth. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), S103-S125.
  • Bohn, H. (1995). The sustainability of budget deficits in a stochastic economy. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), 257-271.
  • Campos, N.F., & Karanasos, M. (2007). Growth, volatility and political instability: Non-linear time-series evidence for Argentina, 1896-2000. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 226-252.
  • Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B., & Mamingi, N. (2001). Pollution and capital markets in developing countries. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 42(3), 310-335.
  • Debrun, X., Hauner, D., & Kumar, M.S. (2009). Independent fiscal agencies. Journal of Economic Surveys, 23(1), 44-81.
  • Easterly, W., & Rebelo, S. (1993). Fiscal policy and economic growth: An empirical investigation. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 417-458.
  • Evans, P. & Karras, G. (1994). Are government activities productive? Evidence from a panel of U.S. states. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(1), 1-11.
  • Fisher, R.C., & Peters, J.S. (2016). The impact of economic conditions on public investment decisions: Evidence from US States. Applied Economics, 48(23), 2158-2173.
  • Fölster, S., & Henrekson, M. (2001). Growth effects of government expenditure and taxation in rich countries. European Economic Review, 45(8), 1501-1520.
  • Ghosh, S., & Gregoriou, A. (2008). Does public investment enhance productivity growth in Europe? Economics Letters, 100(3), 443-446.
  • Goyal, R., & Bhattacharya, R. (2017). Public investment and political regimes: Evidence from India. Economic Modelling, 67, 407-416.
  • Gupta, S., & Lienert, I. (2014). What determines the composition of public investment? Evidence from IMF fiscal module data. Journal of Development Economics, 110, 106-118.
  • Hoover, G.A., & Pecorino, P. (2005). The political determinants of federal expenditure at the state level. Public Choice, 123(1-2), 95-113.
  • Islam, N. (1995). Growth empirics: A panel data approach. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(4), 1127-1170.
  • Lee, F.E. (1998). Representation and public policy: The consequences of senate apportionment for the geographic distribution of federal funds. The Journal of Politics, 60(1), 34-62.
  • Lee, F.E. (2000). Senate representation and coalition building in distributive politics. American Political Science Review, 94(1), 59-72.
  • Majeed, M.T. & S. Khan (2008). The determinants of private investment and the relationship between public and private investment in Pakistan. Journal of Business and Economics 1(1): 41-48.
  • Mihaljek, D., & Klau, M. (2008). Determinants of public investment in emerging market economies. (BIS Working Papers 260).
  • Mostern, E., Oosthuizen W., Smit F. & Vyver D. (2002). Microeconomics: A Southern of emerging trends. Economics and Management Sciences, 4(3), 54-61.
  • OECD. (2014). Recommendation of the council on effective public investment across levels of government. Directorate for public governance and territorial development. Retrieved from
  • Pereira, A.M. & Pinho, M.F. (2011). Public ınvestment, economic performance and budgetary consolidation: VAR evidence for the first 12 Euro countries. Journal of Economic Development, 36(1), 1-20.
  • Perera, L.D., & Lee, G. (2016). The relationship between public investment and economic growth: The experience of Sri Lanka. Journal of Economic Development, 41(1), 1-21.
  • Picci, L. (1999). Productivity and ınfrastructure in the Italian regions. Giornale Degli Economisti E Annali Di Economia, 58 (3-4), 329-353.
  • Poyraz, E., & Bacaksız, N.E. (2018). Kamu yatırım seviyesine etki eden faktörler: 1975-2014 dönemi. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(3), 1664-1680.
  • Subramanian, A., & Easterly, W. (2014). The effect of economic growth and technological change on public investment in developing countries. World Development, 59, 75-87.
  • Wagner, A. (1893). Grundlegung der Politschen Okonomie [Groundwork of political economy]. Hansebooks, Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1883 edition.
  • Yavuzdurmaz, A., & Karadağ, M. (2014). Türkiye'de bölgesel kamu yatırım politikalarını etkileyen temel faktörler. Ege Academic Review, 14(4).
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kalkınma Ekonomisi - Makro, Maliye Politikası
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammed Benli 0000-0001-6486-8739

Aykut Ekinci 0000-0002-5629-6168

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Benli, M., & Ekinci, A. (2023). Türkiye’de Bölgesel Kamu Yatırımlarının Politik, Ekonomik, Kültürel ve Demografik Belirleyicileri. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(2), 80-87.