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Kadın Girişimciliğinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Açısından İncelenmesi: Özbekistan Üzerine Bir Alan Çalışması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1611 - 1646, 25.05.2023


Neoliberal politikalarda girişimciliğin ekonomik kalkınma için itici güç olarak vurgulanması ile geç kapitalistleşmiş ülkelerde yoksulluğun azaltılması ve kalkınmak için girişimcilik teşvikleri yaygınlaşmıştır. Özbekistan gibi ataerkil yapıya sahip toplumda girişimcilik, bunun yanı sıra, kadınlar için iş hayatı ve hane içindeki rollerini uzlaştıracak çalışma biçimi olarak teşvik edilmeye başlamıştır.
Feminist literatür incelendiğinde, ataerkil düzenin kadınların çalışma ve yaşam deneyimlerini önemli derecede erkeklerden farklılaştırdığı ve kadınların sosyal, ekonomik ve siyasi alanlarda erkeklere göre daha dezavantajlı konumda olduğu görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte kapitalistleşme sürecinin farklı aşamalarında kapitalist sistemin ihtiyaçlarına kimi zaman çatışan, kimi zaman uzlaşan bir yanıt olarak ataerkil yapının kadın ve erkek için belirlediği roller değişebilmektedir. Bu durum Özbekistan’da geç kapitalistleşme sürecinde kadınların girişimcilik faaliyetini toplumsal cinsiyet açısından değerlendirmeye ihtiyaç olduğunu göstermektedir.
Çalışmamızda, kadınların deneyimlerini kendi açıklamalarından anlamaya imkân sağlayan eleştirel yaklaşım ve niteliksel araştırma teknikleri kullanarak Özbekistan’da kadın girişimciliğinin özellikleri ve kadın girişimcilerin deneyimlerini anlamaya çaba gösterilmiştir. Girişimciliğin kadınların toplumsal konumuna etki edip etmediği, ettiyse bu etkinin ne yönde olduğu üzerine bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.


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  • Aculai, E., Welter, F., Smallbone, D., Isakova, N. & Schakirova, N. (2004). Female Entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Moldova and Uzbekistan: Characteristics, Barriers and Enabling Factors and Policy Issues. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (Ed.), Access to Financing and ICT for Women Entrepreneurs in the UNECE Region (39-52). Geneva: United Nations.
  • Ahl, H. J. (2002). The Making of the Female Entrepreneur: A Discourse Analysis of Research Texts on Women’s Entrepreneurship. Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School.
  • Altan-Olcay, Ö. (2014). Entrepreneurial Subjectivities and Gendered Complexities: Neoliberal Citizenship in Turkey. Feminist Economics. doi:10.1080/13545701.2014.950978
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2014). Uzbekistan Country Gender Assessment.
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2018). Uzbekistan Country Gender Assessment: Update.
  • Atasü-Topçuoğlu, R. (2010). Kapitalizm ve Ataerkillik Enformel Alanda Nasıl Eklemlenir? Bilinçli Saklama ve Saklayarak Değersizleştirme Mekanizmalarının Ev Eksenli Çalışmada İşleyişi. M. Yaman-Öztürk & S. Dedeoğlu (Der.), Kapitalizm, Ataerkillik ve Kadın Emeği (79-131). İstanbul: SAV.
  • Azimova, N. & Karimova, S. (2017). Modern Uzbek Family and Marital Relations: A Case Study on Mindon Village, Ferghana Province. CIRAS Discussion Paper No. 69, 45-55.
  • Bari, L., Turner, T. & O’Sullivan, M. (2021). Gender Differences in Solo Self-Employment: Gendered Flexibility and the Effects of Parenthood. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(6), 2180-2198.
  • Beath, A., Fotini, C. & Enikolopov, R. (2012). Empowering Women: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan (Policy Research Working Paper 6269).
  • Boeri, N. (2018). Challenging the Gendered Entrepreneurial Subject: Gender, Development, and the Informal Economy in India. Gender & Society, 32(2), 157-179.
  • Boutillier, S. & Uzunidis, D. (2013). The Entrepreneur: Etymological Bases. E. G. Carayannis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (580-583). New York: Springer.
  • Casson, M. C. (2005). Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 58(2), 327-348.
  • Congregado, E., Golpe, A. & Carmona, M. (2010). Is it a Good Policy to Promote Self-Employment for Job Creation? Evidence from Spain. Journal of Policy Modeling, 32(6), 828-842.
  • De la Rocha, M. G. (2009). The Construction of the Myth of Survival. A. Cornwall, E. Harrison & A. Whitehead (Ed.), Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development (45-66). Oxford: Blackwell.
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  • Ergüneş, N. (2010). Kadınlara Yönelik Kredi Biçimleri ve Kadın Emeğinin Enformelleşmesi. M. Yaman-Öztürk & S. Dedeoğlu (Der.), Kapitalizm, Ataerkillik ve Kadın Emeği (185-215). İstanbul: SAV.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). (2016). Life in Transition Survey III. London: EBRD.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (2019). Gender, Agriculture and Rural Development in Uzbekistan. Country Gender Assessment Series.
  • Gaipova, Y. (2022). Özbekistan’da Sovyet Sonrası Kalkınma Sürecinde Girişimci Kadınlar. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi S.B.E, İstanbul.
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  • Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute (GEDI). (2018). The Global Entrepreneurship Index 2018. Washington, D.C.: GEDI.
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Study of Women's Entrepreneurship from Gender Perspective: a Field in Uzbekistan

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1611 - 1646, 25.05.2023


With the emphasis on entrepreneurship as a driving force for economic development in neoliberal policies, entrepreneurship is widely promoted for development and poverty eradication in late capitalist countries. In a patriarchal society such as Uzbekistan, entrepreneurship has also begun to be encouraged as a way of employment that will balance women’s roles in business life and household.
From the feminist literature, it is known that women’s work and life experiences differ significantly from men’s due to the patriarchal structure, and women are more disadvantaged than men in social, economic and political areas. However, the roles determined by the patriarchal structure for men and women can change as a response, sometimes conflicting and sometimes reconciliating, to the needs of the capitalist system at different stages. This situation indicates a need to study women’s entrepreneurial activity from a gender perspective in a late capitalist country like Uzbekistan.
In this study, we made an effort to understand the characteristics of women entrepreneurship and the experiences of women entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan by using the critical approach and qualitative research techniques that allow us to understand women’s experiences from their own explanations. An evaluation has been made on whether entrepreneurship affects the social position of women and if so, in which way.


  • Acar-Savran, G. (2004). Beden Emek Tarih: Diyalektik Bir Feminizm İçin. İstanbul: Kanat.
  • Aculai, E., Welter, F., Smallbone, D., Isakova, N. & Schakirova, N. (2004). Female Entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Moldova and Uzbekistan: Characteristics, Barriers and Enabling Factors and Policy Issues. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (Ed.), Access to Financing and ICT for Women Entrepreneurs in the UNECE Region (39-52). Geneva: United Nations.
  • Ahl, H. J. (2002). The Making of the Female Entrepreneur: A Discourse Analysis of Research Texts on Women’s Entrepreneurship. Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School.
  • Altan-Olcay, Ö. (2014). Entrepreneurial Subjectivities and Gendered Complexities: Neoliberal Citizenship in Turkey. Feminist Economics. doi:10.1080/13545701.2014.950978
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2014). Uzbekistan Country Gender Assessment.
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2018). Uzbekistan Country Gender Assessment: Update.
  • Atasü-Topçuoğlu, R. (2010). Kapitalizm ve Ataerkillik Enformel Alanda Nasıl Eklemlenir? Bilinçli Saklama ve Saklayarak Değersizleştirme Mekanizmalarının Ev Eksenli Çalışmada İşleyişi. M. Yaman-Öztürk & S. Dedeoğlu (Der.), Kapitalizm, Ataerkillik ve Kadın Emeği (79-131). İstanbul: SAV.
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  • Bari, L., Turner, T. & O’Sullivan, M. (2021). Gender Differences in Solo Self-Employment: Gendered Flexibility and the Effects of Parenthood. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(6), 2180-2198.
  • Beath, A., Fotini, C. & Enikolopov, R. (2012). Empowering Women: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan (Policy Research Working Paper 6269).
  • Boeri, N. (2018). Challenging the Gendered Entrepreneurial Subject: Gender, Development, and the Informal Economy in India. Gender & Society, 32(2), 157-179.
  • Boutillier, S. & Uzunidis, D. (2013). The Entrepreneur: Etymological Bases. E. G. Carayannis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (580-583). New York: Springer.
  • Casson, M. C. (2005). Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 58(2), 327-348.
  • Congregado, E., Golpe, A. & Carmona, M. (2010). Is it a Good Policy to Promote Self-Employment for Job Creation? Evidence from Spain. Journal of Policy Modeling, 32(6), 828-842.
  • De la Rocha, M. G. (2009). The Construction of the Myth of Survival. A. Cornwall, E. Harrison & A. Whitehead (Ed.), Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development (45-66). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Doi, M. (2002). Gesture, Gender, Nation: Dance and Social Change in Uzbekistan. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
  • Earle, J. S. & Zakova, Z. (1998). Self-Employment in Transitional Economies: Entrepreneurship or Disguised Unemployment? Labour Economics, 7(5), 575-601.
  • Ecevit, Y. (2007). Türkiye’de Kadın Girişimciliğine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım. Ankara: ILO.
  • Ecevit, Y. & Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, D. (2015). Kadın Girişimciler Araştırması. (Erişim tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2022).
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  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (2019). Gender, Agriculture and Rural Development in Uzbekistan. Country Gender Assessment Series.
  • Gaipova, Y. (2022). Özbekistan’da Sovyet Sonrası Kalkınma Sürecinde Girişimci Kadınlar. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi S.B.E, İstanbul.
  • Giersch, H. (1982). The Role of Entrepreneurship in the 1980s. Working Paper No. 88, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
  • Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute (GEDI). (2018). The Global Entrepreneurship Index 2018. Washington, D.C.: GEDI.
  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). (2019a). GEM Women’s Entrepreneurship Report 2018/2019. London: London Business School.
  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). (2019b). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018/2019 Global Report. London: London Business School.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü. (2019). 2018 Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması, Temel Bulgular. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Henrekson, M. (2007). Entrepreneurship and Institutions. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28(4), 717-747.
  • Holborow, M. (2015). Language and Neoliberalism. London: Routledge.
  • Imamova, N. (2018, 23 Ekim). Toshkentdan Maxsus: O'zbekiston Tadbirkor Ayollari Lideri Bilan Muloqot [Taşkent’ten Özbekistan Girişimci Kadınları Lideri ile Röportaj]. Amerika Ovozi. (Erişim tarihi: 30 Mart 2020).
  • International Labour Organization (ILO). (2020). Women and the World of Work in Uzbekistan. Towards Gender Equality and Decent Work for All. Geneva: ILO.
  • International Labour Organization (ILO). (2022). World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022. Geneva: ILO.
  • Isakova, N., Krasovska, O, Kavunenko, L. & Lugovy, A. (2006). Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: A Male Female Comparison. F. Welter, D. Smallbone & N. Isakova (Ed.), Enterprising Women in Transition Economies (17-44). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Jamali, D. (2009). Constraints and Opportunities Facing Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries: A Relational Perspective. Gender in Management, 24(4), 232-251.
  • Kandiyoti, D. (1998). Rural Livelihoods and Social Networks in Uzbekistan: Perspectives from Andijan. Central Asian Survey, 17(4), 561-578.
  • Kandiyoti, D. (2007). Post-Soviet Institutional Design and the Paradoxes of the Uzbek Path. Central Asian Survey, 26(1), 31-48.
  • Kun.Uz. (2019, 9 Mayıs). (Erişim tarihi: 22 Mayıs, 2020).
  • Kurbanova, M. (2005). The Role of Traditional Gender Ideologies in the Empowerment of Women in Post Soviet Uzbekistan. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ohio, Ohio Üniversitesi.
  • Lee, J. (2005). Women Entrepreneurs in Singapore. S. Fielden & M. J. Davidson (Ed.), International Handbook of Women and Small Business Entrepreneurship (178-192). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Lee-Gosselin, H. & Grise, J. (1990). Are Women Owner-Managers Challenging Our Definitions of Entrepreneurship?: An In-Depth Survey. Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 423-433.
  • Maksudova, Ch. M. (2000). Marketing Research of Women’s Role in Small Business. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Taşkent Devlet İktisat Üniversitesi.
  • Margolis, D. N. (2014). By Choice and by Necessity: Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in the Developing World. Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) Discussion Papers No. 8273, Bonn: IZA.
  • Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs (MIWE). (2019). (Erişim tarihi: 17 Mayıs 2022).
  • Mayoux, L. (1995). From Vicious to Virtuous Circles?: Gender and Micro-Enterprise Development. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Occasional Paper 3.
  • McGowan, P., Redeker, C., Cooper, S. & Greenan, K. (2012). Female Entrepreneurship and the Management of Business and Domestic Roles: Motivations, Expectations and Realities. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24, 53-72.
  • Mirchandani, K. (2005). Women Entrepreneurs: Exploring New Avenues. S. Fielden & M. Davidson (Ed.), International Handbook of Women and Small Business Entrepreneurship (253-263). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Mises, von L. (1949). Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

N.berna Güler 0000-0002-3086-5334

Yulduzkhan Gaipova 0000-0002-2619-2974

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, N., & Gaipova, Y. (2023). Kadın Girişimciliğinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Açısından İncelenmesi: Özbekistan Üzerine Bir Alan Çalışması. Fiscaoeconomia, 7(2), 1611-1646.

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