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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 106 - 132, 01.10.2023


Mevcut sosyal politika literatürü, refah devletlerinin dijital çağda bugün nasıl değiştiğini yeterince açıklamıyor. Ancak günümüz yaşam koşullarında dijitalleşmenin refah devletlerinin politika paradigmalarını nasıl temelden değiştirdiğine tanık oluyoruz. Özellikle kamu yönetiminde veri odaklı sistemlere geçiş, bir süredir birçok ülkenin önemli gündem maddelerinden biri. Böyle bir manzara, geleneksel refah devletlerine yönelik bazı fırsatların ve zorlukların tartışılması için uygun bir zemin hazırlamıştır. Bu tartışmaların ana teması “geleneksel refah devletleri dönüşüyor mu?” sorusu etrafında yoğunlaşıyor. Bu makale, sosyal politikada dijitalleşmenin seyrini takip etmekte ve günümüzde dijital sosyal politikayı uygulayan ülkelerin karşılaştığı fırsatları ve zorlukları betimsel bir şekilde analiz etmektedir. Makale üç ana bölüm halinde düzenlenmiştir. İlk bölümde sosyal politikada dijitalleşmenin seyri ve dijitalleşme yolundaki dönüm noktaları tartışılarak dijital refah devleti kavramsal olarak analiz ediliyor. İkinci bölümde dijital refah devletinin fırsatları, riskleri ve ikilemleri tartışılıyor. Son bölümde ise İngiltere, Finlandiya ve İsveç'in dijital refah devleti uygulamaları analiz edilmektedir. Araştırmanın bulguları, dijital refah sistemlerinin avantajların yanı sıra ciddi ikilemleri ve riskleri de beraberinde getirdiğini göstermektedir. Araştırma, dijital refah sistemlerinin "yeni sosyal riskler" yaratma eğiliminde olduğunu gösteriyor.


  • Alston, P. (2019). Report of the Special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights,
  • Andersson, O., Sjögren, J., & Åsberg, H. (2017). Nätläkarbolagen dränerar en underfinansierad primärvård,
  • Archenaa, J., & Anita, E. M. (2015). A Survey of big data analytics in healthcare and government. Procedia Computer Science, 50, 408–413.
  • Arıcı, K. (1999). Sosyal güvenlik dersleri. Ankara: Sarfın Ofset.
  • Beck, U. (1992). From industrial society to the risk society: Questions of survival, social structure and ecological enlightenment. Theory, Culture & Society, 9(1), 97–123.
  • Black, A., Sahama, T., & Gajanayake, R. (2014). eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): A data-driven decision making approach in Australian context. In E-Health–For Continuity Of Care (pp. 915-919). IOS Press.
  • Blix, M., & Jeansson, J. (2018). Telemedicine and the welfare state,
  • Bonoli, G. (2007). Time matters: Postindustrialization, new social risks, and welfare state adaptation in advanced industrial democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 40(5), 495-520.
  • Buchert, U., Kemppainen, L., Olakivi, A., Wrede, S., & Kouvonen, A. (2022). Is digitalisation of public health and social welfare services reinforcing social exclusion? The case of Russian-speaking older migrants in Finland. Critical Social Policy, 43(3), 375–400.
  • Buhr, D. (2017). What about welfare 4.0?. In CESifo Forum (Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 15-24). München: ifo Institut-Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München.
  • Carney, T. (2019). Robo-Debt Illegality: The seven veils of failed guarantees of the rule of law?. Alternative Law Journal, 44(1), 4-10.
  • Choi, Y. J., Kühner, S., & Shi, S. J. (2022). From “new social risks” to “Covid social risks”: The challenges for inclusive society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic. Policy and Society, 41(2), 260-274.
  • Clasen, J., & D. Clegg. (2011). Regulating the risk of unemployment: National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe. Oxford University Press.
  • Coles-Kemp, L., Ashenden, D., Morris, A., & Yuille, J. (2020). Digital welfare: Designing for more nuanced forms of access. Policy Design and Practice, 3(2), 177-188.
  • Comandé, G., Nocco, L., & Peigné, V. (2015). An empirical study of healthcare providers and patients׳ perceptions of electronic health records. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 59, 194-201.
  • Couldry, N., & Mejias, U. A. (2018). Data colonialism: Rethinking big data’s relation to the contemporary subject. Television & New Media, 20(4), 336–349.
  • Crato, N., & Paruolo, P. (2019). Data-driven policy impact evaluation: How access to microdata is transforming policy design (p. 346). Springer Nature.
  • Dai, X. (2018). Toward a reputation state: The social credit system project of China. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Degryse, C. (2016). Digitalisation of the economy and its impact on labour markets. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Dencik, L. (2022). The Datafied Welfare State: A perspective from the UK. In new perspectives in critical data studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Dencik, L., & Kaun, A. (2020). Datafication and the welfare state. Global Perspectives, 1(1).
  • Dermont, C., & Weisstanner, D. (2020). Automation and the future of the welfare state: basic income as a response to technological change? Political Research Exchange, 2(1), 1757387.
  • DESI. (2022a). Digital economy and society index (DESI) 2022 Finland,
  • DESI. (2022b). Digital economy and society index (DESI) 2022 Sweden,
  • Eichhorst, W., Hemerijck, A., & Scalise, G. (2020). Welfare states, labor markets, social investment and the digital transformation. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Princeton University Press.
  • Esping-Andersen, G., & Korpi, W. (1986). From poor relief to ınstitutional welfare states: The development of Scandinavian social policy. International Journal of Sociology, 16(3–4), 39–74.
  • Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 254–280.
  • Galbraith, J. K. (1954). The great crash, 1929. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Germundsson, N. (2022). Promoting the digital future: the construction of digital automation in Swedish policy discourse on social assistance. Critical Policy Studies, 16(4), 478–496.
  • Gonzalez Vazquez, I. G., Milasi, S., Gomez, S. C., Napierala, J., Bottcher, N. R., Jonkers, K., & Vuorikari, R. (2019). The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age. JRC Science for Policy Report.
  • Gough, I. (2013). Climate change, social policy, and global governance. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 29(3), 185-203.
  • Gough, I. (2016). Welfare states and environmental states: A Comparative Analysis. Environmental Politics, 25(1), 24-47.
  • Gökbunar, R., Özdemir, H., & Alparslan, U. (2008). Küreselleşme kıskacındaki refah devletinde sosyal refah harcamaları. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(2), 158-173.
  • Greener, I. (2022). Welfare states in the 21st century: The new five giants confronting societal progress. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Greve, B. (2019). The digital economy and the future of European welfare states. International Social Security Review, 72(3), 79-94.
  • Gulliver, R., Fahmi, M., & Abramson, D. (2021). Technical considerations when implementing digital infrastructure for social policy. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56(2), 269-287.
  • Gümüş, İ. (2018). Tarihsel perspektifte refah devleti: Doğuş, yükseliş ve yeniden yapılanma süreci. Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, 1(1), 33-66.
  • Günther, W. A., Mehrizi, M. H. R., Huysman, M., & Feldberg, F. (2017). Debating big data: A literature review on realizing value from big data. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26(3), 191-209.
  • Hand, L. C., & Ching, B. D. (2020). Maintaining neutrality: A Sentiment analysis of police agency Facebook pages before and after a fatal officer-involved shooting of a citizen. Government Information Quarterly, 37(1), 101420.
  • Hannah-Moffat, K. (2019). Algorithmic risk governance: Big data analytics, race and information activism in criminal justice debates. Theoretical Criminology, 23(4), 453-470.
  • Hartmann, K., & Wenzelburger, G. (2021). Uncertainty, risk and the use of algorithms in policy decisions: A case study on criminal justice in the USA. Policy Sciences, 54, 269-287.
  • Helsper, E. (2021). The digital disconnect: The social causes and consequences of digital inequalities. The Digital Disconnect, 1-232.
  • Hemerijck, A. (Ed.). (2017). The uses of social investment. Oxford University Press.
  • Henley, J., & Booth, R. (2020). Welfare surveillance system violates human rights, Dutch court rules. The Guardian.
  • Heponiemi, T., Gluschkoff, K., Leemann, L., Manderbacka, K., Aalto, A. M., & Hyppönen, H. (2023). Digital inequality in Finland: Access, skills and attitudes as social impact mediators. New Media & Society, 25(9), 2475-2491.
  • Hussénius, K. (2021). Intersectional patterns of social assistance eligibility in Sweden. Nordic Social Work Research, 11(1), 19-33.
  • IDS. (2022). Digital poverty in the UK,
  • Jørgensen, R. F. (2021). Data and rights in the digital welfare state: The case of Denmark. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
  • Kehl, D. L., & Kessler, S. A. (2017). Algorithms in the criminal justice system: Assessing the use of risk assessments in sentencing,
  • Kela (2020). Kela’s annual report 2020,–9d40-a8661c434f00
  • Kelly, A. (2021). A tale of two algorithms: The appeal and repeal of calculated grades systems in England and Ireland in 2020. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 725-741.
  • Kim, E., Lee, B., & Menon, N. M. (2009). Social welfare implications of the digital divide. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 377-386.
  • Larasati, Z. W., Yuda, T. K., & Syafa'at, A. R. (2023). Digital welfare state and problem arising: An exploration and future research agenda. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(5/6), 537-549.
  • Larsson, A. (2019). A Journey of a thousand miles: An introduction to the digitalization of labor. The Digital Transformation of Labor. Routledge. Larsson, K. K., & Haldar, M. (2021). Can computers automate welfare? Norwegian efforts to make welfare policy more effective. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 5(1), 56-77.
  • Lim, S. (2020). Embedding technological transformation: The welfare state and citizen attitudes toward technology. European Political Science Review, 12(1), 67-89.
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Is the Digitalisation of Welfare Creating New Social Risks? The Cases of the UK, Finland and Sweden

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 106 - 132, 01.10.2023


Existing social policy literature does not adequately explain how welfare states are changing today in the digital age. However, we are witnessing how digitalisation is fundamentally shifting the policy paradigms of welfare states in today's living conditions. The transition to data-driven systems, especially in public administration, has been one of the important agenda items of many countries for some time. Such a landscape has provided a suitable ground for discussing some opportunities and challenges for traditional welfare states. The main theme of these debates is centred around the question "are traditional welfare states transforming?".This article traces the course of digitalisation in social policy and analyses the opportunities and challenges faced by countries implementing digital social policy today in a descriptive manner. The article is organised in three main parts. In the first part, the digital welfare state is conceptually analysed by discussing the course of digitalisation in social policy and the turning points on the road to digitalisation. In the second part, the opportunities, risks and dilemmas of the digital welfare state are discussed. In the last section, the digital welfare state practices of the UK, Finland and Sweden are analysed. The findings of the research indicate that digital welfare systems bring serious dilemmas and risks as well as advantages. The research shows that digital welfare systems tend to create "new social risks".


  • Alston, P. (2019). Report of the Special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights,
  • Andersson, O., Sjögren, J., & Åsberg, H. (2017). Nätläkarbolagen dränerar en underfinansierad primärvård,
  • Archenaa, J., & Anita, E. M. (2015). A Survey of big data analytics in healthcare and government. Procedia Computer Science, 50, 408–413.
  • Arıcı, K. (1999). Sosyal güvenlik dersleri. Ankara: Sarfın Ofset.
  • Beck, U. (1992). From industrial society to the risk society: Questions of survival, social structure and ecological enlightenment. Theory, Culture & Society, 9(1), 97–123.
  • Black, A., Sahama, T., & Gajanayake, R. (2014). eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): A data-driven decision making approach in Australian context. In E-Health–For Continuity Of Care (pp. 915-919). IOS Press.
  • Blix, M., & Jeansson, J. (2018). Telemedicine and the welfare state,
  • Bonoli, G. (2007). Time matters: Postindustrialization, new social risks, and welfare state adaptation in advanced industrial democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 40(5), 495-520.
  • Buchert, U., Kemppainen, L., Olakivi, A., Wrede, S., & Kouvonen, A. (2022). Is digitalisation of public health and social welfare services reinforcing social exclusion? The case of Russian-speaking older migrants in Finland. Critical Social Policy, 43(3), 375–400.
  • Buhr, D. (2017). What about welfare 4.0?. In CESifo Forum (Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 15-24). München: ifo Institut-Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München.
  • Carney, T. (2019). Robo-Debt Illegality: The seven veils of failed guarantees of the rule of law?. Alternative Law Journal, 44(1), 4-10.
  • Choi, Y. J., Kühner, S., & Shi, S. J. (2022). From “new social risks” to “Covid social risks”: The challenges for inclusive society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic. Policy and Society, 41(2), 260-274.
  • Clasen, J., & D. Clegg. (2011). Regulating the risk of unemployment: National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe. Oxford University Press.
  • Coles-Kemp, L., Ashenden, D., Morris, A., & Yuille, J. (2020). Digital welfare: Designing for more nuanced forms of access. Policy Design and Practice, 3(2), 177-188.
  • Comandé, G., Nocco, L., & Peigné, V. (2015). An empirical study of healthcare providers and patients׳ perceptions of electronic health records. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 59, 194-201.
  • Couldry, N., & Mejias, U. A. (2018). Data colonialism: Rethinking big data’s relation to the contemporary subject. Television & New Media, 20(4), 336–349.
  • Crato, N., & Paruolo, P. (2019). Data-driven policy impact evaluation: How access to microdata is transforming policy design (p. 346). Springer Nature.
  • Dai, X. (2018). Toward a reputation state: The social credit system project of China. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Degryse, C. (2016). Digitalisation of the economy and its impact on labour markets. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Dencik, L. (2022). The Datafied Welfare State: A perspective from the UK. In new perspectives in critical data studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Dencik, L., & Kaun, A. (2020). Datafication and the welfare state. Global Perspectives, 1(1).
  • Dermont, C., & Weisstanner, D. (2020). Automation and the future of the welfare state: basic income as a response to technological change? Political Research Exchange, 2(1), 1757387.
  • DESI. (2022a). Digital economy and society index (DESI) 2022 Finland,
  • DESI. (2022b). Digital economy and society index (DESI) 2022 Sweden,
  • Eichhorst, W., Hemerijck, A., & Scalise, G. (2020). Welfare states, labor markets, social investment and the digital transformation. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Princeton University Press.
  • Esping-Andersen, G., & Korpi, W. (1986). From poor relief to ınstitutional welfare states: The development of Scandinavian social policy. International Journal of Sociology, 16(3–4), 39–74.
  • Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 254–280.
  • Galbraith, J. K. (1954). The great crash, 1929. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Germundsson, N. (2022). Promoting the digital future: the construction of digital automation in Swedish policy discourse on social assistance. Critical Policy Studies, 16(4), 478–496.
  • Gonzalez Vazquez, I. G., Milasi, S., Gomez, S. C., Napierala, J., Bottcher, N. R., Jonkers, K., & Vuorikari, R. (2019). The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age. JRC Science for Policy Report.
  • Gough, I. (2013). Climate change, social policy, and global governance. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 29(3), 185-203.
  • Gough, I. (2016). Welfare states and environmental states: A Comparative Analysis. Environmental Politics, 25(1), 24-47.
  • Gökbunar, R., Özdemir, H., & Alparslan, U. (2008). Küreselleşme kıskacındaki refah devletinde sosyal refah harcamaları. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(2), 158-173.
  • Greener, I. (2022). Welfare states in the 21st century: The new five giants confronting societal progress. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Greve, B. (2019). The digital economy and the future of European welfare states. International Social Security Review, 72(3), 79-94.
  • Gulliver, R., Fahmi, M., & Abramson, D. (2021). Technical considerations when implementing digital infrastructure for social policy. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56(2), 269-287.
  • Gümüş, İ. (2018). Tarihsel perspektifte refah devleti: Doğuş, yükseliş ve yeniden yapılanma süreci. Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, 1(1), 33-66.
  • Günther, W. A., Mehrizi, M. H. R., Huysman, M., & Feldberg, F. (2017). Debating big data: A literature review on realizing value from big data. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26(3), 191-209.
  • Hand, L. C., & Ching, B. D. (2020). Maintaining neutrality: A Sentiment analysis of police agency Facebook pages before and after a fatal officer-involved shooting of a citizen. Government Information Quarterly, 37(1), 101420.
  • Hannah-Moffat, K. (2019). Algorithmic risk governance: Big data analytics, race and information activism in criminal justice debates. Theoretical Criminology, 23(4), 453-470.
  • Hartmann, K., & Wenzelburger, G. (2021). Uncertainty, risk and the use of algorithms in policy decisions: A case study on criminal justice in the USA. Policy Sciences, 54, 269-287.
  • Helsper, E. (2021). The digital disconnect: The social causes and consequences of digital inequalities. The Digital Disconnect, 1-232.
  • Hemerijck, A. (Ed.). (2017). The uses of social investment. Oxford University Press.
  • Henley, J., & Booth, R. (2020). Welfare surveillance system violates human rights, Dutch court rules. The Guardian.
  • Heponiemi, T., Gluschkoff, K., Leemann, L., Manderbacka, K., Aalto, A. M., & Hyppönen, H. (2023). Digital inequality in Finland: Access, skills and attitudes as social impact mediators. New Media & Society, 25(9), 2475-2491.
  • Hussénius, K. (2021). Intersectional patterns of social assistance eligibility in Sweden. Nordic Social Work Research, 11(1), 19-33.
  • IDS. (2022). Digital poverty in the UK,
  • Jørgensen, R. F. (2021). Data and rights in the digital welfare state: The case of Denmark. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
  • Kehl, D. L., & Kessler, S. A. (2017). Algorithms in the criminal justice system: Assessing the use of risk assessments in sentencing,
  • Kela (2020). Kela’s annual report 2020,–9d40-a8661c434f00
  • Kelly, A. (2021). A tale of two algorithms: The appeal and repeal of calculated grades systems in England and Ireland in 2020. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 725-741.
  • Kim, E., Lee, B., & Menon, N. M. (2009). Social welfare implications of the digital divide. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 377-386.
  • Larasati, Z. W., Yuda, T. K., & Syafa'at, A. R. (2023). Digital welfare state and problem arising: An exploration and future research agenda. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(5/6), 537-549.
  • Larsson, A. (2019). A Journey of a thousand miles: An introduction to the digitalization of labor. The Digital Transformation of Labor. Routledge. Larsson, K. K., & Haldar, M. (2021). Can computers automate welfare? Norwegian efforts to make welfare policy more effective. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 5(1), 56-77.
  • Lim, S. (2020). Embedding technological transformation: The welfare state and citizen attitudes toward technology. European Political Science Review, 12(1), 67-89.
  • Lindgren, I., Madsen, C. Ø., Hofmann, S., & Melin, U. (2019). Close encounters of the digital kind: A research agenda for the digitalization of public services. Government Information Quarterly, 36(3), 427-436.
  • Mann, M. (2020). Technological politics of automated welfare surveillance: Social (And Data) justice through critical qualitative inquiry. Global Perspectives, 1(1).
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Toplam 94 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Didem Koca 0000-0001-5236-2677

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Koca, D. (2023). Is the Digitalisation of Welfare Creating New Social Risks? The Cases of the UK, Finland and Sweden. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 106-132.