Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1.01.2022

Yıl: 2022

Journal of Communication Science Researches aims to open up to the world under the guidance of science, reach the society it is in, and to publish scientific articles of the essence in accordance with international publishing principles in order to lead their changing and developing demands. Journal of Communication Science Research accepts articles in the field of social sciences. Journal of Communication Science Researches is a peer-reviewed periodical publication and has been published since 2021.

Journal of Communication Science Researches (IBAD) is based on social sciences and scientific researches in journalism and media studies, visual communication design, public relations, cinema, political science, communication studies, social psychology, sociology, linguistics, communication sociology, communication systems, communication psychology, history of communication, interpersonal communication, mass communication, intercultural communication, political communication works are accepted and published within the scope of scientific studies in the fields of international communication and new communication technologies, applied communication and related social sciences are accepted and published.​

Journal of Communication Science Researches is a refereed and scientific journal published four times a year in print and electronically. Original theoretical and / or experimental work, articles in which various scientific research methods are applied are accepted. The editorial board of Journal of Communication Science Researches is authorized to accept or not to accept articles upon the evaluation of national and international experts.

All work submitted to our journal should have the following characteristics: As the basic spelling rules, works sent must be written in accordance with the APA (6.0) style. Examples and exceptions are listed below: Notes and references should be separated. The notes should be numbered in the text and should be given as “footnotes”. References should be organized according to the APA system.

Editing of Topics

MAIN TITLE all letters large, 14 points and bold, INTRODUCTION, ABSTRACT, RESULT AND BIBLIOGRAPHY all letters are large, left-justified, 11 points, bold, Headings are capitalized, left-justified, 11 points, bold, Subheadings, initials are capitalized, italic, parallel to paragraph, 11 point, bold.

Entries must be written in a Microsoft Word program and the page metrics must be organized as follows:
Paper Size: A4 Portrait
Top Margin: 2.5 cm
Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 2.5 cm
Right Margin: 2.5 cm
Paragraph Head: 1 cm
Block Quote: Left 1 cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font Style: Normal
Main Text Size: 11 point
Block Quote: 9 points
Footnote Text Size: 9 points
Inside the Table: 9 points
Paragraph Spacing: 6 nk
Line Spacing: Single (1)


In the reference part, only referred sources in the article should be included and the alphabetical order should be followed according to the surname of the author.

In-Text Resource Display
In the works, the opinions of others should be shown as quotation or reference.

Short quotes should be shown in quotation marks. Quotes longer than 4 lines should be written as a separate paragraph, 1 cm inside and 11 pt.
In this case, quotation marks should not be used.

In the references, surnames, date of publication, and page number information must be given in parentheses.
In the case of one and two authored publications, the surnames of both authors should be included in parentheses.
With more than two author references, only the first author’s surname should be given and ‘and others’ statement should be used for other authors.

In publications written by legal entities, the abbreviation can be made after the first reference if the legal entity name is too long or the abbreviated form is very known,. If it is decided to use the abbreviation, the name of the institution should be written in the first submission and the abbreviation should be given in square brackets next to it.

If it is referred to different publications published on the same date, the words “a, b, c, …” should be used in order to distinguish the publications from each other, and this usage should be included both in the bibliography section and the references in the text.

Reference Examples
Reference to books and articles of a single author:

In text (book):
(McQuail, 1987: 55).
– Reference to more than one work of same writer in the same year:
(McQuail, 1987a: 55; 1987b: 40).
-If the writer has quoted from another author:
(Transcribed by McQuail, 1987a: 55).

In Bibliography:
McQuail, Denis, (1987). Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Pulication Inc.
Cavit, Binbaşıoğlu, (1988a). General Teaching Methods, Ankara: Binbaşıoğlu Publishing House.
Cavit, Binbaşıoğlu, (1988b). “The Impact of Homework on Learning”, Education, 65, 362-369.

In the text (article):
(Varis, 1984: 32).
In Bibliography:
Varis, Tapio, (1984). & Quot; International Flow of TV Programs & quot ;, Journal of Communication, 34 (1), pp.143-152.
Books and articles of two authors:

In text (book):
(Perelman and Olbrecht, 1971: 10).

In Bibliography:
Perelman, C. and Olbrechts-Tyteca, L., (1971). The New Rhetoric, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

In the text (article):
(McCombs and Shaw, 1998: 108).

In Bibliography:
McCombs, M. E. ve Shaw D. L., (1972). “The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media”, The Public Opinion Quarterly, 36, (2), s.176-187.
Books and articles of more than two authors:

In text (book):
(Lazarsfeld et al., 1996: 45).

In Bibliography:
Lazarsfeld, P. F., Berolson, B. and Gaudet, H., (1944). The People Choice, London: Colombia University Press.
The articles included in the compilation publications:

In text:
(Schramm, 1994: 53).

In Bibliography:
Schramm, Wilbur, (1992). “How Communication Works”, Ünsal Oskay (ed.), Introduction to Mass Communication Theories, Istanbul: Derya Publications, pp. 95-134.

Institutional publications:
In text:
(SPO, 1989: 145).

In Bibliography:
DPT, (1989). Sixth Five Year Development Plan, 1990-1994, Ankara.
Books without an author:

In text:
If the title of the book is short:
(Introduction to Librarianship, 1987).
If the title of the book is long:
(Virtual …, 1995: 70).

In Bibliography:
Introduction to Librarianship, (1987). Ankara: Language and History-Geography Publications.

In text:
(Personal communication with O. Kologlu, March 13, 2007).

In Bibliography:
Personal communication with Orhan Koloğlu on 13 March 2007.
Electronic Source:

In text:
(Çubukçu, 2009).

In Bibliography:
Çubukçu, Mete, (2009). “Whose Victory Is This?”, Http:// Access Date: 15.06.2010.
Electronic Source with no author:

In text:
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010).

In Bibliography:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010), Access Date: 16.06.2010.

All web site is

Personal web pages
Landis, Barbara, (1996). Carlisle Indian Industrial School
History,, Access Date: December 20, 2001.
Articles in Newspapers or Current Journals:

In text:
(Nadi, 1950).

In Bibliography:
Nadi, Yunus, (1950). “The Secret of Power”, Cumhuriyet, July 9.
Untitled Articles in Newspapers or Current Journals

In text:
(Cumhuriyet, 7 May 1924).

In Bibliography:
Cumhuriyet, 7 May 1924.
If there are references to different copies of the same journals in the text:
Cumhuriyet, 1950-1960, Hürriyet, 1948-1960.

In text:
(Ministry of Commerce, Decision No. 21/48/26).

In Bibliography:
Decision of the Ministry of Commerce, Directorate General of Access, Access: T.C. Prime Ministry Archive.

Peer Review Process

The editorial board peruses the submitted material with regard to both form and content before sending it on to referees. They may also consider the views of the advisory board. After the deliberation of the editorial board, submitted material is sent to two referees. In order for any material to be published, at least two of the referees must approve it. The revision and improvement demanded by the referees must be implemented in order for an article to be published. Authors are informed within three months about the decision regarding the publication of their material. All the papers are controlled academically with the TURNITIN or/and iThenticate program.

Publishing Period

Journal of Communication Science Researches is published 3 times a year, January, May and September. Articles are not accepted for a certain number of journals. Authors can submit their article at any time. The articles whose evaluation process is completed are published taking into consideration the arrival date.

Open Access Policy

IBAD adopted a policy of providing open access. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. In addition to this, IBAD is licensed by Creative Commons with CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Publication Charge

No publication charge or article processing charge is required. All accepted manuscripts will be published free of cost.

Principles of Research and Publication Ethics

In scientific papers sent to IBAD, the guidelines related to the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the International Standards for the Authors and Authors of the Committee should be taken into attention. Plagiarism, forgery in the data, misleading, repetition of publications, divisional publication and individuals who do not contribute to the research are among the authors are unacceptable practices within the ethical rules. Legal actions will be taken in case of any ethical irregularity related to this and similar practices.

a)Plagiarism: Placing the original ideas, methods, data, or works of others, partly or completely, without making reference to the scientific rules, is dealt with in the context of plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism, the authors should refer to the scientific rules in a manner that is appropriate and should pay attention to the references of all scientific papers in their research.

b)Forgery of Data: The use of data that does not exist or is modified in scientific research is data in the scope of forgery. Authors should analyze their data in accordance with ethical rules and without exposing them to a change in validity and reliability during the process.

c)Detortion: Changing the records or data obtained from the study, showing the devices or materials that are not used in the research as used, changing or shaping the research results according to the interests of the people and organizations that are supported are considered within the scope of distortion. The authors should be honest, objective and transparent in the information they provide in relation to the research process. They should avoid violating the rules of ethics.

d)Repetition: Presenting the same publication as separate publications without referring to the previous publications is considered within the scope of repetition of publications. The responsibility for the publication of the publications submitted for evaluation in another place or in the evaluation process belongs to the authors. The authors should refrain from repeating the original and original research and they should pay attention to submit their original and original research.

e)Divisional Publication: The results of a research are discussed in the scope of dissemination and disseminating the results of the research in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and disseminating it in more than one way, and publishing these publications as separate publications. The authors should consider the integrity of the research and avoid the divisions that will affect the results.

f)Authorship: The inclusion of people who do not contribute to the research or not to include the people who have contributed is considered within the scope of unfair writing. All authors should have contributed sufficiently to the planning, design, data collection, analysis, evaluation, preparation of the research and finalization of the research.

Ethics Committee Approval

“Ethics Committee Approval” is required for the following researches. An approved “Ethics Committee Approval” must be obtained from the institution where the author of the article is located. The researches requiring the Ethics Committee’s approval are as follows:

– Any researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
– Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
– Clinical researches on humans,
– Researches on animals,
– Retrospective studies in accordance with the law of protection of personal data,
– Stating that the “informed consent form” was taken in the case reports,
– Obtaining and specifying the permission of the owners for the use of scale, questionnaire and photos belonging to others,
– Stating that copyright regulations are obeyed for the ideas and works of art used.

“Ethics Committee Permission” should be stated in these articles. The articles should include the statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

Plagiarism Policy

All submitted articles must go through plagiarism check screening and are checked through iThenticate and / or Turnitin (Advanced Plagiarism Dectection Software). Based on this report, articles with a plagiarism rate not exceeding at least 20% can be published. Articles with a plagiarism rate above this are definitely not published. Articles with a plagiarism rate below 20% may require updates depending on the referee opinions.


Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe a scientific research in detail. It is claimed that this is necessary in order to protect author’s rights, and to regulate permissions for reprints or other use of the published research. IBAD have a copyright form which is required authors to sign over all of the rights when their article is ready for publication. All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution Licence. (CC-BY-NC 4.0)

The author gives his rights to the journal by signing the copyright transfer form. The submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material unprotected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the İBAD or its Editorial Staff. The main (first/corresponding) author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to the submission.

What are my rights as author?

It is important to check the policy for the journal to which you are submitting or publishing to establish your rights as Author. IBAD’s standard policies allow the following re-use rights

The journal allows the author(s) to use the articles without copyright restrictions.

You may use the published article for your own teaching needs or to supply on an individual basis to research colleagues, provided that such supply is not for commercial purposes.

You may not post the published article on a website without permission from IBAD.

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All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution Licence. (CC-BY-NC 4.0)