Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1.06.2017

Yıl: 2017

Araştırma Makalesi


13. Environmental Performance Versus Economic-financial Performance: Evidence from Italian Firms


19. Green Economy: Evaluation of Malaysian Company Environmental Sustainability


20. Scenario Forecast for Wind Turbine Manufacturing in Russia


22. Evaluation of the Role of Renewables Consumption on Economic Growth of the U.S. Regions


27. The Impact of Climate Change on the Nigerian Economy


37. "Green Technology" and Renewable Energy in the System of the Steel Industry in Europe


38. Economic Appraisal of the Program of Diagnostics of Main Gas Pipelines


39. Implementation of the Regional Investment Project of Energy Efficiency Increase of the Enterprise of Belgorod (According to Belvodokanal GUP)


40. Analysis of Prospects for Sustainable Land use (Lands of Agricultural Designation) in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Development of Alternative Energy


41. The Role of Innovative Decisions in the Development of Oil and Gas Companies