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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 120 - 140, 09.08.2019



  • Ayan, A. (2015). The relationships between ethical leadership styles, depersonalization and demographic characteristics: A research study in banking sector. CBU Social Science Journal, 13(2):137-150 Aabdeen, Z., Khan, N. M., Khan, M. G., Farooq, Q. Q., Salman, M., Rizwan, M. (2016). The impact of ethical leadership, leadership effectiveness, work related stress and turnover intention on the organizational commitment. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2(2):7-14.
  • Alpkan, L., Aksoy, S., Elçi, M. (2014). The impact of ethical leadership and leadership effectiveness on employees’ turnover intention: The mediating role of work related stress. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58:289-297.
  • Aslan, Ş. & Şendoğdu, A. (2012). The mediating role of corporate social responsibility in ethical leader's effect on corporate ethical values and behavior. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 693-702.
  • Auerbach, M. S. & Sarah, E. B. (2014). Research on burnout. PsycCRITIQUES. Avoid business burnout. Allbusiness. Retrieved on 2017 from Aydoğdu, S. (2009). An empirical study of the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. Yeditepe University, Graduate Instute of Social Sciences, Business Administration, Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Bahrer K. S. (2013). Burnout for experts: Prevention in the context of living and working. Springer Science + Business Media. New York.
  • Bedi, A., Alpaslan, M. C. & Green, S. (2015). A meta-analytic review of ethical leadership outcomes and moderators. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 517-536. Bhanugopan, R. (2006).An empirical investigation of job burnout among expatriates. Personnel Review, 35(4), 449-468.
  • Bormann, C. K. (2013). Understanding ethical leadership: An integrative model of its antecedents, correlates, contingencies, and outcomes. Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University, PhD dissertation.
  • Brown, E. M. & Trevino, K. L. (2006). Ethical Leadership: A review and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 595-616.
  • Byrne, M., Chuqhtai, A., Flood, B., Murphy, E. & Willis, P. (2013). Burnout among accounting and finance academics in Ireland. International Journal of Educational Management, 27(2), 127-142.
  • Chang, A. W., Wang, Y. S. & Huang, T.C. (2013).Work design-related antecedents of turnover intention: A multilevel approach. Human Resource Management, 52(1):1-26. Chaput, A. (2012). The impact of the use of favoritism on work groups.
  • Chen, G., Ployhart, E. R. , Thomas, C. H., Anderson, N. & Bliese, D. P. (2011). The Power of momentum: A new model of dynamic relationships between job satisfaction change and turnover intentions. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1):159-181.
  • Cordes, L. C., Dougherty, W. T. (1993). A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review 18(4):621-656.
  • Demerouti, E. (2015). Strategies used by individuals to prevent burnout. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 45(10), 1106-1112.
  • Dirk, V. D. (2004). Leadership behavior and subordinate well-being. Occupational Health Psychology, 9(2), 165-175.
  • Durmuş, M. (2015).The examination of public manager’s level of showing ethical leadership behaviour in the aspect of public servant perception. Kocaeli University, Social Science Instute, Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Elçi, M., Şener, İ., Aksoy, S. & Alpkan, L. (2012). The impact of ethical leadership and leadership effectiveness on employees’ turnover intention: The mediating role of work related stress. Retrieved on 2012 from
  • Elmas, S. (2012). Workplace Bullying and a research study related workplace bullying’s effects on the intention to leave an organization. Istanbul University, Social Science Institute, Business Administration, Human Resource Management Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Empathy and Burnout among volunteers with varying degrees of person-organization fit. Digital Commons. Retrieved from’external representation of their workplace: key antecedents. Loborough University. Retrieved on 2012 from Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. Science Direct. Retrieved on 2006 from
  • Ethical leadership and follower helping and courtesy: Moral awareness and emphatic concern as moderators. Wiley Online Library. Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
  • Ertop, D. (2017). The Impact of ethical leadership on employees’ burnout feeling and intention to quit with the mediating role of ethical climate. Yeditepe University. Institute of Social Sciences. PhD in Business Administration.
  • Executive – follower ethical reasoning and perceptions of ethical leadership. Sage Journals. Retrieved on March 15, 2011 from
  • Fehr, R., Thomas, Y., Chi K. & Dang, C. (2015). Moralized leadership: The construction and consequences of ethical leader perceptions. Academy of Management Review, 40(2):182-209.
  • Firth, L., Mellor, J. D., Moore, A. K. & Loquet, C. (2004). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?. Journal of managerial psychology, 19(2):170-187 Fostering employee wellbeing via a job crafting intervention. Beanmanaged. Retrieved on March 30, 2017 from
  • Gandtz, J., Seijts, G., Mazutis, D. & Crossan, M. (2013). Developing leadership character in business programs. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(2):285-305. Ghahroodi, K. H., Ghazali, Z. M. & Ghorban, S. Z. (2013). Examining ethical leadership and its impact on the followers’ behavioral outcomes. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 9(3): 91-96.
  • Gill, A. L. & Seguin, M. E. (2014).When politics meets ethics: How political skill helps ethical leaders foster organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Managerial Issues.
  • Gill, H., Ahmad, I., Rizwan, M., Farid, S., Mustafa, M., Saher, S., Bashir, A. & Tanveer, A. M. (2013). The antecedents of turnover intention: A comprehensive model to predict the turnover intentions. Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 3(12):392-402.
  • Halbesleben, R. J. & Buckley, M. R. (2004). Burnout in organizational life. Journal of Management, 30(6): 859-879.
  • Hartog, D.N.D. (2015). Ethical leadership. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 409-434. Hassan, S. & Wright, E. B. (2014). Does ethical leadership matter in government? Effects on organizational commitment, absenteeism, and willingness to report ethical problems. Public Administration Review, 74(3): 333-343.
  • Heller, M. (2013). The Myth of Employee Burnout. United States: Peppertree Press, LLC.
  • Howard, W. L. & Cordes, L. C. (2010). Flight from unfairness: effects of perceived ınjustice on emotional exhaustion and employee withdrawal. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 409-428.
  • Human Resources for Leaders of Future Organizations. Brainmass. Retrieved on February, 2009 from
  • Hwang, J. & Wen, L. (2009). The effect of perceived fairness toward hotel overbooking and compensation practices on customer loyalty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6), 659-675.
  • Hystad, W. S. & Olaniyan, S. O. (2016). Employees’ psychological capital, job satisfaction, insecurity, and intentions to quit: The direct and indirect effects of authentic leadership. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32:163-171. Job burnout among communication professionals in Hong Kong. Retrieved on 2015 from
  • Kalshoven, K. (2010). Ethical leadership: through the eyes of employees. FEB: Amsterdam Business School Research Institute (ABS-RI), FMG: Psychology Research Institute PhD dissertation Chapter 2: 25-65.
  • Kalshoven, K. (2011) .Ethical Leadership at work questionnaire (ELW): Development and validation of a multidimensional measure. The Leadership Quarterly, 2. Karatepe, M. O. (2011). Do job resources moderate the effect of emotional dissonance on burnout?: A study in the city of Ankara, Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(1), 44-65.
  • Karatepe, M. O. (2013). The effects of work overload and work family conflict on job embeddedness and job performance: The mediation of emotional exhaustion. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(4), 614-634.
  • Karatepe, M. O., Haktanır, M. & Yorgancı, İ. (2010). The impacts of core self-evaluations on customer related social stressors and emotional exhaustion. The Service Industrial Journal, 30(9), 15651579.
  • Kaur, B., Mohindru. & Pankaj (2013). Antecedents of turnover intentions: A literature review. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(10):1219-1230. King, R.C. & Sethi, V. (1997). The moderating effect of organizational commitment or burnout in information systems profession. European Journal of Information Systems, 6(2), 86-96.
  • Kumar, B., Lengler, J. & Mohsin, A. (2013). Exploring the antecedents of intentions to leave the job. International Journal of Hospitality management, 35:48-58.
  • Kurt, T., Demirtaş, Ö. & Özdevecioğlu, M. (2015). The effect of leader-member exchange on turnover ıntention and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating role of meaningful work. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 710-719.
  • Lacoursiere, B. Roy. (2001). ‘’Burnout’’ and substance user treatment: The phenomenon and the administrator-clinician’s experience. Substance Use & Misuse, 36(13). Lages, R. C. (2012). Employees’ external representation of their workplace. Journal of Business Research, 65: 1264-1272 Lambert, G. E., Altheimer, I. & Hogan, L. N. (2010). Exploring the relationship between social support and job burnout among correctional staff. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(11), 1217-1236.
  • Leadership and Ethical Decision Making among Mauritian Managers. EJBO. Retrieved on 2017 from
  • Leadership. SAGE Publishing. Retrieved on April 2015, from
  • Leigh, A. (2013). Ethical leadership creating and sustaining an ethical business culture. (2nd Ed.). United States: Kogan Page.
  • Leiter, P. M., Bakker, B. A. & Maslach, C. (2014). Burnout at work a Psychological perspective. (1th Ed.). United States: Psychology Press. Lin, Y.W. (2012). The causes, consequences, and mediating effects of job burnout among hospital employees in Taiwan. Journal of Hospital Administration, 2(1), 15-27.
  • Lishchinsky, O. & Rosenblatt, Z. (2009). Organizational ethics and teachers’ intent to leave: An Integrative approach. Educational Administration Quarterly, 45(5): 725-758.
  • Low, S. G., Cravens, W. D., Grant, K. & Moncrief, C. W. (2001). Antecedents and consequences of salesperson burnout. Journal of Marketing, 35(6):587-611.
  • Lu, X. & Guy, E. M. (2014). How emotional labor and ethical leadership affect job engagement for Chinese public servants. Public Personnel Management, 43(1):3-24.
  • Mayer, M. D., Aquino, K., Greenbaum, L. R. & Kuenzi, M. (2012). Who displays ethical leadership, and why does it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 55(1):151-171.
  • McClean, E. J., Burris, E. & Detert, J. R. (2013). When does voice lead to exit? It depends on leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 56(2), 525-548.
  • Mendonca, M. & Kanungo, N. R. (2007). Ethical leadership. New York: Open University Press.
  • Monahan, K. (2012). A review of the literature concerning ethical leadership in organizations. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 55(1):56-66. Northouse, G. P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th Ed.). United States: SAGE Publications, Inc. Numerof, E. R. & Seltzer, J. (1988). Supervisory leadership and subordinate burnout. Academy of Management Journal, 31(2):439-446.
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 120 - 140, 09.08.2019


In this study, the perceived impact of ethical leadership on employees’ burnout feeling and intention to quit and the relation between employees’ burnout feeling and intention to quit have been tested. Quantitative analysis has been used to test hypotheses. Convenience sampling method was used in this study. Hypothesis testing has been used to understand the relationships among factors, to explain the variances in the dependent variables which are employees ‘burnout feeling and employees’ intention to quit. By hypotheses testing, it was aimed to theorize the factors that influence dependent variables and then test the hypotheses that two dependent variables significantly explain the variance in independent variable. 300 employees actively working in the companies participated to the study. A positive correlation has been found between leader trustworthiness and intention of employees to stay in their organization. Research has shown that employees who perceives their leaders as ethical in their organizations have lower burnout feeling and lower intention to quit. Additionally research has shown that there is a positive relation between employees’ burnout feeling and intention to quit.


  • Ayan, A. (2015). The relationships between ethical leadership styles, depersonalization and demographic characteristics: A research study in banking sector. CBU Social Science Journal, 13(2):137-150 Aabdeen, Z., Khan, N. M., Khan, M. G., Farooq, Q. Q., Salman, M., Rizwan, M. (2016). The impact of ethical leadership, leadership effectiveness, work related stress and turnover intention on the organizational commitment. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2(2):7-14.
  • Alpkan, L., Aksoy, S., Elçi, M. (2014). The impact of ethical leadership and leadership effectiveness on employees’ turnover intention: The mediating role of work related stress. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58:289-297.
  • Aslan, Ş. & Şendoğdu, A. (2012). The mediating role of corporate social responsibility in ethical leader's effect on corporate ethical values and behavior. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 693-702.
  • Auerbach, M. S. & Sarah, E. B. (2014). Research on burnout. PsycCRITIQUES. Avoid business burnout. Allbusiness. Retrieved on 2017 from Aydoğdu, S. (2009). An empirical study of the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. Yeditepe University, Graduate Instute of Social Sciences, Business Administration, Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Bahrer K. S. (2013). Burnout for experts: Prevention in the context of living and working. Springer Science + Business Media. New York.
  • Bedi, A., Alpaslan, M. C. & Green, S. (2015). A meta-analytic review of ethical leadership outcomes and moderators. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 517-536. Bhanugopan, R. (2006).An empirical investigation of job burnout among expatriates. Personnel Review, 35(4), 449-468.
  • Bormann, C. K. (2013). Understanding ethical leadership: An integrative model of its antecedents, correlates, contingencies, and outcomes. Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University, PhD dissertation.
  • Brown, E. M. & Trevino, K. L. (2006). Ethical Leadership: A review and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 595-616.
  • Byrne, M., Chuqhtai, A., Flood, B., Murphy, E. & Willis, P. (2013). Burnout among accounting and finance academics in Ireland. International Journal of Educational Management, 27(2), 127-142.
  • Chang, A. W., Wang, Y. S. & Huang, T.C. (2013).Work design-related antecedents of turnover intention: A multilevel approach. Human Resource Management, 52(1):1-26. Chaput, A. (2012). The impact of the use of favoritism on work groups.
  • Chen, G., Ployhart, E. R. , Thomas, C. H., Anderson, N. & Bliese, D. P. (2011). The Power of momentum: A new model of dynamic relationships between job satisfaction change and turnover intentions. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1):159-181.
  • Cordes, L. C., Dougherty, W. T. (1993). A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review 18(4):621-656.
  • Demerouti, E. (2015). Strategies used by individuals to prevent burnout. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 45(10), 1106-1112.
  • Dirk, V. D. (2004). Leadership behavior and subordinate well-being. Occupational Health Psychology, 9(2), 165-175.
  • Durmuş, M. (2015).The examination of public manager’s level of showing ethical leadership behaviour in the aspect of public servant perception. Kocaeli University, Social Science Instute, Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Elçi, M., Şener, İ., Aksoy, S. & Alpkan, L. (2012). The impact of ethical leadership and leadership effectiveness on employees’ turnover intention: The mediating role of work related stress. Retrieved on 2012 from
  • Elmas, S. (2012). Workplace Bullying and a research study related workplace bullying’s effects on the intention to leave an organization. Istanbul University, Social Science Institute, Business Administration, Human Resource Management Post Graduate Thesis.
  • Empathy and Burnout among volunteers with varying degrees of person-organization fit. Digital Commons. Retrieved from’external representation of their workplace: key antecedents. Loborough University. Retrieved on 2012 from Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. Science Direct. Retrieved on 2006 from
  • Ethical leadership and follower helping and courtesy: Moral awareness and emphatic concern as moderators. Wiley Online Library. Retrieved on Jan 20, 2012 from
  • Ertop, D. (2017). The Impact of ethical leadership on employees’ burnout feeling and intention to quit with the mediating role of ethical climate. Yeditepe University. Institute of Social Sciences. PhD in Business Administration.
  • Executive – follower ethical reasoning and perceptions of ethical leadership. Sage Journals. Retrieved on March 15, 2011 from
  • Fehr, R., Thomas, Y., Chi K. & Dang, C. (2015). Moralized leadership: The construction and consequences of ethical leader perceptions. Academy of Management Review, 40(2):182-209.
  • Firth, L., Mellor, J. D., Moore, A. K. & Loquet, C. (2004). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?. Journal of managerial psychology, 19(2):170-187 Fostering employee wellbeing via a job crafting intervention. Beanmanaged. Retrieved on March 30, 2017 from
  • Gandtz, J., Seijts, G., Mazutis, D. & Crossan, M. (2013). Developing leadership character in business programs. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(2):285-305. Ghahroodi, K. H., Ghazali, Z. M. & Ghorban, S. Z. (2013). Examining ethical leadership and its impact on the followers’ behavioral outcomes. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 9(3): 91-96.
  • Gill, A. L. & Seguin, M. E. (2014).When politics meets ethics: How political skill helps ethical leaders foster organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Managerial Issues.
  • Gill, H., Ahmad, I., Rizwan, M., Farid, S., Mustafa, M., Saher, S., Bashir, A. & Tanveer, A. M. (2013). The antecedents of turnover intention: A comprehensive model to predict the turnover intentions. Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 3(12):392-402.
  • Halbesleben, R. J. & Buckley, M. R. (2004). Burnout in organizational life. Journal of Management, 30(6): 859-879.
  • Hartog, D.N.D. (2015). Ethical leadership. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 409-434. Hassan, S. & Wright, E. B. (2014). Does ethical leadership matter in government? Effects on organizational commitment, absenteeism, and willingness to report ethical problems. Public Administration Review, 74(3): 333-343.
  • Heller, M. (2013). The Myth of Employee Burnout. United States: Peppertree Press, LLC.
  • Howard, W. L. & Cordes, L. C. (2010). Flight from unfairness: effects of perceived ınjustice on emotional exhaustion and employee withdrawal. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 409-428.
  • Human Resources for Leaders of Future Organizations. Brainmass. Retrieved on February, 2009 from
  • Hwang, J. & Wen, L. (2009). The effect of perceived fairness toward hotel overbooking and compensation practices on customer loyalty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6), 659-675.
  • Hystad, W. S. & Olaniyan, S. O. (2016). Employees’ psychological capital, job satisfaction, insecurity, and intentions to quit: The direct and indirect effects of authentic leadership. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32:163-171. Job burnout among communication professionals in Hong Kong. Retrieved on 2015 from
  • Kalshoven, K. (2010). Ethical leadership: through the eyes of employees. FEB: Amsterdam Business School Research Institute (ABS-RI), FMG: Psychology Research Institute PhD dissertation Chapter 2: 25-65.
  • Kalshoven, K. (2011) .Ethical Leadership at work questionnaire (ELW): Development and validation of a multidimensional measure. The Leadership Quarterly, 2. Karatepe, M. O. (2011). Do job resources moderate the effect of emotional dissonance on burnout?: A study in the city of Ankara, Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(1), 44-65.
  • Karatepe, M. O. (2013). The effects of work overload and work family conflict on job embeddedness and job performance: The mediation of emotional exhaustion. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(4), 614-634.
  • Karatepe, M. O., Haktanır, M. & Yorgancı, İ. (2010). The impacts of core self-evaluations on customer related social stressors and emotional exhaustion. The Service Industrial Journal, 30(9), 15651579.
  • Kaur, B., Mohindru. & Pankaj (2013). Antecedents of turnover intentions: A literature review. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(10):1219-1230. King, R.C. & Sethi, V. (1997). The moderating effect of organizational commitment or burnout in information systems profession. European Journal of Information Systems, 6(2), 86-96.
  • Kumar, B., Lengler, J. & Mohsin, A. (2013). Exploring the antecedents of intentions to leave the job. International Journal of Hospitality management, 35:48-58.
  • Kurt, T., Demirtaş, Ö. & Özdevecioğlu, M. (2015). The effect of leader-member exchange on turnover ıntention and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating role of meaningful work. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 710-719.
  • Lacoursiere, B. Roy. (2001). ‘’Burnout’’ and substance user treatment: The phenomenon and the administrator-clinician’s experience. Substance Use & Misuse, 36(13). Lages, R. C. (2012). Employees’ external representation of their workplace. Journal of Business Research, 65: 1264-1272 Lambert, G. E., Altheimer, I. & Hogan, L. N. (2010). Exploring the relationship between social support and job burnout among correctional staff. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(11), 1217-1236.
  • Leadership and Ethical Decision Making among Mauritian Managers. EJBO. Retrieved on 2017 from
  • Leadership. SAGE Publishing. Retrieved on April 2015, from
  • Leigh, A. (2013). Ethical leadership creating and sustaining an ethical business culture. (2nd Ed.). United States: Kogan Page.
  • Leiter, P. M., Bakker, B. A. & Maslach, C. (2014). Burnout at work a Psychological perspective. (1th Ed.). United States: Psychology Press. Lin, Y.W. (2012). The causes, consequences, and mediating effects of job burnout among hospital employees in Taiwan. Journal of Hospital Administration, 2(1), 15-27.
  • Lishchinsky, O. & Rosenblatt, Z. (2009). Organizational ethics and teachers’ intent to leave: An Integrative approach. Educational Administration Quarterly, 45(5): 725-758.
  • Low, S. G., Cravens, W. D., Grant, K. & Moncrief, C. W. (2001). Antecedents and consequences of salesperson burnout. Journal of Marketing, 35(6):587-611.
  • Lu, X. & Guy, E. M. (2014). How emotional labor and ethical leadership affect job engagement for Chinese public servants. Public Personnel Management, 43(1):3-24.
  • Mayer, M. D., Aquino, K., Greenbaum, L. R. & Kuenzi, M. (2012). Who displays ethical leadership, and why does it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 55(1):151-171.
  • McClean, E. J., Burris, E. & Detert, J. R. (2013). When does voice lead to exit? It depends on leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 56(2), 525-548.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilşah Ertop

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertop, D. (2019). THE PERCEIVED IMPACT OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEES’ BURNOUT FEELING AND INTENTION TO QUIT. Uluslararası Liderlik Çalışmaları Dergisi: Kuram Ve Uygulama, 2(2), 120-140.