Special Issue on " Difference Equations"

For our next issue, we invite you to submit your research on " Difference Equations" in Ikonion Journal of Mathematics. The main purpose of this issue is to cary original research and review articles on “Difference Equations, Systems of Difference Equations and Their Application”. Contribution is open to researchers of all over the world. No submission or processing fees are required.
If you have related papers ready for publication, please feel free to submit via electronic submission evoluation system at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/login. Your support and guidance as an author would help our journal to achieve its objective.

Special Issue Timeline
Submission Start Date: February 7, 2024
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

Submission Procedures and Writing Guidelines
Submission Platform: DergiPark System
Submission Method: When submitting through the DergiPark system, please include the phrase "(Special Issue)" before your article title in the designated field. Additionally, indicate that you are submitting for the special issue in the specified field when uploading the copyright form.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 7.02.2024 22:06:26