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Geç Antik Dönem Trakya’sında Deniz Mozaikleri

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 16, 361 - 375, 03.11.2023


Deniz mozaiklerinin Roma İmparatorluğu’nda, özellikle de termal hamamlar ve triclinialarda en popüler mozaik kaplamalar arasında yer aldığı varsayılmaktadır. Bu nedenle deniz mozaiklerinin Erken Hristiyan sanatında yaygın olarak görülmesinin şaşırtıcı olmadığı düşünülmüştür. Geç antik dönem Trakyası da bu eğilimin bir istisnası gibi görünmemektedir, ancak şimdiye kadar bu tür mozaiklerin çok az örneği keşfedilmiştir. Bu makale, Serdica bölgesindeki bir villa suburbana’da bulunan üç örneğin yanısıra Philippopolis ve Augusta Traiana’daki evlerde bulunan diğer örnekleri ele almaktadır. Hepsi 4. yüzyıla tarihlenen bu mozaik döşemeler, deniz temasının iç Trakya kentlerindeki Geç Antik Çağ mozaiklerinde yayılan en popüler temalar arasında yer almadığını gösteren farklı ikonografilere sahiptir. Bunun yerine, kullanımları Iulianus’un 361-362’de Trakya’ya ilerlemesi ya da bir ev sahibinin kendisini konuklarına zengin bir tüccar olarak sunma isteği ve ihtiyacı gibi belirli tarihsel koşullara bağlanabilir. ‘Klasik’ ikonografiye sahip Philippopolitan mozaiğinin Hristiyanlıkla ilgili bir anlamı da olabilir. Bu çalışma, belki de Trakya’nın kıyı kentlerinde keşfedilmeyi bekleyen başka örneklerin gerekli desteğinden yoksun olsa da, Trakya’daki deniz mozaiklerinin dağılımını ve Geç Antik Çağ’da bölgedeki mozaik sanatının gelişimindeki rollerini daha doğru bir şekilde ölçmek için bir ön adımdır.


  • Atanasov 2009 A. Atanasov, “Otdelni mitologichni izobrazheniya ili stseni v rimskite figuralni mozaiki – provintsiya Trakiya ІІ – ІV v.”, Izvestiya na muzeite v yugoiztochna Balgariya 24, 101-118.
  • Becatti 1961 G. Becatti, Scavi di Ostia, Vol. 4, Mosaici e pavimenti marmorei/ a cura di Giovanni Becatti, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, Roma.
  • Bowersock et al. 2015 G. Bowersock – J. Schwartz – A. Gorzalczany - R. Talgam, The Lod Mosaic: A Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor, New York.
  • Decker 2005 M. Decker, “The Wine Trade of Cilicia in Late Antiquity”, ARAM 17, 51-59.
  • DePuma 1969 R. D. DePuma, The Roman Fish Mosaic, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr.
  • Dintchev 2003 V. Dintchev, Kasnorimskata rezidentsija SCRETISCA i rannovizantiiskoto selischte ΚΡΑΤΙΣΚΑΡΑ (Arheologicheski prouchvanija v m. Gradishteto prez 1990-1994 g.), Archaeological excavations and research 30, Sofia.
  • Dintchev 2020 V. Dintchev, SCRETISCA – KΡATIΣKAΡA, Vol. II.The results from the recent research of the residence and the road station. The routes of the Trans-Balkan diagonal road (Via diagonalis) in the region, Archaeological excavations and research 43, Sofia.
  • Dintchev 2021 V. Dintchev, “Today’s Bulgarian Territory in Late Antiquity”, Annales Balcanici 1, 17-66.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford Monographies on Classical Archaeology, Oxford.
  • Gorzalczany – Rosen 2019 A. Gorzalczany – B. Rosen, “The Marine Scene in the Lod Mosaics”, JMR 12, 47-62.
  • Horden - Purcell 2000 P. Horden – N. Purcell, The Corrupting Sea, A Study of the Mediterranean History, Oxford.
  • Kessyakova 2004 Е. Kessyakova, Mozaika “Nartsis of Filipopol”, Epohi 3-4, 59-68.
  • Kokkini 2016 Ph. Kokkini, “Scènes de pêche sur les mosaïques de la péninsule balkanique: tradition romaine et iconographie paléochrétienne”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 89-124.
  • Mladenova 1965 Ya. Mladenova, “Novootkritata mozaika ot vilata pri Ivailovgrad”, Izkustvo 4, 20-25.
  • Moysés 2019 M. Moysés, “Recuperata re publica: Julian, Serdica, and the Civic Promotion of an Emperor in Late 361/Early 362 C.E.”, AJPh 140/ 3, 513-559.
  • Nollé 2009 J. Nollé, “Gründungstraditionen des thrakischen Hadrianopolis (Edirne)”, Chiron 39, 101-161.
  • Olszewski 1995 M.-T. Olszewski, « L’image et sa fonction dans la mosaïque byzantine des premières basiliques en Orient. L’iconographie chrétienne expliquée par Cyrille de Jérusalem (314-387) », Cahiers d’Archéologie 43, 9-34.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger - A. Lirsch - V. Popova (Hrgs.) Corpus der Spätantiken und früchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Popova 2010 V. Popova, “Mozaikite na rimskata vila v kvartal Filipovtzi na Sofia”, Izkustvovedski cheteniya 2010, 186-193.
  • Popova 2015 V. Popova, “The mosaic portraits of villa Armira”, XII Colloquio AIEMA Venezia, Atti (a cura di Giordana Trovabene, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia con la collaborazione di Alessandro Bertoni), Verona, 577-579.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Fons Vitae in Late Antique monuments in Bulgaria”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 154-198.
  • Sharankov 2015 N. Sharankov, “Za datata i myastoto na machenichestvoto na sveta Teodota ot “grada na Filip”, Bulgaria Mediaevalis 6, 17-26.
  • Sharankov 2019 N. Sharankov, “Infectam usque fatale exitium’: The Milestones of Emperor Julian in the Territory of Serdica and the Conflict of Paganism and Christianity”, ABulg 3, 41-70.
  • Topalilov 2018a I. Topalilov, “A Note on a Sailor’s Funeral Stele from Philippopolis, Thrace”, The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 1, 203-206.
  • Topalilov 2018b I. Topalilov, “Varhu edin fenomen ot gradskiya zhivot v Trakiya prez IV vek”, Thracia 23, 217-230.
  • Topalilov 2021 I. Topalilov, “On Some Issues Related to the Christianisation of the Topography of Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace”, Annales Balcanici 1, 107-158.
  • Topalilov 2022 I. Topalilov, “The mosaic pavements in Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana from Constantine I till Theodosius I. A short review”, CercA 29.1, 259-286.
  • Tsontchev 1940 D. Tsonchev, “Novootkrita rimska banya v Plovdiv”, Godishnik na Plovdivskata narodna biblioteka i muzei, 129-156.
  • Westphalen 2016 St. Westphalen, Die Basilica am Kalekapi in Herakleia/ Perinthos. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992 - 2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi, IstForsch 55, Tübingen.

The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 16, 361 - 375, 03.11.2023


It is assumed that marine mosaics were among the most popular mosaic pavements across the Roman Empire, particularly in thermal baths and triclinia. It has therefore been thought unsurprising that marine mosaics widely appear in Early Christian art. Late antique Thrace does not appear to be an exception to this trend, although few examples of such mosaics have been discovered so far. This article addresses all three examples from a villa suburbana in Serdica region as well as other examples from houses in Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana. All dated to the 4th century, these mosaic pavements hold different iconography that suggest that in the marine theme was not among the most popular themes that spread in Late Antique mosaics in the cities of inner Thrace. Instead, their use is attributable to specific historical circumstances such as Julian’s advance into Thrace in 361-362 or the explicit desire and needs of a house owner to present himself as a wealthy merchant to guests. The Philippopolitan mosaic with ‘classical’ iconography may have had a Christian meaning as well. Although this study lacks the necessary support of additional examples, perhaps awaiting discovery at Thrace’s coastal cities, it is a preliminary step toward more accurately gauging the distribution of marine mosaics in Thrace and their role in the development of mosaic art in the region in Late Antiquity.


  • Atanasov 2009 A. Atanasov, “Otdelni mitologichni izobrazheniya ili stseni v rimskite figuralni mozaiki – provintsiya Trakiya ІІ – ІV v.”, Izvestiya na muzeite v yugoiztochna Balgariya 24, 101-118.
  • Becatti 1961 G. Becatti, Scavi di Ostia, Vol. 4, Mosaici e pavimenti marmorei/ a cura di Giovanni Becatti, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, Roma.
  • Bowersock et al. 2015 G. Bowersock – J. Schwartz – A. Gorzalczany - R. Talgam, The Lod Mosaic: A Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor, New York.
  • Decker 2005 M. Decker, “The Wine Trade of Cilicia in Late Antiquity”, ARAM 17, 51-59.
  • DePuma 1969 R. D. DePuma, The Roman Fish Mosaic, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr.
  • Dintchev 2003 V. Dintchev, Kasnorimskata rezidentsija SCRETISCA i rannovizantiiskoto selischte ΚΡΑΤΙΣΚΑΡΑ (Arheologicheski prouchvanija v m. Gradishteto prez 1990-1994 g.), Archaeological excavations and research 30, Sofia.
  • Dintchev 2020 V. Dintchev, SCRETISCA – KΡATIΣKAΡA, Vol. II.The results from the recent research of the residence and the road station. The routes of the Trans-Balkan diagonal road (Via diagonalis) in the region, Archaeological excavations and research 43, Sofia.
  • Dintchev 2021 V. Dintchev, “Today’s Bulgarian Territory in Late Antiquity”, Annales Balcanici 1, 17-66.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford Monographies on Classical Archaeology, Oxford.
  • Gorzalczany – Rosen 2019 A. Gorzalczany – B. Rosen, “The Marine Scene in the Lod Mosaics”, JMR 12, 47-62.
  • Horden - Purcell 2000 P. Horden – N. Purcell, The Corrupting Sea, A Study of the Mediterranean History, Oxford.
  • Kessyakova 2004 Е. Kessyakova, Mozaika “Nartsis of Filipopol”, Epohi 3-4, 59-68.
  • Kokkini 2016 Ph. Kokkini, “Scènes de pêche sur les mosaïques de la péninsule balkanique: tradition romaine et iconographie paléochrétienne”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 89-124.
  • Mladenova 1965 Ya. Mladenova, “Novootkritata mozaika ot vilata pri Ivailovgrad”, Izkustvo 4, 20-25.
  • Moysés 2019 M. Moysés, “Recuperata re publica: Julian, Serdica, and the Civic Promotion of an Emperor in Late 361/Early 362 C.E.”, AJPh 140/ 3, 513-559.
  • Nollé 2009 J. Nollé, “Gründungstraditionen des thrakischen Hadrianopolis (Edirne)”, Chiron 39, 101-161.
  • Olszewski 1995 M.-T. Olszewski, « L’image et sa fonction dans la mosaïque byzantine des premières basiliques en Orient. L’iconographie chrétienne expliquée par Cyrille de Jérusalem (314-387) », Cahiers d’Archéologie 43, 9-34.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger - A. Lirsch - V. Popova (Hrgs.) Corpus der Spätantiken und früchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Popova 2010 V. Popova, “Mozaikite na rimskata vila v kvartal Filipovtzi na Sofia”, Izkustvovedski cheteniya 2010, 186-193.
  • Popova 2015 V. Popova, “The mosaic portraits of villa Armira”, XII Colloquio AIEMA Venezia, Atti (a cura di Giordana Trovabene, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia con la collaborazione di Alessandro Bertoni), Verona, 577-579.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Fons Vitae in Late Antique monuments in Bulgaria”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 154-198.
  • Sharankov 2015 N. Sharankov, “Za datata i myastoto na machenichestvoto na sveta Teodota ot “grada na Filip”, Bulgaria Mediaevalis 6, 17-26.
  • Sharankov 2019 N. Sharankov, “Infectam usque fatale exitium’: The Milestones of Emperor Julian in the Territory of Serdica and the Conflict of Paganism and Christianity”, ABulg 3, 41-70.
  • Topalilov 2018a I. Topalilov, “A Note on a Sailor’s Funeral Stele from Philippopolis, Thrace”, The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 1, 203-206.
  • Topalilov 2018b I. Topalilov, “Varhu edin fenomen ot gradskiya zhivot v Trakiya prez IV vek”, Thracia 23, 217-230.
  • Topalilov 2021 I. Topalilov, “On Some Issues Related to the Christianisation of the Topography of Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace”, Annales Balcanici 1, 107-158.
  • Topalilov 2022 I. Topalilov, “The mosaic pavements in Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana from Constantine I till Theodosius I. A short review”, CercA 29.1, 259-286.
  • Tsontchev 1940 D. Tsonchev, “Novootkrita rimska banya v Plovdiv”, Godishnik na Plovdivskata narodna biblioteka i muzei, 129-156.
  • Westphalen 2016 St. Westphalen, Die Basilica am Kalekapi in Herakleia/ Perinthos. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992 - 2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi, IstForsch 55, Tübingen.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji Bilimi
Bölüm Makele

Ivo Topalılov Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0565-2054

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Topalılov, I. (2023). The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace. Journal of Mosaic Research(16), 361-375.
AMA Topalılov I. The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace. JMR. Kasım 2023;(16):361-375. doi:10.26658/jmr.1376863
Chicago Topalılov, Ivo. “The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 16 (Kasım 2023): 361-75.
EndNote Topalılov I (01 Kasım 2023) The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 361–375.
IEEE I. Topalılov, “The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace”, JMR, sy. 16, ss. 361–375, Kasım 2023, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1376863.
ISNAD Topalılov, Ivo. “The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace”. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 (Kasım 2023), 361-375.
JAMA Topalılov I. The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace. JMR. 2023;:361–375.
MLA Topalılov, Ivo. “The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 16, 2023, ss. 361-75, doi:10.26658/jmr.1376863.
Vancouver Topalılov I. The Marine Mosaics in Late Antique Thrace. JMR. 2023(16):361-75.

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