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Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 21 - Kaygı (21) 2013, 37 - 54, 15.10.2013


Bu makalede Foucault’nun eleştiri anlayışı ve ona yöneltilen itirazlar üzerinde durulmuştur. Son zamanlarda bazı entelektüeller Foucaultcu eleştiri anlayışında bir görecelik problemi olduğunu iddia etmektedirler. Onlara göre, Foucaultcu eleştiri, eleştirinin kendisine dayanacağı bir hakikat fikrinden, bir doğruluk-yanlışlık ölçütünden ve normatif bir temelden yoksundur. Böyle bir eleştiri anlayışı kendisini görecelikten kurtaramayacağı için de, burada eleştiri anlamını ve işlevini kaybetmek durumundadır. Bu makalede bu gibi itirazların Foucault’nun eleştiri anlayışının amacı ve işlevine dair bir yanlış anlamadan kaynaklandığı öne sürülmekte ve Foucault’nun eleştiriden ne anladığı açıklığa kavuşturulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Doğrusu, Foucault, çalışmalarında eleştiri üzerinde yeniden düşünmemizi talep ederek ve eleştirinin bizzat kendisini sorunsallaştırarak, bize, bir takım hakikat normlarına başvurmadan nasıl eleştirel olunabileceğini göstermeye çalışmaktadır. Onun bir ethos, bir tutum, bir erdem, bir teşhis ve çok fazla yönetilmeme sanatı olarak eleştiri kavramsallaştırması klasik eleştiri anlayışından oldukça farklıdır.


  • BERNSTEIN, Richard (1994) “Foucault: Critique as a Philosophical Ethos”, Critique and Power: Recasting The Foucault/Habermas Debate, ed. by Michael Kelly, pp. 211-241, The MIT Press: Cambridge.
  • BROCKLESBY, John & Stephen CUMMINGS (1996) “Foucault Plays Habermas: An Alternative Philosophical Underpinning for Critical Systems Thinking”, The Journal of Operational Research Society, 47(6)/1996: 741-754.
  • BUTLER, Judith (2002) “What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault’s Virtue”, The Political (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy), ed. by David Ingram, pp. 212-227, Oxford: Wiley.
  • DEACON, Roger Alan (2003) Fabricating Foucault: Rationalising the Management of Individuals, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
  • DJABALLAH, Marc (2008) Kant, Foucault, and Forms of Experience, Routledge: New York.
  • FLYNN, Thomas R. (1989) “Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity”, Noûs, 23(2)/19889: 187-198.
  • FLYVBJERG, Bent (1998) “Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society?”, The British Journal of Sociology, 49 (2)/1998: 210-233.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1980) “Power and Strategies”, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, ed. by Colin Gordon, and others, pp. 134-145, New York: Pantheon Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1988) “The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom: An Interview”, The Final Foucault, pp. 1-20, Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1990a) “Practicing Criticism”, Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings 1977-1984, ed. by Lawrence D. Kritzman, pp. 152-156, New York: Routledge.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1990b) “The Concern for Truth”, Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings 1977-1984, ed. by Lawrence D. Kritzman, pp. 255-270, New York: Routledge.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991a) “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 76-100, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991b) “On the Genealogy of Ethics: An Overview of Work in Progress”, The Foucault Reader:An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 340-372, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991c) “Politics and Ethics: An Interview”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 373-390, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991d) “Space, Knowledge and Power”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 239-256, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991e) “The Discourse on Power”, Remarks on Marx: Conversations with Duccio Trombadori, trans. by R. James Goldstein & James Cascaito, pp. 147-181, New York: Semiotext(E).
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1996) “What is Critique?”, trans. by. Kevin Paul Geiman, What is What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions, ed. by James Schmidt, pp. 382-399, California: University of California Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1999) “About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self”, Religion and Culture by Michel Foucault, selected and edited by Jeremy R. Carrette, pp. 158-181, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2000a) “Questions of Method”, Essential Works of Foucault (1954-1984): Power, ed. James D. Faubion, trans. by Robert Hurley and others, pp. 223-238, New York: The New Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2000b) “So Is It Important to Think?”, Essential Works of Foucault (1954-1984): Power, ed. James D. Faubion, trans. by Robert Hurley and others, pp. 454-458, New York: The New Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2007) “What is Critique?”, The Politics of Truth, ed. by Sylvere Lotringer, trans. by Lysa Hochroth & Catherine Porter, pp. 41-81, Los Angeles: Semiotext(E) Foreign Agent Series.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel & Martin RUX (1988) “One Truth, Power, Self: An Interview With Michel Foucault”, Technologies of The Self: A Seminar With Michel Foucault, ed. by Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman, Patrick H. Hutton, pp. 9-15, USA: The University of Massachusetts Press.
  • GÜNDOĞDU, Hakan (2010) “Aydınlanma ve Foucault”, Foucault: Fikir Mimarları Dizisi, ss. 425-461, İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • HABERMAS, Jürgen (1990) The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, trans. by Frederick G. Lawrence, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  • HEALY, Paul (2001) “A 'Limit Attitude': Foucault, Autonomy, Critique”, History of the Human Sciences,14(1)/2001: 49-68.
  • KELLY, Mark G. E (2009) The Political Philosophy of Michel Foucault, New York: Routledge.
  • MATTHEWS, Eric (1996) Twentieth-Century French Philosophy, England: Oxford University Press.
  • McCARTHY, Thomas (1990) “The Critique of Impure Reason: Foucault and the Frankfurt School”, Political Theory, 18(3)/1990: 437-469.
  • NIELSEN, Kai (1996) Naturalism Without Foundations, New York: Promethous Books.
  • OLSSEN, Mark (1999) Michel Foucault: Materialism and Education, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • POSTER, Mark (1993) “Foucault and the Problem of Self-Constitution”, Foucault and the Critique of Institutions, ed. by John Caputo & Mark Yount, pp. 63-80, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • PRADO, C. G (2000) Starting with Foucault: An Introduction to Genealogy, USA: Westview Press.
  • RANSOM, John S (1997) Foucault’s Discipline:The Politics of Subjectivity, London: Duke University Press.
  • REYNOLDS, Joan M (2004) “Pragmatic Humanism” in Foucault’s Later Work”, Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 37(4)/2004: 951-977.
Yıl 2013, Sayı: 21 - Kaygı (21) 2013, 37 - 54, 15.10.2013



  • BERNSTEIN, Richard (1994) “Foucault: Critique as a Philosophical Ethos”, Critique and Power: Recasting The Foucault/Habermas Debate, ed. by Michael Kelly, pp. 211-241, The MIT Press: Cambridge.
  • BROCKLESBY, John & Stephen CUMMINGS (1996) “Foucault Plays Habermas: An Alternative Philosophical Underpinning for Critical Systems Thinking”, The Journal of Operational Research Society, 47(6)/1996: 741-754.
  • BUTLER, Judith (2002) “What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault’s Virtue”, The Political (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy), ed. by David Ingram, pp. 212-227, Oxford: Wiley.
  • DEACON, Roger Alan (2003) Fabricating Foucault: Rationalising the Management of Individuals, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
  • DJABALLAH, Marc (2008) Kant, Foucault, and Forms of Experience, Routledge: New York.
  • FLYNN, Thomas R. (1989) “Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity”, Noûs, 23(2)/19889: 187-198.
  • FLYVBJERG, Bent (1998) “Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society?”, The British Journal of Sociology, 49 (2)/1998: 210-233.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1980) “Power and Strategies”, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, ed. by Colin Gordon, and others, pp. 134-145, New York: Pantheon Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1988) “The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom: An Interview”, The Final Foucault, pp. 1-20, Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1990a) “Practicing Criticism”, Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings 1977-1984, ed. by Lawrence D. Kritzman, pp. 152-156, New York: Routledge.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1990b) “The Concern for Truth”, Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings 1977-1984, ed. by Lawrence D. Kritzman, pp. 255-270, New York: Routledge.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991a) “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 76-100, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991b) “On the Genealogy of Ethics: An Overview of Work in Progress”, The Foucault Reader:An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 340-372, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991c) “Politics and Ethics: An Interview”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 373-390, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991d) “Space, Knowledge and Power”, The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, ed. by Paul Rabinow, pp. 239-256, New York: Penguin Books.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1991e) “The Discourse on Power”, Remarks on Marx: Conversations with Duccio Trombadori, trans. by R. James Goldstein & James Cascaito, pp. 147-181, New York: Semiotext(E).
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1996) “What is Critique?”, trans. by. Kevin Paul Geiman, What is What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions, ed. by James Schmidt, pp. 382-399, California: University of California Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (1999) “About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self”, Religion and Culture by Michel Foucault, selected and edited by Jeremy R. Carrette, pp. 158-181, UK: Manchester University Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2000a) “Questions of Method”, Essential Works of Foucault (1954-1984): Power, ed. James D. Faubion, trans. by Robert Hurley and others, pp. 223-238, New York: The New Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2000b) “So Is It Important to Think?”, Essential Works of Foucault (1954-1984): Power, ed. James D. Faubion, trans. by Robert Hurley and others, pp. 454-458, New York: The New Press.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel (2007) “What is Critique?”, The Politics of Truth, ed. by Sylvere Lotringer, trans. by Lysa Hochroth & Catherine Porter, pp. 41-81, Los Angeles: Semiotext(E) Foreign Agent Series.
  • FOUCAULT, Michel & Martin RUX (1988) “One Truth, Power, Self: An Interview With Michel Foucault”, Technologies of The Self: A Seminar With Michel Foucault, ed. by Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman, Patrick H. Hutton, pp. 9-15, USA: The University of Massachusetts Press.
  • GÜNDOĞDU, Hakan (2010) “Aydınlanma ve Foucault”, Foucault: Fikir Mimarları Dizisi, ss. 425-461, İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • HABERMAS, Jürgen (1990) The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, trans. by Frederick G. Lawrence, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  • HEALY, Paul (2001) “A 'Limit Attitude': Foucault, Autonomy, Critique”, History of the Human Sciences,14(1)/2001: 49-68.
  • KELLY, Mark G. E (2009) The Political Philosophy of Michel Foucault, New York: Routledge.
  • MATTHEWS, Eric (1996) Twentieth-Century French Philosophy, England: Oxford University Press.
  • McCARTHY, Thomas (1990) “The Critique of Impure Reason: Foucault and the Frankfurt School”, Political Theory, 18(3)/1990: 437-469.
  • NIELSEN, Kai (1996) Naturalism Without Foundations, New York: Promethous Books.
  • OLSSEN, Mark (1999) Michel Foucault: Materialism and Education, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • POSTER, Mark (1993) “Foucault and the Problem of Self-Constitution”, Foucault and the Critique of Institutions, ed. by John Caputo & Mark Yount, pp. 63-80, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • PRADO, C. G (2000) Starting with Foucault: An Introduction to Genealogy, USA: Westview Press.
  • RANSOM, John S (1997) Foucault’s Discipline:The Politics of Subjectivity, London: Duke University Press.
  • REYNOLDS, Joan M (2004) “Pragmatic Humanism” in Foucault’s Later Work”, Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue Canadienne de Science Politique, 37(4)/2004: 951-977.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hakan Gündoğdu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 21 - Kaygı (21) 2013

Kaynak Göster

APA Gündoğdu, H. (2013). Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi(21), 37-54.
AMA Gündoğdu H. Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?. Kaygı. Ekim 2013;(21):37-54.
Chicago Gündoğdu, Hakan. “Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, sy. 21 (Ekim 2013): 37-54.
EndNote Gündoğdu H (01 Ekim 2013) Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 21 37–54.
IEEE H. Gündoğdu, “Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?”, Kaygı, sy. 21, ss. 37–54, Ekim 2013.
ISNAD Gündoğdu, Hakan. “Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 21 (Ekim 2013), 37-54.
JAMA Gündoğdu H. Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?. Kaygı. 2013;:37–54.
MLA Gündoğdu, Hakan. “Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?”. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, sy. 21, 2013, ss. 37-54.
Vancouver Gündoğdu H. Foucaultcu Eleştiri Nasıl Anlaşılmalı?. Kaygı. 2013(21):37-54.

e-ISSN: 2645-8950