Microfungi Species on the Weeds of Agro-ecosystem (wheat ecosystem) in Adıyaman City
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 10 - 18, 30.10.2013
Cumali Özaslan
Elşad Hüseyin
Makbule Erdoğdu
This study was performed between 2009-2010 to detect the micro fungi on the weed, which create problems on wheat fields of the city Adıyaman and its dependent districts. Within the field of study, 27 different micro fungi were detected on a total of 33 different weed species in the wheat fields. Peronospora aparines (de Bary) Gäum. causing downy mildews of Galium aparine L. is recorded for the first time in Turkey. The morphological characteristics of this newly-recorded species in Turkey were presented.
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- Bahçecioğlu Z., Gjærum H.B., Mycotaxon, 85:165- New and rare rust fungi (Uredinales) from Anatolia (Turkey), (2003).
- Bahçecioğlu Z., Yıldız B., Bahçecioğlu Z., Kabaktepe Ş., Yıldız B., , :23-44(2005).
- A study on the microfungi of Sivas provinceTurkish Journal of Botany, , :419-434(2006). Journal of Botany,
- Bremer H., Ismen H., Karel G., Özkan M., Revue de la Beiträge zur Kenntnis der parasitischen Pilze der Türkei. I, Faculté des Sciences de I'Université d'İstanbul, B12 (2)307-334 (1947). Braun U., Davis P.H., Dennis R.W.G.,
- Ekici T., Erdoğdu M., Aytaç Z., Suludere Z., , G. Fischer, Jena et al. (1995).
- Edinburgh Univ Press, Edinburgh(1965–1985).
- Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Vol: 1–9. , Cramer, Stutgard(1981). British Ascomycetes Nova Hedwigia,
- Septoria species in Kıbrıs Village Valley (Ankara, Turkey), (3-4)483-491(2012). Ellis B.M., Ellis J.P., Erciş A., Iren S., , Croom Helm, London & Sydney(1987).
- Microfungi on Land Plants Türkiye 1. Herboloji Kongresi, 3-5
- Yabancı Otların Paslarla Biyolojik Mücadelesi Üzerine Araştırmalar, February 1993, Adana Zirai Mücadele Arş. Enst. Yayınları, s. 397-404,Adana(1993).
- Erdoğdu M., Hüseyin E., Suludere Z., Phytoparasitica, Description of the rusts from Kemaliye (Erzincan, Turkey), :81-93(2010). Fakirova V.I., Göbelez M.,
- Greaves M.P.,Integration of Biological Control Agents With Chemical Pesticides Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata, 19 (4) 296-314 (1963).
- La Mycoflore de Turquie. I. In: Te Beest DO (ed), Microbial Control of weeds Champman and Hall, New York,189-208(1991).
- Grove W.B.,British stem–and leaf fungi. Coelomycetes Vol: 1 Güncan A.,Yabancı Otlar ve Mücadele Prensipleri Hasan S., Ayres P.G.,The Control of Weeds Through Fungi: Princibles and Prospects , Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Konya(2009). , New Phytologist, 115:201- (1990).
- Heluta V.P.,Flora Gribov Ukrainy. Muchnistorosjanye Griby, Holm L.G., Plucknett D.L., Pancho J.V., Heuberger J.P.,The World's Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology Naukova Dumka, Kiev(1989). ,
- University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu(1977).
- Johnson R.T., Alexander J.T., Rush G.E., Hawkes R.,Şekerpancarı üretimindeki gelişmeler; Prensip ve uygulamalar, T.Ş.F.A.Ş. Yayınları, Ankara(1997).
- Kuprevich V.F., Ulijanishchev V.I.,Opredelitel Rjavchinnikh Gribov SSSR, Odum E.P.,Fundamentals of Ecology Osoki K.L., Fay P.K., Salley B.K., Sharp E.L., Sands D.C., Use of CanadaThistle rust as a biological control agent, , Philadelphia, London, Toronyo(1971).
- Proceedings Western Weed Science Society, 32:61(1979).
- Önen H.,Bazı Bitkisel Uçucu Yağların Biyoherbisidal Etkileri Özrenk K., Tepe I.,A study on determining pathogenic rust fungi on weeds in Van province , Türkiye Herboloji Dergisi, 6(1):39-47(2003). , Journal of Turkish Weed Science, 2(1)17-24(1999).
- Saccardo P.A.,Sylloge Fungorum Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum, Vol: 1-25, Johnson reprint corporation, Pavia, New York, London(1881-1931).
- Schröder D.H., Müller-Scharer C.S.A., Stinson A., European weed survey in 10 major crop systems to identify targets Sert H.B., Sümbül H.,Two new records of downy mildews (Peronosporaceae) in Turkey and a new host, Phytoparasitica, 31 (5) 529-531(2003).
- Tunalı B., Yıldırım A., Berner D.K., Aşkın A., Aime C.,Yabancı otlarda bulunan pas türleri ve konukçularının Ulijanishchev V.I.,Opredelitel' Rzhavchinnykh Gribov SSSR, Nauka, Leningrad(1978).
- Ulijanishchev V.I., Babajan D.N., Melia M.S.,Opredelitel' Rzhavchinnykh Gribov Zakavkazja, Elm, Bakü(1985a).
- Ulijanishchev V.I., Osipian L.L., Kanchaveli L.A., Akhundov T.M., Peronosporovye griby. In: Ulijanishchev VI (ed), Uygur F.N.,Yabancı Otlar ve Biyolojik Mücadele, Türkiye V. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi, 4-7 September 2002,
- Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisleri, s. 49-60,Erzurum(2002).
- Vanev S.G., Sameva E.F.,Bakalova G.G., Fungi Bulgaricae, Vol: 3(1), Pensoft Publ., Sofia(1997). Weaver S.E., Riley W.R.,
- The biology of Canadian weeds. 53. Convolvulus arvensis L., Canadian Journal of Plant Wilson L.M., Henderson D.M.,British Rust Fungi, Univ. Press, Cambridge(1966).
- Yaçevskiy A.A.,Opredelitel' Gribov T. II. Nesoverşenniye Gribı , Tipografiya S. L. Kinda, St.-Petersburg(1917).URL1. http://www.indexfungorum.org(2013).
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 10 - 18, 30.10.2013
Cumali Özaslan
Elşad Hüseyin
Makbule Erdoğdu
- Azbukina Z.M., Dalnauka,Vladivostok(2005).
- Bahçecioğlu Z., Gjærum H.B., Mycotaxon, 85:165- New and rare rust fungi (Uredinales) from Anatolia (Turkey), (2003).
- Bahçecioğlu Z., Yıldız B., Bahçecioğlu Z., Kabaktepe Ş., Yıldız B., , :23-44(2005).
- A study on the microfungi of Sivas provinceTurkish Journal of Botany, , :419-434(2006). Journal of Botany,
- Bremer H., Ismen H., Karel G., Özkan M., Revue de la Beiträge zur Kenntnis der parasitischen Pilze der Türkei. I, Faculté des Sciences de I'Université d'İstanbul, B12 (2)307-334 (1947). Braun U., Davis P.H., Dennis R.W.G.,
- Ekici T., Erdoğdu M., Aytaç Z., Suludere Z., , G. Fischer, Jena et al. (1995).
- Edinburgh Univ Press, Edinburgh(1965–1985).
- Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands, Vol: 1–9. , Cramer, Stutgard(1981). British Ascomycetes Nova Hedwigia,
- Septoria species in Kıbrıs Village Valley (Ankara, Turkey), (3-4)483-491(2012). Ellis B.M., Ellis J.P., Erciş A., Iren S., , Croom Helm, London & Sydney(1987).
- Microfungi on Land Plants Türkiye 1. Herboloji Kongresi, 3-5
- Yabancı Otların Paslarla Biyolojik Mücadelesi Üzerine Araştırmalar, February 1993, Adana Zirai Mücadele Arş. Enst. Yayınları, s. 397-404,Adana(1993).
- Erdoğdu M., Hüseyin E., Suludere Z., Phytoparasitica, Description of the rusts from Kemaliye (Erzincan, Turkey), :81-93(2010). Fakirova V.I., Göbelez M.,
- Greaves M.P.,Integration of Biological Control Agents With Chemical Pesticides Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata, 19 (4) 296-314 (1963).
- La Mycoflore de Turquie. I. In: Te Beest DO (ed), Microbial Control of weeds Champman and Hall, New York,189-208(1991).
- Grove W.B.,British stem–and leaf fungi. Coelomycetes Vol: 1 Güncan A.,Yabancı Otlar ve Mücadele Prensipleri Hasan S., Ayres P.G.,The Control of Weeds Through Fungi: Princibles and Prospects , Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Konya(2009). , New Phytologist, 115:201- (1990).
- Heluta V.P.,Flora Gribov Ukrainy. Muchnistorosjanye Griby, Holm L.G., Plucknett D.L., Pancho J.V., Heuberger J.P.,The World's Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology Naukova Dumka, Kiev(1989). ,
- University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu(1977).
- Johnson R.T., Alexander J.T., Rush G.E., Hawkes R.,Şekerpancarı üretimindeki gelişmeler; Prensip ve uygulamalar, T.Ş.F.A.Ş. Yayınları, Ankara(1997).
- Kuprevich V.F., Ulijanishchev V.I.,Opredelitel Rjavchinnikh Gribov SSSR, Odum E.P.,Fundamentals of Ecology Osoki K.L., Fay P.K., Salley B.K., Sharp E.L., Sands D.C., Use of CanadaThistle rust as a biological control agent, , Philadelphia, London, Toronyo(1971).
- Proceedings Western Weed Science Society, 32:61(1979).
- Önen H.,Bazı Bitkisel Uçucu Yağların Biyoherbisidal Etkileri Özrenk K., Tepe I.,A study on determining pathogenic rust fungi on weeds in Van province , Türkiye Herboloji Dergisi, 6(1):39-47(2003). , Journal of Turkish Weed Science, 2(1)17-24(1999).
- Saccardo P.A.,Sylloge Fungorum Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum, Vol: 1-25, Johnson reprint corporation, Pavia, New York, London(1881-1931).
- Schröder D.H., Müller-Scharer C.S.A., Stinson A., European weed survey in 10 major crop systems to identify targets Sert H.B., Sümbül H.,Two new records of downy mildews (Peronosporaceae) in Turkey and a new host, Phytoparasitica, 31 (5) 529-531(2003).
- Tunalı B., Yıldırım A., Berner D.K., Aşkın A., Aime C.,Yabancı otlarda bulunan pas türleri ve konukçularının Ulijanishchev V.I.,Opredelitel' Rzhavchinnykh Gribov SSSR, Nauka, Leningrad(1978).
- Ulijanishchev V.I., Babajan D.N., Melia M.S.,Opredelitel' Rzhavchinnykh Gribov Zakavkazja, Elm, Bakü(1985a).
- Ulijanishchev V.I., Osipian L.L., Kanchaveli L.A., Akhundov T.M., Peronosporovye griby. In: Ulijanishchev VI (ed), Uygur F.N.,Yabancı Otlar ve Biyolojik Mücadele, Türkiye V. Biyolojik Mücadele Kongresi, 4-7 September 2002,
- Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisleri, s. 49-60,Erzurum(2002).
- Vanev S.G., Sameva E.F.,Bakalova G.G., Fungi Bulgaricae, Vol: 3(1), Pensoft Publ., Sofia(1997). Weaver S.E., Riley W.R.,
- The biology of Canadian weeds. 53. Convolvulus arvensis L., Canadian Journal of Plant Wilson L.M., Henderson D.M.,British Rust Fungi, Univ. Press, Cambridge(1966).
- Yaçevskiy A.A.,Opredelitel' Gribov T. II. Nesoverşenniye Gribı , Tipografiya S. L. Kinda, St.-Petersburg(1917).URL1. http://www.indexfungorum.org(2013).