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İntrakranial Hemoraji ve SARS-CoV-2 Birlikteliğinin Mortalite Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 223 - 232, 31.05.2022


SARS-CoV-2 dünyamızda hala yüksek mortalite ve morbiditeye neden olan bir pandemidir. SARS-CoV-2'nin akciğer ve diğer organ tutulumuna bağlı yüksek mortalite ve morbidite oranlarınının eşlik eden intrakraniyal olaylar varlığında daha da fazla olduğunu gözlemledik ve incelemek istedik.
Bu çalışma tek merkezli retrospektif bir kohort çalışmasıdır. Afyonkarahisar Devlet Hastanesi'ne Haziran 2020-Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasında başvuran, mevcut haliyle SARS-CoV-2 olarak değerlendirilen ve kafa içi kanaması tespit edilen hastalar değerlendirildi.
Kohortumuzdaki 13 hastanın 7'sinde (%54) hipertansiyon, diabetes mellitus ve kronik böbrek yetmezliği gibi komorbiditeler vardı. Beş hastada intraparankimal hematom, 2 hastada kronik subdural hematom, 1 hastada akut subdural hematom ve 4 hastada subaraknoid kanama görüldü. Çalışmamızda 5 hastaya dekompresif kraniektomi ve hematom cerrahisi yapıldı. Çalışmamıza dahil edilen hastalardan dokuzu yoğun bakım ünitesindeki takip ve tedavileri sonucunda kaybedildi ve ölüm oranı %69 olarak bulundu.
SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda nadiren intrakraniyal kanamalar oluşabilmekte ve zaten oldukça ölümcül olan intraserebral kanamaların daha ölümcül olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Ayrıca COVID-19 enfeksiyonunun kafa içi kanamalar için bir risk faktörü olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Mao L, Jin H, Wang M, Hu Y, Chen S, He Q, et al. Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China. JAMA Neurol. 2020;77(6):683-690. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.1127
  • 2. Unüvar A. COVID-19 and Coagulopathy COVID-19 and Coagulopathy COVID-19 Associated Coagulopathy. Journal of Health Science Advanced Studies. 2020;3:53-62. doi:10.26650/JARHS2020-S1-0007
  • 3. Sharifi-Razavi A, Karimi N, Rouhani N. COVID-19 and intracerebral haemorrhage: causative or coincidental? New Microbes New Infect. 2020;35:0-1. doi:10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100669
  • 4. Benger M, Williams O, Siddiqui J, Sztriha L. Intracerebral haemorrhage and COVID-19: Clinical characteristics from a case series. Brain Behav Immun. 2020;88(June):940-944. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2020.06.005
  • 5. Thachil J, Tang N, Gando S, Falanga A, Jattaneo M, Levi M, et al. ISTH interim guidance on recognition and management of coagulopathy in COVID-19. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(5):1023-1026. doi:10.1111/jth.14810
  • 6. Dogra S, Jain R, Cao M, Bilaloglu S, Zagzag D, Hochman S, et al. Hemorrhagic stroke and anticoagulation in COVID-19. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29(8):104984. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.104984
  • 7. Rymer MM. Hemorrhagic stroke: intracerebral hemorrhage. Mo Med. 2011;108(1):50-54.
  • 8. Cheruiyot I, Sehmi P, Ominde B, Bundi P, Mislani M, Ngure B, et al. Intracranial hemorrhage in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Neurol Sci. 2021;42(1):25-33. doi:10.1007/s10072-020-04870-z
  • 9. Prokop M, Everdingen W Van, Vellinga T van R, Ufford HQ Van, Stöger L, Beenen L, et al. CO-RADS-A categorical CT assessment scheme for patients with suspected COVID-19: definition and evaluation original research. Radiology. 2020;(1):1-37.
  • 10. Jaergere T, Krdzalic J, Fasen B, Kwee R. Radiological Society of North America Chest Classification System for Reporting COVID-19 Pneumonia: Interobserver Variability and Correlation with RT-PCR. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. Published online 2020.
  • 11. Arevalo-Rodriguez I, Buitrago-Garcia D, Simancas-Racines D, Zambrano-Achig P, Campo R, Ciapponi A, et al. False-negative results of initial RT-PCR assays for COVID-19: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2020;15(12 December):1-19. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0242958
  • 12. Altschul DJ, Unda SR, de La Garza Ramos R, Zampolin R, Benton J, Holland R, et al. Hemorrhagic presentations of COVID-19: Risk factors for mortality. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2020;198(June):106112. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106112
  • 13. Melmed KR, Cao M, Dogra S, Zhang R, Yaghi S, Lewis A, et al. Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with COVID-19. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2021;51(4):953-960. doi:10.1007/s11239-020-02288-0
  • 14. Erol TA, Asar S, Sabaz SM, Bilgin OB, Cukurova Z. Risk Factors for 28-day Mortality Among COVID-19 Patients in an Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Center in Istanbul.Med J Bakirkoy 2021;17(1):100-7
  • 15. Mishra S, Choueka M, Wang Q, Hu C, Visone S, Silver M, et al. Intracranial Hemorrhage in COVID-19 Patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(4):105603. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105603
  • 16. Nawabi J, Morotti A, Wildgruber M, Boulouis G, Kraehling H, Schlunk F, et al. Clinical and Imaging Characteristics in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage. J Clin Med. 2020;9(8):2543. doi:10.3390/jcm9082543
  • 17. Ghasemnejad-Berenji M, Pashapour S. Favipiravir and COVID-19: A Simplified Summary. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2021;71(3):166-170. doi:10.1055/a-1296-7935
  • 18. Yüksel U, Ogden M, Akkurt I, Bakar B, Kısa U, Ozveren MF. Biochemical Markers in the Prognosis of Intracranial Hemorrhages. Cukurova Med J. 2018;43(2):350-359.doi:10.17826/cumj.341851
  • 19. Napoli M Di, Parry-Jones AR, Smith CJ, Hopkins SJ, Slevin M, Masotti L, et al. C-reactive protein predicts hematoma growth in intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke. 2014;45(1):59-65. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.001721
  • 20. Macdonald RL. Management of Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Anticoagulated Patient. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2018;29(4):605-613. doi:10.1016/
  • 21. Pavlov V, Beylerli O, Gareev I, Torres Solis LF, Herrera AS, Aliev G. COVID-19-Related Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Front Aging Neurosci. 2020;12(October):1-6. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2020.600172
  • 22. Abdulazim A, Ebert A, Etminan N, Szabo K, Alonso A. Negative Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Admissions for Intracranial Hemorrhage. Front Neurol. 2020;11(September):1-5. doi:10.3389/fneur.2020.584522
  • 23. Hostettler IC, Seiffge DJ, Werring DJ. Intracerebral hemorrhage: An update on diagnosis and treatment. Expert Rev Neurother. 2019;19(7):679-694. doi:10.1080/14737175.2019.1623671

The Effect of Intracranial Hemorrhage and SARS-CoV-2 Association on Mortality

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 223 - 232, 31.05.2022


Objective: SARS-CoV-2 is a pandemic that still causes high mortality and morbidity in our world. We observed and wanted to examine the high mortality and morbidity rates of SARS-CoV-2 due to lung and other organ involvement, and even more mortality in the presence of accompanying intracranial events.
Methods: This study is a single-center retrospective cohort study. Patients who applied to Afyonkarahisar State Hospital between June 2020 and June 2021, who were evaluated as SARS-CoV-2 in their current state and who were found to have an intracranial hemorrhage, were evaluated.
Results: Of the 13 patients in our cohort, 7 (54%) had comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal failure. The intraparenchymal hematoma was observed in 5 patients, chronic subdural hematoma in 2 patients, acute subdural hematoma in 1 patient, and subarachnoid hemorrhage in 4 patients. Decompressive craniectomy and hematoma evacuation were performed on 5 patients in our study. Nine of the patients included in our study died as a result of their follow-up and treatment in the intensive care unit, and the mortality rate was 69%.
Conclusion: Intracranial hemorrhages may occur rarely in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and it is observed that intracerebral hemorrhages, which are already quite mortal, are more mortal. In addition, COVID-19 infection is thought to be a risk factor for intracranial hemorrhages.


  • 1. Mao L, Jin H, Wang M, Hu Y, Chen S, He Q, et al. Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China. JAMA Neurol. 2020;77(6):683-690. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.1127
  • 2. Unüvar A. COVID-19 and Coagulopathy COVID-19 and Coagulopathy COVID-19 Associated Coagulopathy. Journal of Health Science Advanced Studies. 2020;3:53-62. doi:10.26650/JARHS2020-S1-0007
  • 3. Sharifi-Razavi A, Karimi N, Rouhani N. COVID-19 and intracerebral haemorrhage: causative or coincidental? New Microbes New Infect. 2020;35:0-1. doi:10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100669
  • 4. Benger M, Williams O, Siddiqui J, Sztriha L. Intracerebral haemorrhage and COVID-19: Clinical characteristics from a case series. Brain Behav Immun. 2020;88(June):940-944. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2020.06.005
  • 5. Thachil J, Tang N, Gando S, Falanga A, Jattaneo M, Levi M, et al. ISTH interim guidance on recognition and management of coagulopathy in COVID-19. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(5):1023-1026. doi:10.1111/jth.14810
  • 6. Dogra S, Jain R, Cao M, Bilaloglu S, Zagzag D, Hochman S, et al. Hemorrhagic stroke and anticoagulation in COVID-19. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29(8):104984. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.104984
  • 7. Rymer MM. Hemorrhagic stroke: intracerebral hemorrhage. Mo Med. 2011;108(1):50-54.
  • 8. Cheruiyot I, Sehmi P, Ominde B, Bundi P, Mislani M, Ngure B, et al. Intracranial hemorrhage in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Neurol Sci. 2021;42(1):25-33. doi:10.1007/s10072-020-04870-z
  • 9. Prokop M, Everdingen W Van, Vellinga T van R, Ufford HQ Van, Stöger L, Beenen L, et al. CO-RADS-A categorical CT assessment scheme for patients with suspected COVID-19: definition and evaluation original research. Radiology. 2020;(1):1-37.
  • 10. Jaergere T, Krdzalic J, Fasen B, Kwee R. Radiological Society of North America Chest Classification System for Reporting COVID-19 Pneumonia: Interobserver Variability and Correlation with RT-PCR. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. Published online 2020.
  • 11. Arevalo-Rodriguez I, Buitrago-Garcia D, Simancas-Racines D, Zambrano-Achig P, Campo R, Ciapponi A, et al. False-negative results of initial RT-PCR assays for COVID-19: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2020;15(12 December):1-19. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0242958
  • 12. Altschul DJ, Unda SR, de La Garza Ramos R, Zampolin R, Benton J, Holland R, et al. Hemorrhagic presentations of COVID-19: Risk factors for mortality. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2020;198(June):106112. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106112
  • 13. Melmed KR, Cao M, Dogra S, Zhang R, Yaghi S, Lewis A, et al. Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with COVID-19. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2021;51(4):953-960. doi:10.1007/s11239-020-02288-0
  • 14. Erol TA, Asar S, Sabaz SM, Bilgin OB, Cukurova Z. Risk Factors for 28-day Mortality Among COVID-19 Patients in an Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Center in Istanbul.Med J Bakirkoy 2021;17(1):100-7
  • 15. Mishra S, Choueka M, Wang Q, Hu C, Visone S, Silver M, et al. Intracranial Hemorrhage in COVID-19 Patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(4):105603. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105603
  • 16. Nawabi J, Morotti A, Wildgruber M, Boulouis G, Kraehling H, Schlunk F, et al. Clinical and Imaging Characteristics in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage. J Clin Med. 2020;9(8):2543. doi:10.3390/jcm9082543
  • 17. Ghasemnejad-Berenji M, Pashapour S. Favipiravir and COVID-19: A Simplified Summary. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2021;71(3):166-170. doi:10.1055/a-1296-7935
  • 18. Yüksel U, Ogden M, Akkurt I, Bakar B, Kısa U, Ozveren MF. Biochemical Markers in the Prognosis of Intracranial Hemorrhages. Cukurova Med J. 2018;43(2):350-359.doi:10.17826/cumj.341851
  • 19. Napoli M Di, Parry-Jones AR, Smith CJ, Hopkins SJ, Slevin M, Masotti L, et al. C-reactive protein predicts hematoma growth in intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke. 2014;45(1):59-65. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.001721
  • 20. Macdonald RL. Management of Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Anticoagulated Patient. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2018;29(4):605-613. doi:10.1016/
  • 21. Pavlov V, Beylerli O, Gareev I, Torres Solis LF, Herrera AS, Aliev G. COVID-19-Related Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Front Aging Neurosci. 2020;12(October):1-6. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2020.600172
  • 22. Abdulazim A, Ebert A, Etminan N, Szabo K, Alonso A. Negative Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Admissions for Intracranial Hemorrhage. Front Neurol. 2020;11(September):1-5. doi:10.3389/fneur.2020.584522
  • 23. Hostettler IC, Seiffge DJ, Werring DJ. Intracerebral hemorrhage: An update on diagnosis and treatment. Expert Rev Neurother. 2019;19(7):679-694. doi:10.1080/14737175.2019.1623671
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yavuz Erdem 0000-0002-4446-9228

Samet Dinç 0000-0002-8090-3335

Adem Kurtuluş 0000-0002-8084-1015

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Erdem Y, Dinç S, Kurtuluş A. The Effect of Intracranial Hemorrhage and SARS-CoV-2 Association on Mortality. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science. 2022;8(2):223-32.

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