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Lymphocyte-to-Monocyte Ratio is a Good Marker of Adhesive Capsulitis in Rotator Cuff Tears

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 226 - 231, 31.12.2023


Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the prediction of adhesive capsulitis in the preoperative period of rotator cuff tear (RCT) by neutrophil-lymphocyte (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte (PLR), neutrophil-monocyte (NMR), lymphocyte-monocyte (LMR) ratios.

Methods: This study was designed as a retrospective case-control study. After ethical approval, preoperative hemogram and biochemistry data of 128 patients who were operated on for RCT were collected from the archive of hospitale. Among the patients who underwent arthroscopy due to RCT, those with signs of adhesive capsulitis in the intraoperative period were included in the RCT+Adhesive capsulitis group. Age, blood glucose, CRP, sedimentation, white blood cell, neutrophil, monocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit values, and NLR, PLR, NMR, and LMR ratios were compared between healthy control and RCT+Adhesive capsulitis. Logistic regression analysis of the ratios was also performed.

Results: A total of 64 healthy RCT (group 1) and 64 patients with RCT+Adhesive capsulitis (group 2) were included in the study. Fasting blood glucose, lymphocyte, CRP values, and NMR and LMR were found to be higher in patients with adhesive capsulitis (p<0.05); and monocyte, NLR and PLR were found to be lower in group 2 compared to group 1 (p<0.05). According to ROC analysis, it was revealed that LMR was the best predictor of adhesive capsulitis in RCT.

Conclusion: It has been demonstrated that the inflammation rate LMR obtained from the hemogram, which is an easy, low-cost, and reproducible method, is a variable that predicts adhesive capsulitis in RCT.


  • 1. Neviaser AS, Neviaser RJ. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2011;19:536-42. doi: 10.5435/00124635-201109000-00004.
  • 2. Balci N, Balci MK, Tüzüner S. Shoulder adhesive capsulitis and shoulder range of motion in type II diabetes mellitus: association with diabetic complications. J Diabetes Complications. 1999;13:135-40. doi: 10.1016/s1056-8727(99)00037-9.
  • 3. Bridgman JF. Periarthritis of the shoulder and diabetes mellitus. Ann Rheum Dis. 1972;31:69-71. doi: 10.1136/ard.31.1.69.
  • 4. Austin DC, Gans I, Park MJ, Carey JL, Kelly JD 4th. The association of metabolic syndrome markers with adhesive capsulitis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014;23:1043-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2013.11.004
  • 5. Nathan C, Ding A. Nonresolving inflammation. Cell. 2010;140:871-82. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.02.029.
  • 6. Sofka CM, Ciavarra GA, Hannafin JA, Cordasco FA, Potter HG. Magnetic resonance imaging of adhesive capsulitis: correlation with clinical staging. HSS J. 2008;4:164-9. doi: 10.1007/s11420-008-9088-1.
  • 7. Ramirez J. Adhesive Capsulitis: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2019;99:297-300. PMID: 30811157
  • 8. Chan JH, Ho BS, Alvi HM, Saltzman MD, Marra G. The relationship between the incidence of adhesive capsulitis and hemoglobin A1c. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017;26:1834-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.03.015
  • 9. Park HB, Gwark JY, Jung J, Jeong ST. Association Between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Idiopathic Adhesive Capsulitis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020;102:761-8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.19.00759.
  • 10. Fusar-Poli L, Natale A, Amerio A, et al. Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte, Platelet-to-Lymphocyte and Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Bipolar Disorder. Brain Sci. 2021;11:58. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11010058.
  • 11. Sun Y, Lin J, Luo Z, Chen J. Preoperative Lymphocyte to Monocyte Ratio Can Be a Prognostic Factor in Arthroscopic Repair of Small to Large Rotator Cuff Tears. Am J Sports Med. 2020;48:3042-50. doi: 10.1177/0363546520953427.
  • 12. Sarıçam G. Neutrophil/Lymphocyte, Platelet/Lymphocyte and Neutrophil/Monocyte Rates in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Turkiye Klinikleri J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;30:107-12. doi: 10.5336/cardiosci.2018-62886
  • 13. Le HV, Lee SJ, Nazarian A, Rodriguez EK. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: review of pathophysiology and current clinical treatments. Shoulder Elbow. 2017;9:75-84. doi: 10.1177/1758573216676786.
  • 14. Dias R, Cutts S, Massoud S. Frozen shoulder. BMJ. 2005;331:1453-6. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7530.1453.
  • 15. Milgrom C, Novack V, Weil Y, Jaber S, Radeva-Petrova DR, Finestone A. Risk factors for idiopathic frozen shoulder. Isr Med Assoc J. 2008;10:361-4. PMID: 18605360
  • 16. Gordon JA, Farooqi AS, Rabut E, et al. Evaluating whole-genome expression differences in idiopathic and diabetic adhesive capsulitis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022;31:e1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2021.06.016.
  • 17. Pietrzak M. Adhesive capsulitis: An age related symptom of metabolic syndrome and chronic low-grade inflammation? Med Hypotheses. 2016;88:12-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.01.002.
  • 18. Hamdan TA, Al-Essa KA. Manipulation under anaesthesia for the treatment of frozen shoulder. Int Orthop. 2003;27:107-9. doi: 10.1007/s00264-002-0397-6.
  • 19. Bulgen DY, Binder A, Hazleman BL, Park JR. Immunological studies in frozen shoulder. J Rheumatol. 1982;9:893-8. PMID: 7161781
  • 20. Miller BJ, Gassama B, Sebastian D, Buckley P, Mellor A. Meta-analysis of lymphocytes in schizophrenia: clinical status and antipsychotic effects. Biol Psychiatry. 2013;73:993-9. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.09.007.
  • 21. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002. Innate Immunity.Available from:
  • 22. Fogg DK, Sibon C, Miled C, et al. A clonogenic bone marrow progenitor specific for macrophages and dendritic cells. Science. 2006;311:83-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1117729.
  • 23. Balta S, Demirkol S, Unlu M, Arslan Z, Celik T. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio may be predict of mortality in all conditions. Br J Cancer. 2013;109:3125-6. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.598.
  • 24. Posul E, Yilmaz B, Aktas G, Kurt M. Does neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predict active ulcerative colitis? Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2015;127:262-5. doi: 10.1007/s00508-014-0683-5.

Lenfosit-Monosit Oranı Rotator Manşet Yırtıklarında Adeziv Kapsülitin İyi Bir Belirtecidir

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 226 - 231, 31.12.2023


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, rotator manşet yırtığındaki (RMY) adeziv kapsüliti preoperatif olarak ölçülen nötrofil-lenfosit (NLO), trombosit-lenfosit (PLO), nötrofil-monosit (NMO), lenfosit-monosit (LMO) oranlarından öngörmektir.

Yöntemler: Bu çalışma retrospektif vaka kontrol çalışması olarak tasarlandı. Etik onay alındıktan sonra, RMY amacıyla ameliyat edilen 128 hastanın ameliyat öncesi hemogram ve biyokimya verileri hastane arşivinden toplandı. RMY nedeniyle artroskopi yapılan hastalardan intraoperatif dönemde adeziv kapsülit bulguları olanlar RMY+Adeziv kapsülit grubuna dahil edildi. Sağlıklı kontrol ve RMY+Adeziv kapsülit grupları arasında yaş, kan şekeri, CRP, sedimantasyon, beyaz kan hücresi, nötrofil, monositler, lenfositler, trombositler, açlık kan şekeri, hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerleri ile NLO, PLO, NMO ve LMO oranları karşılaştırıldı. Oranların lojistik regresyon analizi yapıldı.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 64 sağlıklı RMY (grup 1) ve 64 RMY+Adeziv kapsülit hastası (grup 2) dahil edildi. Açlık kan şekeri, lenfosit, CRP değerleri, NMO ve LMO adeziv kapsülitli hastalarda yüksek bulundu (p<0,05); monosit, NLO ve PLO ise grup 2'de grup 1'e göre daha düşük bulundu (p<0,05). ROC analizine göre RMY'de adeziv kapsülitin en iyi belirleyicisinin LMO olduğu ortaya çıktı.

Sonuç: Kolay, düşük maliyetli ve tekrarlanabilir bir yöntem olan hemogramdan elde edilen LMO’nun inflamatuar bir oran olarak RMY'de adeziv kapsüliti öngören bir değişken olduğu gösterilmiştir.


  • 1. Neviaser AS, Neviaser RJ. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2011;19:536-42. doi: 10.5435/00124635-201109000-00004.
  • 2. Balci N, Balci MK, Tüzüner S. Shoulder adhesive capsulitis and shoulder range of motion in type II diabetes mellitus: association with diabetic complications. J Diabetes Complications. 1999;13:135-40. doi: 10.1016/s1056-8727(99)00037-9.
  • 3. Bridgman JF. Periarthritis of the shoulder and diabetes mellitus. Ann Rheum Dis. 1972;31:69-71. doi: 10.1136/ard.31.1.69.
  • 4. Austin DC, Gans I, Park MJ, Carey JL, Kelly JD 4th. The association of metabolic syndrome markers with adhesive capsulitis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014;23:1043-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2013.11.004
  • 5. Nathan C, Ding A. Nonresolving inflammation. Cell. 2010;140:871-82. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.02.029.
  • 6. Sofka CM, Ciavarra GA, Hannafin JA, Cordasco FA, Potter HG. Magnetic resonance imaging of adhesive capsulitis: correlation with clinical staging. HSS J. 2008;4:164-9. doi: 10.1007/s11420-008-9088-1.
  • 7. Ramirez J. Adhesive Capsulitis: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2019;99:297-300. PMID: 30811157
  • 8. Chan JH, Ho BS, Alvi HM, Saltzman MD, Marra G. The relationship between the incidence of adhesive capsulitis and hemoglobin A1c. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017;26:1834-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.03.015
  • 9. Park HB, Gwark JY, Jung J, Jeong ST. Association Between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Idiopathic Adhesive Capsulitis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020;102:761-8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.19.00759.
  • 10. Fusar-Poli L, Natale A, Amerio A, et al. Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte, Platelet-to-Lymphocyte and Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Bipolar Disorder. Brain Sci. 2021;11:58. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11010058.
  • 11. Sun Y, Lin J, Luo Z, Chen J. Preoperative Lymphocyte to Monocyte Ratio Can Be a Prognostic Factor in Arthroscopic Repair of Small to Large Rotator Cuff Tears. Am J Sports Med. 2020;48:3042-50. doi: 10.1177/0363546520953427.
  • 12. Sarıçam G. Neutrophil/Lymphocyte, Platelet/Lymphocyte and Neutrophil/Monocyte Rates in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Turkiye Klinikleri J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;30:107-12. doi: 10.5336/cardiosci.2018-62886
  • 13. Le HV, Lee SJ, Nazarian A, Rodriguez EK. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: review of pathophysiology and current clinical treatments. Shoulder Elbow. 2017;9:75-84. doi: 10.1177/1758573216676786.
  • 14. Dias R, Cutts S, Massoud S. Frozen shoulder. BMJ. 2005;331:1453-6. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7530.1453.
  • 15. Milgrom C, Novack V, Weil Y, Jaber S, Radeva-Petrova DR, Finestone A. Risk factors for idiopathic frozen shoulder. Isr Med Assoc J. 2008;10:361-4. PMID: 18605360
  • 16. Gordon JA, Farooqi AS, Rabut E, et al. Evaluating whole-genome expression differences in idiopathic and diabetic adhesive capsulitis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022;31:e1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2021.06.016.
  • 17. Pietrzak M. Adhesive capsulitis: An age related symptom of metabolic syndrome and chronic low-grade inflammation? Med Hypotheses. 2016;88:12-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.01.002.
  • 18. Hamdan TA, Al-Essa KA. Manipulation under anaesthesia for the treatment of frozen shoulder. Int Orthop. 2003;27:107-9. doi: 10.1007/s00264-002-0397-6.
  • 19. Bulgen DY, Binder A, Hazleman BL, Park JR. Immunological studies in frozen shoulder. J Rheumatol. 1982;9:893-8. PMID: 7161781
  • 20. Miller BJ, Gassama B, Sebastian D, Buckley P, Mellor A. Meta-analysis of lymphocytes in schizophrenia: clinical status and antipsychotic effects. Biol Psychiatry. 2013;73:993-9. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.09.007.
  • 21. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002. Innate Immunity.Available from:
  • 22. Fogg DK, Sibon C, Miled C, et al. A clonogenic bone marrow progenitor specific for macrophages and dendritic cells. Science. 2006;311:83-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1117729.
  • 23. Balta S, Demirkol S, Unlu M, Arslan Z, Celik T. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio may be predict of mortality in all conditions. Br J Cancer. 2013;109:3125-6. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.598.
  • 24. Posul E, Yilmaz B, Aktas G, Kurt M. Does neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predict active ulcerative colitis? Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2015;127:262-5. doi: 10.1007/s00508-014-0683-5.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ortopedi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hümeyra Çelik 0000-0002-3394-2438

İlhan Çelik 0000-0003-3709-2511

Tacettin Ayanoğlu 0000-0002-3089-9913

Emre Arıkan 0000-0001-5033-893X

Seyit Ali Kayış 0000-0003-4791-8946

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 9 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çelik H, Çelik İ, Ayanoğlu T, Arıkan E, Kayış SA. Lymphocyte-to-Monocyte Ratio is a Good Marker of Adhesive Capsulitis in Rotator Cuff Tears. Acta Med. Alanya. 2023;7(3):226-31.


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