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The Use of Thermal Time (oC-days) on Plant Production

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3, 207 - 218, 01.09.2005



  • Arnold, C.Y., 1974, Predicting Stages of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.) Development. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 99(6), 501-505.
  • Awal-MA; and Ikeda-T., 2002, Effects of Changes in Soil Temperature on Seedling Emergence and Phenological Developmant in Field-Grown Stands of Peanut(Arachis hypogaea). Environmental-and-Experimental-Botany. 2002, 47: 2, 101-113.
  • Bagnall, D.J., and King, R.W., 1991, Response of Peanut(Arachis hypogaea) to Temperature, Photoperiod and Irradiance. I. Effect of Flowering. Field Crop Research. 26: 3-4, 263-277;
  • Bell-MJ; Halpin-N; Cunningham-G; Garside-AL; Kingston-G; and Hogarth-DM., 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 27-30 April 1999, 139-148;
  • Bell-MJ; and Wright-GC., 1998. Effect Of Wet Soil During Early Season Ratoon Establishment On Sugarcane Grown Under Different Trash Management Systems İn Southern Canelands. Experimental-Agriculture. 1998, 34: 1, 113-124;
  • Bhatti,AU.,1995,Influence of Temperature on Germination and Emergence of Corn and Prediction from Wheather Data.Sarhad-Journal-of-Agriculture.1995,11:1,115-124
  • Bonhomme,R. 2000, Bases and limits to using ‘’ units. European Journal of Agronomy 13(2000)1-10.
  • Boztok, Ş.,1984, Ekim Zamanı ve Tohum Vernelizasyonunun Bazı Erkenci Karnabahar Varyetelerinde Tohum Verimine Etkisi Üzerinde Araştırmalar(Doktora) Bornova.
  • Choelho, D.T. and Dale, R.F., 1980, An Energy-Crop Growth Variable and Temperature Function for Predicting Corn Growth and Development: Planting to Silking. Agronomy J. Vol. 72: 503-510.
  • Christiansen JL;Jornsgard-B.,2002, Influence of daylenght and Temperature on number of main Stem Leaves and Time to flowering in Lupin. Annals of Applied Biology,140:1,29- 35
  • Craigon,-J; Atherton,-JG; and Basher,-EA. 1990,Flowering and Bolting in Carrot. II. Prediction in Groth room, glasshouse and field enviroments. Journal-of-Horticultural- Science. 1990, 65: 5, 547-554.
  • Dale-AE., and Drennan-DSH., 1997, Transplanted maize (Zea mays) for grain production in southern England. I. Effects of Planting Date, Transplant Age at Planting and Cultivar on Grain Yield Journal-of-Agricultural-Science. 1997, 128: 1, 27-35
  • Dapahh,HK., McKenzie,BA., and Hill, GD., 1999, Effects of Irrigation and Sowing Date on Phenology and Yield of Pinto Beans(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Canterbury, New Zelland. New Zelland Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 1999, 24:4,297-305.
  • Deriux M., and Bonhomme, R., 1982a, Heat Unit Requirements for maize hybrids in Europa: Results of the European FAO sub-network. I: Sowing Silking Period. Maydica XXVII, 59-77.
  • Deriux M., and Bonhomme, R., 1982b, Heat Unit Requirements for Maize Hybrids in Europa: Results of the European FAO sub-network. II: Period from Silking to Maturity. Maydica XXVII, 79-96.
  • Diputado, M.T., and Nichols, M.A., 1989. The Effects of Sowing Date and Cultivar on The Maturity Characteristics of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). Acta Hort.247,59- 66
  • Dodd, M.,1991, Thermal Time Assesment of Suitable Areas for Neavy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Production in the UK.Annals-of-Applied-Biology.1991,119:3,521-531.
  • Eşiyok, D., 1986, ‘Brio osena’ Erkenci Karnabahar Çeşidinde(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis cv. ‘Brio osena’) Farklı Uygulamaların Tohum Verimine Etkileri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. EÜZF. Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Fernandez-Quintanilla-C; Barroso-J; Recasens-J; Sans-X; Torner-C; and Sanchez-del-Arco- MJ., 2000. Demography of Lolium rigidum in Winter Barley Crops: Analysis of recruitment, survival and reproduction. Weed-Research-Oxford, 40: 3, 281-291;
  • Fyffe, D.C., and Titley, M.E.,1989,Phenology Studies and the Prediction of Harvest Dates of Broccoli in the Lockyer Valley.Acta Hort. 247, 53-58.
  • Gilmore, E.C., and Rogers, J.S., 1958, Heat Units as a Method of Measuring Maturity in Corn. Argon. J. 50, 611-615.
  • Grevsen-K; Stoffella-PJ (ed.); Cantliffe-DJ (ed.); and Damato-G. 1997, Modelling Plant Development of Broccoli. 8th International Symposium on Timing of Field Production in Vegetable Crops, Bari, Italy, 15-18 October, 1997. Acta-Horticulturae. 2000,No.533,567-574;
  • Günay, A., 1974, Lahanalarda Düşük Sıcaklığın Erken Çiçeklenmeye Etkileri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ank. Üniv. Zir. Fak. Yay. No:498.
  • Hamer,-PJC. 1991, The IT Vegetable Farm. Part I. Models of The Potantial grwth and Yield of Brussels sprouts. Divisional-Note---AFRC-Institute-of-Engineering-Research. 1991, No DN 1595, 18p
  • Jenni-S; Cloutier-DC; Bourgeois-G; and Stewart-KA. 1996, Heat Unit Model to Predict Growth and development of Muskmelon to anthesis of Perfect Flowers. Journal-of-the- American-Society-for-Horticultural-Science. 1996, 121: 2, 274-280; 25
  • Kar-H; ve Uzun-S., 2000, Brokkolide Farklı Dikim Zamanlarının Bitki Gelişmesi ve Verime Etkisi. Ondokuz-Mayıs-Üniversitesi, Ziraat-Fakultesi Dergisi., 15: 3, 53-61.
  • Katz, Y.H., 1946, The Relationship Between Heat Unit Accumilation and Planting and Harvesting of Canning Peas. Argon. J. 38, 74-78.
  • Ketring,-DL; and Wheless,-TG. 1989, The Thermal Time Requirements for Phenolojical Development of Peanut. Agronomy-Journal, 81: 6, 910-917
  • Kiniry, J.R., and Keener, M.E., 1982. An Enzym Kinetic Aquation to Estimate Maize Development Rates. Agronomy Journal. Vol. 74:115-119.
  • Lancaster-JE; Triggs-CM; Ruiter-JM-de; Gandar-PW; and De-Ruiter-JM.,1996, Bulbing in Onions: Photoperiod and Temperature Requirements and Prediction of Bulb Size and Maturity. Annals-of-Botany. 1996, 78: 4, 423-430.
  • Levitt, J.,1956, The Hardiness of Plants. Academic Pres Inc.,New York. Lisson-SN; Mendham-NJ; and Carberry-PS., 2000, Development of a Hemp(Cannabis sativa L.) Simulation Model. 3. The Effect of Plant Density on Leaf Appereance, Expansion and senescence. Australian-Journal-of-Experimental-Agriculture. 2000, 40: 3, 413-417.
  • Liu-DL; Kingston-G; and Bull-TA. 1998., A new Technique for Determining the Thermal Parameters of Phenological Devolopment in Sugarcane, Incluiding Suboptimum and Temperature Rejimes. Agricultural-and-Forest-Meteorology.1998,90: 1-2, 119-139.
  • Manrique,-LA; and Hodges,-T., 1989, Estimation of Tuber Initiation in potatoes Grown in tropical Enviroments based on Different Methods of Computing Thermal Time. American-Potato-Journal. 1989, 66: 7, 425-436
  • Manrique,-LA; and Hodges,-T., 1991, Development and Growth of Tropical Maize at Two Elevations in Hawaaii. Agronomy-Journal. 1991, 83: 2, 305-310;
  • Marra, FP., Inglese, P., DeJong TM., and Jhonson, RS., 1999, Thermal Time Requirement And Harvest Time Forecast For Peach Cultivars With Different Fruit Developmant Periods. ISH Acta Horticulture 592, V. International Peach Symposium.
  • Mayers,-JD; Lawn,-RJ; and Byth,-DE, 1991, Adaptation of Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merrill) to the Dry Season of The Tropics. II. Effects of Genotype and Enverioment on Biomass and Seed Yield. Australian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Research. 1991, 42: 3, 517-530.
  • Muchow,-RC; and Carberry,-PS. 1990, Phenology and Leaf Area Development in a Tropical Grain Sorghum. Field-Crops-Research.1990,23:3-4, 221-237.
  • Naylor-REL; and Su-J., 1998, Plant Development in Triticale cv. Lasko at Different Sowing Dates. Journal-of-Agricultural-Science. 1998, 130:3, 297-306.
  • NeSimith, DS., 1997, Summer Suqash(Cucurbita pepo L.) Leaf Number as Influenced by Thermal Time. Scienta Horticulturae. 1997,68:1-4, 219-225.
  • Olivier, FC., and Anandale, JG., 1998, Thermal Time Requirements for the Development of Grean Pea (Pisum sativum L.). Field Crop Research.1998,56.3,301-307.
  • Pan-X; Hesketh-JD; Huck-MG; and Alm-DM, 1998 Photosynthetica., 35:3, 329-333.
  • Pearson, S., and Hadley,P.,1988,Planning Calabrese Production. Grower,110(9),21-2.
  • Pearson, S., and Hadley, P., and Wheldon, A.E., 1994, A Model of The Effects Temperature on the Growth and Development of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. botrytis). Scientia Hort. 59, 91-106.
  • Praveen-Singh; Mertia-RS; Singh-RS; and Singh-P., 2000,Thermal Time Inversitgations and effect of Wheather Variables on Development and Maturityof Date-berry in Thar Desert. Current-Agriculture. 2000,24:1-2, 81-84.
  • Pruess,K.P,1983, Day-degree Methods for Pest Management. Environmental Entomology12, 613-619.
  • Ramin,-AA; and Atherton,-JG. 1991, Manipulation of Bolting and Flowering in Celery(Apium graviolens L. Var. dulce) II. Juvenility. Journal-of-Horticultural-Science. 1991, 66: 6, 709-717; 34 ref.
  • Ramin-AA., 1997, The Influence of Temperature on Germination Taree Irani(Allium ampeloprasum L. Spp. İranicum W.). Seed-Science-and-Technology. 1997, 25: 3, 419- 426
  • Royo-C; and Tribo-F., 1997, Tricale and Barley for Grain and for Dual- Purpose(forage+grain) in a Mediterraneantype Enviroment II. Yield, Yield Components and Quality. Australian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Research. 1997, 48: 4, 423-432; 38 ref.
  • Singh-AK; Padmakar-Tripathi; Mishra-SR; and Tripathi-P., 2001, Phenology, Growing Degree days and Phasic Development Model of Wheat(Triticum aestivum under rice (Oryza sativa) Wheat Cropping System.Indian-Journal-of-Agricultural- Sciences.2001,71:6,363-366.
  • Song-ChiaWei;Ou-ShyiKuan;Song-CW;Ou-SK.,1997, Thermal Time Required for Fruit Development in low-chill Peaches.Journal-of-Agricultural-Research-of-China,46:1,42- 50.
  • Şalk, A., ve Vural, H. 1985, Cruciferae Familyası Sebzelerinde Tohum Üretimi ve Çeşit Muhafaza Methot ve Sorunları. Türkiye Sertifikalı ve Kontrollü Tohumluk Üretim ve Dağıtım Sorunları Sempozyumu. TÜBİTAK,TOAG. İzmir,(s:531-543).
  • Tan, D.K.Y., Birch, C.J., Wearing, A.H., and Rickert, K.G., 2000a, Predicting Broccoli Development I. Development is Predominantly Determined by Temperature Rather Than Photoperiod. Scientia Horticulturae 84(2000) 227-243.
  • Tan, D.K.Y., Birch, CJ., Wearing AH., and Rickert, KG., 2000b, Predicting Broccoli Development II. Comparasion and Validation of Thermal Time Models. Scientia Horticulturae 86 (2000) 89-101
  • Titley, M. E., 1987, The Scheduling of Fresh Market Broccoli in Southeast Queens. Land for Exporting to Southeast Asian Markets from May to September. Acta Horticulture 198: 235-242.
  • Tosun, M., Ergin, İ.Z., ve Soya, H., 1989, Üç Mısır Çeşidindeki Tepe Püskülü Süresinin G.D.D.(Growing-Degree-Days) ile İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. EÜZF Der. Cilt:26 sayı:2 .
  • Vaksmann-M; Traore-SB; Kouressy-M; Coulibaly-H; and Reyniers-FN.,1998, The Future of Photoperiodical Cereals for Sustainable Production in The Semiarid Tropics
  • Wurr, D.C.E., Fellows, J.R., and Hambidge, A.J.,1991,The Influence of Field Environmental Conditions on Calabrese Growth and Development.J. Hort.Sci.66(4),495-504.
  • Yoldaş, F., 2003. Brokkoli’ de Sıcaklık Dikim Sıklığı Ekim ve Dikim Zamanlarının Generatif Gelişim ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eylül, 2003(Doktora Tezi)284 s.

Termal Zamanın (oC-Gün) Bitkisel Üretimde Kullanımı

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3, 207 - 218, 01.09.2005



  • Arnold, C.Y., 1974, Predicting Stages of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.) Development. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 99(6), 501-505.
  • Awal-MA; and Ikeda-T., 2002, Effects of Changes in Soil Temperature on Seedling Emergence and Phenological Developmant in Field-Grown Stands of Peanut(Arachis hypogaea). Environmental-and-Experimental-Botany. 2002, 47: 2, 101-113.
  • Bagnall, D.J., and King, R.W., 1991, Response of Peanut(Arachis hypogaea) to Temperature, Photoperiod and Irradiance. I. Effect of Flowering. Field Crop Research. 26: 3-4, 263-277;
  • Bell-MJ; Halpin-N; Cunningham-G; Garside-AL; Kingston-G; and Hogarth-DM., 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 27-30 April 1999, 139-148;
  • Bell-MJ; and Wright-GC., 1998. Effect Of Wet Soil During Early Season Ratoon Establishment On Sugarcane Grown Under Different Trash Management Systems İn Southern Canelands. Experimental-Agriculture. 1998, 34: 1, 113-124;
  • Bhatti,AU.,1995,Influence of Temperature on Germination and Emergence of Corn and Prediction from Wheather Data.Sarhad-Journal-of-Agriculture.1995,11:1,115-124
  • Bonhomme,R. 2000, Bases and limits to using ‘’ units. European Journal of Agronomy 13(2000)1-10.
  • Boztok, Ş.,1984, Ekim Zamanı ve Tohum Vernelizasyonunun Bazı Erkenci Karnabahar Varyetelerinde Tohum Verimine Etkisi Üzerinde Araştırmalar(Doktora) Bornova.
  • Choelho, D.T. and Dale, R.F., 1980, An Energy-Crop Growth Variable and Temperature Function for Predicting Corn Growth and Development: Planting to Silking. Agronomy J. Vol. 72: 503-510.
  • Christiansen JL;Jornsgard-B.,2002, Influence of daylenght and Temperature on number of main Stem Leaves and Time to flowering in Lupin. Annals of Applied Biology,140:1,29- 35
  • Craigon,-J; Atherton,-JG; and Basher,-EA. 1990,Flowering and Bolting in Carrot. II. Prediction in Groth room, glasshouse and field enviroments. Journal-of-Horticultural- Science. 1990, 65: 5, 547-554.
  • Dale-AE., and Drennan-DSH., 1997, Transplanted maize (Zea mays) for grain production in southern England. I. Effects of Planting Date, Transplant Age at Planting and Cultivar on Grain Yield Journal-of-Agricultural-Science. 1997, 128: 1, 27-35
  • Dapahh,HK., McKenzie,BA., and Hill, GD., 1999, Effects of Irrigation and Sowing Date on Phenology and Yield of Pinto Beans(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Canterbury, New Zelland. New Zelland Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 1999, 24:4,297-305.
  • Deriux M., and Bonhomme, R., 1982a, Heat Unit Requirements for maize hybrids in Europa: Results of the European FAO sub-network. I: Sowing Silking Period. Maydica XXVII, 59-77.
  • Deriux M., and Bonhomme, R., 1982b, Heat Unit Requirements for Maize Hybrids in Europa: Results of the European FAO sub-network. II: Period from Silking to Maturity. Maydica XXVII, 79-96.
  • Diputado, M.T., and Nichols, M.A., 1989. The Effects of Sowing Date and Cultivar on The Maturity Characteristics of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). Acta Hort.247,59- 66
  • Dodd, M.,1991, Thermal Time Assesment of Suitable Areas for Neavy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Production in the UK.Annals-of-Applied-Biology.1991,119:3,521-531.
  • Eşiyok, D., 1986, ‘Brio osena’ Erkenci Karnabahar Çeşidinde(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis cv. ‘Brio osena’) Farklı Uygulamaların Tohum Verimine Etkileri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. EÜZF. Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Fernandez-Quintanilla-C; Barroso-J; Recasens-J; Sans-X; Torner-C; and Sanchez-del-Arco- MJ., 2000. Demography of Lolium rigidum in Winter Barley Crops: Analysis of recruitment, survival and reproduction. Weed-Research-Oxford, 40: 3, 281-291;
  • Fyffe, D.C., and Titley, M.E.,1989,Phenology Studies and the Prediction of Harvest Dates of Broccoli in the Lockyer Valley.Acta Hort. 247, 53-58.
  • Gilmore, E.C., and Rogers, J.S., 1958, Heat Units as a Method of Measuring Maturity in Corn. Argon. J. 50, 611-615.
  • Grevsen-K; Stoffella-PJ (ed.); Cantliffe-DJ (ed.); and Damato-G. 1997, Modelling Plant Development of Broccoli. 8th International Symposium on Timing of Field Production in Vegetable Crops, Bari, Italy, 15-18 October, 1997. Acta-Horticulturae. 2000,No.533,567-574;
  • Günay, A., 1974, Lahanalarda Düşük Sıcaklığın Erken Çiçeklenmeye Etkileri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ank. Üniv. Zir. Fak. Yay. No:498.
  • Hamer,-PJC. 1991, The IT Vegetable Farm. Part I. Models of The Potantial grwth and Yield of Brussels sprouts. Divisional-Note---AFRC-Institute-of-Engineering-Research. 1991, No DN 1595, 18p
  • Jenni-S; Cloutier-DC; Bourgeois-G; and Stewart-KA. 1996, Heat Unit Model to Predict Growth and development of Muskmelon to anthesis of Perfect Flowers. Journal-of-the- American-Society-for-Horticultural-Science. 1996, 121: 2, 274-280; 25
  • Kar-H; ve Uzun-S., 2000, Brokkolide Farklı Dikim Zamanlarının Bitki Gelişmesi ve Verime Etkisi. Ondokuz-Mayıs-Üniversitesi, Ziraat-Fakultesi Dergisi., 15: 3, 53-61.
  • Katz, Y.H., 1946, The Relationship Between Heat Unit Accumilation and Planting and Harvesting of Canning Peas. Argon. J. 38, 74-78.
  • Ketring,-DL; and Wheless,-TG. 1989, The Thermal Time Requirements for Phenolojical Development of Peanut. Agronomy-Journal, 81: 6, 910-917
  • Kiniry, J.R., and Keener, M.E., 1982. An Enzym Kinetic Aquation to Estimate Maize Development Rates. Agronomy Journal. Vol. 74:115-119.
  • Lancaster-JE; Triggs-CM; Ruiter-JM-de; Gandar-PW; and De-Ruiter-JM.,1996, Bulbing in Onions: Photoperiod and Temperature Requirements and Prediction of Bulb Size and Maturity. Annals-of-Botany. 1996, 78: 4, 423-430.
  • Levitt, J.,1956, The Hardiness of Plants. Academic Pres Inc.,New York. Lisson-SN; Mendham-NJ; and Carberry-PS., 2000, Development of a Hemp(Cannabis sativa L.) Simulation Model. 3. The Effect of Plant Density on Leaf Appereance, Expansion and senescence. Australian-Journal-of-Experimental-Agriculture. 2000, 40: 3, 413-417.
  • Liu-DL; Kingston-G; and Bull-TA. 1998., A new Technique for Determining the Thermal Parameters of Phenological Devolopment in Sugarcane, Incluiding Suboptimum and Temperature Rejimes. Agricultural-and-Forest-Meteorology.1998,90: 1-2, 119-139.
  • Manrique,-LA; and Hodges,-T., 1989, Estimation of Tuber Initiation in potatoes Grown in tropical Enviroments based on Different Methods of Computing Thermal Time. American-Potato-Journal. 1989, 66: 7, 425-436
  • Manrique,-LA; and Hodges,-T., 1991, Development and Growth of Tropical Maize at Two Elevations in Hawaaii. Agronomy-Journal. 1991, 83: 2, 305-310;
  • Marra, FP., Inglese, P., DeJong TM., and Jhonson, RS., 1999, Thermal Time Requirement And Harvest Time Forecast For Peach Cultivars With Different Fruit Developmant Periods. ISH Acta Horticulture 592, V. International Peach Symposium.
  • Mayers,-JD; Lawn,-RJ; and Byth,-DE, 1991, Adaptation of Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merrill) to the Dry Season of The Tropics. II. Effects of Genotype and Enverioment on Biomass and Seed Yield. Australian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Research. 1991, 42: 3, 517-530.
  • Muchow,-RC; and Carberry,-PS. 1990, Phenology and Leaf Area Development in a Tropical Grain Sorghum. Field-Crops-Research.1990,23:3-4, 221-237.
  • Naylor-REL; and Su-J., 1998, Plant Development in Triticale cv. Lasko at Different Sowing Dates. Journal-of-Agricultural-Science. 1998, 130:3, 297-306.
  • NeSimith, DS., 1997, Summer Suqash(Cucurbita pepo L.) Leaf Number as Influenced by Thermal Time. Scienta Horticulturae. 1997,68:1-4, 219-225.
  • Olivier, FC., and Anandale, JG., 1998, Thermal Time Requirements for the Development of Grean Pea (Pisum sativum L.). Field Crop Research.1998,56.3,301-307.
  • Pan-X; Hesketh-JD; Huck-MG; and Alm-DM, 1998 Photosynthetica., 35:3, 329-333.
  • Pearson, S., and Hadley,P.,1988,Planning Calabrese Production. Grower,110(9),21-2.
  • Pearson, S., and Hadley, P., and Wheldon, A.E., 1994, A Model of The Effects Temperature on the Growth and Development of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. botrytis). Scientia Hort. 59, 91-106.
  • Praveen-Singh; Mertia-RS; Singh-RS; and Singh-P., 2000,Thermal Time Inversitgations and effect of Wheather Variables on Development and Maturityof Date-berry in Thar Desert. Current-Agriculture. 2000,24:1-2, 81-84.
  • Pruess,K.P,1983, Day-degree Methods for Pest Management. Environmental Entomology12, 613-619.
  • Ramin,-AA; and Atherton,-JG. 1991, Manipulation of Bolting and Flowering in Celery(Apium graviolens L. Var. dulce) II. Juvenility. Journal-of-Horticultural-Science. 1991, 66: 6, 709-717; 34 ref.
  • Ramin-AA., 1997, The Influence of Temperature on Germination Taree Irani(Allium ampeloprasum L. Spp. İranicum W.). Seed-Science-and-Technology. 1997, 25: 3, 419- 426
  • Royo-C; and Tribo-F., 1997, Tricale and Barley for Grain and for Dual- Purpose(forage+grain) in a Mediterraneantype Enviroment II. Yield, Yield Components and Quality. Australian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Research. 1997, 48: 4, 423-432; 38 ref.
  • Singh-AK; Padmakar-Tripathi; Mishra-SR; and Tripathi-P., 2001, Phenology, Growing Degree days and Phasic Development Model of Wheat(Triticum aestivum under rice (Oryza sativa) Wheat Cropping System.Indian-Journal-of-Agricultural- Sciences.2001,71:6,363-366.
  • Song-ChiaWei;Ou-ShyiKuan;Song-CW;Ou-SK.,1997, Thermal Time Required for Fruit Development in low-chill Peaches.Journal-of-Agricultural-Research-of-China,46:1,42- 50.
  • Şalk, A., ve Vural, H. 1985, Cruciferae Familyası Sebzelerinde Tohum Üretimi ve Çeşit Muhafaza Methot ve Sorunları. Türkiye Sertifikalı ve Kontrollü Tohumluk Üretim ve Dağıtım Sorunları Sempozyumu. TÜBİTAK,TOAG. İzmir,(s:531-543).
  • Tan, D.K.Y., Birch, C.J., Wearing, A.H., and Rickert, K.G., 2000a, Predicting Broccoli Development I. Development is Predominantly Determined by Temperature Rather Than Photoperiod. Scientia Horticulturae 84(2000) 227-243.
  • Tan, D.K.Y., Birch, CJ., Wearing AH., and Rickert, KG., 2000b, Predicting Broccoli Development II. Comparasion and Validation of Thermal Time Models. Scientia Horticulturae 86 (2000) 89-101
  • Titley, M. E., 1987, The Scheduling of Fresh Market Broccoli in Southeast Queens. Land for Exporting to Southeast Asian Markets from May to September. Acta Horticulture 198: 235-242.
  • Tosun, M., Ergin, İ.Z., ve Soya, H., 1989, Üç Mısır Çeşidindeki Tepe Püskülü Süresinin G.D.D.(Growing-Degree-Days) ile İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. EÜZF Der. Cilt:26 sayı:2 .
  • Vaksmann-M; Traore-SB; Kouressy-M; Coulibaly-H; and Reyniers-FN.,1998, The Future of Photoperiodical Cereals for Sustainable Production in The Semiarid Tropics
  • Wurr, D.C.E., Fellows, J.R., and Hambidge, A.J.,1991,The Influence of Field Environmental Conditions on Calabrese Growth and Development.J. Hort.Sci.66(4),495-504.
  • Yoldaş, F., 2003. Brokkoli’ de Sıcaklık Dikim Sıklığı Ekim ve Dikim Zamanlarının Generatif Gelişim ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eylül, 2003(Doktora Tezi)284 s.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Dursun Eşiyok Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yoldaş, F., & Eşiyok, D. (2005). Termal Zamanın (oC-Gün) Bitkisel Üretimde Kullanımı. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 42(3), 207-218.

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