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Examination of sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and dichlorophenac micropollutants along Sakarya River and treated by different ultrafiltration membranes

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 37 - 41, 20.12.2018


In this study, The removal of micropollutants in the Sakarya River at
five different locations and three different pharmaceuticals and water quality
parameters are examined. To remove the micropollutants and improve the water
quality, microfiltration (MF), and ultra-filtration (UF) membranes were used
for treatment. Pharmacological pollutants, such as trimethoprim (TMP), sulfamethoxazole
(SMX) and dichlorophanac (DFN)  are chosed
for treatment, which can be found in water very frequently and in high amounts.
The best removal efficiency was
obtained with UP005 UF membrane, it can be treated up to 66%.


  • Alexander JT. Hai F I, Al-Aboud TM 2012. Chemical coagulation-based processes for trace organic contaminant removal: current state and future potential, J Environ Manage, 111: 195-207.
  • An Y, Wang Z, Wu Z, Yang D, Zhou Q 2009. Characterization of membrane foulants in an anaerobic non-woven fabric membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 155: 709-715.
  • Azzouz A ve Ballesteros E 2013. Influence of seasonal climate differences on the pharmaceutical, hormone and personal care product removal efficiency of a drinking water treatment plant, Chemosphere, 93: 2046-2054.
  • Barnes KK, Kolpin, DW, Furlong ET, Zaugg SD, Meyer MT, Barber LB 2008. A national reconnaissance of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States--I) groundwater", Sci Total Environ, 402: 192-200.
  • Bhadra BN, Seo PW, Jhung SH, 2016 Adsorption of diclofenac sodium from water using oxidized activated carbon, Chemical Engineering Journal, 301: 27-34.
  • Broséus R. Vincent S, Aboulfadl K, Daneshvar A, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Prévost M 2009. Ozone oxidation of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and pesticides during drinking water treatment, Water Res, 43: 4707-4717.
  • Chong S, Zhang G, Wei Z, Zhang N, Huang T, Liu Y 2017. Sonocatalytic degradation of diclofenac with FeCeOx particles in water", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 34: 418-425.
  • Cristale J, Katsoyiannis A, Sweetman AJ, Jones KC, Lacorte S 2013. Occurrence and risk assessment of organophosphorus and brominated flame retardants in the River Aire (UK), Environ Pollut, 179: 194-200.
  • Daneshvar A, Aboulfadl K, Viglino L, Broseus R, Sauve S, Madoux-Humery AS., Weyhenmeyer GA, Prevost M. 2012 Evaluating pharmaceuticals and caffeine as indicators of fecal contamination in drinking water sources of the Greater Montreal region, Chemosphere, 88: 131-139.
  • Derco J, Dudáš J, Valičková M, Šimovičová K, Kecskés J 2015. Removal of micropollutants by ozone based processes, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 94: 78-84.
  • Dias, IN, Souza BS, Pereira JHOS, Moreira FC, Dezotti M, Boaventura RAR, Vilar VJP 2014. Enhancement of the photo-Fenton reaction at near neutral pH through the use of ferrioxalate complexes: A case study on trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole antibiotics removal from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 247: 302-313.
  • Drinking Water Contaminants – Standards and Regulations: EPA 2003
  • Esteban S, Moreno-Merino L, Matellanes R, Catalá M, Gorga M, Petrovic M, López de Alda M, Barceló D Silva A, Durán J, López-Martínez J, Valcárcel Y, 2016 Presence of endocrine disruptors in freshwater in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, Environ Res, 147: 179-192.
  • Félix–Cañedo TE, Durán–Álvarez JC, Jiménez–Cisneros B 2013 The occurrence and distribution of a group of organic micropollutants in Mexico City's water sources, Science of The Total Environment, 454-455: 109-118.
  • Fu G,Peng J, Wang Y, Zhao S, Fang W, Hu K, Shen J, Yao J 2016. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim in swimming crabs (Portunus trituberculatus) and in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio: PK/PD of SMZ-TMP in crabs and antibacterial activity against Vibrio, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 46: 45-54.
  • İçmesuyu Elde Edilen veya Elde Edilmesi Planlanan Yüzeysel Suların Kalitesine Dair Yönetmelik Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, (29 Haziran 2012).Johnson AC, Keller V, Dumont E, Sumpter JP. 2015. Assessing the concentrations and risks of toxicity from the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and erythromycin in European rivers Sci Total Environ, 511: 747-755.
  • Kim HC ve Yu MJ, 2007. "Characterization of aquatic humic substances to DBPs formation in advanced treatment processes for conventionally treated water, J Hazard Mater, 143: 486-493.
  • Loos R, Gawlik BM, Locoro G, Rimaviciute E, Contini S, Bidoglio G 2009 EU-wide survey of polar organic persistent pollutants in European river waters, Environ Pollut, 157: 561-568
  • Lu X, Shao Y, Gao N, Chen J, Zhang Y, Wang Q,mLu Y 2016 Adsorption and removal of clofibric acid and diclofenac from water with MIEX resin", Chemosphere, 161: 400-411.
  • Perisic DJ. Gilja V, Stankov MN. Katancic Z, Kusic H, Stangar UL, Dionysiou DD, Bozic AL 2016 Removal of diclofenac from water by zeolite-assisted advanced oxidation processes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 321: 238-247.
  • Petrie B., Barden R, Kasprzyk-Hordern B 2015 A review on emerging contaminants in wastewaters and the environment: Current knowledge, understudied areas and recommendations for future monitoring, Water Res, 72: 3-27.
  • Rivera-Utrilla J, Daiem MM, Sanchez-Polo M, Ocampo-Perez R, Lopez-Penalver, JJ, Velo-Gala I, Mota AJ 2016 Removal of compounds used as plasticizers and herbicides from water by means of gamma irradiation, Sci Total Environ, 569-570: 518-526.
  • Shen R ve Andrews SA 2011. Demonstration of 20 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as nitrosamine precursors during chloramine disinfection, Water Res, 45: 944-952.
  • Su T, Deng H, Benskin JP, Radke M, 2016 Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole photo-transformation products in a water/sediment test, Chemosphere, 148: 518-525.
  • Sutherland S, Parsons SA, Daneshkhah A, Jarvis P, Judd SJ 2015 THM precursor rejection by UF membranes treating Scottish surface waters. Separation and Purification Technology, 149: 381-388.
  • TS266 Standartları - İnsanî Tüketim Amaçlı Sular. 2005
  • Van Doorslaer X, Dewulf J, Van Langenhove H, Demeestere K 2014. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: An emerging class of environmental micropollutants, Science of The Total Environment, 500-501: 250-269.
  • Van Doorslaer X. Dewulf J, Van Langenhove H, Demeestere K, 2014 Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: An emerging class of environmental micropollutants, Science of The Total Environment, 500-501: 250-269.
  • Wang Z, Wu Z, Yin X, Tian L, 2008. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) under sub-critical flux operation: Membrane foulant and gel layer characterization, Journal of Membrane Science, 325: 238-244.
  • Wang Z. Chen Z, Chang J, Shen J. Kang J, Chen Q 2015 Fabrication of a low-cost cementitious catalytic membrane for p-chloronitro benzene degradation using a hybrid ozonation-membrane filtration system", Chemical Engineering Journal, 262: 904-912
  • Wen ZH, Chen L. Meng XZ, Duan YP, Zhang ZS, Zeng EY, 2014 Occurrence and human health risk of wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals in a drinking water source for Shanghai, East China, Sci Total Environ, 490: 987-993.
  • Yang GC, Yen CH, Wang CL, 2014. Monitoring and removal of residual phthalate esters and pharmaceuticals in the drinking water of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, J Hazard Mater, 277: 53-61.
  • Yang L, Kim D, Uzun H. Karanfil T, Hur J.2015 Assessing trihalomethanes (THMs) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation potentials in drinking water treatment plants using fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis, Chemosphere, 121: 84-91.
  • Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeliği, Ankara: Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, (30 Kasım 2012).
  • Zhang Y, Wang A, Tian X, Wen Z, Li D, Li J. 2016 Efficient mineralization of the antibiotic trimethoprim by solar assisted photoelectro-Fenton process driven by a photovoltaic cell, J Hazard Mater, 318: 319-328.
  • Zheng D, Andrews RC, Andrews SA, Taylor-Edmonds L, 2015 Effects of coagulation on the removal of natural organic matter, genotoxicity, and precursors to halogenated furanones, Water Res, 70: 118-129.

Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 37 - 41, 20.12.2018


Bu çalışmada Türkiye için önemli su kaynaklarından biri olan
Sakarya Nehri boyunca 5 farklı noktadan numune alınarak sülfametaksazol,
trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticileri ve çözünmüş organik karbon
(ÇOK), ultraviolet absrobance at 254 nm dalga boyu (UV254), sertlik, iletkenlik
gibi su kalite parametreleri incelenmiş, mikrokirleticilerin giderilmesi ve su
kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi amacıyla mikrofiltrasyon (MF) ve ultrafiltrasyon
(UF) membranları ile arıtım çalışmaları yapılmıştır. En iyi arıtma verimi UP005 UF membran ile
elde edilmiştir. Küçük por
çaplı ultrafiltrasyon membranlar ile; TMP, SMX ve DFN gibi sularda çok sıklıkla
ve yüksek miktarlarda bulunabilen farmakolojik kirleticilerin %66 ’ya kadar
çıkabilen bir verimle arıtılabildiği görülmüştür.


  • Alexander JT. Hai F I, Al-Aboud TM 2012. Chemical coagulation-based processes for trace organic contaminant removal: current state and future potential, J Environ Manage, 111: 195-207.
  • An Y, Wang Z, Wu Z, Yang D, Zhou Q 2009. Characterization of membrane foulants in an anaerobic non-woven fabric membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 155: 709-715.
  • Azzouz A ve Ballesteros E 2013. Influence of seasonal climate differences on the pharmaceutical, hormone and personal care product removal efficiency of a drinking water treatment plant, Chemosphere, 93: 2046-2054.
  • Barnes KK, Kolpin, DW, Furlong ET, Zaugg SD, Meyer MT, Barber LB 2008. A national reconnaissance of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States--I) groundwater", Sci Total Environ, 402: 192-200.
  • Bhadra BN, Seo PW, Jhung SH, 2016 Adsorption of diclofenac sodium from water using oxidized activated carbon, Chemical Engineering Journal, 301: 27-34.
  • Broséus R. Vincent S, Aboulfadl K, Daneshvar A, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Prévost M 2009. Ozone oxidation of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and pesticides during drinking water treatment, Water Res, 43: 4707-4717.
  • Chong S, Zhang G, Wei Z, Zhang N, Huang T, Liu Y 2017. Sonocatalytic degradation of diclofenac with FeCeOx particles in water", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 34: 418-425.
  • Cristale J, Katsoyiannis A, Sweetman AJ, Jones KC, Lacorte S 2013. Occurrence and risk assessment of organophosphorus and brominated flame retardants in the River Aire (UK), Environ Pollut, 179: 194-200.
  • Daneshvar A, Aboulfadl K, Viglino L, Broseus R, Sauve S, Madoux-Humery AS., Weyhenmeyer GA, Prevost M. 2012 Evaluating pharmaceuticals and caffeine as indicators of fecal contamination in drinking water sources of the Greater Montreal region, Chemosphere, 88: 131-139.
  • Derco J, Dudáš J, Valičková M, Šimovičová K, Kecskés J 2015. Removal of micropollutants by ozone based processes, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 94: 78-84.
  • Dias, IN, Souza BS, Pereira JHOS, Moreira FC, Dezotti M, Boaventura RAR, Vilar VJP 2014. Enhancement of the photo-Fenton reaction at near neutral pH through the use of ferrioxalate complexes: A case study on trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole antibiotics removal from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 247: 302-313.
  • Drinking Water Contaminants – Standards and Regulations: EPA 2003
  • Esteban S, Moreno-Merino L, Matellanes R, Catalá M, Gorga M, Petrovic M, López de Alda M, Barceló D Silva A, Durán J, López-Martínez J, Valcárcel Y, 2016 Presence of endocrine disruptors in freshwater in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, Environ Res, 147: 179-192.
  • Félix–Cañedo TE, Durán–Álvarez JC, Jiménez–Cisneros B 2013 The occurrence and distribution of a group of organic micropollutants in Mexico City's water sources, Science of The Total Environment, 454-455: 109-118.
  • Fu G,Peng J, Wang Y, Zhao S, Fang W, Hu K, Shen J, Yao J 2016. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim in swimming crabs (Portunus trituberculatus) and in vitro antibacterial activity against Vibrio: PK/PD of SMZ-TMP in crabs and antibacterial activity against Vibrio, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 46: 45-54.
  • İçmesuyu Elde Edilen veya Elde Edilmesi Planlanan Yüzeysel Suların Kalitesine Dair Yönetmelik Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, (29 Haziran 2012).Johnson AC, Keller V, Dumont E, Sumpter JP. 2015. Assessing the concentrations and risks of toxicity from the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and erythromycin in European rivers Sci Total Environ, 511: 747-755.
  • Kim HC ve Yu MJ, 2007. "Characterization of aquatic humic substances to DBPs formation in advanced treatment processes for conventionally treated water, J Hazard Mater, 143: 486-493.
  • Loos R, Gawlik BM, Locoro G, Rimaviciute E, Contini S, Bidoglio G 2009 EU-wide survey of polar organic persistent pollutants in European river waters, Environ Pollut, 157: 561-568
  • Lu X, Shao Y, Gao N, Chen J, Zhang Y, Wang Q,mLu Y 2016 Adsorption and removal of clofibric acid and diclofenac from water with MIEX resin", Chemosphere, 161: 400-411.
  • Perisic DJ. Gilja V, Stankov MN. Katancic Z, Kusic H, Stangar UL, Dionysiou DD, Bozic AL 2016 Removal of diclofenac from water by zeolite-assisted advanced oxidation processes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 321: 238-247.
  • Petrie B., Barden R, Kasprzyk-Hordern B 2015 A review on emerging contaminants in wastewaters and the environment: Current knowledge, understudied areas and recommendations for future monitoring, Water Res, 72: 3-27.
  • Rivera-Utrilla J, Daiem MM, Sanchez-Polo M, Ocampo-Perez R, Lopez-Penalver, JJ, Velo-Gala I, Mota AJ 2016 Removal of compounds used as plasticizers and herbicides from water by means of gamma irradiation, Sci Total Environ, 569-570: 518-526.
  • Shen R ve Andrews SA 2011. Demonstration of 20 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as nitrosamine precursors during chloramine disinfection, Water Res, 45: 944-952.
  • Su T, Deng H, Benskin JP, Radke M, 2016 Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole photo-transformation products in a water/sediment test, Chemosphere, 148: 518-525.
  • Sutherland S, Parsons SA, Daneshkhah A, Jarvis P, Judd SJ 2015 THM precursor rejection by UF membranes treating Scottish surface waters. Separation and Purification Technology, 149: 381-388.
  • TS266 Standartları - İnsanî Tüketim Amaçlı Sular. 2005
  • Van Doorslaer X, Dewulf J, Van Langenhove H, Demeestere K 2014. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: An emerging class of environmental micropollutants, Science of The Total Environment, 500-501: 250-269.
  • Van Doorslaer X. Dewulf J, Van Langenhove H, Demeestere K, 2014 Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: An emerging class of environmental micropollutants, Science of The Total Environment, 500-501: 250-269.
  • Wang Z, Wu Z, Yin X, Tian L, 2008. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) under sub-critical flux operation: Membrane foulant and gel layer characterization, Journal of Membrane Science, 325: 238-244.
  • Wang Z. Chen Z, Chang J, Shen J. Kang J, Chen Q 2015 Fabrication of a low-cost cementitious catalytic membrane for p-chloronitro benzene degradation using a hybrid ozonation-membrane filtration system", Chemical Engineering Journal, 262: 904-912
  • Wen ZH, Chen L. Meng XZ, Duan YP, Zhang ZS, Zeng EY, 2014 Occurrence and human health risk of wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals in a drinking water source for Shanghai, East China, Sci Total Environ, 490: 987-993.
  • Yang GC, Yen CH, Wang CL, 2014. Monitoring and removal of residual phthalate esters and pharmaceuticals in the drinking water of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, J Hazard Mater, 277: 53-61.
  • Yang L, Kim D, Uzun H. Karanfil T, Hur J.2015 Assessing trihalomethanes (THMs) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation potentials in drinking water treatment plants using fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis, Chemosphere, 121: 84-91.
  • Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeliği, Ankara: Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, (30 Kasım 2012).
  • Zhang Y, Wang A, Tian X, Wen Z, Li D, Li J. 2016 Efficient mineralization of the antibiotic trimethoprim by solar assisted photoelectro-Fenton process driven by a photovoltaic cell, J Hazard Mater, 318: 319-328.
  • Zheng D, Andrews RC, Andrews SA, Taylor-Edmonds L, 2015 Effects of coagulation on the removal of natural organic matter, genotoxicity, and precursors to halogenated furanones, Water Res, 70: 118-129.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çevre Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Busra Buyukbuberoglu

Mehmet Cakmakcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2018
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Buyukbuberoglu, F. B., & Cakmakcı, M. (2018). Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 1(2), 37-41.
AMA Buyukbuberoglu FB, Cakmakcı M. Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. Aralık 2018;1(2):37-41.
Chicago Buyukbuberoglu, Fatma Busra, ve Mehmet Cakmakcı. “Sakarya Nehri Boyunca sülfametaksazol, Trimetoprim Ve Diklorafenak Mikrokirleticilerin Incelenmesi Ve Farklı Ultrafiltrayon Membranlar Ile arıtımı”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 37-41.
EndNote Buyukbuberoglu FB, Cakmakcı M (01 Aralık 2018) Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1 2 37–41.
IEEE F. B. Buyukbuberoglu ve M. Cakmakcı, “Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı”, Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci., c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 37–41, 2018.
ISNAD Buyukbuberoglu, Fatma Busra - Cakmakcı, Mehmet. “Sakarya Nehri Boyunca sülfametaksazol, Trimetoprim Ve Diklorafenak Mikrokirleticilerin Incelenmesi Ve Farklı Ultrafiltrayon Membranlar Ile arıtımı”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1/2 (Aralık 2018), 37-41.
JAMA Buyukbuberoglu FB, Cakmakcı M. Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2018;1:37–41.
MLA Buyukbuberoglu, Fatma Busra ve Mehmet Cakmakcı. “Sakarya Nehri Boyunca sülfametaksazol, Trimetoprim Ve Diklorafenak Mikrokirleticilerin Incelenmesi Ve Farklı Ultrafiltrayon Membranlar Ile arıtımı”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, c. 1, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 37-41.
Vancouver Buyukbuberoglu FB, Cakmakcı M. Sakarya Nehri boyunca sülfametaksazol, trimetoprim ve diklorafenak mikrokirleticilerin incelenmesi ve farklı ultrafiltrayon membranlar ile arıtımı. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2018;1(2):37-41.