Research Article
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Year 2021, , 595 - 628, 31.12.2021


Bu makalede Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) çatışma çözümü yaklaşımı Mali ve Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti’ndeki çatışma çözümü süreçleri üzerinden Whitman ve Wolff’un “kabiliyetler” modeli ışığında analiz edilmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle, çatışma çözümü kavramı ve “kabiliyetler” yaklaşımına odaklanılmaktadır. İkinci olarak, AB’nin çatışma çözümü yaklaşımının tarihsel gelişimi tartışılmaktadır. Son olarak, AB’nin çatışma çözümü kabiliyeti, AB’nin sivil ve askeri misyonlarının bulunduğu bu iki örnek olaya odaklanarak, harekete geçme, fon sağlama ve iş birliği ve koordinasyon kabiliyetleri bağlamında analiz edilmektedir.


  • Aguilar, Sergio. “European Union Military Operations: The Use of Force in the Central African Republic, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” içinde Guns and Roses Comparative Civil-Military Relations in the Changing Security Environment, editörler Steven Ratuva, Radomir Compel ve Sergio Aguilar, 257-276. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
  • Bindi, Federiga. “European Union Foreign Policy: A Historical Overview.” içinde The Foreign Policy of the European Union Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, editör Federiga Bindi, 13-40. Virginia: The Brookings Institution, 2010.
  • Buchet de Neuilly, Yves. “Presence on the Ground: Expectations, Resources and Tactical Moves in the Negotiation of a UN Peacekeeping Operation in the Central African Republic.” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 13, sayı 3 (2019): 323-339.
  • Center for Humanitarian Dialogue. “Mediation and Support for the Peace Process in the Central African Republic.” 2020. conflict-mediation-and-support-transitional-justice-central-african-republic/.
  • Charbonneau, Bruno. “What Is So Special about the European Union? EU–UN Cooperation in Crisis Management in Africa.” International Peacekeeping 16, sayı 4 (2009): 546-561.
  • Churruca, Cristina. “EUFOR Chad/CAR Mission on the Protection of Civilians: A Distinctive EU Way to Peace Operations.” içinde Managing Crises, Making Peace, editörler Maria Grazia Galantino ve Maria Raquel Freire, 216-235. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Delegation of the European Union to Central African Republic. “The Central African Republic and the EU.” EU Relations with country, 2016.
  • Directorate General for External Policies of the Union. “CSDP Missions and Operations.” In-Depth Analysis PE 603.481, 2020.
  • Dijkstra, Hylke, Ewa Mahr, Petar Petrov, Katarina Đokić ve Peter Horne Zartsdahl. “Partners in conflict prevention and peacebuilding: How the EU, UN and OSCE exchange civilian capabilities in Kosovo, Mali and Armenia.” EUCIVCAP Report, DL 4.2, 2017. 2017/09/eucivcap_deliverable_4-2.pdf.
  • Djiré, Moussa, Djibril Sow, Kissima Gakou ve Bakary Camara. “Assessing the Eu’s Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Interventions in Mali.” WOSCAPEnhancing EU Peacebuilding Capabilities, 2017. documents/131298403/131299900/Mali+-+USJPB.pdf/Mali%20-%20USJPB/ index.pdf.
  • Dudouet, Véronique ve Matteo Dressler. “From Power Mediation to Dialogue Facilitation: Assessing the European Union’s Approach to Multi- Track Diplomacy.” WOSCAP Enhancing EU Peacebuilding Capabilities, 2016. %2b-%2bMultitrack%2bDiplomacy.pdf/Scoping%20Study%20-%20Multitrack %20Diplomacy/index.pdf. European Commission [EC].
  • “Presidency Conclusions Seville European Council 21 and 22 June 2002.” Haziran 2002. presscorner/detail/en/DOC_02_13.
  • ——. “The Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace responds rapidly to crises, builds peace and prevents conflict around the World.” Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), 2020.
  • ——. “IcSP map.” Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), 2020.
  • ——. “Mali.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020a.
  • ——. “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation Mali.” Factsheet, 2020b. has%20provided%20more,amounts%20to%20%E2%82%AC29.6%20million. &text=Every%20year%2C%20the%20EU%20contributes,acute%20malnutriti on%20throughout%20the%20country.
  • ——. “EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.” 2020c. trustfundforafrica/region/sahel-lake-chad/mali_en.
  • ——. “Central African Republic.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020d.
  • ——. “Bêkou Trust Fund.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020e,
  • ——. “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation Central African Republic.” Factsheet, 2020f.
  • European Council and the Council of the European Union, “EU defence cooperation: Council establishes a Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC).” Press Release, 2017. press-releases/2017/06/08/military-mpcc-planning-conduct-capability/. European Defence Agency.
  • “Capability Development Plan.” Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 15, 2021, capabilitydevelopment-plan. European Union Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA),
  • “Background, facts and figures: the EU advisory mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA).” Factsheet, 2020. European Union External Action Service [EEAS].
  • “EU Conflict Early Warning System.” Factsheet, 2014a. conflict_prevention/docs/201409_factsheet_conflict_earth_warning_en.pdf.
  • ——. “EU Mediation Support Team.” Factsheet, 2014b. archives/docs/factsheets/docs/factsheet_eu-mediation-support-team_en.pdf.
  • ——. “Central African Republic.” Factsheet, 2015. file/25974/download?token=I-GlVVKy.
  • ——. “Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).” Policy – Activity, 2016a. 422/instrument-contributing-stability-and-peace-icsp_en.
  • ——. “Mali and the EU.” EU Relations with Country, 2016b, headquarters/headquarters-homepage/11062/mali-and-eu_en.
  • ——. “Joint Declaration on the Implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali from the Algiers Process.” Joint Statements, 2017.
  • ——. “Common Security and Defence Policy European Union Training Mission – Mali.” Factsheet, 2020. EUTM_Mission_Factsheet_EV-1.pdf.
  • ——. “Civilian mission Mali EUCAP Sahel Mali.” Factsheet, 2020 Şubat. European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic. “About Military Training mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA).” About us –structure and organisation. 2016,
  • “Fransa'dan Mali'de İslamcılara karşı askeri müdahale.” BBC, Ocak 12, 2013.
  • Gebhard, Carmen. “The Institutional nature of the EU as a Global Conflict Manager.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 23-32.
  • The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012. Giegerich, Bastian. “Chapter Two: Military and Civilian Capabilities for EU-led Crisis-Management Operations.” Adelphi Series 50 (2010): (41-58).
  • Haesebrouck, Tim ve Melanie Van Meirvenne. “EUFOR RCA and CSDP Crises Management Operations: Back on Track?.” European Foreign Affairs Review 20, sayı 2 (2015): 267-286.
  • Herrberg, Antje. “International Peace Mediation: a new crossroads for the European Union.” DCAF Brussels- ISIS Europe, Europe Crisis Management Papers Studies, 2012.
  • International_Peace_Mediation.pdf. International Crises Group. “Central African Republic: Getting from Talks to Peace,” Commentary, January 28, 2019, central-africa/central-african-republic/central-african-republic-getting-talkspeace.
  • International Security Sector Advisory Team. “European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM).” 2020. Organisations/European-Union-Training-Mission-in-Mali. Jayasundara-Smits, Shyamika.
  • “Bracing the wind and riding the norm life cycle: inclusive peacebuilding in the European capacity building mission in Sahel– Mali (EUCAP Sahel–Mali).” Peacebuilding 6, sayı 3 (2018): 233-247.
  • Lundgren, Magnus. “Conflict management capabilities of peace-brokering international organizations, 1945–2010: A new dataset.” Conflict Management and Peace Science, (2015): 1-26.
  • McCormick, John. Avrupa Birliği Siyaseti. Ankara: Liberte Yayınları, 2015. Manners, Ian. “Normative Power Europe: A contradiction in terms?.” Journal of Common Market Studies 20, sayı 2 (2002): 235-258.
  • Nimark, Agnieszka. “EUFOR RCA: EU force or farce?.” Opinion Europa 230, Mart 2014, eufor_rca_eu_force_or_farce.
  • Olsen, Gorm Rye. “Coherence, Consistency and Political Will in Foreign Policy: The European Union’s Policy towards Africa”, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 9, sayı 2 (2008): 157–171.
  • Palm, Trineke ve Ben Crum. “Military operations and the EU’s identity as an international security actor.” European Security 28, sayı 4 (2019): 1-22.
  • Peace Insight. “Central African Republic.” Erişim Tarihi: Aralık 5, 2020,
  • Peck, Connie. “The Role of Regional Organizations in Preventing and Resolving Conflict”, içinde Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict, editörler Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, Pamela Aall, 561- 583.Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2003.
  • Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. “European Union.” UN, 2020. Ramsbotham, Oliver, Tom Woodhouse ve Hugh Miall. Contemporary Conflict Resolution. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015.
  • Reliefweb. “European Commission to assist African Union in mediation in Central African Republic.” News and Press Release IP/02/1965, December 23, 2002,
  • Rouppert, Bérangère. “EUTM Mali: A Rapid Response Operation Launched in an Open Conflict.” içinde Managing Crises, Making Peace, editörler Maria Grazia Galantino ve Maria Raquel Freire, 236-254. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Sant’Egidio. “Central African Republic: The Ceasefire Agreement and a Road Map for Peace Signed at Sant’Egidio.” News, Haziran 20, 2017.
  • Shepherd, Alistair J.K.. “Transforming CSDP for Global Conflict Management.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 33-50. The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012.
  • The Council of the European Union. “European Security Strategy.” 15895/03. (2003). INIT/en/pdf.
  • ——. “Council Conclusions on Conflict Prevention.” (Haziran 2011). 22911.pdf.
  • ——. “Council conclusions on Common Security and Defence Policy.” (Kasım 2013). foraff/139719.pdf.
  • ——. “Council conclusions on the EU's comprehensive approach.” (Mayıs 2014).
  • ——. “Council Decision 2014/219/CFSP of 15 April 2014 on the European Union CSDP mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali).” Official Journal of the European Union L 113/21 (2014).
  • ——. “Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2110 of 9 December 2019 on the European Union CSDP Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA).” Official Journal of the European Union L 318/141 (2019). The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2014). n.pdf.
  • UN Development Programme. “Mali Human Development Indicators 2020.” Human Development Reports, 2020. profiles/MLI. UN Peacekeeping.
  • “Reinforcing the UN-EU Strategic Partnership on Peace Operations and Crisis Management: Priorities 2019-2021.” Joint Press Statement, 2018.
  • UNSC, Resolution 2100, Mali, S/RES/2100, (April 25, 2013), resolutions/2100.
  • ——. “Peace Operations Chief Urges Central African Republic Actors to Focus on Political Agreement, Inclusive Elections, in Security Council Briefing.” Press Release SC/14219, June 22, 2020, sc14219.doc.htm.
  • Uppsala Conflict Data Program. “Central African Republic.” Erişim Tarihi: Aralık 7, 2020,
  • White, Brian. Understanding European Foreign Policy. Great Britain: Palgrave, 2001.
  • Whitman, Richard G. ve Stefan Wolff. “The European Union as a global conflict manager: capabilities and context in an interdependent World.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 3-19. The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012.

The European Union’s Conflict Resolution Capability: The Cases of Mali and the Central African Republic

Year 2021, , 595 - 628, 31.12.2021


This article analyzes the conflict resolution approach of the European Union (EU) based on conflict resolution processes in Mali and the Central African Republic in light of Whitman and Wolff's "capabilities" model. First, it focuses on the concept of conflict resolution and the “capabilities” model. Second, it discusses the historical development of the EU conflict resolution approach. Finally, it
analyzes the EU’s conflict resolution capability in the context of the capabilities to act, fund, and cooperate and coordinate, focusing on two case studies where the EU has military and civilian missions.


  • Aguilar, Sergio. “European Union Military Operations: The Use of Force in the Central African Republic, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” içinde Guns and Roses Comparative Civil-Military Relations in the Changing Security Environment, editörler Steven Ratuva, Radomir Compel ve Sergio Aguilar, 257-276. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
  • Bindi, Federiga. “European Union Foreign Policy: A Historical Overview.” içinde The Foreign Policy of the European Union Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, editör Federiga Bindi, 13-40. Virginia: The Brookings Institution, 2010.
  • Buchet de Neuilly, Yves. “Presence on the Ground: Expectations, Resources and Tactical Moves in the Negotiation of a UN Peacekeeping Operation in the Central African Republic.” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 13, sayı 3 (2019): 323-339.
  • Center for Humanitarian Dialogue. “Mediation and Support for the Peace Process in the Central African Republic.” 2020. conflict-mediation-and-support-transitional-justice-central-african-republic/.
  • Charbonneau, Bruno. “What Is So Special about the European Union? EU–UN Cooperation in Crisis Management in Africa.” International Peacekeeping 16, sayı 4 (2009): 546-561.
  • Churruca, Cristina. “EUFOR Chad/CAR Mission on the Protection of Civilians: A Distinctive EU Way to Peace Operations.” içinde Managing Crises, Making Peace, editörler Maria Grazia Galantino ve Maria Raquel Freire, 216-235. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Delegation of the European Union to Central African Republic. “The Central African Republic and the EU.” EU Relations with country, 2016.
  • Directorate General for External Policies of the Union. “CSDP Missions and Operations.” In-Depth Analysis PE 603.481, 2020.
  • Dijkstra, Hylke, Ewa Mahr, Petar Petrov, Katarina Đokić ve Peter Horne Zartsdahl. “Partners in conflict prevention and peacebuilding: How the EU, UN and OSCE exchange civilian capabilities in Kosovo, Mali and Armenia.” EUCIVCAP Report, DL 4.2, 2017. 2017/09/eucivcap_deliverable_4-2.pdf.
  • Djiré, Moussa, Djibril Sow, Kissima Gakou ve Bakary Camara. “Assessing the Eu’s Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Interventions in Mali.” WOSCAPEnhancing EU Peacebuilding Capabilities, 2017. documents/131298403/131299900/Mali+-+USJPB.pdf/Mali%20-%20USJPB/ index.pdf.
  • Dudouet, Véronique ve Matteo Dressler. “From Power Mediation to Dialogue Facilitation: Assessing the European Union’s Approach to Multi- Track Diplomacy.” WOSCAP Enhancing EU Peacebuilding Capabilities, 2016. %2b-%2bMultitrack%2bDiplomacy.pdf/Scoping%20Study%20-%20Multitrack %20Diplomacy/index.pdf. European Commission [EC].
  • “Presidency Conclusions Seville European Council 21 and 22 June 2002.” Haziran 2002. presscorner/detail/en/DOC_02_13.
  • ——. “The Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace responds rapidly to crises, builds peace and prevents conflict around the World.” Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), 2020.
  • ——. “IcSP map.” Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), 2020.
  • ——. “Mali.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020a.
  • ——. “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation Mali.” Factsheet, 2020b. has%20provided%20more,amounts%20to%20%E2%82%AC29.6%20million. &text=Every%20year%2C%20the%20EU%20contributes,acute%20malnutriti on%20throughout%20the%20country.
  • ——. “EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.” 2020c. trustfundforafrica/region/sahel-lake-chad/mali_en.
  • ——. “Central African Republic.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020d.
  • ——. “Bêkou Trust Fund.” International Cooperation and Development, 2020e,
  • ——. “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation Central African Republic.” Factsheet, 2020f.
  • European Council and the Council of the European Union, “EU defence cooperation: Council establishes a Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC).” Press Release, 2017. press-releases/2017/06/08/military-mpcc-planning-conduct-capability/. European Defence Agency.
  • “Capability Development Plan.” Erişim Tarihi: Haziran 15, 2021, capabilitydevelopment-plan. European Union Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA),
  • “Background, facts and figures: the EU advisory mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA).” Factsheet, 2020. European Union External Action Service [EEAS].
  • “EU Conflict Early Warning System.” Factsheet, 2014a. conflict_prevention/docs/201409_factsheet_conflict_earth_warning_en.pdf.
  • ——. “EU Mediation Support Team.” Factsheet, 2014b. archives/docs/factsheets/docs/factsheet_eu-mediation-support-team_en.pdf.
  • ——. “Central African Republic.” Factsheet, 2015. file/25974/download?token=I-GlVVKy.
  • ——. “Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).” Policy – Activity, 2016a. 422/instrument-contributing-stability-and-peace-icsp_en.
  • ——. “Mali and the EU.” EU Relations with Country, 2016b, headquarters/headquarters-homepage/11062/mali-and-eu_en.
  • ——. “Joint Declaration on the Implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali from the Algiers Process.” Joint Statements, 2017.
  • ——. “Common Security and Defence Policy European Union Training Mission – Mali.” Factsheet, 2020. EUTM_Mission_Factsheet_EV-1.pdf.
  • ——. “Civilian mission Mali EUCAP Sahel Mali.” Factsheet, 2020 Şubat. European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic. “About Military Training mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA).” About us –structure and organisation. 2016,
  • “Fransa'dan Mali'de İslamcılara karşı askeri müdahale.” BBC, Ocak 12, 2013.
  • Gebhard, Carmen. “The Institutional nature of the EU as a Global Conflict Manager.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 23-32.
  • The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012. Giegerich, Bastian. “Chapter Two: Military and Civilian Capabilities for EU-led Crisis-Management Operations.” Adelphi Series 50 (2010): (41-58).
  • Haesebrouck, Tim ve Melanie Van Meirvenne. “EUFOR RCA and CSDP Crises Management Operations: Back on Track?.” European Foreign Affairs Review 20, sayı 2 (2015): 267-286.
  • Herrberg, Antje. “International Peace Mediation: a new crossroads for the European Union.” DCAF Brussels- ISIS Europe, Europe Crisis Management Papers Studies, 2012.
  • International_Peace_Mediation.pdf. International Crises Group. “Central African Republic: Getting from Talks to Peace,” Commentary, January 28, 2019, central-africa/central-african-republic/central-african-republic-getting-talkspeace.
  • International Security Sector Advisory Team. “European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM).” 2020. Organisations/European-Union-Training-Mission-in-Mali. Jayasundara-Smits, Shyamika.
  • “Bracing the wind and riding the norm life cycle: inclusive peacebuilding in the European capacity building mission in Sahel– Mali (EUCAP Sahel–Mali).” Peacebuilding 6, sayı 3 (2018): 233-247.
  • Lundgren, Magnus. “Conflict management capabilities of peace-brokering international organizations, 1945–2010: A new dataset.” Conflict Management and Peace Science, (2015): 1-26.
  • McCormick, John. Avrupa Birliği Siyaseti. Ankara: Liberte Yayınları, 2015. Manners, Ian. “Normative Power Europe: A contradiction in terms?.” Journal of Common Market Studies 20, sayı 2 (2002): 235-258.
  • Nimark, Agnieszka. “EUFOR RCA: EU force or farce?.” Opinion Europa 230, Mart 2014, eufor_rca_eu_force_or_farce.
  • Olsen, Gorm Rye. “Coherence, Consistency and Political Will in Foreign Policy: The European Union’s Policy towards Africa”, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 9, sayı 2 (2008): 157–171.
  • Palm, Trineke ve Ben Crum. “Military operations and the EU’s identity as an international security actor.” European Security 28, sayı 4 (2019): 1-22.
  • Peace Insight. “Central African Republic.” Erişim Tarihi: Aralık 5, 2020,
  • Peck, Connie. “The Role of Regional Organizations in Preventing and Resolving Conflict”, içinde Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict, editörler Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, Pamela Aall, 561- 583.Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2003.
  • Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. “European Union.” UN, 2020. Ramsbotham, Oliver, Tom Woodhouse ve Hugh Miall. Contemporary Conflict Resolution. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015.
  • Reliefweb. “European Commission to assist African Union in mediation in Central African Republic.” News and Press Release IP/02/1965, December 23, 2002,
  • Rouppert, Bérangère. “EUTM Mali: A Rapid Response Operation Launched in an Open Conflict.” içinde Managing Crises, Making Peace, editörler Maria Grazia Galantino ve Maria Raquel Freire, 236-254. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Sant’Egidio. “Central African Republic: The Ceasefire Agreement and a Road Map for Peace Signed at Sant’Egidio.” News, Haziran 20, 2017.
  • Shepherd, Alistair J.K.. “Transforming CSDP for Global Conflict Management.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 33-50. The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012.
  • The Council of the European Union. “European Security Strategy.” 15895/03. (2003). INIT/en/pdf.
  • ——. “Council Conclusions on Conflict Prevention.” (Haziran 2011). 22911.pdf.
  • ——. “Council conclusions on Common Security and Defence Policy.” (Kasım 2013). foraff/139719.pdf.
  • ——. “Council conclusions on the EU's comprehensive approach.” (Mayıs 2014).
  • ——. “Council Decision 2014/219/CFSP of 15 April 2014 on the European Union CSDP mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali).” Official Journal of the European Union L 113/21 (2014).
  • ——. “Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2110 of 9 December 2019 on the European Union CSDP Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUAM RCA).” Official Journal of the European Union L 318/141 (2019). The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2014). n.pdf.
  • UN Development Programme. “Mali Human Development Indicators 2020.” Human Development Reports, 2020. profiles/MLI. UN Peacekeeping.
  • “Reinforcing the UN-EU Strategic Partnership on Peace Operations and Crisis Management: Priorities 2019-2021.” Joint Press Statement, 2018.
  • UNSC, Resolution 2100, Mali, S/RES/2100, (April 25, 2013), resolutions/2100.
  • ——. “Peace Operations Chief Urges Central African Republic Actors to Focus on Political Agreement, Inclusive Elections, in Security Council Briefing.” Press Release SC/14219, June 22, 2020, sc14219.doc.htm.
  • Uppsala Conflict Data Program. “Central African Republic.” Erişim Tarihi: Aralık 7, 2020,
  • White, Brian. Understanding European Foreign Policy. Great Britain: Palgrave, 2001.
  • Whitman, Richard G. ve Stefan Wolff. “The European Union as a global conflict manager: capabilities and context in an interdependent World.” içinde The European Union As A Global Conflict Manager, editörler Richard G. Whitman ve Stefan Wolff, 3-19. The USA and Canada: Routledge, 2012.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Görkem Tanrıverdi Şeyşane 0000-0003-3665-3743

Selma Şekercioğlu 0000-0002-5531-6315

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date January 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Chicago Tanrıverdi Şeyşane, Görkem, and Selma Şekercioğlu. “AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ’NİN ÇATIŞMA ÇÖZÜMÜ KABİLİYETİ: MALİ VE ORTA AFRİKA CUMHURİYETİ VAKALARI”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 20, no. 2 (December 2021): 595-628.


Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi (AAÇD) Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.