Research Article
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Gender Differences in Entrepreneurship: The EU and Turkey

Year 2019, , 317 - 349, 25.01.2019


The aim is to explore the challenges for women’s self-employment preferences
in Turkey in terms of the human resources strategies, influence and importance of the
EU policies affecting their entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the questions of
how and why women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey is a distinct feature of the EU
entrepreneurship, which may have a different impact on competitiveness. It begins
with analysis of a range of specific challenges and obstacles faced by innovative
women in setting up, running and expanding their businesses, discusses the individual
resources of education and skills in terms of women’s entry in entrepreneurship and
success, proceeds to analysis of entrepreneurship tools to the extent of which how
such resources are related to the nature and volume of women’s entrepreneurship.


  • Aaltio, I. Introduction: Women Entrepreneurs – Creators and Creationsof Social Capital, in Women, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: A Dialogue and Construction (2008).
  • Acikgoz, E. Daily News, Turkey’s Unemployed University Graduates Take Unskilled Jobs (2018), Daily News,
  • Arrhenius, P. and Kovalainen, A. Similarities and Differences Across the Factors Associated with Women’s Self-employment Preference in the Nordic Countries, International Small Business Journal, (2006): pp. 24-3.
  • Buttner, E. Holly and Moore, D. Perrin. Women Entrepreneurs: Moving Beyond the Glass Ceiling (2007).
  • Chand, A. Human Resource Strategies in Small States: the Case of Garment Factories in the FijiIslands, InternationalJournal of Educational Development 21, Elseview, (2001): pp. 273–284.
  • Chant, S. and Pedwell, C. Women, Gender and the Informal Economy: An Assessment of ILO Research and Suggested Ways Forward, London School of Economics International Labour Organization (2008).
  • Cotter, D., DeFiore, J., Hermsen, J. M., and Marsteller Kowalewski, B., All Women Benefits: The Macro-level Effort of Occupational Integration on Gender Earnings Equality, American Sociological Review, 62(5), (1997): 714-734.
  • Curran, J. and Blackburn, R. Researching the Small Enterprise. London: Sage (2000). Daily News. Number of Employed Women Falls 40,000 in Turkey, 27 March 2017,
  • Dejardin, Amelita K., Gender Equality, Globalization and Governance, Working Paper No. 92, Policy Integration and Statistics Department International Labour Office Geneva, Working papers, International Labour Organization, March (2009).
  • Dutz, Mark A., Ordover, Janusz A. and Willig, Robert D. Competition Policy and Development Entrepreneurship, Access Policy and Economic Development: Lessons from Industrial Organization, European Economic Review 44, Elsevier, (2000): 739-747.
  • Ecevit, Y. Critical Approach to Women’s Entrepreneurship in Turkey, International Labour Office – Ankara, International Labour Organization (2007).
  • Elia, G., Women’s Self-employment and Entrepreneurship in the Region of the Economic Commission for Europe (eds), Gender Gaps and Economic Policy, Trends and Good Practices from the ECE Region, United Nations, Genevo, (2009) pp.43-58.
  • Ercan, H. Occupational Outlook Turkey, International Labour Organisation, Turkey (2011).
  • Fagan, C., Rubery, J., Grimshaw, D., Smith, M., Hebson., G. and Figueiredo, H.. Gender Mainstreaming in the Enlarged European Union: Recent Developments in the European Employment Strategy and Social Inclusion Process, Industrial Relations Journal 36 (2006), 568–591.
  • Gavron, R., M. H., Cowling and Westhall, A. The Entrepreneurial Society, IPPR, London Central Books (1998).
  • Graaf-Zijl, M. de and Nolan, B. Household Joblessness and Its Impact on Poverty and Deprivation in Europe. Amsterdam, AIAS, GINI Discussion Paper 5 (2011).
  • Hughes Karen D. Female Enterprise in the New Economy, Elsevier, pp. 147-58 (2005).
  • Karnani, A. Do Women Benefit from Microcredit, in The Perspective of Womens Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization, Elsevier, pp.120-147 (2007).
  • Landig, Jennifer M. Bringing Women to the Table: European Union Funding for Women's Empowerment Projects in Turkey, Elsevier, Women’s Studies Form 34 (2011) 206-214.
  • Lee, Miller, Hancock and Rowen. The Silicon Valley Edge, A Habitat For Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Stanford University Press Stanford (2002).
  • Lundström, A. and Stevenson, Lois A. Entrepreneurship Policy: Theory and Practice, (2005): pp.130-146.
  • Reynolds, P., Bosma, E., Autio, S. N. de Bono, L., Servais, P. Lopez-Garcia and N. Chin. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Collection Design and Implementation, 1998-2003, Small Business Economics, 24 (3), (2005): pp. 205-231.
  • Rubery, J. Women’s Employability in North America and Western Europe, (eds.) Gender Gaps and Economic Policy, Trends and Good Practices from the ECE region, United Nations, Geneva, (2009): pp.5-24.
  • Sancar, S. and Bulut, A. Turkey: Country Gender Profile, Directory of Women Studies Center, Ankara University, December (2006).
  • Shane, S. and Venkataraman, S. The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research, Academy of Management Review, 25(1), (2000): 217-266.
  • Sternberg, Robert J. Successful Intelligence as a Basis for Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing 19, Elsevier, (2004): pp.189-201.
  • Tunalı, İ., The Report of Employment Situation, Turkish Employment Market, Employment Research, Turkish Employment Institution (2000).
  • Turkish Employment Institution. Employment in Education, Vol.2, April-May (2011).
  • Ulhøi, J.P. The Social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship, Science Direct, Elsevier, Technovation, 25, (2005): pp. 939-946.
  • Valencia, M. Past Female Entrepreneurship with the Stress on the Future in New Economy Globalization, in The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization 13-25, Markovi, M. Radovi. Elsevier (2007).
  • Vecchio, Robert P. Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Common Trends and Common Threads, Human Resource Management Review 13, Science Direct, Pengamon, (2003): pp. 303-327.

Girişimcilikte Cinsiyet Farklılıkları: AB ve Türkiye

Year 2019, , 317 - 349, 25.01.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı insan kaynakları stratejileri ve kadın girişimcilik
faaliyetlerini etkileyen Avrupa Birliği (AB) politikalarının etkisi ve önemi açısından
Türkiye'de kadın serbest meslek tercihleri için zorlukları ele almaktır. Türkiye'de nasıl
ve neden kadın girişimciliğinin rekabet üzerinde farklı bir etkiye sahip AB
girişimciliğinin ayrı bir özelliğe sahip olup olmadığı sorularına odaklanmaktadır.
Çalışma iş kuran, işleten ve işlerini büyüten yenilikçi kadınların karşılaştığı bir dizi
özel zorluklar ve engellerin analizi ile başlayıp, kadınların girişimciliğe başlayışı ve
başarısı açısından bireysel eğitim kaynaklarını ve becerilerini anlatmakta ve söz  konusu kaynakların kadın girişimciliği doğası ve oranı ile nasıl ilgili olduğu yönünde
girişimcilik mekanizmalarının analizi ile devam etmektedir.


  • Aaltio, I. Introduction: Women Entrepreneurs – Creators and Creationsof Social Capital, in Women, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: A Dialogue and Construction (2008).
  • Acikgoz, E. Daily News, Turkey’s Unemployed University Graduates Take Unskilled Jobs (2018), Daily News,
  • Arrhenius, P. and Kovalainen, A. Similarities and Differences Across the Factors Associated with Women’s Self-employment Preference in the Nordic Countries, International Small Business Journal, (2006): pp. 24-3.
  • Buttner, E. Holly and Moore, D. Perrin. Women Entrepreneurs: Moving Beyond the Glass Ceiling (2007).
  • Chand, A. Human Resource Strategies in Small States: the Case of Garment Factories in the FijiIslands, InternationalJournal of Educational Development 21, Elseview, (2001): pp. 273–284.
  • Chant, S. and Pedwell, C. Women, Gender and the Informal Economy: An Assessment of ILO Research and Suggested Ways Forward, London School of Economics International Labour Organization (2008).
  • Cotter, D., DeFiore, J., Hermsen, J. M., and Marsteller Kowalewski, B., All Women Benefits: The Macro-level Effort of Occupational Integration on Gender Earnings Equality, American Sociological Review, 62(5), (1997): 714-734.
  • Curran, J. and Blackburn, R. Researching the Small Enterprise. London: Sage (2000). Daily News. Number of Employed Women Falls 40,000 in Turkey, 27 March 2017,
  • Dejardin, Amelita K., Gender Equality, Globalization and Governance, Working Paper No. 92, Policy Integration and Statistics Department International Labour Office Geneva, Working papers, International Labour Organization, March (2009).
  • Dutz, Mark A., Ordover, Janusz A. and Willig, Robert D. Competition Policy and Development Entrepreneurship, Access Policy and Economic Development: Lessons from Industrial Organization, European Economic Review 44, Elsevier, (2000): 739-747.
  • Ecevit, Y. Critical Approach to Women’s Entrepreneurship in Turkey, International Labour Office – Ankara, International Labour Organization (2007).
  • Elia, G., Women’s Self-employment and Entrepreneurship in the Region of the Economic Commission for Europe (eds), Gender Gaps and Economic Policy, Trends and Good Practices from the ECE Region, United Nations, Genevo, (2009) pp.43-58.
  • Ercan, H. Occupational Outlook Turkey, International Labour Organisation, Turkey (2011).
  • Fagan, C., Rubery, J., Grimshaw, D., Smith, M., Hebson., G. and Figueiredo, H.. Gender Mainstreaming in the Enlarged European Union: Recent Developments in the European Employment Strategy and Social Inclusion Process, Industrial Relations Journal 36 (2006), 568–591.
  • Gavron, R., M. H., Cowling and Westhall, A. The Entrepreneurial Society, IPPR, London Central Books (1998).
  • Graaf-Zijl, M. de and Nolan, B. Household Joblessness and Its Impact on Poverty and Deprivation in Europe. Amsterdam, AIAS, GINI Discussion Paper 5 (2011).
  • Hughes Karen D. Female Enterprise in the New Economy, Elsevier, pp. 147-58 (2005).
  • Karnani, A. Do Women Benefit from Microcredit, in The Perspective of Womens Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization, Elsevier, pp.120-147 (2007).
  • Landig, Jennifer M. Bringing Women to the Table: European Union Funding for Women's Empowerment Projects in Turkey, Elsevier, Women’s Studies Form 34 (2011) 206-214.
  • Lee, Miller, Hancock and Rowen. The Silicon Valley Edge, A Habitat For Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Stanford University Press Stanford (2002).
  • Lundström, A. and Stevenson, Lois A. Entrepreneurship Policy: Theory and Practice, (2005): pp.130-146.
  • Reynolds, P., Bosma, E., Autio, S. N. de Bono, L., Servais, P. Lopez-Garcia and N. Chin. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Collection Design and Implementation, 1998-2003, Small Business Economics, 24 (3), (2005): pp. 205-231.
  • Rubery, J. Women’s Employability in North America and Western Europe, (eds.) Gender Gaps and Economic Policy, Trends and Good Practices from the ECE region, United Nations, Geneva, (2009): pp.5-24.
  • Sancar, S. and Bulut, A. Turkey: Country Gender Profile, Directory of Women Studies Center, Ankara University, December (2006).
  • Shane, S. and Venkataraman, S. The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research, Academy of Management Review, 25(1), (2000): 217-266.
  • Sternberg, Robert J. Successful Intelligence as a Basis for Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing 19, Elsevier, (2004): pp.189-201.
  • Tunalı, İ., The Report of Employment Situation, Turkish Employment Market, Employment Research, Turkish Employment Institution (2000).
  • Turkish Employment Institution. Employment in Education, Vol.2, April-May (2011).
  • Ulhøi, J.P. The Social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship, Science Direct, Elsevier, Technovation, 25, (2005): pp. 939-946.
  • Valencia, M. Past Female Entrepreneurship with the Stress on the Future in New Economy Globalization, in The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization 13-25, Markovi, M. Radovi. Elsevier (2007).
  • Vecchio, Robert P. Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Common Trends and Common Threads, Human Resource Management Review 13, Science Direct, Pengamon, (2003): pp. 303-327.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gönül Oğuz

Publication Date January 25, 2019
Submission Date January 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


Chicago Oğuz, Gönül. “Gender Differences in Entrepreneurship: The EU and Turkey”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 17, no. 2 (January 2019): 317-49.


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