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Avrupa’da Yükselen Aşırı Sağ, Yeni ‘Öteki’ler ve Türkiye’nin AB Üyeliği

Year 2014, , 163 - 184, 01.05.2014


Makalede ilk olarak aşırı sağ partilerin Avrupa’da yükseliş nedenleri, Batı Avrupa’da aşırı sağ partilerin göçmenleri özellikle de Müslüman göçmenleri “öteki”leştirmesi tartışılacak, ikinci olarak Avusturya’da aşırı sağ partilerin federal parlamento seçimlerine yansıyan gücü, özellikle Avusturya Özgürlük Partisi FPÖ ’nün parti programı ve söylemi üzerinde durulacak, buna karşılık Almanya’da aşırı sağ partilerin özellikle Alman Ulusal Demokrat Partisi NPD ’nin daha çok yerel düzeydeki gücü ve parti programı incelenecektir. FPÖ ve NPD’nin parti programlarında özellikle göçmenlere, ulusal kimliklerine, Avrupa kimliğine ve Avrupa Birliği AB ’ye bakış açıları incelenecektir. Avusturya’da popülist aşırı sağ partilerin federal düzeydeki gücü ile Almanya’da aşırı sağın daha çok yerel düzeyde etkili oluşu, aşırı sağ hareketlerin ve göçmenlere karşı şiddet eylemlerinin yaygın oluşu karşılaştırılacaktır. Üçüncü olarak Türk göçmenlerin yoğun olduğu Almanya ve Avusturya gibi ülkelerde aşırı sağ söylemde özellikle Müslüman göçmenlerin ötekileştirilmesi ve Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine karşı söylem tartışılacak, son olarak da Avrupa’da aşırı sağın yükselişinin Avrupa’nın geleceğine ve Türkiye’nin AB üyeliği sürecine etkileri tartışılacaktır


  • “Aşırı Sağ Parti NPD Başkanı Voigt: Sarrazin ve Uyum Tartışmaları, NPD’ye Olan Bakış Açısını Olumlu Etkiledi”, Zaman Avrupa, 25.11.2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 11.03.2012).
  • Bennhold, Katrin, “2 Personalities Clash on European Immigration,” International Herald Tribune, 15.01.2008 .
  • “Book Sets off Immigration Debate in Germany”, The New York Times, 02.09.2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 04.03. 2012).
  • Canatan, Kadir, “İslamofobi ve Anti-İslamizm: Kavramsal ve Tarihsel Yaklaşım”, Kadir Canatan ve Özcan Hıdır der., Batı Dünyasında İslamofobi ve Anti- İslamizm, Ankara: Eskiyeni Yay., 2007.
  • Chazan, David, “Fransa Seçimleri: Le Pen Yandaşları Ne Düşünüyor?”, BBC Türkçe, (02.05.2012) l>, (Erişim tarihi: 04.11.2013).
  • Britta Schellenberg, “Strategies against The Radical Right and for a Pluralist, Forward
  • Looking Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right”
  • Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich
  • Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s. 317.
  • Delanty, Gerard, “Fear of “Other”s: Social Exclusion and the European Crisis of Solidarity”, Social Policy and Administration, Cilt 42, Sayı 6, 2008, s.676-690.
  • “Elections to the German Bundestag”, (2005, 2009), (Erişim tarihi: 07.04.2012).
  • “Facts About Germany”, 21.04.2012, , (Erişim tarihi: 27.04.2012).
  • “Federal Elections in Austria,” (1999, 2002, 2006, 2008), , (Erişim tarihi: 18.04.2012).
  • Fligstein, Neil, Alina Polyakova ve Wayne Sandholtz, “European Integration, Nationalism and European Identity”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 50, Sayı 1, 2012, s.106-122.
  • FPÖ Parti Programı, 18.06.2011, , (Erişim tarihi: 12.02.2012).
  • Godin, Emanuel ve David Hanley, “Introduction: No Enemies on the Right? Competition and Collusion between Conservatives, Moderates and Extreme Right Parties in Europe”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Cilt 21, Sayı 1, 2013, s.2-4.
  • Gowland, David, Richard Dunphy ve Charlotte Lythe, The European Mosaic, London: Prentice Hall, 2006.
  • Holmes, Douglas R., “Experimental Identities (after Maastricht)”, Jeffrey Checkel ve Peter Katzenstein der., European Identity, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Howard, Marc Morje, “Can Populism be Suppressed in a Democracy?”, East European Politics and Societies, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 2001, s.18-32.
  • Institute of Race Relations European Research Programme, “State Intelligence Agencies and the Far Right: A Review of Developments in Germany, Hungary and Austria”, Sayı 6, Nisan 2013, s.1-11.
  • Kuran-Burçoğlu, Nedret, “From Vision to Reality: A Socio-Cultural Critique of Turkey’s Accession Process”, Esra Lagro ve Knud E. Jorgensen der., Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for a Difficult Encounter, New York, Palgrave Yay., 2007.
  • Langenbacher, Nora ve Britta Schellenberg, “Introduction: An Anthology about the Manifestations and Development of the Radical Right in Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.11-25.
  • Marine Le Pen’le Röportaj, “Türkiye’nin AB’ye Girmesine Karşıyım”, Euronews, 18.02.2011, , (Erişim tarihi: 09.03.2012).
  • Mercan, Sezgin, “Avrupa’da Aşırı Sağın Yükselişini Anlamak”, 24.01.2012, Avrupada_Asiri_Sagin_Yukselisini_Anlamak.html>, (Erişim tarihi: 14.05.2012).
  • Minkenberg, Michael, “From Pariah to Policy-Maker? The Radical Right in Europe, West and East: Between Margin and Mainstream”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Cilt 21, Sayı 1, 2013, s.5-24.
  • Minkenberg, Michael, “The Radical Right in Europe Today: Trends and Patterns in East and West”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.37-55.
  • Mudde, Cas, “The Single-Issue Party Thesis: Extreme Right Parties and the Immigration Issue”, West European Politics, Cilt 22, Sayı 3, 1999, s.182-197.
  • Mudde, Cas, “Radical Right Parties in Europe: What, Who, Why?”, Participation (Bulletin of the International Political Science Association), Cilt 35, Sayı 1, Ekim 2011, s.12-15.
  • NPD Parti Programı, 2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 16.02.2012).
  • Schellenberg, Britta, “The Radical Right in Germany: Its Prohibition and Reinvention”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.57-81.
  • Schellenberg, Britta, “Strategies against The Radical Right and for a Pluralist, Forward-Looking Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s. 309-317.
  • Schulz, Martin, “Combating Right-wing Extremism as a Task for European Policy Making”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.27-35.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 62, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Güz 2004.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 71, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Bahar 2009.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 74, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Güz 2010.
  • Strasser, Sabine, “Europe’s Other: Nationalism, Transnationals and Contested Images of Turkey in Austria”, European Societies, Cilt 10, Sayı 2, 2008, s.177- 195.
  • “The Annual Report on the Situation Regarding Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU”, EUMC, 2006, , (Erişim tarihi: 18.02.2012).
  • Wets, Johan, “The Turkish Community in Austria and Belgium: The Challenge of Integration”, Turkish Studies, Cilt 7, No. 1, Mart 2006, s.85-100.
  • Williams, Michelle Hale, “Can Leopards Change Their Spots? Between Xenophobia and Trans-ethnic Populism among West European Far Right Parties”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Cilt 16, 2010, s.111-134.
  • Yeşilyurt Gündüz, Zuhal, “The European Union at 50: Xenophobia, Islamophobia and the Rise of the Radical Right”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Cilt 30, Sayı 1, Mart 2010, s. 35-47.
  • Zuquete, Jose Pedro, “The European Extreme-Right and Islam: New Directions?”, Journal of Political Ideologies, Cilt 13, Sayı 3, Ekim 2008, s. 321-344.

The Rise of Far Right in Europe, New ‘Othering’ of Immigrants and Turkey’s EU Membership

Year 2014, , 163 - 184, 01.05.2014


In this article firstly the reasons of the rise of far right in Europe, in Western Europe “othering” of immigrants especially Muslim immigrants will be discussed. Secondly, the rise of the far-right parties in Austria which can be seen at federal parliament elections, the party programme of Freedom Party of Austria FPÖ anddiscourse of its leaders and the strength of far-right at local level in Germany and especially the party programme of National Democrat Party NPD will be analysed. In the party programmes of FPÖ and NPD, especially their perceptions about immigrants, national identities, European identity and European Union EU will be examined. The strength of populist far right parties at federal level in Austria will be compared with the influence of far right at local level in Germany, far right movements and violent attacks against immigrants will be compared. Thirdly, in countries such as Germany and Austria which have high number of Turkish immigrants othering of Muslim immigrants by far right and discourse against Turkey’s membership to the EU will be discussed and finally, the influence of the rise of far right in Europe on the future of Europe and Turkey’s accession process to the EU will be analysed


  • “Aşırı Sağ Parti NPD Başkanı Voigt: Sarrazin ve Uyum Tartışmaları, NPD’ye Olan Bakış Açısını Olumlu Etkiledi”, Zaman Avrupa, 25.11.2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 11.03.2012).
  • Bennhold, Katrin, “2 Personalities Clash on European Immigration,” International Herald Tribune, 15.01.2008 .
  • “Book Sets off Immigration Debate in Germany”, The New York Times, 02.09.2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 04.03. 2012).
  • Canatan, Kadir, “İslamofobi ve Anti-İslamizm: Kavramsal ve Tarihsel Yaklaşım”, Kadir Canatan ve Özcan Hıdır der., Batı Dünyasında İslamofobi ve Anti- İslamizm, Ankara: Eskiyeni Yay., 2007.
  • Chazan, David, “Fransa Seçimleri: Le Pen Yandaşları Ne Düşünüyor?”, BBC Türkçe, (02.05.2012) l>, (Erişim tarihi: 04.11.2013).
  • Britta Schellenberg, “Strategies against The Radical Right and for a Pluralist, Forward
  • Looking Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right”
  • Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich
  • Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s. 317.
  • Delanty, Gerard, “Fear of “Other”s: Social Exclusion and the European Crisis of Solidarity”, Social Policy and Administration, Cilt 42, Sayı 6, 2008, s.676-690.
  • “Elections to the German Bundestag”, (2005, 2009), (Erişim tarihi: 07.04.2012).
  • “Facts About Germany”, 21.04.2012, , (Erişim tarihi: 27.04.2012).
  • “Federal Elections in Austria,” (1999, 2002, 2006, 2008), , (Erişim tarihi: 18.04.2012).
  • Fligstein, Neil, Alina Polyakova ve Wayne Sandholtz, “European Integration, Nationalism and European Identity”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 50, Sayı 1, 2012, s.106-122.
  • FPÖ Parti Programı, 18.06.2011, , (Erişim tarihi: 12.02.2012).
  • Godin, Emanuel ve David Hanley, “Introduction: No Enemies on the Right? Competition and Collusion between Conservatives, Moderates and Extreme Right Parties in Europe”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Cilt 21, Sayı 1, 2013, s.2-4.
  • Gowland, David, Richard Dunphy ve Charlotte Lythe, The European Mosaic, London: Prentice Hall, 2006.
  • Holmes, Douglas R., “Experimental Identities (after Maastricht)”, Jeffrey Checkel ve Peter Katzenstein der., European Identity, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Howard, Marc Morje, “Can Populism be Suppressed in a Democracy?”, East European Politics and Societies, Cilt 14, Sayı 2, 2001, s.18-32.
  • Institute of Race Relations European Research Programme, “State Intelligence Agencies and the Far Right: A Review of Developments in Germany, Hungary and Austria”, Sayı 6, Nisan 2013, s.1-11.
  • Kuran-Burçoğlu, Nedret, “From Vision to Reality: A Socio-Cultural Critique of Turkey’s Accession Process”, Esra Lagro ve Knud E. Jorgensen der., Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for a Difficult Encounter, New York, Palgrave Yay., 2007.
  • Langenbacher, Nora ve Britta Schellenberg, “Introduction: An Anthology about the Manifestations and Development of the Radical Right in Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.11-25.
  • Marine Le Pen’le Röportaj, “Türkiye’nin AB’ye Girmesine Karşıyım”, Euronews, 18.02.2011, , (Erişim tarihi: 09.03.2012).
  • Mercan, Sezgin, “Avrupa’da Aşırı Sağın Yükselişini Anlamak”, 24.01.2012, Avrupada_Asiri_Sagin_Yukselisini_Anlamak.html>, (Erişim tarihi: 14.05.2012).
  • Minkenberg, Michael, “From Pariah to Policy-Maker? The Radical Right in Europe, West and East: Between Margin and Mainstream”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Cilt 21, Sayı 1, 2013, s.5-24.
  • Minkenberg, Michael, “The Radical Right in Europe Today: Trends and Patterns in East and West”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.37-55.
  • Mudde, Cas, “The Single-Issue Party Thesis: Extreme Right Parties and the Immigration Issue”, West European Politics, Cilt 22, Sayı 3, 1999, s.182-197.
  • Mudde, Cas, “Radical Right Parties in Europe: What, Who, Why?”, Participation (Bulletin of the International Political Science Association), Cilt 35, Sayı 1, Ekim 2011, s.12-15.
  • NPD Parti Programı, 2010, , (Erişim tarihi: 16.02.2012).
  • Schellenberg, Britta, “The Radical Right in Germany: Its Prohibition and Reinvention”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.57-81.
  • Schellenberg, Britta, “Strategies against The Radical Right and for a Pluralist, Forward-Looking Europe”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s. 309-317.
  • Schulz, Martin, “Combating Right-wing Extremism as a Task for European Policy Making”, Nora Langenbacher ve Britta Schellenberg der., Is Europe on the “Right” Path?: Right-wing Extremism and Right-wing Populism in Europe, Forum Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2011, s.27-35.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 62, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Güz 2004.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 71, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Bahar 2009.
  • Standart Eurobarometre 74, Brüksel, Avrupa Komisyonu, Güz 2010.
  • Strasser, Sabine, “Europe’s Other: Nationalism, Transnationals and Contested Images of Turkey in Austria”, European Societies, Cilt 10, Sayı 2, 2008, s.177- 195.
  • “The Annual Report on the Situation Regarding Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU”, EUMC, 2006, , (Erişim tarihi: 18.02.2012).
  • Wets, Johan, “The Turkish Community in Austria and Belgium: The Challenge of Integration”, Turkish Studies, Cilt 7, No. 1, Mart 2006, s.85-100.
  • Williams, Michelle Hale, “Can Leopards Change Their Spots? Between Xenophobia and Trans-ethnic Populism among West European Far Right Parties”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Cilt 16, 2010, s.111-134.
  • Yeşilyurt Gündüz, Zuhal, “The European Union at 50: Xenophobia, Islamophobia and the Rise of the Radical Right”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Cilt 30, Sayı 1, Mart 2010, s. 35-47.
  • Zuquete, Jose Pedro, “The European Extreme-Right and Islam: New Directions?”, Journal of Political Ideologies, Cilt 13, Sayı 3, Ekim 2008, s. 321-344.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Selcen Öner This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2014
Submission Date January 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


Chicago Öner, Selcen. “Avrupa’da Yükselen Aşırı Sağ, Yeni ‘Öteki’ler Ve Türkiye’nin AB Üyeliği”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 13, no. 1 (May 2014): 163-84.

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