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AB ve Türkiye Arasındaki Geri Kabul Uygulamaları ve Politikaları Üzerine Eleştirel Tartışmalar

Year 2020, , 501 - 522, 12.03.2021


Bu çalışma Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği arasındaki Geri Kabul Anlaşması ve vize muafiyeti görüşmelerine ilişkin tarihsel arkaplanı ve güncel gelişmeleri, Dışişleri Bakanlığı ve Avrupa Birliği’nin resmi belgelerine dayanarak analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği’nin politikaları, üçüncü bir göz olarak uluslararası hükümet ve hükümet dışı örgütler perspektifinden, özellikle Birleşmiş Milletler, İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü ve Uluslararası Af Örgütü’nün düzenli olarak yayınlamakta olduğu raporlar aracılığıyla eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilecektir. Bu çerçevede, Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği’nin göç kontrolünü sağlamak için sergilediği siyasi yaklaşımlar ve güvenlik politikaları üzerine kritik öneme sahip argümanlar tartışılacak; tarafların göç krizini neden bölgesel ve özellikle iki taraflı araçlarla çözmeyi tercih ettiği


  • Bürgin, Alexander. “European Commission’s Agency meets Ankara’s Agenda: Why Turkey is Ready for a Readmission Agreement, Journal of European Public Policy, 19, no: 6, (2012): 883-899.
  • Bürgin, Alexander and Derya Aşıkoğlu. “Turkey’s New Asylum Law: a Case of EU Influence”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (2015): 1-15.
  • Carrera, Sergio and Roberto Cortinovis. “The EU’s Role in Implementing the UN Global Impact on Refugees”, “CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe, no 2018-04 (2019): 1-18.
  • “CFSP Report on Our Priorities in 2018”, Council of the European Union, Brussels, 2018, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Çavuşoğlu: Geri Kabul Anlaşması’nı Askıya Aldık”, Deutsche Welle, July 22, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • De Marcilly, Charles and Angéline Garde. “The EU-Turkey Agreement and Its Implications”, Fondation Robert Schuman Policy Paper, European Issues, no 396 (2016): 1-8.
  • Directorate General of Migration Management Mission, Accessed November 20, 2019, (Accessed on 27.01.2020).
  • Ekşi, Nuray. “Readmission Agreement between the European Union and Turkey: A Chain of Mistakes”. In International Community and Refugees: Responsibilities, Possibilities, Human Rights and Violations, 143-183. İstanbul: Amnesty International Turkey Publications, 2016: 143-183.
  • EU Asylum Procedures Directive, Directive 2013/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on Common Procedures for Granting and Withdrawing international Protection (Recast), Accessed on February 19, 2020,
  • “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations”, European Commission, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “European Commission Makes Progress on Agenda on Migration”, European Commission, May 27, 2015, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • European Council Presidency Conclusions on Migration, EUCO 22/15, Brussels, June 26, 2015, Accessed on February 21, 2020,
  • “EU: Don’t Send Syrians Back to Turkey, Human Rights Watch”, June 20, 2016, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “EU-Turkey Deal: A shameful stain on the collective conscience of Europe”, Amnesty International, March 17, 2017, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “Greece: Message for European Leaders Beamed onto Acropolis on Anniversary of EU- Turkey Deal”, Amnesty International, March 18, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “GDP per capita (current US$) - Poland, Greece, Portugal, Germany, European Union”, World Bank, 2019, Accessed on December 6, 2019,
  • Gogou, Kondylia. “The EU-Turkey Deal: Europe’s Year of Shame”, Amnesty International, March 20, 2017, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Göçmen, İlke. “Türkiye ile Avrupa Birliği Arasındaki Geri Kabul Anlaşmasının Hukuki Yönden Analizi”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi (Ankara Review of European Studies) 13, no: 2 (2015): 21-86.
  • “Greece: Highest Court Fails Asylum Seekers”, Human Rights Watch, September 27, 2017, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Greece: Message for European Leaders Beamed onto Acropolis on Anniversary of EU-Turkey Deal”, Amnesty International, March 18, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Greece: Violence Against Asylum Seekers at Border”, Human Rights Watch, March 17, 2020, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • İçduygu, Ahmet and Damla B. Aksel. “Two-to-Tango in Migration Diplomacy: Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey”, European Journal of Migration and Law 16 (2014): 336-362.
  • Markakis, Laeticia. “UN Calls for More Help to Syrian Refugees”, Euranet Plus News Agency, March 30, 2016, Accessed February 4, 2020,
  • Markakis, Laeticia. “Bumpy Kick-Off for EU-Turkey Migration Deal”, Euranet Plus News Agency, March 29, 2016, Accessed on February 4, 2020,
  • “Migration and Home Affairs Return and Readmission”, European Commission, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Migratory Map”, FRONTEX, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Money, Jeannette and Sarah P. Lockheart, Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation, (Athens: The University of Georgia Press), 2018.
  • Online Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Erdenir, Directorate for EU Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), İzmir, May 20, 2020.
  • Open letter to European governments, Immediately honour commitments to relocate unaccompanied children from the Greek islands, April 3, 2020, Athens: 1-4, Accessed May 21, 2020,
  • Paçacı Elitok, Seçil. “Three Years on: An Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal”, MiReKoC Working Papers (2019): 1-18.
  • “Q&A: Why the EU-Turkey Migration Deal is no Blueprint”, Human Rights Watch, November 14, 2016, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Rygiel, Kim., Feyzi Baban and Suzan Ilcan. “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: The EUTurkey ‘Deal’ and Temporary Protection”, Global Social Policy 16, no 3 (2016): 315-320.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken. “AB’nin Mülteci Krizi: Normlar-Çıkarlar Dikotomisi Üzerinden AB’yi Yeniden Değerlendirmek”. In Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, eds. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör, Yeşim Kuştepeli, 212-237, İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Yayınları, No: 293, 2017: 212-237.
  • Simpson, Gerry. “Repatriation of Syrians in Turkey Needs EU Action”, July 11, 2019, Accessed on May 19, 2020,
  • “Syrians with Temporary Protection”, Turkish Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management October 10, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Şen, Yusuf Furkan and Gözde Özkorul. “Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Eşik: Sığınmacı Krizi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme” Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi (The Journal of Migration Studies) 2, no 2 (2016): 86-119.
  • “The EU in the World-living Conditions”, Eurostat, 2018, Accessed on December 6, 2019,
  • “Towards an Effective and Principled EU Migration Policy”, Human Rights Watch, June 18, 2018, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Turkey 2018 Progress Report, European Commission 2018, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Turkey 2019 Report, European Commission, SWD(2019) 220 final, Brussels, May 29, 2019, Accessed on January 27, 2020,
  • “Turkey Stops Registering Syrian Asylum Seekers”, Human Rights Watch, July 16, 2018, Accessed May 21, 2020,
  • “Türkiye Avrupa’ya açtığı sınırları koronavirüs nedeniyle kapatıyor”, Deutsche Welle, March 18, 2020. Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “Türkiye’nin 5 kriteri tamamlamasını bekliyoruz”, Milliyet, May 4, 2016, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Türkiye-AB Vize Muafiyeti Süreci ve Geri Kabul Anlaşması Hakkında Temel Sorular ve Yanıtları”, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Avrupa Birliği Başkanlığı, 2013, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Turkey”, UNHCR Global Appeal, 2009, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Velentza, Christina. “The Greek Response to the Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean (The Period of 2015-2016): An Overview”, MiReKoc Working Papers, 12 (2018): 1-18.
  • “2016 EU-Turkey Statement”, European Council, March 18, 2016, Accessed on November 20, 2019,


Year 2020, , 501 - 522, 12.03.2021


This paper aims to analyze the historical background and the recent developments concerning the Readmission Agreement and free visa negotiations between Turkey and the European Union through the official documents of Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the European Union. As a third view, the policies of Turkey and the EU will be critically assessed from the perspectives of the international governmental organizations and non-governmental actors, namely the United Nations, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International through their regular reports. Within the scope of the analyses, it is aimed to discuss the critical arguments on political approaches and security policies of the European Union and Turkey on migration control and elaborate why both sides preferred to solve the migration crisis through regional, and
specifically, bilateral instruments.


  • Bürgin, Alexander. “European Commission’s Agency meets Ankara’s Agenda: Why Turkey is Ready for a Readmission Agreement, Journal of European Public Policy, 19, no: 6, (2012): 883-899.
  • Bürgin, Alexander and Derya Aşıkoğlu. “Turkey’s New Asylum Law: a Case of EU Influence”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (2015): 1-15.
  • Carrera, Sergio and Roberto Cortinovis. “The EU’s Role in Implementing the UN Global Impact on Refugees”, “CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe, no 2018-04 (2019): 1-18.
  • “CFSP Report on Our Priorities in 2018”, Council of the European Union, Brussels, 2018, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Çavuşoğlu: Geri Kabul Anlaşması’nı Askıya Aldık”, Deutsche Welle, July 22, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • De Marcilly, Charles and Angéline Garde. “The EU-Turkey Agreement and Its Implications”, Fondation Robert Schuman Policy Paper, European Issues, no 396 (2016): 1-8.
  • Directorate General of Migration Management Mission, Accessed November 20, 2019, (Accessed on 27.01.2020).
  • Ekşi, Nuray. “Readmission Agreement between the European Union and Turkey: A Chain of Mistakes”. In International Community and Refugees: Responsibilities, Possibilities, Human Rights and Violations, 143-183. İstanbul: Amnesty International Turkey Publications, 2016: 143-183.
  • EU Asylum Procedures Directive, Directive 2013/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on Common Procedures for Granting and Withdrawing international Protection (Recast), Accessed on February 19, 2020,
  • “European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations”, European Commission, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “European Commission Makes Progress on Agenda on Migration”, European Commission, May 27, 2015, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • European Council Presidency Conclusions on Migration, EUCO 22/15, Brussels, June 26, 2015, Accessed on February 21, 2020,
  • “EU: Don’t Send Syrians Back to Turkey, Human Rights Watch”, June 20, 2016, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “EU-Turkey Deal: A shameful stain on the collective conscience of Europe”, Amnesty International, March 17, 2017, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “Greece: Message for European Leaders Beamed onto Acropolis on Anniversary of EU- Turkey Deal”, Amnesty International, March 18, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “GDP per capita (current US$) - Poland, Greece, Portugal, Germany, European Union”, World Bank, 2019, Accessed on December 6, 2019,
  • Gogou, Kondylia. “The EU-Turkey Deal: Europe’s Year of Shame”, Amnesty International, March 20, 2017, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Göçmen, İlke. “Türkiye ile Avrupa Birliği Arasındaki Geri Kabul Anlaşmasının Hukuki Yönden Analizi”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi (Ankara Review of European Studies) 13, no: 2 (2015): 21-86.
  • “Greece: Highest Court Fails Asylum Seekers”, Human Rights Watch, September 27, 2017, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Greece: Message for European Leaders Beamed onto Acropolis on Anniversary of EU-Turkey Deal”, Amnesty International, March 18, 2019, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Greece: Violence Against Asylum Seekers at Border”, Human Rights Watch, March 17, 2020, Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • İçduygu, Ahmet and Damla B. Aksel. “Two-to-Tango in Migration Diplomacy: Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey”, European Journal of Migration and Law 16 (2014): 336-362.
  • Markakis, Laeticia. “UN Calls for More Help to Syrian Refugees”, Euranet Plus News Agency, March 30, 2016, Accessed February 4, 2020,
  • Markakis, Laeticia. “Bumpy Kick-Off for EU-Turkey Migration Deal”, Euranet Plus News Agency, March 29, 2016, Accessed on February 4, 2020,
  • “Migration and Home Affairs Return and Readmission”, European Commission, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Migratory Map”, FRONTEX, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Money, Jeannette and Sarah P. Lockheart, Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation, (Athens: The University of Georgia Press), 2018.
  • Online Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Erdenir, Directorate for EU Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), İzmir, May 20, 2020.
  • Open letter to European governments, Immediately honour commitments to relocate unaccompanied children from the Greek islands, April 3, 2020, Athens: 1-4, Accessed May 21, 2020,
  • Paçacı Elitok, Seçil. “Three Years on: An Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal”, MiReKoC Working Papers (2019): 1-18.
  • “Q&A: Why the EU-Turkey Migration Deal is no Blueprint”, Human Rights Watch, November 14, 2016, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Rygiel, Kim., Feyzi Baban and Suzan Ilcan. “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: The EUTurkey ‘Deal’ and Temporary Protection”, Global Social Policy 16, no 3 (2016): 315-320.
  • Saatçioğlu, Beken. “AB’nin Mülteci Krizi: Normlar-Çıkarlar Dikotomisi Üzerinden AB’yi Yeniden Değerlendirmek”. In Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, eds. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör, Yeşim Kuştepeli, 212-237, İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Yayınları, No: 293, 2017: 212-237.
  • Simpson, Gerry. “Repatriation of Syrians in Turkey Needs EU Action”, July 11, 2019, Accessed on May 19, 2020,
  • “Syrians with Temporary Protection”, Turkish Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management October 10, 2019, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Şen, Yusuf Furkan and Gözde Özkorul. “Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Eşik: Sığınmacı Krizi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme” Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi (The Journal of Migration Studies) 2, no 2 (2016): 86-119.
  • “The EU in the World-living Conditions”, Eurostat, 2018, Accessed on December 6, 2019,
  • “Towards an Effective and Principled EU Migration Policy”, Human Rights Watch, June 18, 2018, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Turkey 2018 Progress Report, European Commission 2018, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Turkey 2019 Report, European Commission, SWD(2019) 220 final, Brussels, May 29, 2019, Accessed on January 27, 2020,
  • “Turkey Stops Registering Syrian Asylum Seekers”, Human Rights Watch, July 16, 2018, Accessed May 21, 2020,
  • “Türkiye Avrupa’ya açtığı sınırları koronavirüs nedeniyle kapatıyor”, Deutsche Welle, March 18, 2020. Accessed on May 21, 2020,
  • “Türkiye’nin 5 kriteri tamamlamasını bekliyoruz”, Milliyet, May 4, 2016, Accessed November 20, 2019,
  • “Türkiye-AB Vize Muafiyeti Süreci ve Geri Kabul Anlaşması Hakkında Temel Sorular ve Yanıtları”, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Avrupa Birliği Başkanlığı, 2013, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • “Turkey”, UNHCR Global Appeal, 2009, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
  • Velentza, Christina. “The Greek Response to the Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean (The Period of 2015-2016): An Overview”, MiReKoc Working Papers, 12 (2018): 1-18.
  • “2016 EU-Turkey Statement”, European Council, March 18, 2016, Accessed on November 20, 2019,
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Zühal Ünalp-çepel This is me 0000-0002-2057-5966

Publication Date March 12, 2021
Submission Date February 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Ünalp-çepel, Zühal. “CRITICAL ARGUMENTS ABOUT READMISSION PRACTICES AND POLICIES BETWEEN EU AND TURKEY”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 19, no. 2 (March 2021): 501-22.


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