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Avrupa Birliğinde Ontolojik Güven(siz)lik: Kıbrıs Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 167 - 193, 05.08.2022


Ontolojik güven(siz)lik kavramı son yıllarda güvenlik çalışmalarına dahil edilmiş ve popülerlik kazanmıştır. Bireyler ve devletler içgüdüsel olarak fiziksel güvenliklerini sağlamaya çalışırlar, ancak varlığın istikrarının ve güvenliğinin garanti edilemeyeceği bir ortamda kendilerini tamamen güvende hissetmezler. Belirsizlik ortamında devletler ve bireyler güven duygusu oluşturmak için anlatılar, alışkanlıklar ve rutinler yoluyla ontolojik güvenliğe ulaşma arayışındadırlar. Bu bağlamda, bu makale temel bir soruyu yanıtlamaya çalışmaktadır: AB'nin adadaki Türk ve Rum toplulukları arasındaki güvenlik ikilemlerini çözmedeki başarısızlığı göz önüne alındığında, devam eden Kıbrıs ihtilafı ontolojik güven(siz)lik üzerinden nasıl açıklanabilir? Makalenin bulguları mevcut literatüre katkıda bulunacak ve devam eden çatışmalarda ontolojik güvenliğin rolüne ilişkin yeni tartışmalara yol açacaktır.


  • BBC News (2020) ‘Brexit: all you need to know about the UK leaving the EU’, 17 February 2020, <>, accessed 27 March 2020
  • BBC News (2004) ‘Cyprus “spurns historic” chance’, 25 April 2004, <>, accessed 27 March 2020
  • Berenskötter, Felix (2018) ‘Deep Theorising in International Relations’, European Journal of International Relations, 24:4, 814-840.
  • Deutsch, Karl (1957) Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
  • Diez, Thomas (2004) ‘Europe’s others and the return of geopolitics’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17:2, 319-335.
  • European Union, “The State of The Union Address by President Von Der Leyen”, (21.11.2021)
  • European Union External Action Service, “Foreign Affairs Council: Press Remarks By High Representative Josep Borrell”,, (15.12.2021).
  • Gergen, Kenneth J and Mary M Gergen (1997) ‘Narratives of the Self’ in Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman (ed) Memory, Identity, Community The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences, (Albany: State University of New York Press)
  • Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self-identity: self and society in the late modern age (Cambridge: Polity Press)
  • Gündem Kıbrıs (2021). “Renzi, Avrupa Bizim Evimiz, Bizim Geleceğimiz”,, (21.11.2021)
  • Hobsbowm, Eric (1990) Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: programme, myth, reality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • Johansson-Noges, Elisabeth (2018) ‘The EU’s Ontological (in)Security: Stabilising the Enp Area… and the EU-self?’ Cooperation and Conflict, 53:4, 528-544.
  • Kalantzopoulos, Dimitris (2018) ‘Cyprus in the 1940s: The Nationalisation of Greek Cypriot Politics’ in Thekla Kyritsi and Nikos Christotis (ed) Cypriot Nationalisms in Context – History, Identity and Politics, (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan), 1-328
  • Kinnvall, Catarina, Ian Manners and Jennifer Mitzen (2018) ‘Introduction to 2018 special issue of European Security: ontological (in)security in the European Union’, European Security, 27:3, 249-265.
  • Kinvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen (2017) ‘An introduction to the special issue: Ontological securities in World politics’, Cooperation and Conflict, 52(1), 3-11
  • Kinnvall, Catarina (2002) ‘Nationalism, religion and the search for chosen traumas: comparing Sikh and Hindu identity constructions’, Ethnicities, 2:1, 79–106.
  • Laing, Ronald (1964) The Divided Self: an existential study in sanity and madness (London: Pelican)
  • Lundh, Lars-Gunnar (1994) ‘Meaning Structures and Mental Representations’, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 36:4, 363-385.
  • Manners, Ian (2002) European [security] Union: from existential threat to ontological security (Copenhagen: Copenhagen Peace Research Institute)
  • Manners, Ian (2010) ‘Global Europa: mythology of the European Union in world politics’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48:1, 67-87.
  • Manners, Ian (2013) ‘European communion: political theory of European union’, Journal of European Public Policy, 20:4, 473-494.
  • Manners, Ian (2013) ‘European [Security] Union: Bordering and Governing a Secure Europe in a Better World?’, Global Society, 27:3, 398-416.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) ‘Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and Security Dilemma’, European Journal of International Relations, 12:3, 341-370.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) ‘Anchoring Europe’s civilizing identity: habits, capabilities and ontological security’, Journal of European Public Policy, 13:2, 270-285.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding the statement of the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostomos II”, (30.11.2021).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding European Union’s continuation to spoil the Greek Cypriot Administration”, (30.11.2021).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding The Unjust Stance of the European Union”, (02.12.2021)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding the press release of Josep Borrell, The Vice- President of The European Commission and The High Representative of The European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,, (16.12.2021).
  • Presidency of The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (2021), “President Ersin Tatar made statements regarding the solution proposal based on two sovereign equal states: “The arrow has come out of the bow”,, (16.12.2021).
  • Reus-Smit, Christian and Duncan Sindal (2013) ‘Overview of International Relations: Between Utopia and Reality’ in Robert Goodin (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Political Science (United Kingdom: Oxford University Press)
  • Reuters (2021), “EU will 'never, ever' accept two-state deal on Cyprus”,, (16.12.2021)
  • Rizova, Tatiana (2019) ‘The Securitization of the European Migrant Crisis - Evidence from Bulgaria and Hungary (2015-2017)’ Review of European Studies, 11:4, 78-87.
  • Ribeiro, Rita (2013) ‘Narratives of Redemption: Memory and Identity in Europe’ in R Cabecinhas and L Abadia (eds) Narratives and social memory: theoretical and methodological approaches (Braga: Communication and Society Research Centre Publication), 221-231
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2018) ‘Breaking with Europe’s pasts: memory, reconciliation, and ontological (In)security’, European Security, 27:3, 280-295.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2013) ‘Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik ve Ontolojik Güvenlik’, BSV Bülten, 25:83, 1-116.
  • Sala, Vincent Della (2018) ‘Narrating Europe: the EU's ontological security dilemma’, European Security, 27:3, 266-279.
  • Smith, Anthony (1999) Myths and Memories of the Nation (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
  • Soto, de Alvaro (2006) ‘The Chess Master -Cyprus’ in Harriet Martin Kings of Peace, Pawns of War (New York: Continuum), 1-177
  • Steele, Brent J (2008) Ontological security in international relations (New York: Routledge)
  • Swedberg, Richard (2005) The Max Weber Dictionary (California: Stanford University Press)


Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 167 - 193, 05.08.2022


Ontological (in)security concept has been recently introduced to the security studies and qained popularity. Individuals and states instinctively pursue their physical security, but they never feel completely safe in an environment which stability and security of self’s existence cannot be guaranteed. They’re in a search for attaining ontological security through narratives, habits, and routines to generate a sense of trust in an uncertainty environment. In this regard, this article tries to answer a key question: how ongoing Cyprus conflict be explained through ontological (in)security considering the EU’s failure to unravel security dilemmas between Turkish and Greek communities on the island? The findings of the article will contribute to the existing literature and open up new debates concerning the role of ontological (in)security in ongoing conflicts


  • BBC News (2020) ‘Brexit: all you need to know about the UK leaving the EU’, 17 February 2020, <>, accessed 27 March 2020
  • BBC News (2004) ‘Cyprus “spurns historic” chance’, 25 April 2004, <>, accessed 27 March 2020
  • Berenskötter, Felix (2018) ‘Deep Theorising in International Relations’, European Journal of International Relations, 24:4, 814-840.
  • Deutsch, Karl (1957) Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
  • Diez, Thomas (2004) ‘Europe’s others and the return of geopolitics’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17:2, 319-335.
  • European Union, “The State of The Union Address by President Von Der Leyen”, (21.11.2021)
  • European Union External Action Service, “Foreign Affairs Council: Press Remarks By High Representative Josep Borrell”,, (15.12.2021).
  • Gergen, Kenneth J and Mary M Gergen (1997) ‘Narratives of the Self’ in Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman (ed) Memory, Identity, Community The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences, (Albany: State University of New York Press)
  • Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self-identity: self and society in the late modern age (Cambridge: Polity Press)
  • Gündem Kıbrıs (2021). “Renzi, Avrupa Bizim Evimiz, Bizim Geleceğimiz”,, (21.11.2021)
  • Hobsbowm, Eric (1990) Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: programme, myth, reality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • Johansson-Noges, Elisabeth (2018) ‘The EU’s Ontological (in)Security: Stabilising the Enp Area… and the EU-self?’ Cooperation and Conflict, 53:4, 528-544.
  • Kalantzopoulos, Dimitris (2018) ‘Cyprus in the 1940s: The Nationalisation of Greek Cypriot Politics’ in Thekla Kyritsi and Nikos Christotis (ed) Cypriot Nationalisms in Context – History, Identity and Politics, (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan), 1-328
  • Kinnvall, Catarina, Ian Manners and Jennifer Mitzen (2018) ‘Introduction to 2018 special issue of European Security: ontological (in)security in the European Union’, European Security, 27:3, 249-265.
  • Kinvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen (2017) ‘An introduction to the special issue: Ontological securities in World politics’, Cooperation and Conflict, 52(1), 3-11
  • Kinnvall, Catarina (2002) ‘Nationalism, religion and the search for chosen traumas: comparing Sikh and Hindu identity constructions’, Ethnicities, 2:1, 79–106.
  • Laing, Ronald (1964) The Divided Self: an existential study in sanity and madness (London: Pelican)
  • Lundh, Lars-Gunnar (1994) ‘Meaning Structures and Mental Representations’, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 36:4, 363-385.
  • Manners, Ian (2002) European [security] Union: from existential threat to ontological security (Copenhagen: Copenhagen Peace Research Institute)
  • Manners, Ian (2010) ‘Global Europa: mythology of the European Union in world politics’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48:1, 67-87.
  • Manners, Ian (2013) ‘European communion: political theory of European union’, Journal of European Public Policy, 20:4, 473-494.
  • Manners, Ian (2013) ‘European [Security] Union: Bordering and Governing a Secure Europe in a Better World?’, Global Society, 27:3, 398-416.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) ‘Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and Security Dilemma’, European Journal of International Relations, 12:3, 341-370.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) ‘Anchoring Europe’s civilizing identity: habits, capabilities and ontological security’, Journal of European Public Policy, 13:2, 270-285.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding the statement of the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostomos II”, (30.11.2021).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding European Union’s continuation to spoil the Greek Cypriot Administration”, (30.11.2021).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding The Unjust Stance of the European Union”, (02.12.2021)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, “Regarding the press release of Josep Borrell, The Vice- President of The European Commission and The High Representative of The European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,, (16.12.2021).
  • Presidency of The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (2021), “President Ersin Tatar made statements regarding the solution proposal based on two sovereign equal states: “The arrow has come out of the bow”,, (16.12.2021).
  • Reus-Smit, Christian and Duncan Sindal (2013) ‘Overview of International Relations: Between Utopia and Reality’ in Robert Goodin (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Political Science (United Kingdom: Oxford University Press)
  • Reuters (2021), “EU will 'never, ever' accept two-state deal on Cyprus”,, (16.12.2021)
  • Rizova, Tatiana (2019) ‘The Securitization of the European Migrant Crisis - Evidence from Bulgaria and Hungary (2015-2017)’ Review of European Studies, 11:4, 78-87.
  • Ribeiro, Rita (2013) ‘Narratives of Redemption: Memory and Identity in Europe’ in R Cabecinhas and L Abadia (eds) Narratives and social memory: theoretical and methodological approaches (Braga: Communication and Society Research Centre Publication), 221-231
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2018) ‘Breaking with Europe’s pasts: memory, reconciliation, and ontological (In)security’, European Security, 27:3, 280-295.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2013) ‘Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik ve Ontolojik Güvenlik’, BSV Bülten, 25:83, 1-116.
  • Sala, Vincent Della (2018) ‘Narrating Europe: the EU's ontological security dilemma’, European Security, 27:3, 266-279.
  • Smith, Anthony (1999) Myths and Memories of the Nation (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
  • Soto, de Alvaro (2006) ‘The Chess Master -Cyprus’ in Harriet Martin Kings of Peace, Pawns of War (New York: Continuum), 1-177
  • Steele, Brent J (2008) Ontological security in international relations (New York: Routledge)
  • Swedberg, Richard (2005) The Max Weber Dictionary (California: Stanford University Press)
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Siret Hürsoy This is me 0000-0002-3284-676X

Z. Melis Özün Çöllüoğlu This is me 0000-0003-1409-9593

Publication Date August 5, 2022
Submission Date February 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


Chicago Hürsoy, Siret, and Z. Melis Özün Çöllüoğlu. “ONTOLOGICAL (IN) SECURITY IN THE EU: THE CASE OF CYPRUS”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 21, no. 1 (August 2022): 167-93.