Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 257 - 284, 05.08.2022


This study discusses what implications territorial governance has on the governmental and territorial nature of the European Union (EU). The EU increasingly addresses governance on a territorial basis to improve its territorial integrity and coherence. It seeks to set up horizontal and vertical cooperation between different governmental levels and strengthen the institutionalization of
territories. This way of governing is bounded by the EU’s territory, thereby a single overarching political scale emerges. In this framework, perusing into the documents on spatial development and territorial state/agenda of the EU and the available literature, the study suggests that the spaces of governance in the EU, considered as territorial, are interwoven, and this structure is attached to a supranational territory.


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  • Davoudi, Simin, Neil Evans, Francesca Governa and Marco Santangelo. “Territorial Governance in the Making. Approaches, Methodologies, Practices.” Boletin de la AGEN, no 46 (2008): 33-52.
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Teritoryayla Sınırlandırma: Avrupa Birliği ve Çok Düzeyli Teritoryal Yönetişim

Year 2022, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 257 - 284, 05.08.2022


Bu çalışma, teritoryal yönetişimin Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) yönetimsel ve teritoryal yapısı üzerindeki etkisini tartışmaktadır. AB içerisinde yönetişim, Birliğin teritoryal bütünlüğünü ve uyumunu güçlendirmeye ilişkin olarak artan şekilde teritoryal bir bağlamda ele alınmaktadır. Birlik, teritoryal alanların kurumsallığını güçlendirmeyi ve farklı yönetimsel düzeyler arasında dikey ve yatay işbirliğini kurmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu yönetim biçimi, AB’nin teritoryasıyla sınırlandırılmaktadır ve böylece kapsayıcı tek bir siyasal ölçek ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çerçevede bu çalışma, AB’nin teritoryal durumuna/gündemine ve mekânsal gelişimine ilişkin belgeleri ve mevcut literatürü inceleyerek AB içerisinde teritoryal olarak değerlendirilen yönetişim mekânlarının iç içe geçmiş olduğunu ve bu yapının uluslar üstü bir teritoryaya bağlandığı ileri sürmektedir.


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  • Axford, Barrie and Richard Huggins. “Towards a Post-National Polity: The Emergence of the Network Society in Europe.” The Sociological Review 48, no 1 (2000): 173-206.
  • Bache, Ian and Matthew Flinders. “Themes and Issues in Multi-Level Governance.” in Multi-Level Governance, ed. Ian Bache and Matthew Flinders, 1-11. Oxford: Oxford University, 2004.
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  • Beck, Joachim. “Cross-Border Cooperation and the Challenge of Transnational Institution-Building–the Example of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).” RECERC, no 1 Spécial (2017): 1-13.
  • Behnke, Nathalie. Jörg Broschek and Jared Sonnicksen. “Introduction: The Relevance of Studying Multilevel Governance.” in Configurations, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Multilevel Governance, ed. Nathalie Behnke, Jörg Broschek and Jared Sonnicksen, 1-19. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
  • Böhme, Kai, Sabine Zillmer, Maria Toptsidou and Frank Holstein. Territorial Governance and Cohesion Policy. Brussels: Committee on Regional Development, European Parliament, 2015. Accessed: 10 January 2022,
  • Böhme, Kai. Philippe Doucet, Tomasz Komornicki, Jacek Zaucha and Dariusz Świątek. How to Strengthen the Territorial Dimension of ‘Europe 2020’ and the EU Cohesion Policy. Warsaw: Polish Ministry of Regional Development, 2011. Accessed: 10 January 2022,
  • Börzel, Tanja A. “How the European Union Interacts with its Member States.” IHS Political Science Series, no 93 (2003): 1-31. Accessed: 10 January 2022,
  • Chilla, Tobias, Estelle Evrard and Christian Schulz. “On the Territoriality of Cross-Border Cooperation: “Institutional Mapping” in a Multi-Level Context.” European Planning Studies 20, no 6 (2012), 961-980.
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  • Davoudi, Simin, Neil Evans, Francesca Governa and Marco Santangelo. “Territorial Governance in the Making. Approaches, Methodologies, Practices.” Boletin de la AGEN, no 46 (2008): 33-52.
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  • Faludi, Andreas. “European Integration and the Territorial‐Administrative Complex.” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 98, no 1 (2016): 71-80.
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  • Faludi, Andreas. “Multi-level (Territorial) Governance: Three Criticisms.” Planning Theory & Practice 13, no 2 (2012): 197-211.
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  • Faludi, Andreas. “Territorial Cohesion, Territorialism, Territoriality, and Soft Planning: A Critical Review.” Environment and Planning 45, no 6 (2013): 1302-1317.
  • Faludi, Andreas. “The Poverty of Territorialism: Revisiting European Spatial Planning.” The Planning Review 52, no 3 (2016): 73-81.
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  • Gänzle, Stefan and Kristine Kern. (ed.) A ‘Macro-Regional’ Europe in the Making Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
  • Gualini, Enrico. “The Rescaling of Governance in Europe: New Spatial and Institutional Rationales.” European Planning Studies 14, no 7 (2006): 881-904.
  • Haughton, Graham, Phil Allmendinger and Stijn Oosterlynck. “Spaces of Neoliberal Experimentation: Soft Spaces, Postpolitics, And Neoliberal Governmentality.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 45, no 1 (2013): 217-234.
  • Havlík, Vratislav. “Europeanization as the Reterritorialization of the State: Towards Conceptual Clarification.” Journal of Common Market Studies 58, no 5 (2020): 1288-1306.
  • Hepburn, Eve. “Cohesion Policy and Regional Mobilization.” in Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, ed. Simona Piattoni and Laura Polverari, 203-216. Gloucestershire: Edward Elgar, 2016.
  • Holder, Jane and Antonia Layard. “Drawing out the Elements of Territorial Cohesion: Re-scaling EU Spatial Governance.” Yearbook of European Law 30, no 1 (2011): 358-380.
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  • Jauhiainen, Jussi S. and Helka Moilanen. “Towards Fluid Territories in European Spatial Development: Regional Development Zones in Finland.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 29, no 4 (2011): 728-744.
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Samet Yılmaz This is me 0000-0002-5232-5435

Publication Date August 5, 2022
Submission Date January 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


Chicago Yılmaz, Samet. “BOUNDING THROUGH TERRITORY: EUROPEAN UNION AND MULTI-LEVEL TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 21, no. 1 (August 2022): 257-84.