Research Article
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Examination of Public Diplomacy Practices of the Republic of Poland as a Member Country of the European Union

Year 2024, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 197 - 227


This study analyzed the public diplomacy practices of the Republic of Poland that became a member of the European Unionon 1 May 2004. based on the historical past, considering that Poland's physical existence was eliminated by its powerful neighbors in the historical process, and it experienced serious traumas and identity crises. In this context, the main argument of the article is that Poland's political history, identity, culture and national heritage that emerge in this context sharply direct the country's current public diplomacy practices. This study analyzed that the public diplomacy policies followed by Poland, after 2000, focused on practices aimed at consolidating the country's physical presence, existence, sovereign rights and political, cultural and economic identity within the European family of nations and in the EU. This analysis was carried out through the two main actors of the Polish state's public diplomacy practices, the Polish Institutes and the Adam Mickiewicz Institutes. Within the scope of the analysis, an analysis was made of the tools through which Poland tried to reveal the above-mentioned elements in its public diplomacy activities and to what extent it was able to reflect them in its public diplomacy practices.


  • Armaoğlu, Fahir. “Avrupa Politikasında Polonya.” Belleten, No (57), 218 (1993): 285-296.
  • Aslan Han, Davut. Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Polonya Dış Politikası 1989-2019. Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2021.
  • Bayır, Özgün Erler. Polonya Dış Politikasında Atlantikçilik Avrupacılık İkilemi. İstanbul, Derin Yayınları. 2013.
  • Bieniek, Karol ve Erler, Özgün Bayır. “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in Polish Foreign Policy Making.” SİYASAL: Journal of Political Sciences, Cilt: 31, 21. Yüzyılda Polonya Dış Politikası Özel Sayısı, No (31) (2022): 561–568.
  • Biskupski, B. Mieczysław. “War and The Diplomacy of Polish Independence, 1914–18.” The Polish Review, no (35) 1 (1990): 5-17.
  • Bogorodecka, Olga. "Public Diplomacy of the Republic of Poland in Eastern Partnership Countries." History and Politics, (24) (2018): 99-111.
  • Coleman, P. Arthur. “Language as a Factor in Polish Nationalism.” The Slavonic and East European Review, No (13) 37 (1934): 155-172.
  • Cull, J. Nicholas. "Public Diplomacy: Taxonomies and Histories." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, No (616) (2008): 31-54.
  • Norman, Davies. Heart of Europe: The Past in Poland's Present. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Demir, Hakan. “Polonyalı Hotel Lambert ve Büyük Sırbistan “Načertanıje” Planı (1840-1844).” Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, No (2) 1 (2013): 271-310.
  • Fortner, S. Robert. Public Diplomacy and International Politics: The Symbolic Constructs of Summits and International Radio News. Westport, Connecticut, London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.
  • Frost, Robert. The Oxford History of Poland-Lithuania: Volume I: The Making of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, 1385-1569. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Golan, J. Guy ve Sung-Un Yang. "Introduction: The Integrated Public Diplomacy Perspective." İçinde International Public Relations And Public Diplomacy: Communication and Engagement, editörler Guy J. Golan, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey,1-12. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2015.
  • Gurgu Elena ve Aristide Dumitru Cocıuban. “The Role of Public Diplomacy in International Relations in Full Process of Globalization.” Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, No (2) (2016): 125 – 141.
  • Ikram, M. Daris Tantowi, Agus Sudarya ve Anton Iman Santosa. “Public Diplomacy in Poland’s Re-Branding Effort by Institute of Adam Mickiewicz (IAM) Through Polska Brand.” The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, No (5) 6 (2021): 152-160.
  • Ociepka. Beata, ve Kieldanowicz Marta, Ryniejska. “Public Diplomacy and EU Enlargement: the Case of Poland.” Discussion Papers In Diplomacy. Netherlands Institute of International Relations. 2005.
  • Ociepka, Beata. “Public Diplomacy in the European Union: Models for Poland.” Policy Paper, The Polish Institue of International Relations, no (5) 88 (2014): 290–303.
  • Ociepka, Beata. “Public diplomacy as political communication: Lessons from case studies.” European Journal of Communication, no (33) 3 (2018): 290–303.
  • Ociepka, Beata, “Cultural diplomacy as an external voice of cultural policy. The case of Poland.” International Journal of Cultural Policy, no (27) 2 (2021): 233-245.
  • Prazmowska, J., Anita, Polonya Tarihi, çev. Nurullah Duru, İstanbul, Alfa Yayınları, 2022.
  • Snow, Nancy. “Public Diplomacy and Public Relations: Will the Twain Ever Meet?." içinde International Public Relations And Public Diplomacy: Communication and Engagement, editörler. Guy J. Golan, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey, 73-90. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2015.
  • Szczepankiewicz, Jarosław, "From Public Diplomacy to a Brand for Poland". Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy (English Edition), 01, 2006: 269-276.
  • Tomaszewska, Natalia ve Starzyk, Adam. “Conception of Intermarium in Polish Foreign Policy in XXI Century.” Torun Internatonal Studies, No (1) 10 (2017): 15-28.
  • Topaktaş, Hacer. “Avrupa'nın ortak derdi Polonya Tahtı: Stanislaw August Poniatowski'nin Seçimi (1763-1764).” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no (28)1 (2011): 183 – 196.
  • Wandycz, S. Piotr. “Poland and Russia: The Perennial Question.” The International History Review, no (7)1 (1985): 2-18.
  • Yaylar, Yasin. Karşılaştırmalı Kamu Diplomasisi Analizi: Türkiye, ABD ve Japonya. Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2020.
  • Zajęcki, Rafał, Antonina Shuliak, Olesya Fesyk. "Using Public Diplomacy For Creating International Peace and Security͵ The Case of Poland and Sweden." Torun International Studies, No. (1) 13 (2020): 165–175.Zięba, Ryszard. "Transformation of Polish Foreign Policy." The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, no (4) 13 (2004): 13-33.
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Charter of Adam Mickiewicz Institute.” 26 Mayıs 2017.
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Institute’s programmes between 2010 and 2020.”
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Polish Independent Art of the 1980s at Gask, Kutná Hora.”
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “‘Stille Rebellen’: Major Polish Symbolism Exhibition in Munich.
  • Artists in Arms. “Arts & Culture on the Trail of Anders’ Army 1941-1945.”
  • Council of Europe.
  • EU National Institutes for Culture.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Ahol a kincsed, ott a szíved” – Chopin nyomában.” 13 Aralık 2022.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “2023 – Anul lui Nicolaus Copernic.” 19 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “A Pilecki-csoport-dokumentumfilm-vetítes.” 25 Mayıs 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Besuch von Stanisław Zalewski und Premiere des Dokumentarfilms, Stanisław Zalewski in Wien.” 29 Şubat 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Copernicus – Constellations.” 17 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Dabate on the occasion of Poland’s National Independe Day at NATO SHAPE in Mons.” 8 Aralık 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Den polska vandringsutställningen Women’s Concentration Camp Experience,” 24 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Nicolas Copernic en visite à Paris.” 1 Aralık 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Nikolaus Kopernikus – Kinderworkshop.” 26 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Откриване на документалната изложба „Пакт на престъпници“ и прожекция на игралния филм „Орлета. Гродно’39“.” 13 Eylül 2023.откриване-на-документалната-изложба-5/.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Passports for Life Exhibition + Talk with Roger Moorhouse 6th-30th January 2023.” 6 Ocak 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Renovation of the bust of Nicolaus Copernicus in Brussels Planetarium.” 6 Temmuz 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Samaritáni z Markowej.” 16 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “The Pilecki Report – film screening in New York.” 21 Kasım 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “VARSAVIA: UNA CITTA’ DIVISA.” 30 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Wir sind Polen“. Der Bund der Polen in Deutschland.” 31 Mayıs 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Dokumentarfilm: Ausländer im Warschauer Aufstand.” 1 Ağustos 2023.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland. “Adam Mickiewicz.”
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland. “Poland. Solidarity for freedom.”
  • Polish Institutes.
  • The Central European Initiative (CEI).
  • The Council of the Baltic Sea States.
  • Visegrad Group.

Avrupa Birliği Üyesi Ülke Olarak Polonya Cumhuriyeti’nin Kamu Diplomasisi Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 197 - 227


Bu çalışma 1 Mayıs 2004 yılında Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi olan Polonya Cumhuriyeti’nin kamu diplomasisi uygulamalarını, tarihsel geçmişten hareketle, Polonya’nın tarihsel süreçte güçlü komşuları tarafından fiziksel varlığının ortadan kaldırıldığını, bu konuda ciddi travma(lar) yaşadığını ve yine bu bağlamda ciddi kimlik krizleri yaşadığını göz önünde bulundurarak analiz etmiştir. Makalenin temel argümanını, Polonya’nın siyasi tarihinin, kimliğinin, kültürünün ve bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan ulusal mirasının ülkenin bugünkü kamu diplomasisi uygulamalarına keskin bir şekilde yön verdiği iddiası oluşturmaktadır. Bu çerçevede bu çalışmada, Polonya’nın özellikle 2000 yılı sonrası takip ettiği kamu diplomasisi politikalarında ülkenin fiziksel mevcudiyetinin, var oluşunun, egemenlik haklarının ve Avrupa uluslar ailesi ve AB içerisindeki siyasi, kültürel ve ekonomik kimliğinin sağlamlaştırılmasına yönelik uygulamalara ağırlık verildiğinin analizi yapılmıştır. Bu analiz Polonya devletinin kamu diplomasisi uygulamalarının iki ana aktörü olan Polonya Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren Polonya Enstitüleri’nin ve Polonya Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Ulusal Miras Bakanlığı tarafından desteklenen Adam Mickiewicz Enstitüleri’nin çalışmaları üzerinden gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz kapsamında, Polonya’nın kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerinde yukarıda ifade edilen unsurları hangi araçlar aracılığıyla ortaya koymaya çalıştığı ve kamu diplomasisi uygulamalarında bunları ne ölçüde yansıtabildiğinin analizi yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda Polonya kamu diplomasinin kendine özgü yanlarının neler olduğu ve ulus markalamasının Polonya için neden önemli olduğu sorularına da çalışma içerisinde yanıtlar aranmıştır.


  • Armaoğlu, Fahir. “Avrupa Politikasında Polonya.” Belleten, No (57), 218 (1993): 285-296.
  • Aslan Han, Davut. Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Polonya Dış Politikası 1989-2019. Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2021.
  • Bayır, Özgün Erler. Polonya Dış Politikasında Atlantikçilik Avrupacılık İkilemi. İstanbul, Derin Yayınları. 2013.
  • Bieniek, Karol ve Erler, Özgün Bayır. “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in Polish Foreign Policy Making.” SİYASAL: Journal of Political Sciences, Cilt: 31, 21. Yüzyılda Polonya Dış Politikası Özel Sayısı, No (31) (2022): 561–568.
  • Biskupski, B. Mieczysław. “War and The Diplomacy of Polish Independence, 1914–18.” The Polish Review, no (35) 1 (1990): 5-17.
  • Bogorodecka, Olga. "Public Diplomacy of the Republic of Poland in Eastern Partnership Countries." History and Politics, (24) (2018): 99-111.
  • Coleman, P. Arthur. “Language as a Factor in Polish Nationalism.” The Slavonic and East European Review, No (13) 37 (1934): 155-172.
  • Cull, J. Nicholas. "Public Diplomacy: Taxonomies and Histories." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, No (616) (2008): 31-54.
  • Norman, Davies. Heart of Europe: The Past in Poland's Present. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Demir, Hakan. “Polonyalı Hotel Lambert ve Büyük Sırbistan “Načertanıje” Planı (1840-1844).” Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, No (2) 1 (2013): 271-310.
  • Fortner, S. Robert. Public Diplomacy and International Politics: The Symbolic Constructs of Summits and International Radio News. Westport, Connecticut, London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.
  • Frost, Robert. The Oxford History of Poland-Lithuania: Volume I: The Making of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, 1385-1569. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Golan, J. Guy ve Sung-Un Yang. "Introduction: The Integrated Public Diplomacy Perspective." İçinde International Public Relations And Public Diplomacy: Communication and Engagement, editörler Guy J. Golan, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey,1-12. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2015.
  • Gurgu Elena ve Aristide Dumitru Cocıuban. “The Role of Public Diplomacy in International Relations in Full Process of Globalization.” Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, No (2) (2016): 125 – 141.
  • Ikram, M. Daris Tantowi, Agus Sudarya ve Anton Iman Santosa. “Public Diplomacy in Poland’s Re-Branding Effort by Institute of Adam Mickiewicz (IAM) Through Polska Brand.” The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, No (5) 6 (2021): 152-160.
  • Ociepka. Beata, ve Kieldanowicz Marta, Ryniejska. “Public Diplomacy and EU Enlargement: the Case of Poland.” Discussion Papers In Diplomacy. Netherlands Institute of International Relations. 2005.
  • Ociepka, Beata. “Public Diplomacy in the European Union: Models for Poland.” Policy Paper, The Polish Institue of International Relations, no (5) 88 (2014): 290–303.
  • Ociepka, Beata. “Public diplomacy as political communication: Lessons from case studies.” European Journal of Communication, no (33) 3 (2018): 290–303.
  • Ociepka, Beata, “Cultural diplomacy as an external voice of cultural policy. The case of Poland.” International Journal of Cultural Policy, no (27) 2 (2021): 233-245.
  • Prazmowska, J., Anita, Polonya Tarihi, çev. Nurullah Duru, İstanbul, Alfa Yayınları, 2022.
  • Snow, Nancy. “Public Diplomacy and Public Relations: Will the Twain Ever Meet?." içinde International Public Relations And Public Diplomacy: Communication and Engagement, editörler. Guy J. Golan, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey, 73-90. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2015.
  • Szczepankiewicz, Jarosław, "From Public Diplomacy to a Brand for Poland". Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy (English Edition), 01, 2006: 269-276.
  • Tomaszewska, Natalia ve Starzyk, Adam. “Conception of Intermarium in Polish Foreign Policy in XXI Century.” Torun Internatonal Studies, No (1) 10 (2017): 15-28.
  • Topaktaş, Hacer. “Avrupa'nın ortak derdi Polonya Tahtı: Stanislaw August Poniatowski'nin Seçimi (1763-1764).” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, no (28)1 (2011): 183 – 196.
  • Wandycz, S. Piotr. “Poland and Russia: The Perennial Question.” The International History Review, no (7)1 (1985): 2-18.
  • Yaylar, Yasin. Karşılaştırmalı Kamu Diplomasisi Analizi: Türkiye, ABD ve Japonya. Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2020.
  • Zajęcki, Rafał, Antonina Shuliak, Olesya Fesyk. "Using Public Diplomacy For Creating International Peace and Security͵ The Case of Poland and Sweden." Torun International Studies, No. (1) 13 (2020): 165–175.Zięba, Ryszard. "Transformation of Polish Foreign Policy." The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, no (4) 13 (2004): 13-33.
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Charter of Adam Mickiewicz Institute.” 26 Mayıs 2017.
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Institute’s programmes between 2010 and 2020.”
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “Polish Independent Art of the 1980s at Gask, Kutná Hora.”
  • Adam Mickiewız Institute. “‘Stille Rebellen’: Major Polish Symbolism Exhibition in Munich.
  • Artists in Arms. “Arts & Culture on the Trail of Anders’ Army 1941-1945.”
  • Council of Europe.
  • EU National Institutes for Culture.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Ahol a kincsed, ott a szíved” – Chopin nyomában.” 13 Aralık 2022.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “2023 – Anul lui Nicolaus Copernic.” 19 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “A Pilecki-csoport-dokumentumfilm-vetítes.” 25 Mayıs 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Besuch von Stanisław Zalewski und Premiere des Dokumentarfilms, Stanisław Zalewski in Wien.” 29 Şubat 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Copernicus – Constellations.” 17 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Dabate on the occasion of Poland’s National Independe Day at NATO SHAPE in Mons.” 8 Aralık 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Den polska vandringsutställningen Women’s Concentration Camp Experience,” 24 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Nicolas Copernic en visite à Paris.” 1 Aralık 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Nikolaus Kopernikus – Kinderworkshop.” 26 Şubat 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Откриване на документалната изложба „Пакт на престъпници“ и прожекция на игралния филм „Орлета. Гродно’39“.” 13 Eylül 2023.откриване-на-документалната-изложба-5/.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Passports for Life Exhibition + Talk with Roger Moorhouse 6th-30th January 2023.” 6 Ocak 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Renovation of the bust of Nicolaus Copernicus in Brussels Planetarium.” 6 Temmuz 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Samaritáni z Markowej.” 16 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “The Pilecki Report – film screening in New York.” 21 Kasım 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “VARSAVIA: UNA CITTA’ DIVISA.” 30 Ocak 2024.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Wir sind Polen“. Der Bund der Polen in Deutschland.” 31 Mayıs 2023.
  • Instytuty Polskie. “Dokumentarfilm: Ausländer im Warschauer Aufstand.” 1 Ağustos 2023.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland. “Adam Mickiewicz.”
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland. “Poland. Solidarity for freedom.”
  • Polish Institutes.
  • The Central European Initiative (CEI).
  • The Council of the Baltic Sea States.
  • Visegrad Group.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects European Union
Journal Section Research Article

Erhan Akdemir 0000-0002-4579-3759

Early Pub Date November 20, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date December 28, 2023
Acceptance Date May 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


Chicago Akdemir, Erhan. “Avrupa Birliği Üyesi Ülke Olarak Polonya Cumhuriyeti’nin Kamu Diplomasisi Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 23, no. 2 (November 2024): 197-227.


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