Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 22 - 35, 02.03.2023



  • Akçay, Ü. (2017). Finansallaşma, Merkez Bankası Politikaları ve Borcun "Özelleştirilmesi". In P.Bedirhanoğlu, Ö. Çelik, & H. Muhcı, Finansallaşma Kıskacında Türkiye'de Devlet, Sermaye Birikimi ve Emek (pp. 45-83). Istanbul : Nota Bene.
  • Akram-Lodhi, H. A. (2012). Contextualising land grabbing: contemporary land deals, the global subsistence crisis and the world food system. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33(2), 119-142
  • Anseeuw, W., Alden Wily, L., Cotula, L. & Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: International Land Coalition, Retrieved from http://www.
  • Ates, H. (2017, May 15). Turkey new favorite for foreign agricultural investments. Daily Sabah Business, Retrieved from
  • Babacan, N. (2022) Turkey plans to lease farmlandsin foreign countries, Hurriyet Daily, Retrieved from
  • Bayramoğlu Özuğurlu, S., & Kayıkçı Yılmaz, M. (2010). Türkiye’de Yabancılara Toprak Satışı: Tarihsel Eğilimler. In S. Bayramoğlu Özuğurlu, Toprak Mülkiyeti Sempozyum Bildirileri (pp. 494-510). Ankara: Memleket Yayınları
  • Benjaminsen, T. & Bryceson, I. (2012) Conservation, green/blue grabbing and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39:2, 335-355
  • Bonefeld, W. (1993). The Recomposition of the British State During the 1980s. İngiltere: Darmouth Publishing
  • Boratav, K. (2010). Üç Krizde Dış Kaynak Hareketleri. In S. Sarıca, Tülay Arın'a Armağan: İktisat Yazıları (pp. 253-271). Istanbul: Belge Yayınları
  • Borras, S. M., Franco, J. C., Kay, C., ve Spoor, M. (2011). Land Grabbing in Latin America viewed from broader international perspectives. ‘Dinámicas en el mercado de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe’ (pp. 2-54). Chile: FAO.
  • Borras, S. M., & Franco, J. C. (2012). Global Land Grabbing and Trajectories of Agrarian Change: A Preliminary Analysis. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(1), 34-59
  • Borras, S., Kay, C., Gomez, S., & Wilkinson, J. (2012). Land grabbing and global capitalist accumulation: key features in Latin America. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33(4), 402-416.
  • Borras Jr., S. M., Franco, J. C., & Wang, C. (2013). The Challenge of Global Governance of Land Grabbing: Changing International Agricultural Context and Competing Political Views and Strategies. Globalizations, 10(1), 161-179.
  • Borras Jr, S. M., Franco, J., & van der Ploeg, J. D. (2013). Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe: Introduction to the Collection of the Studies. Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe, pp. 3-30.
  • Boyacıoglu, H. (2010, January 3). Turkey to hire lands to foreign funds. Retrieved from
  • Central Bank of Turkey. (2019). Ödemeler Dengesi İstatistikleri. Ankara: Merkez Bankası.
  • Corson, C., & MacDonald, K. I. (2012). Enclosing the global commons: the convention on biological diversity and green grabbing. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 263-283
  • Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R., & Keeley, J. (2009). Land Grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa. London/Rome: IIED/FAO/IFAD.
  • Cotula, L. (2011) The outlook on farmland acquisitions, IIED contribution to ILC Collaborative Research Project on Commercial Pressures on Land, Rome: ILC
  • Cotula, L., (2011) Land Deals in Africa: What is in the contracts? London: IIED
  • Cömert, H., & Türel, O. (2017). Finansal Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye’de Para Politikalarının Evrimi, 1980-2014. In M. Koyuncu, H. Mıhcı , & E. Yeldan, Geçmişten Geleceğe Türkiye Ekonomisi (pp. 273- 319). İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık
  • Daily Sabah. (2014, September 24). Qatar increases its investment in Turkey’s agribusiness sector. Istanbul
  • Daily Sabah Energy. (2018, December 9). Turkish, Kuwaiti businesspeople invest $100M in greenhouses in southeast city. Retrieved from
  • Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. & Stickler, M. (2011) Rising global interest in farmland: can it yield sustainable and equitable benefits? Washington, DC: World Bank
  • Deininger, Klaus, (2013) 'The Global Land Rush', in Christopher B. Barrett (ed.) Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability, Oxford: Oxford Academic
  • Doğan, Z. (2018) Turkey eyes African farmlands as own farmers go broke, Al-Monitor, Retrieved from
  • Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Kanunu, 4875 (Resmi Gazete 06 05, 2003)
  • Fairhead, J., Leach, M., & Scoones, I. (2012). Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature? Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 237-261
  • Gowan, P. (2009). Crisis in the Heartland. New Left Review, 25, 5-29.
  • GRAIN. (2008). Seized: The 2008 Land Grab for Food and Financial Security. Barcelona: GRAIN. Retrieved from
  • GRAIN. (2011). Land Grabbing and the Global Food Crisis, Barcelona: GRAIN, Retrieved from fZGVjMjAxMS5wZGYiXV0
  • Grove, T. (2009, July 10). Saudi firm to invest $3 bln in Turkey farms. Reuters, Retrieved from
  • Güngen, A. (2014). Hazine Müsteşarlığı ve Borç Yönetimi: Finansallaşma Sürecinde Bir Kurumun Dönüşümü. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 47(1), 1-21.
  • Hall, D. (2013). Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab. Third World Quarterly, 34(9), 1582-1604.
  • Hurriyet Daily News. (2010, September 12). Turkey's agricultural land new foreign investment target. Retrieved from
  • Hurriyet. (2011, March 18). Qatari company eyes Turkish agricultural land. Retrieved from
  • Köy Kanunu, 442 Sayılı Kanun (Resmi Gazete 03 18, 1924)
  • Land Matrix. (2019). Global: Web of Transnational Deals. Retrieved from
  • Land Matrix. (2020). Countries: Turkey. Retrieved from
  • Levien, M. (2012). The land question: special economic zones and the political economy of dispossession in India. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 933-969
  • Levien, M. (2013). Regimes of Dispossession: From Steel Towns to Special Economic Zones. Development and Change, 44(2), 381-407
  • Lu, J. (2017). Tapping into rubber: China’s opium replacement program and rubber production in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies, 44(10), 1-22
  • Mahdi, W. (2011, 04 27). Saudi Arabia foresees $600 billion of investment in Turkey, Bloomberg, Retrieved from
  • McCarthy, J. F., Vel, J. A., & Afiff, S. (2012). Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia's Outer Islands. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 521-549
  • O'Brien, R., & Williams, M. (2016). Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Reuters. (2009, 09 09). Saudi private $533 mln agri-business firm eyes 2010 start. Retrieved from
  • Sambidge, A. (2014, 10 24). Kuwait's Tijaria plans Turkish farmland investment, Arabian Business, Retrieved from
  • Smalley, R., ve Corbera, E. (2012). Large-scale land deals from the inside out: findings from Kenya’s Tana Delta, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 1039-1075
  • Tanrıvermiş, H., Doğan, V., & Akipek Öcal, Ş. (2013). Türkiye'de Tarihsel Gelişim Süreci İçinde Yabancıların Taşınmaz Edinimlerinin Analizi. Ankara: TÜBİTAK
  • Tapu Kanunu, 2644 Sayılı Kanun (Resmi Gazete 12 22, 1934)
  • Tapu Kanunu ve Kadastro Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına İlişkin Kanun, 6302 (Resmi Gazete 05 03, 2012)
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi. (2011). Genel Kağıtlar. TBMM
  • Visser, O., Mamanova, N., & Spoor, M. (2012). Oligarchs, megafarms and land reserves: understanding land grabbing in Russia. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 899-931
  • Von Braun, J. and R. Meinzen-Dick. (2009) ‘Land Grabbing’ by foreign investors in developing countries: risks and opportunities, IFPRI Policy Brief, Washington, DC: IFPRI [accessed 20 January 2011]
  • World Bank. (2010). Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? Washington DC: World Bank
  • Yeldan, E. (2009). Kapitalizmin Yeniden Finansallaşması ve 2007/2008 Krizi: Türkiye Krizin Neresinde? Çalışma ve Toplum, 1, 11-28
  • Zoomers, A. (2010). Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab. Journal of Peasant Studies, 37(2), 429-447


Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 22 - 35, 02.03.2023


This study aims to provide a comprehensive framework of international land deals accelerated in the 2000s and to reveal the motivations and dynamics behind them. This inquiry will be developed by the framework of “land grabbing” literature, with regard to Financial Crisis and Food Crisis as of 2008. It will then be exemplified by the case of Turkey regarding land deals abroad and within its own territories in this period. By doing this, it is argued that financial liberalization process, launched in 1980s, impinging balance of payment problem on individual states in global scale appears to Turkish state in the form of currency deficit and cash constraint. In this sense, lands and other resources have been re-organized in their property regimes in order to facilitate foreign investment, specifically on agricultural lands, and for the investors from Gulf countries.


  • Akçay, Ü. (2017). Finansallaşma, Merkez Bankası Politikaları ve Borcun "Özelleştirilmesi". In P.Bedirhanoğlu, Ö. Çelik, & H. Muhcı, Finansallaşma Kıskacında Türkiye'de Devlet, Sermaye Birikimi ve Emek (pp. 45-83). Istanbul : Nota Bene.
  • Akram-Lodhi, H. A. (2012). Contextualising land grabbing: contemporary land deals, the global subsistence crisis and the world food system. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33(2), 119-142
  • Anseeuw, W., Alden Wily, L., Cotula, L. & Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: International Land Coalition, Retrieved from http://www.
  • Ates, H. (2017, May 15). Turkey new favorite for foreign agricultural investments. Daily Sabah Business, Retrieved from
  • Babacan, N. (2022) Turkey plans to lease farmlandsin foreign countries, Hurriyet Daily, Retrieved from
  • Bayramoğlu Özuğurlu, S., & Kayıkçı Yılmaz, M. (2010). Türkiye’de Yabancılara Toprak Satışı: Tarihsel Eğilimler. In S. Bayramoğlu Özuğurlu, Toprak Mülkiyeti Sempozyum Bildirileri (pp. 494-510). Ankara: Memleket Yayınları
  • Benjaminsen, T. & Bryceson, I. (2012) Conservation, green/blue grabbing and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39:2, 335-355
  • Bonefeld, W. (1993). The Recomposition of the British State During the 1980s. İngiltere: Darmouth Publishing
  • Boratav, K. (2010). Üç Krizde Dış Kaynak Hareketleri. In S. Sarıca, Tülay Arın'a Armağan: İktisat Yazıları (pp. 253-271). Istanbul: Belge Yayınları
  • Borras, S. M., Franco, J. C., Kay, C., ve Spoor, M. (2011). Land Grabbing in Latin America viewed from broader international perspectives. ‘Dinámicas en el mercado de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe’ (pp. 2-54). Chile: FAO.
  • Borras, S. M., & Franco, J. C. (2012). Global Land Grabbing and Trajectories of Agrarian Change: A Preliminary Analysis. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(1), 34-59
  • Borras, S., Kay, C., Gomez, S., & Wilkinson, J. (2012). Land grabbing and global capitalist accumulation: key features in Latin America. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33(4), 402-416.
  • Borras Jr., S. M., Franco, J. C., & Wang, C. (2013). The Challenge of Global Governance of Land Grabbing: Changing International Agricultural Context and Competing Political Views and Strategies. Globalizations, 10(1), 161-179.
  • Borras Jr, S. M., Franco, J., & van der Ploeg, J. D. (2013). Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe: Introduction to the Collection of the Studies. Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe, pp. 3-30.
  • Boyacıoglu, H. (2010, January 3). Turkey to hire lands to foreign funds. Retrieved from
  • Central Bank of Turkey. (2019). Ödemeler Dengesi İstatistikleri. Ankara: Merkez Bankası.
  • Corson, C., & MacDonald, K. I. (2012). Enclosing the global commons: the convention on biological diversity and green grabbing. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 263-283
  • Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R., & Keeley, J. (2009). Land Grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa. London/Rome: IIED/FAO/IFAD.
  • Cotula, L. (2011) The outlook on farmland acquisitions, IIED contribution to ILC Collaborative Research Project on Commercial Pressures on Land, Rome: ILC
  • Cotula, L., (2011) Land Deals in Africa: What is in the contracts? London: IIED
  • Cömert, H., & Türel, O. (2017). Finansal Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye’de Para Politikalarının Evrimi, 1980-2014. In M. Koyuncu, H. Mıhcı , & E. Yeldan, Geçmişten Geleceğe Türkiye Ekonomisi (pp. 273- 319). İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık
  • Daily Sabah. (2014, September 24). Qatar increases its investment in Turkey’s agribusiness sector. Istanbul
  • Daily Sabah Energy. (2018, December 9). Turkish, Kuwaiti businesspeople invest $100M in greenhouses in southeast city. Retrieved from
  • Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. & Stickler, M. (2011) Rising global interest in farmland: can it yield sustainable and equitable benefits? Washington, DC: World Bank
  • Deininger, Klaus, (2013) 'The Global Land Rush', in Christopher B. Barrett (ed.) Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability, Oxford: Oxford Academic
  • Doğan, Z. (2018) Turkey eyes African farmlands as own farmers go broke, Al-Monitor, Retrieved from
  • Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Kanunu, 4875 (Resmi Gazete 06 05, 2003)
  • Fairhead, J., Leach, M., & Scoones, I. (2012). Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature? Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 237-261
  • Gowan, P. (2009). Crisis in the Heartland. New Left Review, 25, 5-29.
  • GRAIN. (2008). Seized: The 2008 Land Grab for Food and Financial Security. Barcelona: GRAIN. Retrieved from
  • GRAIN. (2011). Land Grabbing and the Global Food Crisis, Barcelona: GRAIN, Retrieved from fZGVjMjAxMS5wZGYiXV0
  • Grove, T. (2009, July 10). Saudi firm to invest $3 bln in Turkey farms. Reuters, Retrieved from
  • Güngen, A. (2014). Hazine Müsteşarlığı ve Borç Yönetimi: Finansallaşma Sürecinde Bir Kurumun Dönüşümü. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 47(1), 1-21.
  • Hall, D. (2013). Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab. Third World Quarterly, 34(9), 1582-1604.
  • Hurriyet Daily News. (2010, September 12). Turkey's agricultural land new foreign investment target. Retrieved from
  • Hurriyet. (2011, March 18). Qatari company eyes Turkish agricultural land. Retrieved from
  • Köy Kanunu, 442 Sayılı Kanun (Resmi Gazete 03 18, 1924)
  • Land Matrix. (2019). Global: Web of Transnational Deals. Retrieved from
  • Land Matrix. (2020). Countries: Turkey. Retrieved from
  • Levien, M. (2012). The land question: special economic zones and the political economy of dispossession in India. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 933-969
  • Levien, M. (2013). Regimes of Dispossession: From Steel Towns to Special Economic Zones. Development and Change, 44(2), 381-407
  • Lu, J. (2017). Tapping into rubber: China’s opium replacement program and rubber production in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies, 44(10), 1-22
  • Mahdi, W. (2011, 04 27). Saudi Arabia foresees $600 billion of investment in Turkey, Bloomberg, Retrieved from
  • McCarthy, J. F., Vel, J. A., & Afiff, S. (2012). Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia's Outer Islands. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 521-549
  • O'Brien, R., & Williams, M. (2016). Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Reuters. (2009, 09 09). Saudi private $533 mln agri-business firm eyes 2010 start. Retrieved from
  • Sambidge, A. (2014, 10 24). Kuwait's Tijaria plans Turkish farmland investment, Arabian Business, Retrieved from
  • Smalley, R., ve Corbera, E. (2012). Large-scale land deals from the inside out: findings from Kenya’s Tana Delta, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 1039-1075
  • Tanrıvermiş, H., Doğan, V., & Akipek Öcal, Ş. (2013). Türkiye'de Tarihsel Gelişim Süreci İçinde Yabancıların Taşınmaz Edinimlerinin Analizi. Ankara: TÜBİTAK
  • Tapu Kanunu, 2644 Sayılı Kanun (Resmi Gazete 12 22, 1934)
  • Tapu Kanunu ve Kadastro Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına İlişkin Kanun, 6302 (Resmi Gazete 05 03, 2012)
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi. (2011). Genel Kağıtlar. TBMM
  • Visser, O., Mamanova, N., & Spoor, M. (2012). Oligarchs, megafarms and land reserves: understanding land grabbing in Russia. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4), 899-931
  • Von Braun, J. and R. Meinzen-Dick. (2009) ‘Land Grabbing’ by foreign investors in developing countries: risks and opportunities, IFPRI Policy Brief, Washington, DC: IFPRI [accessed 20 January 2011]
  • World Bank. (2010). Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? Washington DC: World Bank
  • Yeldan, E. (2009). Kapitalizmin Yeniden Finansallaşması ve 2007/2008 Krizi: Türkiye Krizin Neresinde? Çalışma ve Toplum, 1, 11-28
  • Zoomers, A. (2010). Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab. Journal of Peasant Studies, 37(2), 429-447
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Melek Mutioğlu Özkesen

Publication Date March 2, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Mutioğlu Özkesen, M. (2023). DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY. AYBU Business Journal, 3(1), 22-35.
AMA Mutioğlu Özkesen M. DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY. AYBU Business Journal. March 2023;3(1):22-35.
Chicago Mutioğlu Özkesen, Melek. “DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY”. AYBU Business Journal 3, no. 1 (March 2023): 22-35.
EndNote Mutioğlu Özkesen M (March 1, 2023) DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY. AYBU Business Journal 3 1 22–35.
IEEE M. Mutioğlu Özkesen, “DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY”, AYBU Business Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 22–35, 2023.
ISNAD Mutioğlu Özkesen, Melek. “DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY”. AYBU Business Journal 3/1 (March 2023), 22-35.
JAMA Mutioğlu Özkesen M. DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY. AYBU Business Journal. 2023;3:22–35.
MLA Mutioğlu Özkesen, Melek. “DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY”. AYBU Business Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, 2023, pp. 22-35.
Vancouver Mutioğlu Özkesen M. DYNAMICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAND DEALS IN THE 2000s: THE CASE OF TURKEY. AYBU Business Journal. 2023;3(1):22-35.