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Müşteri profiline göre araç komponentleri yorulma ömrünün sonlu elemanlar metodu temel alarak tanımlanması

Year 2011, Issue: 21, 30 - 46, 01.01.2011


Bir ürünün ve onun alt parçalarının gerçek çalışma koşullarındaki karşılaşabileceği yük bilgilerini kestirmek kritiktir. Bir araç parçalarının bütün hayatını tahmin etme müşteri kullanım bilgisini ve o pazarın gerektirdiği güvenilirlik bilgilerini de göz önüne alan fiziksel testler ve nümerik analizlerle saptanmalıdır. Bu çalışmada bir hafif ticari aracın Türkiye’deki ortalama müşteri araç kullanımının tespiti bir anket yapılarak belirlenmiştir. Türkiye yolların yorulma karakteristikleri 50 adet yol verilerinin incelenmesiyle saptanmıştır. Bu makale bir yaprak yaya ait Türkiye genel yol spektrumunun tespit edilmesinde odaklanmıştır. Parçanın yorulma analizleri ve öngörülen ömür hesapları, sonlu elemanlar analizleri kullanılarak hesaplanmış ve Palmgren-Miner metoduyla doğrulanmıştır


  • Ahlin,K.,Ganlund,J.and Lindström,F.(2004)’Comparing roads profiles with vehicle perceived roughness’,Int.J.Vehcile Design ,Vol.36,Nos.2/3,pp.270-286.
  • ASTM Standard E 1049-85 ‘’ Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue
  • Analysis’’,(Reapproved 1997) Philadelphia.
  • Bishop, N.W.M.,Lack,L.W.,Li,T.,Kerr,S.C. ( 1995 ) ‘’Analytical Fatigue Life Assessment of
  • Vibration Induced Fatigue Damage ‘’MSC World Users Conferance, Universal City,CA. Bishop.N.W.M.,Kerr,S.,Caserio,A.,(1999)’The Fatigue Damage Caused to Vibrating Automotive
  • Components ‘’,1 st MSC World- wide Automotive User Conference, September 20-22. Bishop, N.W.M., Sherratt ,F,( 2000 ) ‘Finite Element Based Fatigue Calculations ‘NAFEMS LTD
  • (International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community) Bogsjö,K(2006)’Development of analysis tools and stochastic models of road profiles regarding their influence on heavy vehicle fatigue’, Vehicle System Dynamics ,44:1,780-790.
  • D’aprile Filippo, Macni Marco, Bruder Thomas ,Riefaoghe Christophe ( 2001 ),’’ Structural
  • Characterisation of Vehicle on a Rig Test Versus Different Road Profiles Analysis of Experimental Results, ATA vol.54 .n 7/8 Luglio –Agosto (LMS International ,Belgium,-Memoria presentata al convegno florance Ata , Frienze.). Gobbi,M and Astinu,M(1998)’Expected Fatigue Damage of Road Vehicles due to Road
  • Excitation’,Vehcile System Dynamics ,29:1,778-788. Grubisic,V. ( 1994 ) ‘’ Determination of Load Spectra for Design and Testing ‘’ Int.J.of Vehicle Design , Vol.15 nes.1/2 ,pp 8-26.
  • Heyes,P., Lin, X.,Buczynski,A., Brown,M. ( 1997 )’Application of Biaxial Plasticity and Damage
  • Modelling to the Life Prediction and Testing of Automotive Components ''5 th International Conference on Biaxial /Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture Cracow,Poland , Ncode International Limited. Huizinga,F.T.M.J.M.,Van Ostaijen,R.A.A.and Slingeland,A.Van Oosten(2002)’A practical approach to virtual testing in automotive engineering’, Journal of Engineering Design , 13:1,33-47.
  • Kouta,R.,Play,D.,(1999)’Correlation procedures for fatigue life determination’, Journal of
  • Mechanical Design,vol.121/289. Medepalli,S.and Rao,R.(2000)’Prediction of road loads for fatigue design –a sensitivity study’, Int,J.of Vehcile Design,Vol.23,Nos.1/2,pp,161-175.
  • Miner. M.A.(1945)’Cumulative Damage in Fatigue’, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, vol:12,pp.159-164.
  • MSC Online Help Documentation ( 1999 ) Institute of Technology.
  • MSC /FATIGUE V8 User Manuel,MSC Corporation ,Los Angeles,CA,(1998).
  • MSC Nastran Getting Starting User Guide (2001).
  • MSC nSoft v5.2 User Manuel (1999). MSC Patran(2001). Pro-Engineer (2001).
  • The Ncode book of Fatigue Theory ( 2000 ) Ncode Technical Referance Book V:4.3. Docum.rel1.0.
  • Paul,P.K.,Dunga,R.K. and Verma,A.,Mnnikar,A.V. and Raju,S.(2001),’Techniques for
  • Accelerated Design Validation of Tractor Chassis’, SAE Paper 2001-01-0050.
  • Rivolo., Paparella.,Gai (1983),’Statistical Measurments of Automobile Operating Conditions:An
  • Important Improvement to Customer Oriented Reliability Predictions’’IX Seminario Eoqc,Frienze. Şener,Ş.A., (2003),’ Hafif Bir Ticari Otonun Arka Süspansiyon Yaprak Yayının Türkiye
  • Koşullarına Göre Yorulma Analizi ‘PhD tesis. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Vehicle component fatigue life definition based on the finite element method according to a customer usage profile

Year 2011, Issue: 21, 30 - 46, 01.01.2011


Knowledge of operational loading conditions is critical when estimating the service life of a product and its components. Predictions regarding the life span of a vehicle component must be determined by physical tests and numerical analyses that take into account customer usage and market based reliability requirements. In this study, A questionnaire was used to determine the average usage of the light commercial vehicles in Turkey. Fatigue characteristics of Turkish roads were determined by analyzing fifty different roads. This article focuses on defining the general load spectrum of Turkey roads belong to the leaf spring. Fatigue analysis and estimated lifespan of the part were calculated using Finite Element Analyses and verified by the Plamgren-Miner rule


  • Ahlin,K.,Ganlund,J.and Lindström,F.(2004)’Comparing roads profiles with vehicle perceived roughness’,Int.J.Vehcile Design ,Vol.36,Nos.2/3,pp.270-286.
  • ASTM Standard E 1049-85 ‘’ Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue
  • Analysis’’,(Reapproved 1997) Philadelphia.
  • Bishop, N.W.M.,Lack,L.W.,Li,T.,Kerr,S.C. ( 1995 ) ‘’Analytical Fatigue Life Assessment of
  • Vibration Induced Fatigue Damage ‘’MSC World Users Conferance, Universal City,CA. Bishop.N.W.M.,Kerr,S.,Caserio,A.,(1999)’The Fatigue Damage Caused to Vibrating Automotive
  • Components ‘’,1 st MSC World- wide Automotive User Conference, September 20-22. Bishop, N.W.M., Sherratt ,F,( 2000 ) ‘Finite Element Based Fatigue Calculations ‘NAFEMS LTD
  • (International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community) Bogsjö,K(2006)’Development of analysis tools and stochastic models of road profiles regarding their influence on heavy vehicle fatigue’, Vehicle System Dynamics ,44:1,780-790.
  • D’aprile Filippo, Macni Marco, Bruder Thomas ,Riefaoghe Christophe ( 2001 ),’’ Structural
  • Characterisation of Vehicle on a Rig Test Versus Different Road Profiles Analysis of Experimental Results, ATA vol.54 .n 7/8 Luglio –Agosto (LMS International ,Belgium,-Memoria presentata al convegno florance Ata , Frienze.). Gobbi,M and Astinu,M(1998)’Expected Fatigue Damage of Road Vehicles due to Road
  • Excitation’,Vehcile System Dynamics ,29:1,778-788. Grubisic,V. ( 1994 ) ‘’ Determination of Load Spectra for Design and Testing ‘’ Int.J.of Vehicle Design , Vol.15 nes.1/2 ,pp 8-26.
  • Heyes,P., Lin, X.,Buczynski,A., Brown,M. ( 1997 )’Application of Biaxial Plasticity and Damage
  • Modelling to the Life Prediction and Testing of Automotive Components ''5 th International Conference on Biaxial /Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture Cracow,Poland , Ncode International Limited. Huizinga,F.T.M.J.M.,Van Ostaijen,R.A.A.and Slingeland,A.Van Oosten(2002)’A practical approach to virtual testing in automotive engineering’, Journal of Engineering Design , 13:1,33-47.
  • Kouta,R.,Play,D.,(1999)’Correlation procedures for fatigue life determination’, Journal of
  • Mechanical Design,vol.121/289. Medepalli,S.and Rao,R.(2000)’Prediction of road loads for fatigue design –a sensitivity study’, Int,J.of Vehcile Design,Vol.23,Nos.1/2,pp,161-175.
  • Miner. M.A.(1945)’Cumulative Damage in Fatigue’, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, vol:12,pp.159-164.
  • MSC Online Help Documentation ( 1999 ) Institute of Technology.
  • MSC /FATIGUE V8 User Manuel,MSC Corporation ,Los Angeles,CA,(1998).
  • MSC Nastran Getting Starting User Guide (2001).
  • MSC nSoft v5.2 User Manuel (1999). MSC Patran(2001). Pro-Engineer (2001).
  • The Ncode book of Fatigue Theory ( 2000 ) Ncode Technical Referance Book V:4.3. Docum.rel1.0.
  • Paul,P.K.,Dunga,R.K. and Verma,A.,Mnnikar,A.V. and Raju,S.(2001),’Techniques for
  • Accelerated Design Validation of Tractor Chassis’, SAE Paper 2001-01-0050.
  • Rivolo., Paparella.,Gai (1983),’Statistical Measurments of Automobile Operating Conditions:An
  • Important Improvement to Customer Oriented Reliability Predictions’’IX Seminario Eoqc,Frienze. Şener,Ş.A., (2003),’ Hafif Bir Ticari Otonun Arka Süspansiyon Yaprak Yayının Türkiye
  • Koşullarına Göre Yorulma Analizi ‘PhD tesis. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arif Şenol Şener This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 21


APA Şener, A. Ş. (2011). Müşteri profiline göre araç komponentleri yorulma ömrünün sonlu elemanlar metodu temel alarak tanımlanması. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi(21), 30-46.

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