Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 97 - 110, 31.12.2022


Menkul kıymetler piyasasında hisse senedi fiyat endekslerinin gelecekteki değerlerinin tahmin edilmesi için yapay sinir ağlarını esas alan iki farklı modelleme yaklaşımı sunulmaktadır. Birinci tahminleme modelinde, yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak verileri mevcut olan karar değişkenlerinin tümünün modellemeye dahil edildiği bir zaman serisi tahminleme modeli uygulanmaktadır. İkinci modelde, regresyon ağaçları ve yapay sinir ağlarıyla bütünleşik bir tahminleme modeli tasarlanmaktadır. Regresyon ağaçları, yapay sinir ağlarında girdi olarak kullanılacak olan en önemli karar değişkenlerinin belirlenmesi için özellik seçme işlemini gerçekleştirmektedir. Önemli karar değişkenlerine bağlı olarak oluşturulan modelde menkul kıymetler borsası endekslerinin geleceğe yönelik tahminlemesi yapay sinir ağlarıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Yapay sinir ağlarıyla tahminleme modellerinde, zaman serileri olarak elde edilen veriler eğitim, doğrulama ve test verisi olarak gruplandırıldıktan sonra endekslerin gelecekteki değerleri iki aşamalı yapay sinir ağlarıyla tahmin edilmektedir. İleri sürülen tahminleme modelleri için performans değerlendirmesi işlem süresi ve istatistiksel göstergelere dayalı tahminleme doğruluğu kriterlerine göre yapılmaktadır.


  • Ayodele, A., Ayo, C. K., Adebiyi, M. O. ve Otokiti, S. O. 2012. “Stock Price Prediction Using Neural Network with Hybridized Market Indicators.” Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 3 (1): 1-9.
  • Başoğlu, U., Ceylan, A. ve Parasız, İ. 2009. Finans: Teori, Kurum, Uygulama. Bursa: Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Bollerslev, T. (1986). Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31, 307–327
  • Breiman, L.; Friedman, J.H.; Olshen, R.A.; Stone, C.J. Classification and Regression Trees, 1st ed.; Pacific Grove: Wadsworth, OH, USA, 1984.
  • Ergeç, Funda. 1996. “Markov Analizi ile Hisse Senedi Fiyatının Tahmin Edilmesi.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 25 (2): 123-151.
  • Hagan, M.T.; Menhaj, M.B. Training feedforward networks with the marquardt algorithm. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 1994, 5, 989–993. DOI: 10.1109/72.329697
  • Haykin, S. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, 3rd ed.; Pearson Prentice Hall: Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2009.
  • Hsieh, D. A. (1991). Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: Application to financial markets. The Journal of Finance, 46, 1839–1877.
  • Hsu, Chih Ming. 2011. “A Hybrid Procedure with Feature Selection for Resolving Stock/Futures Price Forecasting Problems.” Neural Computing and Applications, 1-21.
  • Jarrett, J. E. ve Schilling, J. 2008. “Daily Variation and Predicting Stock Market Returns for the Frakfurter Börse (Stock Market).” Journal of Business Economics and Management, 9 (3): 189-198.
  • Kara, Y., Boyacıoğlu, M. A. ve Baykan, Ö. K. 2011. “Predicting Direction of Stock Price Index Movement Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines: The Sample of the Istanbul Stock Exchange.” Expert Systems with Applications, 38: 5311-5319.
  • Kim, M.H.; Song, H.B. Analysis of the global warming potential for wood waste recycling system. J. Clean. Prod. 2014, 69, 199-207.
  • Leung, M. T., Daouk, H. ve Chen, A. S. 2000. “Forecasting Stock Indices: A Comparison of Classification and Level Estimation Models.” International Journal of Forecasting, 16: 173-190.
  • Olaniyi, S. A. S., Adewole, K. S. ve Jimoh, R. G. 2011. “Stock Trend Prediction Using Regression Analysis- A Data Mining Approach.” Journal of Systems and Software, 1 (4): 154-157.
  • Ou, P. ve Wang, H. 2009. “Prediction of Stock Market Index Movement by Ten Data Mining Techniques.” Modern Applied Science, 12 (3): 28-42. DOI:10.5539/mas.v3n12p28
  • Rao, T., & Gabr, M. (1984). Introduction to bispectral analysis and bilinear time series models. Lecture notes in statistics (Vol. 24).
  • S. Borovkova, I. Tsiamas, An ensemble of LSTM neural networks for highfrequency stock market classification, J. Forecast. 38 (2019) 600–619, https://
  • S. Kumar, D. Ningombam, Short-term forecasting of stock prices using long short term memory, in: 2018 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2018, pp. 182–186, ICIT.2018.00046.
  • Tektaş, A. ve Karataş, A. 2004. “Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Finans Alanına Uygulanması: Hisse Senedi Fiyat Tahminlemesi.” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (4): 337-349. Retrieved from
  • Vasanthi, S., Subha, V. ve Nambi, S. T. 2011. “An Empirical Study On Stock Index Trend Prediction Using Markov Chain Analysis.” Journal on Banking Financial Services and Insurance Research, 1 (1): 72-91.
  • Yin, C.; Rosendahl, L.A.; Kaer, S.K. Grate-firing of biomass for heat and power production, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 2008a, 34, 725–754.


Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 97 - 110, 31.12.2022


Two different modeling approaches based on artificial neural networks are presented to predict the future values of stock price indices in the securities market. In the first forecasting model, a time series forecasting model is applied using artificial neural networks, in which all the decision variables with available data are included in the modeling. In the second model, an integrated prediction model is designed with regression trees and artificial neural networks. Regression trees perform feature selection to determine the most important decision variables to be used as inputs in artificial neural networks. In the model created depending on the important decision variables, the future estimation of the stock market indices is carried out with artificial neural networks. In the prediction models with artificial neural networks, after the data obtained as time series are grouped as training, validation and test data, the future values of the indices are estimated with two-stage neural networks. Performance evaluation for the proposed estimation models is made according to the processing time and estimation accuracy criteria based on statistical indicators.


  • Ayodele, A., Ayo, C. K., Adebiyi, M. O. ve Otokiti, S. O. 2012. “Stock Price Prediction Using Neural Network with Hybridized Market Indicators.” Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 3 (1): 1-9.
  • Başoğlu, U., Ceylan, A. ve Parasız, İ. 2009. Finans: Teori, Kurum, Uygulama. Bursa: Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Bollerslev, T. (1986). Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31, 307–327
  • Breiman, L.; Friedman, J.H.; Olshen, R.A.; Stone, C.J. Classification and Regression Trees, 1st ed.; Pacific Grove: Wadsworth, OH, USA, 1984.
  • Ergeç, Funda. 1996. “Markov Analizi ile Hisse Senedi Fiyatının Tahmin Edilmesi.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 25 (2): 123-151.
  • Hagan, M.T.; Menhaj, M.B. Training feedforward networks with the marquardt algorithm. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 1994, 5, 989–993. DOI: 10.1109/72.329697
  • Haykin, S. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, 3rd ed.; Pearson Prentice Hall: Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2009.
  • Hsieh, D. A. (1991). Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: Application to financial markets. The Journal of Finance, 46, 1839–1877.
  • Hsu, Chih Ming. 2011. “A Hybrid Procedure with Feature Selection for Resolving Stock/Futures Price Forecasting Problems.” Neural Computing and Applications, 1-21.
  • Jarrett, J. E. ve Schilling, J. 2008. “Daily Variation and Predicting Stock Market Returns for the Frakfurter Börse (Stock Market).” Journal of Business Economics and Management, 9 (3): 189-198.
  • Kara, Y., Boyacıoğlu, M. A. ve Baykan, Ö. K. 2011. “Predicting Direction of Stock Price Index Movement Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines: The Sample of the Istanbul Stock Exchange.” Expert Systems with Applications, 38: 5311-5319.
  • Kim, M.H.; Song, H.B. Analysis of the global warming potential for wood waste recycling system. J. Clean. Prod. 2014, 69, 199-207.
  • Leung, M. T., Daouk, H. ve Chen, A. S. 2000. “Forecasting Stock Indices: A Comparison of Classification and Level Estimation Models.” International Journal of Forecasting, 16: 173-190.
  • Olaniyi, S. A. S., Adewole, K. S. ve Jimoh, R. G. 2011. “Stock Trend Prediction Using Regression Analysis- A Data Mining Approach.” Journal of Systems and Software, 1 (4): 154-157.
  • Ou, P. ve Wang, H. 2009. “Prediction of Stock Market Index Movement by Ten Data Mining Techniques.” Modern Applied Science, 12 (3): 28-42. DOI:10.5539/mas.v3n12p28
  • Rao, T., & Gabr, M. (1984). Introduction to bispectral analysis and bilinear time series models. Lecture notes in statistics (Vol. 24).
  • S. Borovkova, I. Tsiamas, An ensemble of LSTM neural networks for highfrequency stock market classification, J. Forecast. 38 (2019) 600–619, https://
  • S. Kumar, D. Ningombam, Short-term forecasting of stock prices using long short term memory, in: 2018 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2018, pp. 182–186, ICIT.2018.00046.
  • Tektaş, A. ve Karataş, A. 2004. “Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Finans Alanına Uygulanması: Hisse Senedi Fiyat Tahminlemesi.” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (4): 337-349. Retrieved from
  • Vasanthi, S., Subha, V. ve Nambi, S. T. 2011. “An Empirical Study On Stock Index Trend Prediction Using Markov Chain Analysis.” Journal on Banking Financial Services and Insurance Research, 1 (1): 72-91.
  • Yin, C.; Rosendahl, L.A.; Kaer, S.K. Grate-firing of biomass for heat and power production, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 2008a, 34, 725–754.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

M. Çiğdem Akbaş 0000-0002-1425-9828

Early Pub Date December 31, 2022
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date November 23, 2022
Acceptance Date December 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Akbaş, M. Ç. (2022). YAPAY SİNİR AĞLARI TAHMİNLEME MODELİ İLE HİSSE SENEDİ FİYAT ENDEKSİ TAHMİNLEMESİ ÜZERİNE BİR ÇALIŞMA. Antalya Bilim Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(2), 97-110.

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