Research Article
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Stent placement after flexible ureterorenoscopy for renal stones can improve stone-free rate on final follow-up: A retrospective single center study

Year 2018, , 67 - 70, 20.07.2018


Aim: Although the advantage of ureteral double j
(D/J) stenting has been shown in reducing post- operative pain after
ureteroscopic surgery, its contribution to stone clearance for additional
treatment has not been fully assessed. In this study we aimed to evaluate the
effect of stenting on stone free rates at the end of the additional treatment.

Methods: We reviewed the medical records of all
patients who underwent flexible ureterorenoscopy (FURS) for kidney stones
between October 2009 and January 2015. Patients with malignant ureteral
stricture, severe skeletal malformation, renal unit malformation, non-opaque
renal stone or lost to follow-up were excluded. 47 of 289 patients (stenting 24
patients, non-stenting 23 patients) assessed. The perioperative and
postoperative parameters and stone-free rates were compared in patients whether
they had intraoperative D/J stent (group 1) or not (group 2).

Results: No differences were found between groups according to age, gender, body mass index, operation history, preoperative stenting history, shockwave lithotripsy history, ureteral stricture, stone size, access sheath rate, retreatment, or additional treatment number and stone location. Operation time was significantly higher in group 1. Those who refused additional treatment were insignificantly lower in group 1. Although the stone-free rates were similar for the two groups at the end of the first month, the stone-free rates after the additional treatments were significantly higher in group 1.

Conclusion: Stenting during FURS, improved the stone-free
rate on final follow-up, if residual stones remain.


  • 1. Pengfei S, Yutao L, Jie Y, Wuran W, Yi D, Hao Z, et al. The results of ureteral stenting after ureteroscopic lithotripsy for ureteral calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Urol. 2011;186:1904-9.
  • 17. Shen P, Jiang M, Yang J, Li X, Li Y, Wei W. Use of ureteral stent in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for upper urinary calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Urol. 2011;186:1328-35.
  • 16. Mogilevkin Y, Sofer M, Margel D, Greenstein A, Lifshitz D. Predicting an effective ureteral access sheath insertion: a bicenter prospective study. J Endourol. 2014;28:1414-17.
  • 15. Netsch C, Knipper S, Bach T, Herrmann TR, Gross AJ. Impact of preoperative ureteral stenting on stone-free rates of ureteroscopy for nephroureterolithiasis: a matched-paired analysis of 286 patients. Urology. 2012;80:1214-19.
  • 14. Rubenstein RA, Zhao LC, Loeb S, Shore DM, Nadler RB. Prestenting improves ureteroscopic stone-free rates. J Endourol. 2007;21:1277-80.
  • 13. Lumma PP, Schneider P, Strauss A, Plothe KD, Thelen P, Ringert RH, et al. Impact of ureteral stenting prior to ureterorenoscopy on stone-free rates and complications. World J Urol. 2013;3:855-9.
  • 12. Chu L, Sternberg KM, Averch TD. Preoperative stenting decreases operative time and reoperative rates of ureteroscopy. J Endourol. 2011;25:751-4.
  • 11. Jones BJ, Ryan PC, Lyons O, Grainger R, McDermott TE, Butler MR. Use of the double pigtail stent in stone retrieval following unsuccessful ureteroscopy. Br J Urol. 1990;66:254-56.
  • 10. Cerruti A, Lebdai S, Martin F, Hoarau N, Chautard D, Culty T, et al. Do postoperative drainage types modify outcomes after retrograde intrarenal surgery? Prog Urol. 2015;25:331-5.
  • 9. Miernik A, Wilhelm K, Ardelt PU, Adams F, Kuehhas FE, Schoenthaler M. Standardized flexible ureteroscopic technique to improve stone-free rates. Urology. 2012;80:1198-202.
  • 8. Sanguedolce F, Liatsikos E, Verze P, Hruby S, Breda A, Beatty JD, et al. Use of flexible ureteroscopy in the clinical practice for the treatment of renal stones: results from a large European survey conducted by the EAU Young Academic Urologists-Working Party on Endourology and Urolithiasis. Urolithiasis. 2014;42:329-34.
  • 7. Picozzi SC, Ricci C, Stubinski R, Casellato S, Ratti D, Macchi A, et al. Is stone diameter a variable in the decision process of employing a ureteral stent in patients undergoing uncomplicated ureterorenoscopy and associated intracorporeal lithotripsy? World J Urol. 2013;3:1617-25.
  • 6. Song T, Liao B, Zheng S, Wei Q. Meta-analysis of postoperatively stenting or not in patients underwent ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Urol Res. 2012;40:67-77.
  • 5. Mendez-Probst CE, Fernandez A, Denstedt JD. Current status of ureteral stent technologies: comfort and antimicrobial resistance. Curr Urol. Rep 2010;11:67-73.
  • 4. Fiuk J, Bao Y, Calleary JG, Schwartz BF, Denstedt JD. The use of internal stents in chronic ureteral obstruction. J Urol. 2015;193:1092-100.
  • 3. Ozyuvali E, Resorlu B, Oguz U, Yildiz Y, Sahin T, Senocak C, et al. Is routine ureteral stenting really necessary after retrograde intrarenal surgery? Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2015;87:72-5.
  • 2. Torricelli FC, De S, Hinck B, Noble M, Monga M. Flexible ureteroscopy with a ureteral access sheath: when to stent?. Urology. 2014;83:278-81.

Böbrek taşlarına uygulanan fleksibl üreterorenoskopi sonrası stent yerleştirilmesi son takipte taşsızlık oranını arttırabilir: Retrospektif tek merkezli çalışma

Year 2018, , 67 - 70, 20.07.2018


Amaç: Her ne kadar üreteroskopik
cerrahi sonrası üreteral çift J uçlu (Double J-D/J) stent yerleştirilmesinin
postoperatif ağrıyı azaltmaktaki avantajı gösterilmiş olsa da taşların
temizlenmesi ve ek işlem için hasta uyumuna etkisi tam
olarak değerlendirilmemiştir. Biz bu çalışmada stent takılmasının ek tedaviler
sonunda taşsızlık oranlarına olan etkisini araştırdık.

Yöntem: Kasım 2009 ve
Ocak 2015 tarihleri arasında fleksibl üreterorenoskopi (FURS) uygulanan
hastaların tıbbi kayıtları gözden geçirildi. Maling üreteral darlık, ileri
derecede iskelet malformasyonu, böbrek malformasyonu olan hastalar ve takipten
çıkan hastalar çalışmadan çıkarıldı. 289 hastanın 47’si (24 stent takılan, 23
stent takılmayan) değerlendirilmeye alındı. Operasyon sırasında D/J stent
takılan (grup 1) ve takılmayan (grup 2) hastaların perioperatif ve postoperatif
parametreleri ve taşsızlık oranları karşılaştırıldı.

Bulgular: Gruplar
arasında yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi, operasyon öyküsü, operasyon öncesi
stent yerleştirilmesi, şok dalga litotripsi hikayesi, üreteral darlık, taş
boyutu, akses kılıfı kullanım oranı, tekrar tedavi, ek tedavi taş sayısı ve
lokalizasyonu açısından fark yoktu. Stent uygulanan grupta anlamlı olarak
operasyon süresi uzun izlendi. Ek tedavileri red etme oranı grup 1’de daha
düşük izlendi. İlk ay sonunda taşsızlık oranları iki grup için benzer olmasına
rağmen, ek tedavilerden sonra taşsızlık oranları grup 1’de anlamlı olarak
yüksek izlendi.

 Sonuç: FURS sırasında stent yerleştirilmesi,
rezidüel taşların kalması durumunda son takipte taşsızlık oranını


  • 1. Pengfei S, Yutao L, Jie Y, Wuran W, Yi D, Hao Z, et al. The results of ureteral stenting after ureteroscopic lithotripsy for ureteral calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Urol. 2011;186:1904-9.
  • 17. Shen P, Jiang M, Yang J, Li X, Li Y, Wei W. Use of ureteral stent in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for upper urinary calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Urol. 2011;186:1328-35.
  • 16. Mogilevkin Y, Sofer M, Margel D, Greenstein A, Lifshitz D. Predicting an effective ureteral access sheath insertion: a bicenter prospective study. J Endourol. 2014;28:1414-17.
  • 15. Netsch C, Knipper S, Bach T, Herrmann TR, Gross AJ. Impact of preoperative ureteral stenting on stone-free rates of ureteroscopy for nephroureterolithiasis: a matched-paired analysis of 286 patients. Urology. 2012;80:1214-19.
  • 14. Rubenstein RA, Zhao LC, Loeb S, Shore DM, Nadler RB. Prestenting improves ureteroscopic stone-free rates. J Endourol. 2007;21:1277-80.
  • 13. Lumma PP, Schneider P, Strauss A, Plothe KD, Thelen P, Ringert RH, et al. Impact of ureteral stenting prior to ureterorenoscopy on stone-free rates and complications. World J Urol. 2013;3:855-9.
  • 12. Chu L, Sternberg KM, Averch TD. Preoperative stenting decreases operative time and reoperative rates of ureteroscopy. J Endourol. 2011;25:751-4.
  • 11. Jones BJ, Ryan PC, Lyons O, Grainger R, McDermott TE, Butler MR. Use of the double pigtail stent in stone retrieval following unsuccessful ureteroscopy. Br J Urol. 1990;66:254-56.
  • 10. Cerruti A, Lebdai S, Martin F, Hoarau N, Chautard D, Culty T, et al. Do postoperative drainage types modify outcomes after retrograde intrarenal surgery? Prog Urol. 2015;25:331-5.
  • 9. Miernik A, Wilhelm K, Ardelt PU, Adams F, Kuehhas FE, Schoenthaler M. Standardized flexible ureteroscopic technique to improve stone-free rates. Urology. 2012;80:1198-202.
  • 8. Sanguedolce F, Liatsikos E, Verze P, Hruby S, Breda A, Beatty JD, et al. Use of flexible ureteroscopy in the clinical practice for the treatment of renal stones: results from a large European survey conducted by the EAU Young Academic Urologists-Working Party on Endourology and Urolithiasis. Urolithiasis. 2014;42:329-34.
  • 7. Picozzi SC, Ricci C, Stubinski R, Casellato S, Ratti D, Macchi A, et al. Is stone diameter a variable in the decision process of employing a ureteral stent in patients undergoing uncomplicated ureterorenoscopy and associated intracorporeal lithotripsy? World J Urol. 2013;3:1617-25.
  • 6. Song T, Liao B, Zheng S, Wei Q. Meta-analysis of postoperatively stenting or not in patients underwent ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Urol Res. 2012;40:67-77.
  • 5. Mendez-Probst CE, Fernandez A, Denstedt JD. Current status of ureteral stent technologies: comfort and antimicrobial resistance. Curr Urol. Rep 2010;11:67-73.
  • 4. Fiuk J, Bao Y, Calleary JG, Schwartz BF, Denstedt JD. The use of internal stents in chronic ureteral obstruction. J Urol. 2015;193:1092-100.
  • 3. Ozyuvali E, Resorlu B, Oguz U, Yildiz Y, Sahin T, Senocak C, et al. Is routine ureteral stenting really necessary after retrograde intrarenal surgery? Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2015;87:72-5.
  • 2. Torricelli FC, De S, Hinck B, Noble M, Monga M. Flexible ureteroscopy with a ureteral access sheath: when to stent?. Urology. 2014;83:278-81.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Original Research

Onur Kaygısız

Gökhun Özmerdiven

Kadir Ömür Günseren

Hakan Kılıçarslan This is me

Publication Date July 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


Vancouver Kaygısız O, Özmerdiven G, Günseren KÖ, Kılıçarslan H. Stent placement after flexible ureterorenoscopy for renal stones can improve stone-free rate on final follow-up: A retrospective single center study. Arch Clin Exp Med. 2018;3(2):67-70.