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Ratlarda Splenektomi Sonrası Red Ginsengin Lipit Profili, Endotel ve Oksidatif Hasar Üzerinde Koruyucu Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 43 - 49, 02.08.2021


Amaç: Anti-inflamatuar ve antioksidan etkili red ginsegin splenektomi sonrası görülen histopatolojik değişiklikler ve lipid profili üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı.
Yöntemler: Sıçanlar rastgele her biri 10 sıçandan oluşan 3 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1'de (sham), sadece laparotomi yapıldı. Grup 2'de (kontrol), splenektomi uygulandı fakat ek hiçbir tedavi uygulanmadı. Grup 3'te (Red ginseng grubu), splenektomi yapıldı ve Red Ginseng (RG) ekstresi orogastrik yoldan 100 mg / kg / gün doz olarak 28 gün süreyle uygulandı. 28 günün sonunda vasküler, intestinal ve akciğer dokularındaki histopatolojik değişiklikler incelemesi için doku örnekleri alındı ve biyokimyasal analiz için kan örnekleri alındı.
Bulgular: Total kolestrol (TC), trigliserit (TG) ve çok düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein (VLDL) düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre RG grubunda anlamlı olarak azalmıştır (p<0,05). Kolon ve akciğer dokusundaki mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonunun RG grubunda, kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede azaldığı görüldü (p<0,05). Aort dokusunda hiç bir grup arasında fark saptanmadı. Malondialdehit (MDA) seviyelerinin de RG grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede azaldığı görüldü (p<0,05). Total sülfhidril (t-SH) seviyesinin ise RG grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede artış gösterdiği saptandı (p<0,05).
Sonuç: RG kullanımı splenektomi yapılan ratlarda oksidatif stresi azaltmakta ve lipid metabolizması üzerinde düzenleyici etki göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte RG kullanımının splenektomi sonrası ortaya çıkan vasküler, akciğer ve kolon epitelindeki rejenerasyonu artırıcı etkisi gözlenmemiştir.

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Project Number

Toplantı no: 0065 proje adı: Ratlarda splenektomi sonrası Red Ginseg'in lipit profili, endotel ve oksidatif hasar üzerinde koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesi Karar no: 661


  • 1. Crary SE, Buchanan GR. Vascular complications after splenectomy for hematologic disorders. Blood. 2009;114:2861–68.
  • 2. Taher A, Isma’eel H, Mehio G, Bignamini D, Kattamis A, Rachmilewitz EA, et al. Prevalence of thromboembolic events among 8,860 patients with thalassaemia major and intermedia in the Mediterranean area and Iran. Thromb Haemost. 2006;96:488–91.
  • 3. Paulo DN, Paulo IC, Morais AA, Kalil M, Guerra AJ, Colnago GL, et al. Is splenectomy a dyslipidemic intervention? Experimental response of serum lipids to different diets and operations. Microsurgery. 2009;29:154-60.
  • 4. Temiz C, Solmaz I, Tehli O, Kaya S, Onguru O, Arslan E, et al. The effects of splenectomy on lipid peroxidation and neuronal loss in experimental spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23:67-74.
  • 5. Tuchscherer D, Reinhart WH. What is the spleen needed for ? Ther Umsch. 2013;70:147-51.
  • 6. Ahuja A, Kim JH, Kim JH, Yi YS, Cho JY. Functional role of ginseng-derived compounds in cancer. Journal of ginseng research. 2018;42:248-54.
  • 7. Huu TN, Uto T, Morinaga O, Kim YH, Shoyama Y. Pharmacological effects of ginseng on liver functions and diseases: A minireview. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:173297.
  • 8. Abdelfattah-Hassan A, Shalaby SI, Khater SI, El-Shetry ES, Abd El Fadil H, Elsayed SA. Panax ginseng is superior to vitamin E as a hepatoprotector against cyclophosphamide-induced liver damage. Complement Ther Med. 2019;46:95-102.
  • 9. Kim JH, Yi YS, Kim MY, Cho JY. Role of ginsenosides, the main active components of Panax ginseng, in inflammatory responses and diseases. J Ginseng Res. 2017;41:435-43.
  • 10. Park Y, Kwon H, Shimi MK, Rhyu M, Lee Y. Improved lipid profile in ovariectomized rats by red ginseng extract Pharmazie. 2011;66:450-3.
  • 11. Shin S S, Yoon M. Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) inhibits obesity and improves lipid metabolism in high fat diet-fed castrated mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2018;210:80-87.
  • 12. Wasowicz W, Nève J, Peretz A. Optimized steps in fluorometric determination of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in serum: importance of extraction pH and influence of sample preservation and storage. Clin Chem. 1993;39:2522–6.
  • 13. Taylan E, Resmi H. The Analytical Performance of a Microplate Method for Total Sulfhydryl Measurement in Biological Samples. Turk J Biochem. 2010;35;275-8.
  • 14. Saverymuttu SH, Camilleri M, Rees H, Lavender JP, Hodgson HJ, Chadwick VS. Indium 111-granulocyte scanning in the assessment of disease extent and disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease. A comparison with colonoscopy, histology, and fecal indium 111-granulocyte excretion. Gastroenterology. 1986 May;90(5 Pt 1):1121-8.
  • 15. Miko I, Nemeth N, Sipka S Jr, Brath E, Peto K, GulyasA, Furka I, et al. Hemorheological follow-up after splenectomy and spleen autotransplantation in mice. Microsurgery. 2006;26:38-42.
  • 16. Simões FC, Marques RG, Diestel CF, Caetano CER, Dinis APG, Horst NL, et al. Lipidic profile among rats submited to total splenectomy isolated or combined with splenic autotransplant. Acta Cir Bras. 2007;22:46-51.
  • 17. Caligiuri G, Nicoletti A, Poirier B, Hansson GK. Protective immunity against atherosclerosis carried by B cells of hypercolesterolemic mice. J Clin Invest. 2002;109:745-53.
  • 18. Ai XM, Ho LC, Han LL, Lu JJ, Yue X, Yang NY. The role of splenectomy in lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. Lipids Health Dis. 2018;17:186.
  • 19. Ahuja A, Kim JH, Kim JH, Yi YS, Cho JY. Functional role of ginseng-derived compounds in cancer. J Ginseng Res. 2018;42:248-54.
  • 20. YZ Xiang, H.C. Shang, XM Gao, BL Zhang, A comparison of the ancient use of ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine with modern pharmacological experiments and clinical trials. Phytother Res. 2008;22:851–8.
  • 21. T Ramesh, SW Kim, SY Hwang, SH Sohn, SK Yoo, SK Kim, Panax ginseng reduces oxidative stress and restores antioxidant capacity in aged rats, Nut. Res. 2012;32:718–26.
  • 22. EH Park, YJ Kim, N Yamabe, SH Park, HK Kim, HJ Jang, et al. Stereospecific anticancer effects of ginsenoside Rg3 epimers isolated from heat-processed American ginseng on human gastric cancer cell, J. Gins. Res. 2014;38;22–7.
  • 23. YJ Kim, N Yamabe, P Choi, JW Lee, J Ham, KS Kang, Efficient thermal deglycosylation of ginsenoside Rd and its contribution to the improved anticancer activity of ginseng. J Agric Food Chem. 2013;61:9185–91.
  • 24. Yin J, Zhang H, Ye J. Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of metabolic syndrome. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2008;8:99-111.
  • 25. Lee M, Sung SH. Platyphylloside isolated from Betula platyphylla inhibit adipocyte differentiation and induce lipolysis via regulating adipokines including PPARγ in 3T3-L1 cells. Pharmacogn Mag. 2016;12:276-81.
  • 26. 25.Lee H, Kim M, Shin SS, Yoon M. Ginseng treatment reverses obesity and related disorders by inhibiting angiogenesis in female db/db mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;155:1342-52.
  • 27. Salomao-Paulo DN, Lazaro-da-Silva A. The plasma lipids after total and partial splenectomy in dogs. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2001;28:264-70.
  • 28. Sit M, Yilmaz EE, Tosun M, Aktas G. Effects of N acetyl cysteine on lipid levels and on leukocyte and platelet count in rats after splenectomy. Niger J Clin Pract. 2014;17:343-5.
  • 29. Ai XM, Ho LC, Han LL, Lu JJ, Yue X, Yang NY. The role of splenectomy in lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis (AS). Lipids Health Dis. 2018;17:186.
  • 30. Temiz C, Solmaz I, Tehli O, Kaya S, Arslan E, Izci Y, et al. The effects of splenectomy on lipid peroxidation and neuronal loss in experimental spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23:67–74.
  • 31. Durhan A, Koşmaz K, Şenlikci A, Ergüder E, Süleyman M, Duymuş ME, et al. Does red ginseng ameliorate liver damage caused by obstructive jaundice?: An experimental study. J Health Sci Med. 2021;4:233-9.
  • 32. Cho WH, Kim YH , Heo HJ, Kim D , Kwak TW, Kim KH, et al. Ginsenoside ameliorated ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. J Intensive Care. 2020;23;8:89.
  • 33. Rab MAE, Meerveld-Eggink A, van Velzen-Blad H, van Loon D, Rijkers GT, de Weerdt O. Persistent changes in circulating white blood cell populations after splenectomy Int J Hematol. 2018;107:157-65.

Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Red Ginseng on Lipid Profile, Endothelial and Oxidative Damage after Splenectomy in Rats

Year 2021, , 43 - 49, 02.08.2021


Aim: It was aimed to examine the effects of Red Ginseng (RG), which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, on the histopathological alterations and lipid metabolism following splenectomy.
Methods: Rats were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 rats each. Only laparotomy was conducted in group 1 (sham). In group 2 (control), splenectomy was performed but no therapy was offered. Splenectomy was performed and RG extract was supplied orogastrically at a dosage of 100mg/kg/day for 28 days in group 3 (RG group). At the end of the 28-day period, tissue samples were obtained for the assessment of histopathological alterations in the vascular, intestinal, and lung tissues, and blood samples were obtained for biochemical analysis.
Results: The RG group had reduced significantly total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels than the control group (p<0.05). When mononuclear cell infiltration in colon and lung tissues was evaluated, it was shown to be considerably lower in the RG group (p<0.05). For aortic tissues, there was no difference between the groups. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were observed to be considerably lower in the RG group compared to the control group (p <0.05). The total sulfhydryl (t-SH) level increased considerably in the RG group as compared to the control group. (p<0.05)
Conclusions: After splenectomy, RG usage decreases oxidative stress in mice. It has also been demonstrated to have a regulating impact on lipid metabolism. Furthermore, the administration of RG following splenectomy was found to have a poor likelihood of improving vascular, lung, and colon epithelial regeneration.

Project Number

Toplantı no: 0065 proje adı: Ratlarda splenektomi sonrası Red Ginseg'in lipit profili, endotel ve oksidatif hasar üzerinde koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesi Karar no: 661


  • 1. Crary SE, Buchanan GR. Vascular complications after splenectomy for hematologic disorders. Blood. 2009;114:2861–68.
  • 2. Taher A, Isma’eel H, Mehio G, Bignamini D, Kattamis A, Rachmilewitz EA, et al. Prevalence of thromboembolic events among 8,860 patients with thalassaemia major and intermedia in the Mediterranean area and Iran. Thromb Haemost. 2006;96:488–91.
  • 3. Paulo DN, Paulo IC, Morais AA, Kalil M, Guerra AJ, Colnago GL, et al. Is splenectomy a dyslipidemic intervention? Experimental response of serum lipids to different diets and operations. Microsurgery. 2009;29:154-60.
  • 4. Temiz C, Solmaz I, Tehli O, Kaya S, Onguru O, Arslan E, et al. The effects of splenectomy on lipid peroxidation and neuronal loss in experimental spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23:67-74.
  • 5. Tuchscherer D, Reinhart WH. What is the spleen needed for ? Ther Umsch. 2013;70:147-51.
  • 6. Ahuja A, Kim JH, Kim JH, Yi YS, Cho JY. Functional role of ginseng-derived compounds in cancer. Journal of ginseng research. 2018;42:248-54.
  • 7. Huu TN, Uto T, Morinaga O, Kim YH, Shoyama Y. Pharmacological effects of ginseng on liver functions and diseases: A minireview. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:173297.
  • 8. Abdelfattah-Hassan A, Shalaby SI, Khater SI, El-Shetry ES, Abd El Fadil H, Elsayed SA. Panax ginseng is superior to vitamin E as a hepatoprotector against cyclophosphamide-induced liver damage. Complement Ther Med. 2019;46:95-102.
  • 9. Kim JH, Yi YS, Kim MY, Cho JY. Role of ginsenosides, the main active components of Panax ginseng, in inflammatory responses and diseases. J Ginseng Res. 2017;41:435-43.
  • 10. Park Y, Kwon H, Shimi MK, Rhyu M, Lee Y. Improved lipid profile in ovariectomized rats by red ginseng extract Pharmazie. 2011;66:450-3.
  • 11. Shin S S, Yoon M. Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) inhibits obesity and improves lipid metabolism in high fat diet-fed castrated mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2018;210:80-87.
  • 12. Wasowicz W, Nève J, Peretz A. Optimized steps in fluorometric determination of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in serum: importance of extraction pH and influence of sample preservation and storage. Clin Chem. 1993;39:2522–6.
  • 13. Taylan E, Resmi H. The Analytical Performance of a Microplate Method for Total Sulfhydryl Measurement in Biological Samples. Turk J Biochem. 2010;35;275-8.
  • 14. Saverymuttu SH, Camilleri M, Rees H, Lavender JP, Hodgson HJ, Chadwick VS. Indium 111-granulocyte scanning in the assessment of disease extent and disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease. A comparison with colonoscopy, histology, and fecal indium 111-granulocyte excretion. Gastroenterology. 1986 May;90(5 Pt 1):1121-8.
  • 15. Miko I, Nemeth N, Sipka S Jr, Brath E, Peto K, GulyasA, Furka I, et al. Hemorheological follow-up after splenectomy and spleen autotransplantation in mice. Microsurgery. 2006;26:38-42.
  • 16. Simões FC, Marques RG, Diestel CF, Caetano CER, Dinis APG, Horst NL, et al. Lipidic profile among rats submited to total splenectomy isolated or combined with splenic autotransplant. Acta Cir Bras. 2007;22:46-51.
  • 17. Caligiuri G, Nicoletti A, Poirier B, Hansson GK. Protective immunity against atherosclerosis carried by B cells of hypercolesterolemic mice. J Clin Invest. 2002;109:745-53.
  • 18. Ai XM, Ho LC, Han LL, Lu JJ, Yue X, Yang NY. The role of splenectomy in lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. Lipids Health Dis. 2018;17:186.
  • 19. Ahuja A, Kim JH, Kim JH, Yi YS, Cho JY. Functional role of ginseng-derived compounds in cancer. J Ginseng Res. 2018;42:248-54.
  • 20. YZ Xiang, H.C. Shang, XM Gao, BL Zhang, A comparison of the ancient use of ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine with modern pharmacological experiments and clinical trials. Phytother Res. 2008;22:851–8.
  • 21. T Ramesh, SW Kim, SY Hwang, SH Sohn, SK Yoo, SK Kim, Panax ginseng reduces oxidative stress and restores antioxidant capacity in aged rats, Nut. Res. 2012;32:718–26.
  • 22. EH Park, YJ Kim, N Yamabe, SH Park, HK Kim, HJ Jang, et al. Stereospecific anticancer effects of ginsenoside Rg3 epimers isolated from heat-processed American ginseng on human gastric cancer cell, J. Gins. Res. 2014;38;22–7.
  • 23. YJ Kim, N Yamabe, P Choi, JW Lee, J Ham, KS Kang, Efficient thermal deglycosylation of ginsenoside Rd and its contribution to the improved anticancer activity of ginseng. J Agric Food Chem. 2013;61:9185–91.
  • 24. Yin J, Zhang H, Ye J. Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of metabolic syndrome. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2008;8:99-111.
  • 25. Lee M, Sung SH. Platyphylloside isolated from Betula platyphylla inhibit adipocyte differentiation and induce lipolysis via regulating adipokines including PPARγ in 3T3-L1 cells. Pharmacogn Mag. 2016;12:276-81.
  • 26. 25.Lee H, Kim M, Shin SS, Yoon M. Ginseng treatment reverses obesity and related disorders by inhibiting angiogenesis in female db/db mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;155:1342-52.
  • 27. Salomao-Paulo DN, Lazaro-da-Silva A. The plasma lipids after total and partial splenectomy in dogs. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2001;28:264-70.
  • 28. Sit M, Yilmaz EE, Tosun M, Aktas G. Effects of N acetyl cysteine on lipid levels and on leukocyte and platelet count in rats after splenectomy. Niger J Clin Pract. 2014;17:343-5.
  • 29. Ai XM, Ho LC, Han LL, Lu JJ, Yue X, Yang NY. The role of splenectomy in lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis (AS). Lipids Health Dis. 2018;17:186.
  • 30. Temiz C, Solmaz I, Tehli O, Kaya S, Arslan E, Izci Y, et al. The effects of splenectomy on lipid peroxidation and neuronal loss in experimental spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23:67–74.
  • 31. Durhan A, Koşmaz K, Şenlikci A, Ergüder E, Süleyman M, Duymuş ME, et al. Does red ginseng ameliorate liver damage caused by obstructive jaundice?: An experimental study. J Health Sci Med. 2021;4:233-9.
  • 32. Cho WH, Kim YH , Heo HJ, Kim D , Kwak TW, Kim KH, et al. Ginsenoside ameliorated ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. J Intensive Care. 2020;23;8:89.
  • 33. Rab MAE, Meerveld-Eggink A, van Velzen-Blad H, van Loon D, Rijkers GT, de Weerdt O. Persistent changes in circulating white blood cell populations after splenectomy Int J Hematol. 2018;107:157-65.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Original Research

Koray Koşmaz 0000-0003-2111-3162

Abdullah Durhan 0000-0002-5622-9678

Abdullah Şenlikci 0000-0002-4321-4004

Marlen Süleyman 0000-0001-6979-4150

Mustafa Taner Bostancı 0000-0003-2876-2683

Mevlüt Recep Pekcici 0000-0002-5566-8134

Mehmet Şeneş 0000-0002-7924-5478

İlknur Alkan Kuşabbi 0000-0003-0000-1196

Mehmet Alparslan Gönültaş 0000-0002-4024-585X

Sema Hücümenoğlu 0000-0002-6898-4101

Aziz Mutlu Barlas 0000-0002-4941-3186

Yusuf Murat Bağ 0000-0002-0159-9356

Can Ersak 0000-0002-9658-6063

Ender Ergüder 0000-0001-5289-3718

Project Number Toplantı no: 0065 proje adı: Ratlarda splenektomi sonrası Red Ginseg'in lipit profili, endotel ve oksidatif hasar üzerinde koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesi Karar no: 661
Publication Date August 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Koşmaz K, Durhan A, Şenlikci A, Süleyman M, Bostancı MT, Pekcici MR, Şeneş M, Alkan Kuşabbi İ, Gönültaş MA, Hücümenoğlu S, Barlas AM, Bağ YM, Ersak C, Ergüder E. Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Red Ginseng on Lipid Profile, Endothelial and Oxidative Damage after Splenectomy in Rats. Arch Clin Exp Med. 2021;6(2):43-9.