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Adrenal Bez Kitlelerinde Ultrasonografi Eşliğinde Yapılan İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Etkinliği

Year 2006, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 90 - 95, 01.08.2006


İt was planned to investigate the efficiency of US-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy betvveen 1992 and 2004 in 33 patients who had lesions in adrenal glands in our department. Of 22 patients who were follovved-up, 4 were vvomen and 18 were men (women/men rate= 22.2%); mean age was 54.0 ± 13.0 years, ranging betvveen 27 and 75 years. İn 63.6% (14 patients) and 36.4% (8 patients) were located in the right and left adrenal glands respectively. The diameters of lesions varied betvveen 2.5 cm and six cm. Evaluation of success (accuracy) was realized in 22 patients having definitive diagnosis. Ali 5 patients (23.0%) diagnosed, inadequate material, was accepted false negative. The diagnosis of lipoma was established, but second tissue diagnosis was vvell-differentiated liposarcoma. The diagnosis of suspected malign ıvas found successful if outcome was maiignant pathologically or clinically. Among nine patients evaluated as maiignant and six patients suspected maiignant there tvas no patient who was found benign vvith pathologic or clinical diagnosis, false positivety. The specificity was 100%. Ali the patients of seven patients vvith metastasis and six patients suspected maiignant had metastases originated from various organs. Totally six patients were false negative. Of two patients who were diagnosed benign one was lipoma falsely, the other adenoma accurateiy. The sensitivity and accuracy were 71.4% and 73.0% respectively. There was detected no difference in the success due to gender and right-left localizations (p> 0.05). Percutaneous US-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy is a saf e and effective method aiming to diagnose in the patients vvith adrenal gland masses greater than 2.5 cm. İt should be repeated vvith CT-guided or vvith endoscopic US-guided, if needed in left adrenal gland, if it is not concluded.


  • Tikkakoski T, Taavitsainen M, Paivansalo M, Lahde S, Apaja-Sarkkinen M. Accuracy of adrenal biopsy guided by ultrasound and CT. Açta Radiol 1991;32:371-4.
  • VVelch TJ, Sheedy PFII, Stephens DH, et al. Percutaneous adrenal biopsy: Review of a 10-year experience. Radiology 1994;193:341-4.
  • Bernardino ME. Management of the asymptomatic patient with a unilateral adrenal mass. Radiology 1988;166:121-3.
  • Rozenblit A, Wahl SI. Percutaneous needle biopsy and drainage İn: Bakal CW, Silberzvveig JE, Cynamon J, Sprayregen (eds). Vascular and interventional radiology. Principles and practise. Thieme, 2002:114-5.
  • Smith EH. Complications of percutaneous abdominal fine
  • needle biopsy. Radiology 1991 ;178:253-8.
  • Kocijancic K, Kocijancic I, Guna F. Role of sonographically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal masses in patients with lung cancer. J Clin Ultrasound 2004; 32:12-6.
  • Yong AA, Roberts SA. İnterventional endoscopic ultra­ sound. Clin Radiol 2003;58:32-43.
  • Eloubeidi MA, Seewald S, Tamhane A, et al. EUS-guided FNA of the left adrenal gland in patients with thoracic or Gl malignancies. Gastrointest Endosc 2004;59:627-33.
  • Arıbaş BK, Saray A, Sağlıcan Y. Primer sürrenal hidatik kist. Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji 2000;6:388-90.
  • Lumachi F, Borsato S, Brandes AA, et al. Fine-needle aspi­ ration cytology of adrenal masses in noncancer patients: Clinicoradiologic and histologic correlations in functioning and nonfunctioning tu mors. Cancer 2001; 93:323-9.
  • Caspers JM, Reading CC, McGahan JP, Charboneau JW. Ultrasound-guided biopsy and drainage of the abdomen and pelvis. İn: Rumack CM, VVİlson SR, Charboneau JW (eds). Diagnostic Ultrasound. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Missouri: Mosby, 1998:599-612.
  • Dunnick NR. Hanson lecture. Adrenal imaging: Current sta­ tus. AJR 1990;154:927-36.
  • Arıbal ME, Dingil G, Arıbaş B, Albayrak Y, Yücel K, ince A. intraabdominal lezyonların tanısında ultrasonografi eşliğinde ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi. Radyoloji ve Tıbbi Görüntüleme Dergisi 1992;2:290-3.
  • Bernardino ME. Percutaneous biopsy. AJR 1984;142:41-5.
  • Pelaez JC, Hill MC, Dach JL, Isikoff MB, Morse B. Abdominal aspiration biopsies. JAMA 1983;250:2663-6.
  • MartinezA, Velasco M, CaceresJ. Fine needle biopsy of the pancreas using real-time uttrasonography. Gastrointest Radiol 1984;9:231-4.
  • Bret PM, Fond A, Casola G, et al. Abdominal lesions: A per- spective study of clinical efficacy of percutaneous fine-nee­ dle biopsy. Radiology 1986;159:345-6.
  • Ferrucci JT, VVİttenberg J, Mueller PR, et al. Diagnosis of abdominal malignancy by radiologic fine-needle aspiration biopsy. AJR 1980;134:323-30.
  • Hall-Craggs MA, Less WR. Fine needle aspiration biopsy: Pancreatic and biliary tumors. AJR 1986;147:399-403.
  • Charboneau JW, Reading CC, VVelch TJ. CT and sono­ graphically guided needle biopsy: Current techniques and new innovations. AJR 1990;154:1-10.
  • Fagelman D, Chess Q. Nonaspiration fine-needle cytology of the iiver; a new technique for obtaining diagnostic sam- ples. AJR 1990;155:1217-9.
  • Butler JA, Smith C. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of recurrent and metastatic intraabdominal malig­ nancies. Am J Surg 1989;158:589-92.
  • Gazelle GS, Haaga JR. Guided percutaneous biopsy of intraabdominal lesions. AJR 1989;153:929-35.
  • Fornari F, Civardi G, Cavana L, et al. Ultrasonically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy: A highly diagnostic procedure four hepatic tumors. Am J Gastroenteroi 1990;85:1009-13.
  • Fernandez MP, Murphy FB. Hepatic biopsies and fluid drainages. Radiol Clin North Am 1991;29:1311-28.
  • Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Koşar S ve ark. Ultrasonografi eşliğinde ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisinin intra-abdominat lezyonlarda tanı değeri. Açta Oncologica Turcica 2005; 38:18-25.
  • Vassiliades VG, Bernardino ME. Percutaneous renal and adrenal biopsies. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 1991;14:50-4.

The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses

Year 2006, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 90 - 95, 01.08.2006


Çalışmamızda, kliniğimizde son 12 yılda (1992-2004) yapmış olduğumuz adrenal bez tezyonu olan 33 olguda, yalnızca US eşliğindeki ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisinin etkinliğini araştırmayı planladık. Takip sonucu olan 22 olgunun, 4'ü kadın, 18'i erkek (kadın/erkek oranı= %22.2) ve yaş ortalaması 54.0 ± 13.0 yaş (27-75 yaş) idi. Yirmi iki olguda (kayıp 11 olgu dışında) lezyonların %63.6'sı (14 olgu) sağ adrenal bez, %36.4'ü (8 olgu) sol adrenal bez yerleşimliydi. Lezyonların boyutları 2.5-6 cm arasında değişiyordu. Olgulardan kesin tanı elde edilen 22 olguda başarı (doğruluk) değerlendirmesi yapıldı. Yetersiz materyal sonucu alınan 5 (%23.0) olgu, yanlış negatif kabul edildi. Bir olguda lipom tanısı kondu, ancak ikinci doku tanısı düşük 'grade'li liposarkom idi. Şüpheli malign tanısı, patolojik veya klinik olarak malign çıktığında, başarılı olarak kabul edildi. Malign olarak değerlendirilen dokuz olgu ve şüpheli malign tanısı alan altı olgudan, daha sonra patolojik tanı veya klinik bulgularla benign olduğu anlaşılan yanlış pozitif hiçbir olgu olmadı. Özgüllük %100 bulunmuştur. Yedi metastaz ve altı şüpheli malign olgunun tümü, değişik organlardan kaynaklanan metastaz olarak bulunmuştur. Toplam altı olgu yanlış negatif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Benign tanısı alan iki olgudan biri yanlışlıkla lipom, diğeri doğru olarak adenom tanısını almıştır. Duyarlılık %71.4 ve doğruluk %73.0 idi. Cinsiyet ve sağ-sol lokalizasyona göre, başarı farklı bulunmamıştır (p> 0.05). Adrenal bezde, > 2.5 cm kitlesi olan hastalarda tanı koyabilmek amacıyla, perkütan US kılavuzluğunda yapılan ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi güvenilir ve etkin bir yöntemdir. Sonuç alınamazsa, bilgisayarlı tomografi veya sol adrenal bezde gerekirse endoskopik US kılavuzluğunda tekrarlanmalıdır.


  • Tikkakoski T, Taavitsainen M, Paivansalo M, Lahde S, Apaja-Sarkkinen M. Accuracy of adrenal biopsy guided by ultrasound and CT. Açta Radiol 1991;32:371-4.
  • VVelch TJ, Sheedy PFII, Stephens DH, et al. Percutaneous adrenal biopsy: Review of a 10-year experience. Radiology 1994;193:341-4.
  • Bernardino ME. Management of the asymptomatic patient with a unilateral adrenal mass. Radiology 1988;166:121-3.
  • Rozenblit A, Wahl SI. Percutaneous needle biopsy and drainage İn: Bakal CW, Silberzvveig JE, Cynamon J, Sprayregen (eds). Vascular and interventional radiology. Principles and practise. Thieme, 2002:114-5.
  • Smith EH. Complications of percutaneous abdominal fine
  • needle biopsy. Radiology 1991 ;178:253-8.
  • Kocijancic K, Kocijancic I, Guna F. Role of sonographically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal masses in patients with lung cancer. J Clin Ultrasound 2004; 32:12-6.
  • Yong AA, Roberts SA. İnterventional endoscopic ultra­ sound. Clin Radiol 2003;58:32-43.
  • Eloubeidi MA, Seewald S, Tamhane A, et al. EUS-guided FNA of the left adrenal gland in patients with thoracic or Gl malignancies. Gastrointest Endosc 2004;59:627-33.
  • Arıbaş BK, Saray A, Sağlıcan Y. Primer sürrenal hidatik kist. Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji 2000;6:388-90.
  • Lumachi F, Borsato S, Brandes AA, et al. Fine-needle aspi­ ration cytology of adrenal masses in noncancer patients: Clinicoradiologic and histologic correlations in functioning and nonfunctioning tu mors. Cancer 2001; 93:323-9.
  • Caspers JM, Reading CC, McGahan JP, Charboneau JW. Ultrasound-guided biopsy and drainage of the abdomen and pelvis. İn: Rumack CM, VVİlson SR, Charboneau JW (eds). Diagnostic Ultrasound. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Missouri: Mosby, 1998:599-612.
  • Dunnick NR. Hanson lecture. Adrenal imaging: Current sta­ tus. AJR 1990;154:927-36.
  • Arıbal ME, Dingil G, Arıbaş B, Albayrak Y, Yücel K, ince A. intraabdominal lezyonların tanısında ultrasonografi eşliğinde ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi. Radyoloji ve Tıbbi Görüntüleme Dergisi 1992;2:290-3.
  • Bernardino ME. Percutaneous biopsy. AJR 1984;142:41-5.
  • Pelaez JC, Hill MC, Dach JL, Isikoff MB, Morse B. Abdominal aspiration biopsies. JAMA 1983;250:2663-6.
  • MartinezA, Velasco M, CaceresJ. Fine needle biopsy of the pancreas using real-time uttrasonography. Gastrointest Radiol 1984;9:231-4.
  • Bret PM, Fond A, Casola G, et al. Abdominal lesions: A per- spective study of clinical efficacy of percutaneous fine-nee­ dle biopsy. Radiology 1986;159:345-6.
  • Ferrucci JT, VVİttenberg J, Mueller PR, et al. Diagnosis of abdominal malignancy by radiologic fine-needle aspiration biopsy. AJR 1980;134:323-30.
  • Hall-Craggs MA, Less WR. Fine needle aspiration biopsy: Pancreatic and biliary tumors. AJR 1986;147:399-403.
  • Charboneau JW, Reading CC, VVelch TJ. CT and sono­ graphically guided needle biopsy: Current techniques and new innovations. AJR 1990;154:1-10.
  • Fagelman D, Chess Q. Nonaspiration fine-needle cytology of the iiver; a new technique for obtaining diagnostic sam- ples. AJR 1990;155:1217-9.
  • Butler JA, Smith C. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of recurrent and metastatic intraabdominal malig­ nancies. Am J Surg 1989;158:589-92.
  • Gazelle GS, Haaga JR. Guided percutaneous biopsy of intraabdominal lesions. AJR 1989;153:929-35.
  • Fornari F, Civardi G, Cavana L, et al. Ultrasonically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy: A highly diagnostic procedure four hepatic tumors. Am J Gastroenteroi 1990;85:1009-13.
  • Fernandez MP, Murphy FB. Hepatic biopsies and fluid drainages. Radiol Clin North Am 1991;29:1311-28.
  • Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Koşar S ve ark. Ultrasonografi eşliğinde ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisinin intra-abdominat lezyonlarda tanı değeri. Açta Oncologica Turcica 2005; 38:18-25.
  • Vassiliades VG, Bernardino ME. Percutaneous renal and adrenal biopsies. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 1991;14:50-4.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Bilgin Kadri Arıbaş This is me

Gürbüz Dingil This is me

Ümit Üngül This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 39 Issue: 2


APA Arıbaş, B. K. ., Dingil, G. ., & Üngül, Ü. . (2006). The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses. Acta Oncologica Turcica, 39(2), 90-95.
AMA Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Üngül Ü. The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses. Acta Oncologica Turcica. August 2006;39(2):90-95.
Chicago Arıbaş, Bilgin Kadri, Gürbüz Dingil, and Ümit Üngül. “The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses”. Acta Oncologica Turcica 39, no. 2 (August 2006): 90-95.
EndNote Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Üngül Ü (August 1, 2006) The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses. Acta Oncologica Turcica 39 2 90–95.
IEEE B. K. . Arıbaş, G. . Dingil, and Ü. . Üngül, “The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses”, Acta Oncologica Turcica, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 90–95, 2006.
ISNAD Arıbaş, Bilgin Kadri et al. “The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses”. Acta Oncologica Turcica 39/2 (August 2006), 90-95.
JAMA Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Üngül Ü. The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses. Acta Oncologica Turcica. 2006;39:90–95.
MLA Arıbaş, Bilgin Kadri et al. “The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses”. Acta Oncologica Turcica, vol. 39, no. 2, 2006, pp. 90-95.
Vancouver Arıbaş BK, Dingil G, Üngül Ü. The Efficacy of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Adrenal Masses. Acta Oncologica Turcica. 2006;39(2):90-5.