Deriner Baraj Gölü Zooplanktonu (Artvin-Türkiye)
Year 2024,
, 14 - 22, 01.03.2024
Hilal Bulut
Dilek Fidan
Serap Saler
Bu çalışma, 2020-2021 yılları arasında Deriner Baraj Gölü'nde belirlenen 8 istasyonda mevsimsel olarak yapılmıştır. Belirlenen istasyonlarda mevsimsel zooplankton takson çeşitliliği ve zenginliğini belirlemek amacıyla 55 mikron göz açıklığında plankton ağı ile yüzey sularından örnekler toplanmıştır. Zooplankton dağılımında tür sayısı açısından sonbahar ve ilkbahar mevsimlerinde diğer mevsimlere göre daha fazla takson kaydedilmiştir. Rotifera türlerinin sayısı fazla olmakla birlikte her mevsim görülen en yaygın tür Polyarthra dolichoptera olmuştur. Rotifera'dan Asplanchna sieboldi, Copepoda'dan Acanhopdiaptomus denticornis ve Cladocera'dan Daphnia cucullata gruplarının baskın türleriydi.
Project Number
- Abrusan, G. (2003). Morphological variation of the predatory cladoceran Leptodora kindtii in relation top rey characteristics. Oecologia, 134(4), 278-283
- Balayla, D. J., & Moss, B. (2003). Spatial patterns and population dynamics of plant-associated microcrustacea (cladocera) in an English shallow lake (Little Mere, Cheshire). Aquatic Ecology, 37, 417–435
- Bednarz, T., Starzecka, A., & Mazurkiewicz-Boroń, G. (2002). Microbiological processes accompanying the blooming of algae and cyanobacteria. Wiad Botanic, 46(1–2), 45-55.
- Bekleyen, A. (2003). A taxonomical study on the zooplankton of Göksu Dam Lake (Diyarbakır). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 27, 95-100.
- Bekleyen, A., & Tas, B., (2006). Çernek Gölü'nün (Samsun) Zooplankton Faunası. Ekoloji, 17(67), 24-30.
- Berzins, B., & Pejler, B. (1987). Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiologia, 147, 107–116.
- Bulut, H., & Saler, S. (2013). Kalecik Baraj Gölü (Elazığ-Türkiye) zooplanktonu. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(2), 99-103.
- Bulut, H., & Saler, S. (2014). Zooplankton of Beyhan Dam Lake (Elazığ-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1), 23-28.
- Bulut, H. (2018). A Taxonomic Study on Zooplankton Fauna of Kiğı Dam Lake (Bingöl-Turkey). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 74-79.
- De Vargas, C. Audic, S. Henry, N. Decelle, J. Mahé, F. & Logares, R. (2015). Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean. Science, 348(6237).
- Duggan, I. C., Green, J. D., & Shiel, R. J. (2001). Distribution of rotifers in North Island, In L.Sanoamuang, H, Segers, R.J. Shiel, & R.D. Gulati (Eds.), New Zealand, and their potential use as bioindicators of lake trophic state Rotifera IX, Springer.
- Dumont, H. J., & De Ridder, M. (1987). Rotifers from Turkey. Hydrobiologia, 147, 65-73.
- Edmondson, W. T. (1959). Rotifera in Fresh Water Biology Second edition. University of Washington Seattle.
- Einsle, U. (1996). Copepoda: Cyclopoida, Genera Cyclops, Megacyclops, Acanthocyclops. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World No.10 SPB Academic Publishing, London.
- Grasse, P. (1965). Traıte de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie, Nome IV, Fassicule III, Mason Etc Editeurs Libraires De L‟Academie De Medecine Annales de Limnologie. Science, 6(2),161-190.
- Güher, H., & Kırgız, T. (1992). Edirne Bölgesi Cladocera (Crustacea) Türleri, Fırat Üniv., XI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Hidrobiyoloji, Elazığ, 89-97.
- Gülle, İ. (1999). Kovada Gölü zooplanktonunun sistematik ve ekolojik yönden araştırılması. [Yüksek lisans tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi].
- Hemlata ,V., Davendra, N. P., & Sandeep, K. S. (2013). Monthly variations of zooplankton in a freshwater body, Futera anthropogenic pond of Damoh District (M. P.). International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(9), 4781–4788.
- Herzig, A. (1987). The Analysis of Planktonic Rotifer Population: A Plea for Long-Term Investigations. Hydrobiologia, 147, 163-180.
- Ipek Alış, N. & Saler, S. (2016). Zooplankton Fauna of Özlüce Dam Lake (Bingöl-Turkey). BEU Journal of Science, 5(1), 86-90.
- Ivanova, M. B., & Kazantseva, T. I. (2006). Effect of water pH and total dissolved solids on the species diversity of pelagic zooplankton in lakes: a statistical analysis. Russian Journal of Ecolology, 37(4), 264-270.
- Kolisko, W. R. (1974). Planktonic Rotifers Biologyand Taxonomy Biological Station, Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart.
- Korkmaz, S. (2000). Beytepe Göletinin Zooplankton Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Arastırma, [Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi].
- Koste, W. (1978a). Rotatoria. Überordnung Monogononta. I. Textband, Gebrüderssontrager, Berlin.
Koste, W. (1978b). Rotatoria. Gebrüder Borntraeger, II. Tafelband, Stuttgart.
- Kotov, A. A., & Boikova, O. (1998). Comparative analysis of the late embryogenesis of Sida crystallina (O.F. Müller, 1776) and Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Lievin, 1848) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Ctenopoda). Hydrobiologia, 380, 103–125
- Mikschi, E. (1989). Rotifer distributions in relation to temperature and oxygen content. Hydrobiologia, 186(187), 209-214.
- Mimouni, E-A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Beisner, B. E., & Legendre, P. (2018). Summer assessment of zooplankton biodiversity and environmental control in urban waterbodies on the Island of Montreal. Ecosphere, 9(7), 1–19.
- Mustapha, M. K. (2009). Zooplankton assemblage of Oyun Reservoir, Offa, Nigeria. Revista de Biología Tropical, 57(4), 1027—104
- Negrea, S. T. (1983). Fauna Republici Socialiste Romania, Crustacea Cladocera. Academia Republici Socialiste Romania, Bukres.
- Pawlowski, J., Lejzerowicz, F., Apotheloz-Perret-Gentil, L., Visco, J., & Esling, P. (2016). Protist metabarcoding and environmental biomonitoring: time for change. Euroepan Journal of Protistology, 55, 12-25.
- Saler, S., & Ipek, Alış. (2014). Zooplankton of Hancağız Dam Lake (Gaziantep - Turkey). Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 1(1), 45-54.
- Saler, S., Haykır, H., & Baysal, N. (2014). Zooplankton of Uzunçayır Dam Lake (Tunceli-Turkey). Journal of Fisheriessciences, 8(1), 1- 7.
- Saler, S., Bulut, H., & Karakaya, G. (2019). Zooplankton of Çat Dam Lake (Malatya -Turkey) with a new record for Turkish rotifers Lecane intrasinuata (Olofsson, 1917), Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 18(1), 199-204.
- Saler, S., Selamoğlu, Z. (2020). Zooplankton diversity of three dam lakes in Turkey, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 19(5), 2720-2729.
- Saler, S. (2009). Rotifers of Kepektas Dam Lake (Elazıg-Turkey). Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 33(A1), 121-126.
- Saler, S., İpek, N. & Eroğlu, M., (2010). Karakaya Baraj Gölü Battalgazi Bölgesi Rotiferleri. Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Ecological Sciences, 5(3), 216-221.
- Sen, B. (1987). Plankton ve Kültürü, F. Ü. Su Ürünleri Y. O. Yayınları No:2.
- Tas, S., Okus, E., Ünlü, S. & Altiok, H. (2011). A study on phytoplankton following Volgoneft-248 oil spill on the north-eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(3), 715–725.
- Tuna, A., & Ustaoğlu, M.R. (2016). Kemer Baraj Gölü (Aydın-Türkiye) Zooplankton Faunası. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 2(2), 95-106.
- Uslu, O., & Türkman A, (1987). Su Kirliliği ve Kontrolü. T.C Başbakanlık Çevre Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları Eğitim Dizisi. 1. Ankara.
- URL 2023. date of access 27.03.2023.
- Yamada, Y., & Ikeda, T. (1999). Acute toxicity of lowered pH to some oceanic zooplankton Plankton Biology and Ecology, 46(1), 62-67.
- Yang, H.H., & Min, G.S. (2020). New Record of Kellicottia bostoniensis and Redescription of Two Freshwater Rotifers from Korea (Rotifera: Monogononta), Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity, 36(3), 222-229,
- Yiğit, S. (2006). Analysis of the Zooplankton Community by the Shannon-Weaver Index in Kesikköprü Dam Lake, Turkey. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilgileri Dergisi, 12(2), 216-220.
- Young, S. & Taylor, V.A. (1988). Visually guided Chases in Polyphemus pediculus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 137, 387-398.
- Xiong, W., Ni, P., Chen, Y., Gao, Y., Li, S., & Zhan, A. (2019). Biological consequences of environmental pollution in running water ecosystems: a case study in zooplankton. Environmental Pollution, 252, 1483–1490.
Zooplankton of Deriner Dam Lake (Artvin-Türkiye)
Year 2024,
, 14 - 22, 01.03.2024
Hilal Bulut
Dilek Fidan
Serap Saler
This study was carried out seasonally at 8 stations determined in Deriner Dam Lake between 2020 and 2021. In order to determine the seasonal zooplankton taxon diversity and richness at the determined stations, the samples were collected in the surface water with a plankton net with a mesh size of 55 µm. In the distribution of zooplankton, more taxon was recorded in autumn and spring seasons compared to other seasons in terms of both the number of species and the number of individuals. In addition to presence of Rotifera species in high numbers in general, Polyarthra dolichoptera is the most common species seen in all seasons. Asplanchna sieboldi from Rotifera, Acanhopdiaptomus denticornis from Copepoda, and Daphnia cucullata from Cladocera were the dominant species of their groups.
Supporting Institution
Project Number
- Abrusan, G. (2003). Morphological variation of the predatory cladoceran Leptodora kindtii in relation top rey characteristics. Oecologia, 134(4), 278-283
- Balayla, D. J., & Moss, B. (2003). Spatial patterns and population dynamics of plant-associated microcrustacea (cladocera) in an English shallow lake (Little Mere, Cheshire). Aquatic Ecology, 37, 417–435
- Bednarz, T., Starzecka, A., & Mazurkiewicz-Boroń, G. (2002). Microbiological processes accompanying the blooming of algae and cyanobacteria. Wiad Botanic, 46(1–2), 45-55.
- Bekleyen, A. (2003). A taxonomical study on the zooplankton of Göksu Dam Lake (Diyarbakır). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 27, 95-100.
- Bekleyen, A., & Tas, B., (2006). Çernek Gölü'nün (Samsun) Zooplankton Faunası. Ekoloji, 17(67), 24-30.
- Berzins, B., & Pejler, B. (1987). Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiologia, 147, 107–116.
- Bulut, H., & Saler, S. (2013). Kalecik Baraj Gölü (Elazığ-Türkiye) zooplanktonu. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(2), 99-103.
- Bulut, H., & Saler, S. (2014). Zooplankton of Beyhan Dam Lake (Elazığ-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1), 23-28.
- Bulut, H. (2018). A Taxonomic Study on Zooplankton Fauna of Kiğı Dam Lake (Bingöl-Turkey). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 74-79.
- De Vargas, C. Audic, S. Henry, N. Decelle, J. Mahé, F. & Logares, R. (2015). Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean. Science, 348(6237).
- Duggan, I. C., Green, J. D., & Shiel, R. J. (2001). Distribution of rotifers in North Island, In L.Sanoamuang, H, Segers, R.J. Shiel, & R.D. Gulati (Eds.), New Zealand, and their potential use as bioindicators of lake trophic state Rotifera IX, Springer.
- Dumont, H. J., & De Ridder, M. (1987). Rotifers from Turkey. Hydrobiologia, 147, 65-73.
- Edmondson, W. T. (1959). Rotifera in Fresh Water Biology Second edition. University of Washington Seattle.
- Einsle, U. (1996). Copepoda: Cyclopoida, Genera Cyclops, Megacyclops, Acanthocyclops. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World No.10 SPB Academic Publishing, London.
- Grasse, P. (1965). Traıte de Zoologie, Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie, Nome IV, Fassicule III, Mason Etc Editeurs Libraires De L‟Academie De Medecine Annales de Limnologie. Science, 6(2),161-190.
- Güher, H., & Kırgız, T. (1992). Edirne Bölgesi Cladocera (Crustacea) Türleri, Fırat Üniv., XI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Hidrobiyoloji, Elazığ, 89-97.
- Gülle, İ. (1999). Kovada Gölü zooplanktonunun sistematik ve ekolojik yönden araştırılması. [Yüksek lisans tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi].
- Hemlata ,V., Davendra, N. P., & Sandeep, K. S. (2013). Monthly variations of zooplankton in a freshwater body, Futera anthropogenic pond of Damoh District (M. P.). International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(9), 4781–4788.
- Herzig, A. (1987). The Analysis of Planktonic Rotifer Population: A Plea for Long-Term Investigations. Hydrobiologia, 147, 163-180.
- Ipek Alış, N. & Saler, S. (2016). Zooplankton Fauna of Özlüce Dam Lake (Bingöl-Turkey). BEU Journal of Science, 5(1), 86-90.
- Ivanova, M. B., & Kazantseva, T. I. (2006). Effect of water pH and total dissolved solids on the species diversity of pelagic zooplankton in lakes: a statistical analysis. Russian Journal of Ecolology, 37(4), 264-270.
- Kolisko, W. R. (1974). Planktonic Rotifers Biologyand Taxonomy Biological Station, Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart.
- Korkmaz, S. (2000). Beytepe Göletinin Zooplankton Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Arastırma, [Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi].
- Koste, W. (1978a). Rotatoria. Überordnung Monogononta. I. Textband, Gebrüderssontrager, Berlin.
Koste, W. (1978b). Rotatoria. Gebrüder Borntraeger, II. Tafelband, Stuttgart.
- Kotov, A. A., & Boikova, O. (1998). Comparative analysis of the late embryogenesis of Sida crystallina (O.F. Müller, 1776) and Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Lievin, 1848) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Ctenopoda). Hydrobiologia, 380, 103–125
- Mikschi, E. (1989). Rotifer distributions in relation to temperature and oxygen content. Hydrobiologia, 186(187), 209-214.
- Mimouni, E-A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Beisner, B. E., & Legendre, P. (2018). Summer assessment of zooplankton biodiversity and environmental control in urban waterbodies on the Island of Montreal. Ecosphere, 9(7), 1–19.
- Mustapha, M. K. (2009). Zooplankton assemblage of Oyun Reservoir, Offa, Nigeria. Revista de Biología Tropical, 57(4), 1027—104
- Negrea, S. T. (1983). Fauna Republici Socialiste Romania, Crustacea Cladocera. Academia Republici Socialiste Romania, Bukres.
- Pawlowski, J., Lejzerowicz, F., Apotheloz-Perret-Gentil, L., Visco, J., & Esling, P. (2016). Protist metabarcoding and environmental biomonitoring: time for change. Euroepan Journal of Protistology, 55, 12-25.
- Saler, S., & Ipek, Alış. (2014). Zooplankton of Hancağız Dam Lake (Gaziantep - Turkey). Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 1(1), 45-54.
- Saler, S., Haykır, H., & Baysal, N. (2014). Zooplankton of Uzunçayır Dam Lake (Tunceli-Turkey). Journal of Fisheriessciences, 8(1), 1- 7.
- Saler, S., Bulut, H., & Karakaya, G. (2019). Zooplankton of Çat Dam Lake (Malatya -Turkey) with a new record for Turkish rotifers Lecane intrasinuata (Olofsson, 1917), Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 18(1), 199-204.
- Saler, S., Selamoğlu, Z. (2020). Zooplankton diversity of three dam lakes in Turkey, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 19(5), 2720-2729.
- Saler, S. (2009). Rotifers of Kepektas Dam Lake (Elazıg-Turkey). Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 33(A1), 121-126.
- Saler, S., İpek, N. & Eroğlu, M., (2010). Karakaya Baraj Gölü Battalgazi Bölgesi Rotiferleri. Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Ecological Sciences, 5(3), 216-221.
- Sen, B. (1987). Plankton ve Kültürü, F. Ü. Su Ürünleri Y. O. Yayınları No:2.
- Tas, S., Okus, E., Ünlü, S. & Altiok, H. (2011). A study on phytoplankton following Volgoneft-248 oil spill on the north-eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(3), 715–725.
- Tuna, A., & Ustaoğlu, M.R. (2016). Kemer Baraj Gölü (Aydın-Türkiye) Zooplankton Faunası. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 2(2), 95-106.
- Uslu, O., & Türkman A, (1987). Su Kirliliği ve Kontrolü. T.C Başbakanlık Çevre Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları Eğitim Dizisi. 1. Ankara.
- URL 2023. date of access 27.03.2023.
- Yamada, Y., & Ikeda, T. (1999). Acute toxicity of lowered pH to some oceanic zooplankton Plankton Biology and Ecology, 46(1), 62-67.
- Yang, H.H., & Min, G.S. (2020). New Record of Kellicottia bostoniensis and Redescription of Two Freshwater Rotifers from Korea (Rotifera: Monogononta), Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity, 36(3), 222-229,
- Yiğit, S. (2006). Analysis of the Zooplankton Community by the Shannon-Weaver Index in Kesikköprü Dam Lake, Turkey. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilgileri Dergisi, 12(2), 216-220.
- Young, S. & Taylor, V.A. (1988). Visually guided Chases in Polyphemus pediculus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 137, 387-398.
- Xiong, W., Ni, P., Chen, Y., Gao, Y., Li, S., & Zhan, A. (2019). Biological consequences of environmental pollution in running water ecosystems: a case study in zooplankton. Environmental Pollution, 252, 1483–1490.