Impacts on Aquatic Life for Indiscriminate Exploitation of Baby Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the Coastal Area, South-Western Region of Bangladesh
Year 2024,
, 359 - 366, 01.12.2024
Md. Asadujjaman
Md. Habibur Rahman
Muhammad Ashiqul Alam
Zamayatul Nazat Preety
Mitu Ranjan Sarker
Md. Atiqul Islam Mondal
Basir Ahammad
Angkur Chowdhury
Baby shrimp ( Penaeus monodon) post-larvae fishing is a major source of income for the most fishermen in the coastal region of the south-western part of Bangladesh during the whole year. These post-larvae collectors lack financial security and are socially regressive. Other aquatic species are destroyed by the indiscriminate exploitation of baby shrimp for aquaculture. According to the present study, about 98-99% of other larvae are destroyed to catch nearly 1-2% of indiscriminate exploitation baby shrimp in our study area where averagely 0.35% Penaeus indicus, 0.06% Penaeus merguiensis, 0.037% Metapenaeus monoceros, 3.58% other shrimp, 6.59% fin-fish larvae, 5.95% crab larvae, and 82.42% small organisms. Actually, the government of Bangladesh already has declared a ban period and outlawed baby shrimp fishing. However, the poor fishermen are fishing continuously in order to maintain their 's livelihood. Furthermore, because of wild baby shrimp are said to have a far higher survival rate than baby shrimp raised in hatcheries, farmers prefer wild baby shrimp. For thousands of Bangladeshi coastal landless and jobless poor people, wild prawn baby shrimp fishing has created employment opportunities. This study describes the impact of wild baby shrimp fishing in coastal area of Bangladesh.
Ethical Statement
• Competing Interests: I declare that the authors have no competing interests as defined by Springer, or other interests that might be perceived to influence the results and/or discussion reported in this paper.
• Dual publication: The results/data/figures in this manuscript have not been published elsewhere, nor are they under consideration by another publisher
Supporting Institution
Khulna Agricultural University
Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh.
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- Ahmed, S. S., Alam, M. S., Rokeya, J. A., Ali, M. M., & Haque, M. M. (1998). Destruction of finfish larvae during collection of bagda shrimp ( Penaeus monodon) fry from natural sources. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 21(1), 59-63.
- Ahmed, N. (2000). Bangladesh is need prawn hatcheries: farmers seek solution to wild fry dependency. Fish Farming International, 27, 26e27.
- Banks, R. (2003). Brackish and marine water aquaculture. Report on fisheries sector review and future development. Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, pp 2–17.
- Bergin, A., & Michaelis, F. B. (1996). Australia and the South Pacific: implementing the UNCED oceans agenda. Marine Policy, 20, 47e62.
- BER, (2012). Bangladesh Economic Review 2011-12. Economic Adviser’s Wing, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
- Das, P., Das, A., & Roy, S. (2016). Shrimp fry (meen) farmers of Sundarban Mangrove Forest (India): A tale of ecological damage and economic hardship. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 5(2).
- Deb, A. K. (1998). Fake blue revolution: environmental and socio-economic impacts of shrimp culture in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Ocean & Coastal Management, 41(1), 63-88.
- DoF, (2021). Jatio Matsya Soptah Sankalan, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. The Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, pp: 143.
- DOF, (2002). Balancing Resource Conservation with Livelihood Protection for Shrimp Fry Collectors: An Integrated Approach to Managing Coastal Resources. Department of Fisheries (DOF), Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14 pp.
- FAO, (2007). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2006. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 180 pp.
- Hoq, M. E., Islam, M. N., Kamal, M., & Wahab, M. A. (2001). Abundance and seasonal distribution of Penaeus monodon postlarvae in the Sundarbans mangrove, Bangladesh. Hydrobiologia, 457, 97-104.
- Islam, M. S., Islam, M. M., & Ahmed, S. U. (1999). Colossal loss of shell and fin-fish larvae during collection of Penaeus monodon (Fab.) fry in the rivers of Satkhira.
- Islam, M. S., Wahab, M. A., & Tanaka, M. (2004). Seed supply for coastal brackishwater shrimp farming: environmental impacts and sustainability. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(1-2), 7-11.
- Mahmood, S. M., & Ansary, B. S. (2013). Shrimp Fry Collection as Alternative Livelihood: A Case Study on the Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh. ASA University review, 7(2).
- Pramanik, M. A. H. (1988). “Methodologies and techniques of studying coastal systems: Case Studies II”, Space and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARSO), Bangladesh, pp. 122-138.
- Pandit, A., Ekka, A., Das, B. K., Samanta, S., Chakraborty, L., and Raman, R. K. 2019. Fishers’ livelihood diversification in Bhagirathi–Hooghly stretch of Ganga River in India. Current Science, 116(10), 1748-1752.
- Paul, S. C., Mustafa, M. G., Chowdhury, Z. A., and Khan, M. G. 1993. Shrimp fry collection. Studies of Interactive Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh, Working Paper, (89).
- Rahman, M., Bhuiyan, A. L., and Kader, M. A. 1985. Occurrence of fish larvae and post-larvae in the Karnafully river estuary. Bangladesh Journal of Fish, 8, 1-7.
Bangladeş'in Güneybatı Bölgesindeki Kıyı Bölgesinde Yavru Karideslerin (P. monodon) Ayrım Gözetmeksizin Tüketilmesinin Su Yaşamı Üzerindeki Etkileri
Year 2024,
, 359 - 366, 01.12.2024
Md. Asadujjaman
Md. Habibur Rahman
Muhammad Ashiqul Alam
Zamayatul Nazat Preety
Mitu Ranjan Sarker
Md. Atiqul Islam Mondal
Basir Ahammad
Angkur Chowdhury
Yavru karides ( Penaeus monodon) avcılığı, tüm yıl boyunca Bangladeş'in güneybatı kesimindeki kıyı bölgelerindeki çoğu balıkçı için önemli bir gelir kaynağıdır. Bu larva sonrası evredeki yavru toplayıcılar finansal güvenceden yoksunlar ve sosyal durum olarakta gerilemekteler . Diğer su türleri de, yavru karideslerin su ürünleri yetiştiriciliği amacıyla ayrım gözetmeksizin kullanılması nedeniyle yok edilmektedir. Mevcut çalışmamız göstermektedir ki ortalama olarak %0,35'i Penaeus indicus, %0,06'sı Penaeus merguiensis, %0,037'si Metapenaeus monoceros, 3,58'i diğer karides, %6,59’u yüzgeçli balık larvası, %5,95’i yengeç larvası ve %82,42’si küçük organizmalar olmak üzere, araştırma alanımızda gelişigüzel kullanılan yavru karideslerin yaklaşık %1-2'sini yakalamak için diğer larvaların yaklaşık %98-99'u yok edilmektedir. Aslında Bangladeş hükümeti hali hazırda bir yasak dönemi beyan etti ve yavru karides avcılığını yasadışı ilan etti. Ama yoksul balıkçılar geçimlerini sağlamak için avcılığa devam etmektedirler . Ayrıca yabani yavru karideslerin, kuluçkahanelerde yetiştirilen yavru karideslere göre çok daha yüksek hayatta kalma oranına sahip olması sebebiyle , balık çiftçileri yabani yavru karidesleri tercih ediyor. Yabani yavru karides avcılığı, Bangladeş kıyılarındaki binlerce topraksız ve işsiz yoksul insan için istihdam fırsatları yarattı. Bu çalışma, Bangladeş'in kıyı bölgelerinde yabani yavru karides avcılığının etkisini açıklamaktadır.
- Ahamed, F., Hossain, M. Y., Fulanda, B., Ahmed, Z. F., & Ohtomi, J. (2012). Indiscriminate exploitation of wild prawn postlarvae in the coastal region of Bangladesh: A threat to the fisheries resources, community livelihoods and biodiversity. Ocean & Coastal Management, 66, 56–62.
- Ahmed, S. S., Alam, M. S., Rokeya, J. A., Ali, M. M., & Haque, M. M. (1998). Destruction of finfish larvae during collection of bagda shrimp ( Penaeus monodon) fry from natural sources. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 21(1), 59-63.
- Ahmed, N. (2000). Bangladesh is need prawn hatcheries: farmers seek solution to wild fry dependency. Fish Farming International, 27, 26e27.
- Banks, R. (2003). Brackish and marine water aquaculture. Report on fisheries sector review and future development. Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, pp 2–17.
- Bergin, A., & Michaelis, F. B. (1996). Australia and the South Pacific: implementing the UNCED oceans agenda. Marine Policy, 20, 47e62.
- BER, (2012). Bangladesh Economic Review 2011-12. Economic Adviser’s Wing, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
- Das, P., Das, A., & Roy, S. (2016). Shrimp fry (meen) farmers of Sundarban Mangrove Forest (India): A tale of ecological damage and economic hardship. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 5(2).
- Deb, A. K. (1998). Fake blue revolution: environmental and socio-economic impacts of shrimp culture in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Ocean & Coastal Management, 41(1), 63-88.
- DoF, (2021). Jatio Matsya Soptah Sankalan, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. The Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, pp: 143.
- DOF, (2002). Balancing Resource Conservation with Livelihood Protection for Shrimp Fry Collectors: An Integrated Approach to Managing Coastal Resources. Department of Fisheries (DOF), Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14 pp.
- FAO, (2007). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2006. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 180 pp.
- Hoq, M. E., Islam, M. N., Kamal, M., & Wahab, M. A. (2001). Abundance and seasonal distribution of Penaeus monodon postlarvae in the Sundarbans mangrove, Bangladesh. Hydrobiologia, 457, 97-104.
- Islam, M. S., Islam, M. M., & Ahmed, S. U. (1999). Colossal loss of shell and fin-fish larvae during collection of Penaeus monodon (Fab.) fry in the rivers of Satkhira.
- Islam, M. S., Wahab, M. A., & Tanaka, M. (2004). Seed supply for coastal brackishwater shrimp farming: environmental impacts and sustainability. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(1-2), 7-11.
- Mahmood, S. M., & Ansary, B. S. (2013). Shrimp Fry Collection as Alternative Livelihood: A Case Study on the Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh. ASA University review, 7(2).
- Pramanik, M. A. H. (1988). “Methodologies and techniques of studying coastal systems: Case Studies II”, Space and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARSO), Bangladesh, pp. 122-138.
- Pandit, A., Ekka, A., Das, B. K., Samanta, S., Chakraborty, L., and Raman, R. K. 2019. Fishers’ livelihood diversification in Bhagirathi–Hooghly stretch of Ganga River in India. Current Science, 116(10), 1748-1752.
- Paul, S. C., Mustafa, M. G., Chowdhury, Z. A., and Khan, M. G. 1993. Shrimp fry collection. Studies of Interactive Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh, Working Paper, (89).
- Rahman, M., Bhuiyan, A. L., and Kader, M. A. 1985. Occurrence of fish larvae and post-larvae in the Karnafully river estuary. Bangladesh Journal of Fish, 8, 1-7.