Research Article
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Effect of some Biotic and Abiotic Factors on Hard and Soft-shell of Crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823): A Case Study from Hirfanlı Dam Lake

Year 2021, , 548 - 555, 01.12.2021


In this study, the effect of some biotic (total length, sex) and abiotic (sampling station and month) factors on the shell status (soft or hard) of Pontastacus leptodactylus were investigated in a natural crayfish population. The study was carried out in Hirfanlı Dam Lake (Central Anatolia), where one of the most important crayfish harvesting areas of Turkey, with a monthly basis between Jun-2017 and May-2018. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was used for the determination of the differences between nonparametric variables. A total of 5920 crayfish were checked, ultimately determined as 106 (1.79%) individuals with a soft shell and 5814 (98.21%) hard shell. Shell status was shown statistical difference with total length, stations, and sampling month (p<0.05), while it was no significant by sex group (p>0.05).

Supporting Institution

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies

Project Number

TAGEM/HAYSUD/2015/A11/ P-02/1


  • Abrahamsson, S. (1966). Dynamics of an isolated population of the crayfish Astacus astacus Linne. Oikos, 17(1):96-107
  • Ackefors, H., Castell, J.D., Boston, L.D., Raty, P. & Swensson, M. (1992). Standard experimental diets for crustacean nutrition research. II. Growth and survival of juvenile crayfish Astacus astacus (Linne) fed diets containing various amounts of protein, carbohydrate and lipid. Aquaculture, 104(3-4):341- 356.
  • Ahvenharju, T., Savolainen, R., Tulonen, J. & Ruohonen, K. (2005). Effects of size grading on growth, survival and cheliped injuries of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana) summerlings (age 0+). Aquaculture Research, 36(9):857-867.
  • Aiken, D.E. & Waddy, S.L. (1992). The growth process in crayfish. Reviews of Aquatic Sciences, 6(3-4):335–381.
  • Alpbaz, A. (2005). Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği. Alp Yayınları. 548p.İzmir
  • Cilbiz, M. (2020). Pleopodal fecundity of narrow-clawed crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823). Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 64(3), 208-218.
  • Coughran, J. (2011) Biology of the Blood Crayfish, Euastacus gumar Morgan 1997, a small freshwater crayfish from the Richmond Range, northeastern New South Wales. Australian Zoologist, 35, 685-697. Drasgow, F. (1986) Polychoric and polyserial correlations. Pp. 68–74 in S. Kotz and N. Johnson, eds., The Encyclopedia of Statistics, Volume 7. Wiley.
  • France, R.L. (1993). Effect of experimental lake acidification on the crayfish Orconectes virilis population recruitment and age composition in north-western Ontario, Canada. Biological Conservation, 63(1), 53–59.
  • Fox, J. (2019). polycor: Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations. R package version 0.7-10.
  • Gençoğlu, L, & Ekmekçi, F.G. (2016) Growth and reproduction of a marine fish, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in a freshwater ecosystem. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40, 534-542.
  • Gherardi, F. (2011) Towards a sustainable human use of freshwater crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacidea). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, (401), 02.
  • Gydemo, R. & Westin, L. (1989). Growth and survival of juvenile Astacus astacus L. at optimized water temperature. Pp. 383-391, In: Aquaculture - A biotechnology in progress.
  • DePauw N, Jaspers E, Ackefors H and Wilkins N, (eds.). European Aquaculture Society, Bredene, Belgium.
  • Gydemo, R. (1989). Studies on reproduction and growth in the noble crayfish, Astacus astacus L. PhD Dissertation. University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Hesni, M.A., Shabanipour, N., Zahmatkesh, A. & Toutouni, M.M. (2009) Effects of temperature and salinity on survival and moulting of the narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus eschscholtz, 1823 (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 82, 1495-1507.
  • Hessen, D., Kristiansen, G. & Lid, I. (1991). Calcium uptake from food and water in the crayfish Astacus astacus (L. 1758), measured by radioactive 45Ca (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 60(1), 76-83.
  • Jussila, J. & Evans, L.H. (1996). On the factors affecting marron, Cherax tenuimanus, growth in intensive culture. Freshwater Crayfish, 11, 428-440.
  • Killi, N. (2020). Meroplankton Composition of a low productive Lagoon System (Köyceğiz-Dalyan): temporally but not spatially variations. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 48(4), 367-372.
  • Kim, H.G., Song, S.J., Lee, H., Park, C.H., Hawkins, S.J., Khim, J.S., & Rho, H.S. (2020). A long-term ecological monitoring of subtidal macrozoobenthos around Dokdo waters, East Sea, Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156, 111226.
  • Kouba, A., Kanta, J., Buřič, M., Policar, T. & Kozák, P. (2010) The effect of water temperature on the number of moults and growth of juvenile noble crayfish, Astacus astacus (Linnaeus). Freshwater Crayfish, 17, 37-41.
  • Kozák, P., Buřič, M., Kanta, J., Kouba, A., Hamr, P. & Policar, T. (2009) The effect of water temperature on the number of moults and growth of juvenile signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus dana. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 54, 286-292.
  • Mason, J.C. (1979). Effects of temperature, photoperiod, substrate and shelter to survival, growth, and biomass accumulation of juvenile P. leniusculus in culture. Freshwater Crayfish, 4, 73-82.
  • McLay, C. & Brink, A van den. (2016) Crayfish Growth and Reproduction. In Longshaw, M and Stebbing, P. (eds) Biology and Ecology of Crayfish. (pp 62-116). CRC Press
  • Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F.G., Friendly, M., Kindt, R., Legendre, P., McGlinn, D., Minchin, P.R.,. O'Hara, R.B., Simpson, G.L., Solymos, P., Stevens, M.H.H., Szoecs, E., & Wagner, H. (2020).
  • vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.5-7.
  • Pasin, Ö., Ankaralı, H., Cangür, Ş. & Sungur, M.A. (2016) An Application of Non-Parametric Factorial Manova In Health Researches [in Turkish]. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 9, 13-20.
  • Postnikoff, C.K., Willis, K.A., Rezonzew, G., Gaggar, A., Nichols, K.K., & Lal, C.V. (2020). The Closed Eye Harbors a Distinct Microbiome in Dry Eye Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial of the Efficacy of a Saline Rinse Upon Awakening. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 61(7), 3222-3222.
  • Price, J.O. & Payne, J.F. (1984). Postembryonic to adult growth and development in the crayfish Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus Williams, 1952 (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 46(2), 176–194.
  • Renai, B., Gherardi, F., & D'Agaro, E. (2007) Effects of ration size and temperature on moult increment and metabolic parameters of juvenile noble crayfish, Astacus astacus. BFPP - Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques, 39-54.
  • Reynolds, J., Souty-Grosset, C., & Richardson, A. (2013). Ecological roles of crayfish in freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Freshwater Crayfish, 19(2), 197-218.
  • RStudio Team (2020). RStudio: Integrated Development for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
  • Savolainen, R., Ruohonen, K. & Tulonen, J. (2003). Effects of bottom substrate and presence of shelter in experimental tanks on growth and survival of signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) juveniles. Aquaculture Research, 34(4), 289-297.
  • Schloerke, B., Cook, D., Larmarange, J., Briatte, F., Marbach, M., Thoen, E., Elberg, A. & Crowley, J. (2020). GGally: Extension to 'ggplot2'. R package version 2.0.0.
  • Skurdal, J. & Taugbøl, T. (1994). Do we need harvest regulations for European crayfish? Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 4(4), 461-485.
  • Taugbøl, T., & Skurdal, J. (1992) Growth, mortality and moulting rate of noble crayfish, Astacus astacus L., juveniles in aquaculture experiments. Aquaculture Research, 23, 411-420.
  • TurkStat, 2020. Fishery Statistics, Available from:, Access date: December 24, 2020
  • Turvey, P. & Merrick, J.R. (1997) Moult increments and frequency in the freshwater crayfish, Euastacus spinifer "(Decapoda: Parastacidae)", from the Sydney Region, Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 118, 187-204.
  • Ulikowski, D. & Krzywosz, T. (2004). The impact of photoperiod and stocking density on the growth and survival of narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch.) larvae. Archives of Polish Fisheries, 12(1):81-86.
  • Walsh, T.S. & Walsh, B.B. (2013) A study of growth and moulting rates of Astacopsis gouldi clark. Freshwater Crayfish, 19, 97-101.
  • Yu, J.X., Xiong, M.T., Ye, S.W., Li, W., Xiong, F., Liu, J.S. & Zhang, T.L. (2020) Effects of stocking density and artificial macrophyte shelter on survival, growth and molting of juvenile red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) under experimental conditions. Aquaculture, 521: 735001.

Bazı Biyotik ve Abiyotik Faktörlerin Kerevit (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) Kabuğunun Yumuşak veya Sert Olma Durumu Üzerine Etkileri: Hirfanlı Baraj Gölü Örneği

Year 2021, , 548 - 555, 01.12.2021


Çalışmada, doğal bir popülasyonda, bazı biyotik (total boy, eşey) ve abiyotik (örnekleme istasyonu, örnekleme dönemi) faktörlerin kerevit (Pontastacus leptodactylus) kabuğunun yumuşak veya sert olması üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Arazi çalışmaları Türkiye’nin en önemli kerevit üretim merkezlerinden bir tanesi olan Hirfanlı Baraj Gölü’nde Haziran-2017 ile Mayıs-2018 döneminde aylık örneklemeye dayalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Paramerik olmayan değişkenlerin istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesinde permütasyonel çok değişkenli varyans analizi (PERMANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Toplamda 5920 adet kerevit kontrol edilmiş ve sonuçta 106 (%1.79) örneğin kabuğunun yumuşak, 5814 (%98.21) örneğin kabuğununda sert olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kerevit kabuğun sert veya yumuşak olma durumu total boy, örnekleme dönemi ve örnekleme istasyonuna göre istatistiksel farklılık göstermiş (p<0.05), eşeye göre değerlendirildiğinde ise istatistiksel farklılık bulunmamıştır (p>0.05).

Project Number

TAGEM/HAYSUD/2015/A11/ P-02/1


  • Abrahamsson, S. (1966). Dynamics of an isolated population of the crayfish Astacus astacus Linne. Oikos, 17(1):96-107
  • Ackefors, H., Castell, J.D., Boston, L.D., Raty, P. & Swensson, M. (1992). Standard experimental diets for crustacean nutrition research. II. Growth and survival of juvenile crayfish Astacus astacus (Linne) fed diets containing various amounts of protein, carbohydrate and lipid. Aquaculture, 104(3-4):341- 356.
  • Ahvenharju, T., Savolainen, R., Tulonen, J. & Ruohonen, K. (2005). Effects of size grading on growth, survival and cheliped injuries of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana) summerlings (age 0+). Aquaculture Research, 36(9):857-867.
  • Aiken, D.E. & Waddy, S.L. (1992). The growth process in crayfish. Reviews of Aquatic Sciences, 6(3-4):335–381.
  • Alpbaz, A. (2005). Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği. Alp Yayınları. 548p.İzmir
  • Cilbiz, M. (2020). Pleopodal fecundity of narrow-clawed crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823). Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 64(3), 208-218.
  • Coughran, J. (2011) Biology of the Blood Crayfish, Euastacus gumar Morgan 1997, a small freshwater crayfish from the Richmond Range, northeastern New South Wales. Australian Zoologist, 35, 685-697. Drasgow, F. (1986) Polychoric and polyserial correlations. Pp. 68–74 in S. Kotz and N. Johnson, eds., The Encyclopedia of Statistics, Volume 7. Wiley.
  • France, R.L. (1993). Effect of experimental lake acidification on the crayfish Orconectes virilis population recruitment and age composition in north-western Ontario, Canada. Biological Conservation, 63(1), 53–59.
  • Fox, J. (2019). polycor: Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations. R package version 0.7-10.
  • Gençoğlu, L, & Ekmekçi, F.G. (2016) Growth and reproduction of a marine fish, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in a freshwater ecosystem. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40, 534-542.
  • Gherardi, F. (2011) Towards a sustainable human use of freshwater crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacidea). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, (401), 02.
  • Gydemo, R. & Westin, L. (1989). Growth and survival of juvenile Astacus astacus L. at optimized water temperature. Pp. 383-391, In: Aquaculture - A biotechnology in progress.
  • DePauw N, Jaspers E, Ackefors H and Wilkins N, (eds.). European Aquaculture Society, Bredene, Belgium.
  • Gydemo, R. (1989). Studies on reproduction and growth in the noble crayfish, Astacus astacus L. PhD Dissertation. University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Hesni, M.A., Shabanipour, N., Zahmatkesh, A. & Toutouni, M.M. (2009) Effects of temperature and salinity on survival and moulting of the narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus eschscholtz, 1823 (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 82, 1495-1507.
  • Hessen, D., Kristiansen, G. & Lid, I. (1991). Calcium uptake from food and water in the crayfish Astacus astacus (L. 1758), measured by radioactive 45Ca (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 60(1), 76-83.
  • Jussila, J. & Evans, L.H. (1996). On the factors affecting marron, Cherax tenuimanus, growth in intensive culture. Freshwater Crayfish, 11, 428-440.
  • Killi, N. (2020). Meroplankton Composition of a low productive Lagoon System (Köyceğiz-Dalyan): temporally but not spatially variations. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 48(4), 367-372.
  • Kim, H.G., Song, S.J., Lee, H., Park, C.H., Hawkins, S.J., Khim, J.S., & Rho, H.S. (2020). A long-term ecological monitoring of subtidal macrozoobenthos around Dokdo waters, East Sea, Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156, 111226.
  • Kouba, A., Kanta, J., Buřič, M., Policar, T. & Kozák, P. (2010) The effect of water temperature on the number of moults and growth of juvenile noble crayfish, Astacus astacus (Linnaeus). Freshwater Crayfish, 17, 37-41.
  • Kozák, P., Buřič, M., Kanta, J., Kouba, A., Hamr, P. & Policar, T. (2009) The effect of water temperature on the number of moults and growth of juvenile signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus dana. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 54, 286-292.
  • Mason, J.C. (1979). Effects of temperature, photoperiod, substrate and shelter to survival, growth, and biomass accumulation of juvenile P. leniusculus in culture. Freshwater Crayfish, 4, 73-82.
  • McLay, C. & Brink, A van den. (2016) Crayfish Growth and Reproduction. In Longshaw, M and Stebbing, P. (eds) Biology and Ecology of Crayfish. (pp 62-116). CRC Press
  • Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F.G., Friendly, M., Kindt, R., Legendre, P., McGlinn, D., Minchin, P.R.,. O'Hara, R.B., Simpson, G.L., Solymos, P., Stevens, M.H.H., Szoecs, E., & Wagner, H. (2020).
  • vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.5-7.
  • Pasin, Ö., Ankaralı, H., Cangür, Ş. & Sungur, M.A. (2016) An Application of Non-Parametric Factorial Manova In Health Researches [in Turkish]. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 9, 13-20.
  • Postnikoff, C.K., Willis, K.A., Rezonzew, G., Gaggar, A., Nichols, K.K., & Lal, C.V. (2020). The Closed Eye Harbors a Distinct Microbiome in Dry Eye Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial of the Efficacy of a Saline Rinse Upon Awakening. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 61(7), 3222-3222.
  • Price, J.O. & Payne, J.F. (1984). Postembryonic to adult growth and development in the crayfish Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus Williams, 1952 (Decapoda, Astacidea). Crustaceana, 46(2), 176–194.
  • Renai, B., Gherardi, F., & D'Agaro, E. (2007) Effects of ration size and temperature on moult increment and metabolic parameters of juvenile noble crayfish, Astacus astacus. BFPP - Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques, 39-54.
  • Reynolds, J., Souty-Grosset, C., & Richardson, A. (2013). Ecological roles of crayfish in freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Freshwater Crayfish, 19(2), 197-218.
  • RStudio Team (2020). RStudio: Integrated Development for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
  • Savolainen, R., Ruohonen, K. & Tulonen, J. (2003). Effects of bottom substrate and presence of shelter in experimental tanks on growth and survival of signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) juveniles. Aquaculture Research, 34(4), 289-297.
  • Schloerke, B., Cook, D., Larmarange, J., Briatte, F., Marbach, M., Thoen, E., Elberg, A. & Crowley, J. (2020). GGally: Extension to 'ggplot2'. R package version 2.0.0.
  • Skurdal, J. & Taugbøl, T. (1994). Do we need harvest regulations for European crayfish? Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 4(4), 461-485.
  • Taugbøl, T., & Skurdal, J. (1992) Growth, mortality and moulting rate of noble crayfish, Astacus astacus L., juveniles in aquaculture experiments. Aquaculture Research, 23, 411-420.
  • TurkStat, 2020. Fishery Statistics, Available from:, Access date: December 24, 2020
  • Turvey, P. & Merrick, J.R. (1997) Moult increments and frequency in the freshwater crayfish, Euastacus spinifer "(Decapoda: Parastacidae)", from the Sydney Region, Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 118, 187-204.
  • Ulikowski, D. & Krzywosz, T. (2004). The impact of photoperiod and stocking density on the growth and survival of narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch.) larvae. Archives of Polish Fisheries, 12(1):81-86.
  • Walsh, T.S. & Walsh, B.B. (2013) A study of growth and moulting rates of Astacopsis gouldi clark. Freshwater Crayfish, 19, 97-101.
  • Yu, J.X., Xiong, M.T., Ye, S.W., Li, W., Xiong, F., Liu, J.S. & Zhang, T.L. (2020) Effects of stocking density and artificial macrophyte shelter on survival, growth and molting of juvenile red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) under experimental conditions. Aquaculture, 521: 735001.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Cilbiz 0000-0002-7686-7570

Project Number TAGEM/HAYSUD/2015/A11/ P-02/1
Publication Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Cilbiz, M. (2021). Effect of some Biotic and Abiotic Factors on Hard and Soft-shell of Crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823): A Case Study from Hirfanlı Dam Lake. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 17(4), 548-555.