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Concentration of Heavy Metal Hg, Au, and Fe in Sediments, Water, and Tissue Damage of Golden Sea Cucumber Stichopus herrmanni (Semper, 1868) (Holothuroidea; Stichopodidae) in Kayeli Bay, Indonesia

Year 2020, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 113 - 123, 01.03.2020


Heavy metals concentrated in waters can also accumulate in sediments and various biota. This research was conducted to examine the concentration of heavy metals in seawater, sediment, intestine and meat of golden sea cucumber Stichopus herrmanni in Kayeli bay, Buru Island, Indonesia. The concentrations of heavy metals Hg, Au, and Fe were analyzed using the AAS, and the tissue damage of S. herrmanni used the HE staining method. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used to examine the correlation and the effect of the independent variables (heavy metals Hg, Au, and Fe) partially on the dependent variable (damage on intestinal villi of S. herrmanni) with a statistically significant at α= 0.05. The results showed that the highest to lowest heavy metal concentrations in water was Hg>Fe>Au, while the concentration of heavy metals in water, intestine and meat was of sea cucumber was Fe>Hg>Au. There was a correlation between heavy metals in sediments, intestines, and meat which caused damage to intestinal villi, while the multiple linear regression tests showed a probability of 0.012<0.05 for Fe, a probability of 0.000< for Hg, while probability >0.05 for Au on the damage of intestinal villi of S. herrmanni. This shows that Fe has a significant potential to cause damage to the intestinal villi of S. herrmanni. Fe is highly concentrated in sediments, intestines and meat showed a positive correlation to the damage of intestinal villi of S. herrmanni.


  • Ahmed, Q., Bat, L., & Ali, Q.M. 2018. Analysis of mercury (Hg) in four Holothurians species (Phylum-Echinodermata) from Karachi Coast-Northern Arabian Sea. Aquatic Research, 1(2), 55-63.
  • Ahmed, Q., Ali, Q.M., & Bat, L. 2017. Assessment of heavy metals concentration in Holothurians, sediments and water samples from coastal areas of Pakistan (Northern Arabian Sea). Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 5(5),191-201.
  • Al-Najjar, T., Alshabi, M., Wahsha, M., & Abu-Hilal, A. 2018. Trace metals concentration of Sea Cucumber (Actinophyga bannwarth and Holothuria impatiens) from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(5A), 3740-3745.
  • Al-Naggar, Y., Khalil, M.S., & Ghorab, M.A. 2018. Environmental pollution by heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystems of Egypt. J. of Toxicol. 3(1), 001-009.
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  • Conand, C. 2006. Sea Cucumber biology, taxonomy, distribution and conservation status. Proceedings of the CITES workshop on the conservation of sea cucumbers in the families Holothuriidae and Stichopodidae. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFSOPR 34, Silver Spring, MD 244 pp.
  • Caussy, D., Gochfeld, M., Gurzau, E., Neagu, C., & Ruedel, H. 2003. Lessons from case studies of metals: investigating exposure, bioavailability, and risk. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 56(1), 45-51.
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Endonezya Kayalı Körfezi’nde Bulunan Stichopus herrmanni’nin (Semper, 1868) (Holothuroidea; Stichopodidae) Dokuları İle Su Ve Zeminde Hg, Au, Fe Ağır Metalleri Birikimi

Year 2020, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 113 - 123, 01.03.2020


Bu araştırma, Endonezya'nın Buru Adası, Kayeli koyunda deniz suyu, sediment ile Stichopus herrmanni (deniz salatalığı) bağırsak ve kaslarında ağır metallerin konsantrasyonunu incelemek için yapıldı. Hg, Au ve Fe konsantrasyonları AAS kullanılarak analiz edildi ve S. herrmanni'nin doku hasarı için HE boyama yöntemi kullandı. Korelasyon analizi ve çoklu lineer regresyon, bağımsız değişkenler ile (ağır metaller Hg, Au ve Fe) kısmen bağımlı değişken (S. herrmanni'nin bağırsak villusundaki hasar) üzerindeki korelasyonunu ve etkisini α = 0.05. istatistiksel önem seviyesinde incelemek için kullanıldı. Sonuçlar, sudaki en yüksek ve en düşük ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının Hg> Fe> Au olduğunu, su, bağırsak ve etteki ağır metal konsantrasyonunun ise deniz salatalıklarında Fe> Hg> Au olduğunu göstermiştir. Sediman, bağırsak ve etlerdeki ağır metaller arasında bağırsak villerine zarar veren bir korelasyon vardı, ancak çoklu lineer regresyon testleri, Fe için 0.012 <0.05, Hg için 0.000 < olasılık S. S. herrmanni'nin bağırsak villusunun hasarına dair Au için> 0.05 olasılığı göstermiştir.
Bu Fe'nin S. herrmanni'nin bağırsak villerine zarar verme potansiyeli olduğunu göstermektedir. Fe, tortular, bağırsaklar ve ette yüksek oranda konsantre edilir ve S. herrmanni'nin bağırsak villusunun hasarı ile pozitif bir korelasyon göstermiştir.


  • Ahmed, Q., Bat, L., & Ali, Q.M. 2018. Analysis of mercury (Hg) in four Holothurians species (Phylum-Echinodermata) from Karachi Coast-Northern Arabian Sea. Aquatic Research, 1(2), 55-63.
  • Ahmed, Q., Ali, Q.M., & Bat, L. 2017. Assessment of heavy metals concentration in Holothurians, sediments and water samples from coastal areas of Pakistan (Northern Arabian Sea). Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 5(5),191-201.
  • Al-Najjar, T., Alshabi, M., Wahsha, M., & Abu-Hilal, A. 2018. Trace metals concentration of Sea Cucumber (Actinophyga bannwarth and Holothuria impatiens) from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(5A), 3740-3745.
  • Al-Naggar, Y., Khalil, M.S., & Ghorab, M.A. 2018. Environmental pollution by heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystems of Egypt. J. of Toxicol. 3(1), 001-009.
  • Alam, M.G.M., Tanaka, A., Allinson, G., Laurenson, L.J.B., & Stagnitti, F. 2002. A comparison of trace element concentrations in cultured and Wild Carp (Cyprinus carpio) of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Ecotoxicology Environmental Safety, 53(3), 348-354.
  • Al-Musharafi, S.K. 2016. Heavy metals in sewage treated effluents: Pollution and microbial bioremediation from Arid Regions. The Open Biotechnology Journal, 10(2), 352-362.
  • Annabi, A., El Mouadeb, R., &Herrel, A. 2017. Distinctive accumulation patterns of heavy metals in Sardinella aurita (Clupeidae) and Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae) tissues. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 25(3), 2623-2629.
  • Asha, P.S., Krishnakumar, P. K., Kaladharan, P., Prema, D., Diwakar, K., Valsala, K.K., & Bhat, G.S. 2010. Heavy metal concentration in sea water, sediment and bivalves of Tuticorin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 52(1), 48-54.
  • Başyiğit, B., & Tekin-Ozan, S. 2013. Concentrations of Some heavy metals in water, sediment, and tissues of Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from Karataş Lake related to physico-chemical parameters, fish size, and seasons. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 22(3),1-11.
  • Bremner, I., & Beattie, J.H. 1990. Metallothionein and the trace minerals. Annu Rev Nutr. 10, 63-83., J.K. 2014. The wonderful colors of the hematoxylin-eosin stain in diagnostic surgical pathology. Int. J. Surg. Pathol. 22(1), 12-32.
  • Cobbina, S.J., Dagben, J.Z., Obiri, S., & Damian, T.D. 2011. Assessment of noncancerous health risk from exposure to Hg, As and Cd by resident children and adults in Nangodi in the Upper East Region, Ghana. Water Qual Expo Health, 3(3-4), 225-232.
  • Cobbina, S.J., Myilla, M., & Michael, K. 2013. Small scale gold mining and heavy metal pollution: assessment of drinking water sources In Datuku In The Talensi-Nabdam District. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(1), 96-100.
  • Conand, C. 2006. Sea Cucumber biology, taxonomy, distribution and conservation status. Proceedings of the CITES workshop on the conservation of sea cucumbers in the families Holothuriidae and Stichopodidae. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFSOPR 34, Silver Spring, MD 244 pp.
  • Caussy, D., Gochfeld, M., Gurzau, E., Neagu, C., & Ruedel, H. 2003. Lessons from case studies of metals: investigating exposure, bioavailability, and risk. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 56(1), 45-51.
  • Chen, Z., Lawrence, M.M., Christophe, Q., Olivier, F.X.D., Robert, F.L.S., Peter, A.J., & Donald, P.W. 2000. High concentrations of complexed metals in the guts of deposit feeders. Limnol. Oceanogr., 45(6), 1358-1367.
  • El-Moselhy, Kh. M., Othman, A.I., El-Azem, H. Abd., & El-Metwally, M.E.A. 2014. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some tissuesof fish in the Red Sea, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 97-105.
  • Fang, T.H., Hwang, J.S., & Hsiao, S.H. 2006. Trace metals in seawater and copepods in the ocean outfall area off northern Taiwan coast. Mar Environ Res., 61(2), 224-243.
  • Fashola, M.O., Ngole-Jeme, V.P., & Babalola, O.O. 2016. Heavy metal pollution from gold mines: environmental effects and bacterial strategies for resistance. Int J Environ Res Public Health., 13(1047), 1-20.
  • Flammang, P., Warnau, M., Temara, A., Lane, D.J.W., & Jangoux, M. 1997. Heavy metals in Diadema setosum (Echinodermata, Echinoidea) from Singapore coral reefs. J. Sea. Res., 38, 35-45.
  • Gbaruko, B.C., & Friday, O.U. 2007. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some fauna and flore. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 4(2), 197-202.
  • Gohre, V., & Paszkowski, U. 2006. Contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis to heavy metal phytoremediation. Planta, 223(6), 1115-1122.
  • Honey-Escandón, M., Solís-Marín, F.A., & Laguarda-Figueras, A. 2011. Holothuria (Selenkothuria) carere, a new species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Mexican Pacific. Zootaxa, 2922(1), 27-33.
  • Hagan, G.B., Ofosu, F.G., Hayford, E.K., Osae, E.K., & Oduro, A.K. 2011. Heavy metal contamination and physico-chemical assessment of the Densu River Basin in Ghana. Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 3(4), 385-392.
  • Hashmi, M.I., Thilakar, P., Hussein, M.A.B.S., & Hoque, Z. 2014. Determination of seven heavy metals in eight species of sea cucumbers. Sci.Int.(Lahore), 26(1), 261-262.
  • Ismail, H., Punithamalar, A., Sakian, N.I.M., & Hashim, R. 2004. Heavy metal concentration in body walls of Malaysian sea cucumbers. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2(1), 75-79.
  • Jinadasa, B.K.K.K., Samanthi R.I., & Wicramsinghe, I. 2014. Trace metal accumulation in tissue of sea cucumber species; North-Western Sea of Sri Lanka. American Journal of Public Health Research, 2(5), 1-5.
  • Jaishankar, M., Tseten, T., Anbalagan, N., Mathew, B.B., & Beeregowda, K.N. 2014. Toxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals. Interdiscip Toxicol., 7(2), 60-72.
  • Jakimska, A., Konieczka, P. Skóra, K., & Namieśnik, J. 2011. Bioaccumulation of metals in tissues of marine animals, part i: the role and impact of heavy metals on organisms. Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 20(5), 1117-1125.
  • Ken, A. 1985. Laboratory manual histopathology. ATA-219. Balitvet project.
  • Kumara, C.S., Jaikumar, M., Robin R.S., Karthikeyan, P. and Kumar, C.S. 2013. Heavy metal concentration of sea water and marine organisms in Ennore Creek, Southeast Coast of India. Photon, 103, 192-201.
  • Khaled, A. 2004. Heavy metal concentrations in certain tissues of five commercially important fishes from El-Mex Bay, Alexandria, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 8(1), 51-64.
  • Khalaf, M.A., Al-Najjar, T., Alawi, M., & Disi, A.M. 2012. Levels of trace metals in three fish species Decapterus macrellus, Decapterus macrosoms and Decapterus russelli of the family Carangidae from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Jordan. Natural Science, 4, 362-367.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Cindie C. De Fretes This is me 0000-0002-4466-5528

Pieter Kakisina This is me 0000-0002-4466-5528

Dominggus Rumahlatu 0000-0002-4466-5528

Publication Date March 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA De Fretes, C. C., Kakisina, P., & Rumahlatu, D. (2020). Concentration of Heavy Metal Hg, Au, and Fe in Sediments, Water, and Tissue Damage of Golden Sea Cucumber Stichopus herrmanni (Semper, 1868) (Holothuroidea; Stichopodidae) in Kayeli Bay, Indonesia. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 16(1), 113-123.

Cited By

A Review on Heavy Metal Levels in Sea Cucumbers
International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics