Toxic Effects of Bisphenol S on the Gonad and Visceral Organs of Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Year 2021,
Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 129 - 135, 01.03.2021
İkbal Demet Nane
Öznur Özil
Mert Minaz
Mevlüt Nazıroğlu
Öznur Diler
Özlem Özmen
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an environmental contaminant used in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Whereas bisphenol S (BPS) is a bisphenol analogue which is recently used to replace BPA products. We demonstrated the effects of BPS on liver, kidney, gonad, and gills in goldfish (Carassius auratus) by a histopathological examination. Fishes treated with different concentrations (0, 100 and 500 μg/L) of BPS were tested for a duration of 21-days. In gills, BPS caused hyperemia, edema, epithelial desquamation and necrosis. Kidney lesions included necrosis and melanomacrophage infiltrations. BPS stress caused hyperemia and inflammatory cell infiltrations in livers. The present study revealed that BPS causes degenerative changes in various visceral organs of Carassius auratus and severity of histopathological changes were dose related.
- Buckiova, D., Kyselova, V., Piknicová, J., Boubelik, M. (2001). Low doses of bisphenol A (BPA) affect fertility in CD mice. Reproductive Toxicology, 15, 459.
- Chitra, K. C., & Sajitha, R. (2014). Effect of bisphenol-A on the antioxidant defense system and its impact on the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in the gill of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research, 14(2), 4219.
- Elshaer, F., Abu-Shaeir, W., & Bakry, S. (2013). Histopathological changes in the Kidney of mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis and guppy fish, Poecilia reticulata exposed to Bisphenol A. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 17(4), 83-93.
- Faheem, M., Jahan, N., Lone, K. P. (2016). Histopathological effects of bisphenol-A on liver, kidneys and gills of Indian major carp, Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822). The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(2), 514-522.
- Flint, S., Markle, T., Thompson, S., Wallace, E. (2012). Bisphenol A exposure, effects, and policy: a wildlife perspective. Journal of environmental management, 104, 1-34.
- Grignard, E., Lapenna, S., & Bremer, S. (2012). Weak estrogenic transcriptional activities of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S. Toxicology in vitro, 26(5), 727-731.
Ji, K., Hong, S., Kho, Y., & Choi, K. (2013). Effects of bisphenol S exposure on endocrine functions and reproduction of zebrafish. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(15), 8793-8800.
- Kienhuis, P. G., & Geerdink, R. B. (2000). Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric analysis of surface and waste water with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation: II. Applications. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 19(7), 460-474.
- Li, D., Zhou, Z., Qing, D., He, Y., Wu, T., Miao, M., Wang, J., Weng, X., Ferber, J.R., Herrinton, L.J., Zhu, Q., Gao, E., Checkoway, E., Yuan, W., (2010). Occupational exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported male sexual dysfunction. Human reproduction, 25(2), 519-527.
- Liao, C., Liu, F., Alomirah, H., Loi, V. D., Mohd, M. A., Moon, H. B., Nakata, H., Kannan, K. (2012a). Bisphenol S in urine from the United States and seven Asian countries: occurrence and human exposures. Environmental science & technology, 46(12), 6860-6866.
- Liao, C., Liu, F., & Kannan, K. (2012b). Bisphenol S, a new bisphenol analogue, in paper products and currency bills and its association with bisphenol A residues. Environmental science & technology, 46(12), 6515-6522.
- Lindholst, C., Pedersen, S. N., Bjerregaard, P. (2001). Uptake, metabolism and excretion of bisphenol A in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic toxicology, 55(1-2), 75-84.
- Liu, Y., Zhang, S., Song, N., Guo, R., Chen, M., Mai, D., Yan, Z., Han, Z., Chen,,J., (2017). Occurrence, distribution and sources of bisphenol analogues in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Taihu Lake): Implications for ecological and human health risk. Science of the Total Environment, 599, 1090-1098.
- Mandich, A., Bottero, S., Benfenati, E., Cevasco, A., Erratico, C., Maggioni, S., Massari, A., Pedemonte, F.,Vigano, L. (2007). In vivo exposure of carp to graded concentrations of bisphenol A. General and comparative endocrinology, 153(1-3), 15-24.
- Molina, A. M., Abril, N., Morales-Prieto, N., Monterde, J. G., Lora, A. J., Ayala, N., Moyano, R. (2018). Evaluation of toxicological endpoints in female zebrafish after bisphenol A exposure. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 112, 19-25.
- Naderi, M., Wong, M. Y., & Gholami, F. (2014). Developmental exposure of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to bisphenol-S impairs subsequent reproduction potential and hormonal balance in adults. Aquatic toxicology, 148, 195-203.
- Oehha, C. (2014). Preliminary Screen for Possible Future Consideration as Potential Designated Chemicals for Biomonitoring California: Some Bisphenol A substitutes and Structurally Related Chemicals.
- Qiu, W., Yang, M., Liu, S., Lei, P., Hu, L., Chen, B., Wu, M.,Wang, K. J. (2018). Toxic effects of bisphenol S showing immunomodulation in fish macrophages. Environmental science & technology, 52(2), 831-838.
- Qiu, W., Zhao, Y., Yang, M., Farajzadeh, M., Pan, C., & Wayne, N. L. (2016). Actions of bisphenol A and bisphenol S on the reproductive neuroendocrine system during early development in zebrafish. Endocrinology, 157(2), 636-647.
- Schönfelder, G., Wittfoht, W., Hopp, H., Talsness, C. E., Paul, M., & Chahoud, I. (2002). Parent bisphenol A accumulation in the human maternal-fetal-placental unit. Environmental health perspectives, 110(11), A703-A707.
- Ullah, H., Jahan, S., Ain, Q. U., Shaheen, G., & Ahsan, N. (2016). Effect of bisphenol S exposure on male reproductive system of rats: A histological and biochemical study. Chemosphere, 152, 383-391.
- Vasu, G., Sujatha, L. B., & Manju Bashini, J., (2019). Histological Changes in Tilapia Exposed to Bisphenol A (BPA) Compound. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 4(4): 267-282.
- Wright-Walters, M., Volz, C., Talbott, E., & Davis, D. (2011). An updated weight of evidence approach to the aquatic hazard assessment of bisphenol A and the derivation a new predicted no effect concentration (Pnec) using a non-parametric methodology. Science of the Total Environment, 409(4), 676-685.
Japon Balığı (Carassius auratus) Gonad ve Viseral Organları Üzerine Bisfenol S’nin Toksik Etkileri
Year 2021,
Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 129 - 135, 01.03.2021
İkbal Demet Nane
Öznur Özil
Mert Minaz
Mevlüt Nazıroğlu
Öznur Diler
Özlem Özmen
Bisfenol A (BPA), polikarbonat plastiklerin ve epoksi reçinelerinin üretiminde kullanılan çevresel bir kirleticidir. Bununla birlikte bisfenol S (BPS), son zamanlarda BPA ürünlerine alternatif olarak kullanılmaya başlanan bir bisfenol analoğudur. Bu çalışmada farklı BPS konsantrasyonlarına (0, 100 ve 500 μg/L) 21 gün maruz bırakılan japon balıklarının (Carassius auratus) karaciğer, böbrek, gonad ve solungaç dokularındaki bir dizi etki histopatolojik olarak belirlenmiştir. Solungaçlarda BPS’nin hiperemi, ödem, epitel hücrelerinde deskuamasyon ve nekroza neden olduğu dikkat çekmiştir. Böbreklerde nekroz ve melanomakrofaj infiltrasyonları sıklıkla gözlenmiştir. Karaciğerde BPS’nin hiperemi ve inflamatuar hücre infiltrasyonlarına neden olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu çalışma, BPS'nin Carassius auratus'un çeşitli viseral organlarında dejeneratif değişikliklere neden olduğu ve histopatolojik değişikliklerin şiddetinin doza bağlı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur
- Buckiova, D., Kyselova, V., Piknicová, J., Boubelik, M. (2001). Low doses of bisphenol A (BPA) affect fertility in CD mice. Reproductive Toxicology, 15, 459.
- Chitra, K. C., & Sajitha, R. (2014). Effect of bisphenol-A on the antioxidant defense system and its impact on the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in the gill of freshwater fish, Oreochromis mossambicus. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research, 14(2), 4219.
- Elshaer, F., Abu-Shaeir, W., & Bakry, S. (2013). Histopathological changes in the Kidney of mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis and guppy fish, Poecilia reticulata exposed to Bisphenol A. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 17(4), 83-93.
- Faheem, M., Jahan, N., Lone, K. P. (2016). Histopathological effects of bisphenol-A on liver, kidneys and gills of Indian major carp, Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822). The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(2), 514-522.
- Flint, S., Markle, T., Thompson, S., Wallace, E. (2012). Bisphenol A exposure, effects, and policy: a wildlife perspective. Journal of environmental management, 104, 1-34.
- Grignard, E., Lapenna, S., & Bremer, S. (2012). Weak estrogenic transcriptional activities of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S. Toxicology in vitro, 26(5), 727-731.
Ji, K., Hong, S., Kho, Y., & Choi, K. (2013). Effects of bisphenol S exposure on endocrine functions and reproduction of zebrafish. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(15), 8793-8800.
- Kienhuis, P. G., & Geerdink, R. B. (2000). Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric analysis of surface and waste water with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation: II. Applications. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 19(7), 460-474.
- Li, D., Zhou, Z., Qing, D., He, Y., Wu, T., Miao, M., Wang, J., Weng, X., Ferber, J.R., Herrinton, L.J., Zhu, Q., Gao, E., Checkoway, E., Yuan, W., (2010). Occupational exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported male sexual dysfunction. Human reproduction, 25(2), 519-527.
- Liao, C., Liu, F., Alomirah, H., Loi, V. D., Mohd, M. A., Moon, H. B., Nakata, H., Kannan, K. (2012a). Bisphenol S in urine from the United States and seven Asian countries: occurrence and human exposures. Environmental science & technology, 46(12), 6860-6866.
- Liao, C., Liu, F., & Kannan, K. (2012b). Bisphenol S, a new bisphenol analogue, in paper products and currency bills and its association with bisphenol A residues. Environmental science & technology, 46(12), 6515-6522.
- Lindholst, C., Pedersen, S. N., Bjerregaard, P. (2001). Uptake, metabolism and excretion of bisphenol A in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic toxicology, 55(1-2), 75-84.
- Liu, Y., Zhang, S., Song, N., Guo, R., Chen, M., Mai, D., Yan, Z., Han, Z., Chen,,J., (2017). Occurrence, distribution and sources of bisphenol analogues in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Taihu Lake): Implications for ecological and human health risk. Science of the Total Environment, 599, 1090-1098.
- Mandich, A., Bottero, S., Benfenati, E., Cevasco, A., Erratico, C., Maggioni, S., Massari, A., Pedemonte, F.,Vigano, L. (2007). In vivo exposure of carp to graded concentrations of bisphenol A. General and comparative endocrinology, 153(1-3), 15-24.
- Molina, A. M., Abril, N., Morales-Prieto, N., Monterde, J. G., Lora, A. J., Ayala, N., Moyano, R. (2018). Evaluation of toxicological endpoints in female zebrafish after bisphenol A exposure. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 112, 19-25.
- Naderi, M., Wong, M. Y., & Gholami, F. (2014). Developmental exposure of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to bisphenol-S impairs subsequent reproduction potential and hormonal balance in adults. Aquatic toxicology, 148, 195-203.
- Oehha, C. (2014). Preliminary Screen for Possible Future Consideration as Potential Designated Chemicals for Biomonitoring California: Some Bisphenol A substitutes and Structurally Related Chemicals.
- Qiu, W., Yang, M., Liu, S., Lei, P., Hu, L., Chen, B., Wu, M.,Wang, K. J. (2018). Toxic effects of bisphenol S showing immunomodulation in fish macrophages. Environmental science & technology, 52(2), 831-838.
- Qiu, W., Zhao, Y., Yang, M., Farajzadeh, M., Pan, C., & Wayne, N. L. (2016). Actions of bisphenol A and bisphenol S on the reproductive neuroendocrine system during early development in zebrafish. Endocrinology, 157(2), 636-647.
- Schönfelder, G., Wittfoht, W., Hopp, H., Talsness, C. E., Paul, M., & Chahoud, I. (2002). Parent bisphenol A accumulation in the human maternal-fetal-placental unit. Environmental health perspectives, 110(11), A703-A707.
- Ullah, H., Jahan, S., Ain, Q. U., Shaheen, G., & Ahsan, N. (2016). Effect of bisphenol S exposure on male reproductive system of rats: A histological and biochemical study. Chemosphere, 152, 383-391.
- Vasu, G., Sujatha, L. B., & Manju Bashini, J., (2019). Histological Changes in Tilapia Exposed to Bisphenol A (BPA) Compound. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 4(4): 267-282.
- Wright-Walters, M., Volz, C., Talbott, E., & Davis, D. (2011). An updated weight of evidence approach to the aquatic hazard assessment of bisphenol A and the derivation a new predicted no effect concentration (Pnec) using a non-parametric methodology. Science of the Total Environment, 409(4), 676-685.